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Ottawa Ontario Canada HD Remix


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Ottawa Ontario
Most likely not enough time. But on that note I vote for Harold and Ariel, they can have some pretty good trash talking moments.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
haha, even though I'm so down for the trashtalking crew battle, it'll completely destroy me 'cause I can't tune people out lol

though I will have to quote that vid. if anyone goes mario against me


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
Most likely not enough time. But on that note I vote for Harold and Ariel, they can have some pretty good trash talking moments.
Harold actually trash talks more than I do. I'm usually a good sport. Also, work kept harassing to work fridays so I was working today... yeah... but not to worry, I got people hired to cover me for fridays so it's all good.

Besides, I haven't played for a while so my game is off. Yes that is a john, but still, would you really want to play me when I am not at my best? if the answer is yes, then for shame =P

Anyways, I'll be along next week.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 9, 2007
Mike: I have your money in my wallet, so next time we meet I'll give it to you... long as I don't spend it by then..!


Smash Apprentice
Oct 1, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
For Randy & Derek: If you guys are coming over tomorrow, it's up to you, you can come whenever after 12.

If anyone else wants to hang out at my place, please give me a shout, we are looking for a 4th band member for RB2.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
For Randy & Derek: If you guys are coming over tomorrow, it's up to you, you can come whenever after 12.

If anyone else wants to hang out at my place, please give me a shout, we are looking for a 4th band member for RB2.
what was your exact address again? I have a general idea on where you live but not a number...also...phone number please?


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Yesterday was really fun guys!

Dave: You made me fear Kirby, that little puff ball has some serious game! :)

Cam: If you keep Snake as one of your mains, we should ditto, there's a lot of cool stuff I wanna show you.

Carlos: Good to see you again! Keep coming out, your GaW is good!

Mike(Infzy): 4th is not bad for our first teaming! Good stuff :) Can't wait to see the footage.

Jan: Come out moar!:)

Harold: I'm going to Shazam your copy of MKvsDC so you stop forfeiting :) :p


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Gotta say, Dave's Kirby is just a marshmallow of awesomeness, and that KingAceSlayer vs Desperadoes stuff was pretty good and close. And yeah, I don't think I'll be using Yoshi again any time soon after that butchering I had. :laugh:


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Finally caved today and bought a PS3, I got an 80 gig for 454$ and I had a choice out of a few free games, I chose MGS4, WHEW! I finally get to play it :)

No Harold I'm not gonna buy MKvsDC


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I work tomorrow at 10am so I can't make it. :(

Harold here btw. :)

// ***************************
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It has come to my attention that Suo is in desperate need of a good fighting game that has both Superman and Scorpion in it. However, having just spent a ton of money buying a PS3 (which he chose over a 360 due to its superior D-pad) he's too broke to afford it. If we all pitch in $3 we can buy it for him for Christmas! Everybody up for it? :)


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
man i'm johnsing for some good o'le ottawa smash...

cam -- I have never appreciated your organizational skills more than right now :)


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
Just a quick question: When will the vids be up Infzy? No hurry, just curious :D

What will I search for btw?
I'll be getting that done tmrw evening I hope, I'll post them to my [youtube account], but I'll also post in this thread when they're coming up, in case I don't get to it tmrw.

Edit: nevermind, I'll post them to the [OttawaSmash] youtube account; thanks Jan, that makes more sense.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 1, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
I work tomorrow at 10am so I can't make it. :(

Harold here btw. :)

// ***************************
// ***************************
It has come to my attention that Suo is in desperate need of a good fighting game that has both Superman and Scorpion in it. However, having just spent a ton of money buying a PS3 (which he chose over a 360 due to its superior D-pad) he's too broke to afford it. If we all pitch in $3 we can buy it for him for Christmas! Everybody up for it? :)
You cannot be serious -_-


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
oh crap it was absolutely terrible... if Lain (michigan, absolutely **** player) hadn't stepped up and pretty much ran things for them the tournament would have gone like this

1) completely random (unseeded) pools
2) pools consisting of 2 stock 5 min, SINGLE ELIMINATION BRACKETS, TOP 6 ADVANCE to reg. brackets

yeah... that's what I paid 200 bucks for...

doubles was completely terrible... running it while the singles was still going... I was having an epic match with JTP and the announcer (sylvantes for those who care, and oh yeah, he did a total of 0 of his money matches) kept calling my name, and I kept shouting back "I'm playing singles" but he kept telling me to come up to the front for my first doubles match...

they "lost" money on this... I don't know if that's true because I asked 8-9 times (to 4-5 different people) exactly how much was paid for the room and no one would give me a straight answer... and the pizza they were selling was crap and man i was hungry but I'll be ****ed if i pay 2 bucks for a small square slice of party pizza

as for my personal experience, teaming with nikko was fun, but he was really, really tired at the end... when it got down to us, Lain/partner and Ally/Holy, our lack of previous teaming experience + them being really ****ed good and nikko being a slight bit (not much though) off his game resulted in us getting beat... I think they were beatable, but they changed it to 2 stocks (even for the winners/losers finals) to make it go faster...

playing against holy was like fighting a mirror of myself... I really want to get him up to ottawa (as well as Ally) so that you guys can play him... I think that randy will beat him mostly due to the intense rob practice lol (and also I hope that holy wins so i can see how he does it lol)

I was in ally's pool, and our first game I beat him, but was too nervous/anxious so I ran out of fuel ledging him... they got it on camera with crowd // Ally's reactions (I got a reaction out of the machine, so I am extremely happy) so I really hope that gets online... I was actually talking a fair bit with ally/holy and they're nice guys (though a bit intense when they get going, which doesn't show since they're fairly reserved in general) and I learned a bunch from that... ally is a mixture of reaction time and extreme mind gamez... and literally fighting holly was like fighting a mirror... i had a blast and so did he

playing jiggles the puff was a great experience... he camped me!!! his spacing was great, and he used rollout so effecively it's not even funny... I hit him with an angled smash exactly once, and then he never approached like that again... too bad I didn't know how adaptable he was 'cause i would have saved that trick for later, instead of 10 seconds into our first match

I talked a bunch with AvaraceX, and he's a nice guy too... Knows a lot about the game (and meta game) so it was interesting to hear his commentaries on things

all in all, i had a good time, I know i'm missing something 'cause a lot happened... and stuff like brose coming over and saying bye to me as he left... i dunno, I think we're starting to get ottawa on the map :)

also, I think everyone will be surprized with ottawa's skill... a lot of you guys haven't seen stuff like the IC infinite chaing grabs (maybe you have, but watch some of "lain" or "lame" 's combo vids... that's exactly what it's like in his tournament play) and other advanced techniques, so first tourney or two I would expect people to be taken back a bit... but as for overall skill levels I would so the top two tiers of randy's tier list would all be able to make it out of pools easily, and the next tier would more than likely make it through too...

derek - i need tink practice, since i lost to a beast of a toon link (14 year old via the name of destructor) in pools (he also almost beat ally) so get him good and kick my *** :)

I look forward to seeing you guys again soon... kinda busy this week though but I am hoping to make it out to the fest for once


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Ottawa Ontario
Cool sounds like a good experience. Hope it was atleast worth some of that 200 bucks. Is that how much it cost you to enter the tournament?


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
the bus down was 168, the tournament was 25, and I spent my winnings + 5 dollars on beer lol

fortunately I ate for free due to family :)

for nikko's tournament in december, montreal is stopping to pick me up on the way, so I won't have to spend exorbitant amounts on transportation for that


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
I'd love to do something because I am bored out of my mind but I know my mom would get very self-conscious about the apartment (clutter, size, etc.)

It would take some convincing that it's not horrible.

I also have C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Sounds like it was a pretty awesome tourney Ben, aside from the lack of organization. Ally is so consistent, that's really impressive. That's awesome that you took a game off him!

Lately work has been scheduling me like 6 days a week, so I don't think I can travel to any tourneys. It's serving as motivation to get our Bi-monthlies going, any word on stuff in Westboro?

So I'm recovering from one of the worst nights of my life last night, massively bad food poisoning, needless to say it was terrible and gross.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Ottawa Ontario
Can you ask for a weekend off? It might be a little soon to do that now since you jsut started but maybe in a month or so.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
Sounds like it was a pretty awesome tourney Ben, aside from the lack of organization. Ally is so consistent, that's really impressive. That's awesome that you took a game off him!

Lately work has been scheduling me like 6 days a week, so I don't think I can travel to any tourneys. It's serving as motivation to get our Bi-monthlies going, any word on stuff in Westboro?

So I'm recovering from one of the worst nights of my life last night, massively bad food poisoning, needless to say it was terrible and gross.
Ouch, what happened? what did you eat? you not going to die on us are you?


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
So I'm recovering from one of the worst nights of my life last night, massively bad food poisoning, needless to say it was terrible and gross.
The best way to avoid that is to do what I do: have your diet consist of nothing but Shwarma. That way, assuming it's a good place, you'll know exactly what's in your food at all times and how cooked it is.

anyone hosting anything this week? You know I will be showing up :p
I MIGHT be hosting again this Wednesday evening. I haven't been in much of a Brawl mood lately though since the new arrival:

If anybody's up for some MK vs. DCU, however, I'll host all day Wednesday/Friday! :) Seriously. MK vs. DCU only though.

By the way, MK vs. DCU doesn't use GGPO. It shows. :(


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
I will maybe show up wednesday, but I will want to play something else other than MK vs DCU (doesn't have to be brawl) since I find that the game gets boring after a solid 10 minutes of play


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise

@Ben: Feel free to come with my cousin and I to Laser Quest. It'll be Saturday, November 29th, 11 PM to Sunday, November 30th, 6 AM (I believe). Managing your own ride and money would be appreciated by my cousin, but I could pitch in some money if you need it (I have no clue how I can continue to afford all this stuff XD).

@Randy (mostly): I've been trying to warm my mother up to the idea of people over. She feels like the shape of the apartment is a reflection on herself, so it's hard for her to think of it as good enough for company.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
haha she should see my place, or even more exreme randy's res room lolz

i just may show up lol... I haven't done anything like that in ages... obviously I would prefer if more people I knew showed up, but to be honest I'm tired of the TagZone maze, and unless we completely rent the place out, playing with rando's isn't that much fun...

rando paintball i would 100% be down with, and I can even get more people in on that so whatever :)

ps. I have a kickass 'please let us rent the place' email written, and I've already sent it off to a few local places... if you're having trouble contacting a place to try to host, let me send them that email... if you find the place and want to "organize" it, i'll even let that happen, I just want us to find a venue lol

cam - how much does the ToS venue cost?


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
You should see my rez room...It is truly a reflection of myself. And I will LOVE to show up for laser quest or tag, BUT I am working this weekend so no dice.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Ottawa Ontario
Its official. The SBR doesnt deem MK as ban worthy.

Ive never paintballed before but always wanted to go. Outdoors would be preferred, I like the open space.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
The firt/last time I paint ball'd I got hit in the back of the neck at close range...It was a experience I will never forget, so I am a bit iffy of the paintball subject.
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