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Ottawa Ontario Canada HD Remix


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
By the way guys, I recommend having a practice match or two with the All-Brawl rules before the Halloween tournament. There's a lot of things to watch out for in All-Brawl, certainly more than SBR-Brawl.

Some tips:
- Yoshi's Island (melee), Corneria, and all the other levels that have slopes have the potential to have flaming rolling barrels of exploding doom from them. Just like in Norfair or Pirate ship, don't lose sight of one side of the screen or you might be blindsided by a barrel/crate.
- The first one to hit the Smash Ball is usually the one who doesn't get it (as it takes 2-3 hits). It's better to lure your opponent into hitting it and then hitting him/her away.
- When caught by the fan, DI diagonally down to your opponent's back, not away. When you appear at his back he'll miss a swipe or two, which is your chance to jab him.
- The above tip is redundant if you're Marth. The Swordryuken was practically designed to defeat fan users.
- z-dropping the bat is an evil edgeguarding trick.
- Items work on a 10 second timer. If you haven't seen an item appear for a while, hold back on your big, splashy moves (tornado...) least a bomb appear above you.
- Dragoons are fairly easily dodged by spot dodging in place rapidly.
- When one Dragoon piece falls, the next two items will always be the remaining pieces.
- Hammers suck. No, really. They're almost never worth it.
- If Orlando gets a smash ball, taunt. He's going to kill you anyways so you might as well go in style.
- All-Brawl is more entertaining than SBR-Brawl but isn't anywhere near as awesome as Mortal Kombat.

Anybody have anything else to add? Here's hoping that All-Brawl will catch on! :bee:


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
Double Post!

In preperation for my 3 midterms in the following 3 days, I have decided to research time travel by replaying Chrono Trigger.

Currently what I know is that in order to excel in time travel, I need a female friend named Lucca to build a "gate key" and then run into a princess calling herself Marle when in fact she is called Nadia and then embark on an epic quest to shave the world from a creature named Lavos.

Now to find some females -_-


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Sonic can't really stall in All-Brawl because Sudden Death is used. You can try to stall all you want but you better be at least one stock ahead.

Chrono Trigger is amazing but please don't stay up playing it at the cost of studying. I can lend you Mortal Kombat if you want to stay up playing something. :)


Smash Apprentice
Oct 1, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Having a drinking game with some random guy at a fair and going to court drunk is super essential in time traveling. Oh and stay clear of any singing robotic cats, they're there to stop you from getting anywhere and waste time.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
Sonic can't really stall in All-Brawl because Sudden Death is used. You can try to stall all you want but you better be at least one stock ahead.

Chrono Trigger is amazing but please don't stay up playing it at the cost of studying. I can lend you Mortal Kombat if you want to stay up playing something. :)
You can homing attack underneath a stage for infinite stall, the only problems are that you have to be able to go under a stage to do that, and hope that their smash ball can't hit anywhere on the map.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
You can homing attack underneath a stage for infinite stall, the only problems are that you have to be able to go under a stage to do that, and hope that their smash ball can't hit anywhere on the map.
How to deal with Sonic's "infinite lol":
1. rapidly spot dodge/air dodge/roll
2. laugh

EDIT: If anybody ever has trouble getting it up, just watch this video and you'll be rock solid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sInvU9aWj2k&feature=related

EDIT#2: Anybody up for some games tonight (anytime from 4pm to 11pm)?


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
It's true that Sonic's homing attack won't lock on to the opponent if they're in invincibility/no-hurtbox frames, but if the HA gets close to a wall or ceiling when it's charging, it will bounce off of it, so you don't need to be anywhere near Sonic for his stalling to work. Instead, if he's stalling below you (say on Smashville), the HA will follow you around the stage, so it's up to you where you want Sonic to go, and if he made it below the stage then his recovery is probably pretty helpless.

Homing-attack is pretty much always punishable :( but the stalling can be effective in sudden-death when the bombs start coming :laugh:


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Ottawa Ontario
Yeah that video was pretty interesting. The game doesn look as bad as it first sounded, hopefully the MK guys can make a game that can stand up to the SF games.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
Continuing debate from the other topic:

I have to agree with you that GH3 has a very large HO/PO window but it does allow for some fun by making songs outragiously hard still beatable by normal players. I still think they had it right with GH2 (I've been told GH:WT is somewhere in between) and RB has a similar timing window so you can probably say they win in that aspect. That being said RB has an atrocious interface... could they have made the HO/PO's harder to distinguish? I am able to see them but it took a while to get used to and even now during really fast solos they can sometimes be hard to follow. RB's song list is also terrible. The songs on RB1 are much too simple to play and offer very little to GH players who like more challenging songs (The only good one RB1 had was Green Grass and High Tides). Also could RB1 have ****ed up anymore on instrument design? I think it's pretty universally accepted that the RB1 guitar was a complete failure.

As for the new RB/GH games I have not had a chance to play GH:WT yet so I can't really compare the two. I think RB made some major improvements in the song list with more challenging songs put into the game but they have not changed the interface. There were many complaints about this but apparently they overlooked all of them. BR2's new chord HO system does not work correctly either which says alot about the developers (playtesting?). Regrettably I have not played any of the instruments from either game but I think GH wins overall in that aspect. The GH guitar has added many aspects that appeal to both casual and serious gamers (such as the slide bar and bridge SP, respectively) while RB's guitar remains largely unchanged. RB wins hands down in the Drums though... 4 pads > 3 pads I agree with you there. I cannot understand why RB did not install buttons in their microphone like GH did though. This seemed like such a simple and obvious addition to the game and a big mistake to overlook.

As for the song creator, I have heard that it can be difficult to use but we can thank GH for making songs downloadable between users meaning that inspite of how incredibly annoying it might be to make a song there will still be someone willing to make them and the ret of us can skip the agonizing process and just steal it from them.

I think we should play GH2 at smashfest then since it seems to be the most accepted middleground. Sorry about posting on this thread again but I didn't know where you guys wanted to continue this discussion. Plz to gieb link?
I don't think being outrageously hard and accessible at the same time is a good thing. The HOPOs are to the point of lunacy, where you're playing notes that aren't even being played in the music. And when the guitar player for Dragonforce comes out and says that TTFAF is harder to play on GH3 than the real instrument. . . what's the point? And the fact that people have FCed TTFAT but not certain songs from Rock Band 1 & 2 have to mean something about relative difficulty due to timing, not difficulty because of overcharting.

Plus I find the GH track lists to be absolutely lackluster, especially World Tour. I think the fact that they put multiple songs by the same band on the disc hurts it more than helps, even though I love Tool and Hendrix. Seriously, don't force people to play bands they don't like more than once, that's what DLC is for. On the note of Hendrix: The Wind Cries Mary? Really? Why not. . . anything else instead? I love the song, but in a music game? Huh?

About the note shapes, due to our instinctual hunting nature the human brain recognizes shapes better than colors. So although it takes a bit more getting used to, on the psychological level smaller blocks are easier to recognize than brighter notes. :p moot point though, it's preference. I prefer the dots of GH for guitar. Maybe they should make HOPOs blocks and Normal notes dots, or vice versa. That'd be perfect.

On the aspect of the guitar. If it wasn't so faulty, I would've awarded GHWT the better guitar. It seems like there's widespread problems with it, though. The bridge SP button is a GREAT addition, and I commend Red Octane for that. And I agree with microphone buttons issue, but I guess Harmonix was going for the real feel of a microphone rather than pure functionality (which seems to be their trend, really).

The song creator, well, it's not the fact that it's hard to use that's the problem. You can't factor in dynamics into your notes so there are no accents, no ghost notes, nothing. It basically sounds like MIDI, or a ringtone.

And GH2 is awesome. <3 that game.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
I play real guitar and drums, so okay. Should we form a band? The Wavedashers? Martha and the Tippers?


Smash Apprentice
Oct 30, 2006
Continuing debate from the other topic:

I don't think being outrageously hard and accessible at the same time is a good thing. The HOPOs are to the point of lunacy, where you're playing notes that aren't even being played in the music. And when the guitar player for Dragonforce comes out and says that TTFAF is harder to play on GH3 than the real instrument. . . what's the point? And the fact that people have FCed TTFAT but not certain songs from Rock Band 1 & 2 have to mean something about relative difficulty due to timing, not difficulty because of overcharting.

Plus I find the GH track lists to be absolutely lackluster, especially World Tour. I think the fact that they put multiple songs by the same band on the disc hurts it more than helps, even though I love Tool and Hendrix. Seriously, don't force people to play bands they don't like more than once, that's what DLC is for. On the note of Hendrix: The Wind Cries Mary? Really? Why not. . . anything else instead? I love the song, but in a music game? Huh?

About the note shapes, due to our instinctual hunting nature the human brain recognizes shapes better than colors. So although it takes a bit more getting used to, on the psychological level smaller blocks are easier to recognize than brighter notes. :p moot point though, it's preference. I prefer the dots of GH for guitar. Maybe they should make HOPOs blocks and Normal notes dots, or vice versa. That'd be perfect.

On the aspect of the guitar. If it wasn't so faulty, I would've awarded GHWT the better guitar. It seems like there's widespread problems with it, though. The bridge SP button is a GREAT addition, and I commend Red Octane for that. And I agree with microphone buttons issue, but I guess Harmonix was going for the real feel of a microphone rather than pure functionality (which seems to be their trend, really).

The song creator, well, it's not the fact that it's hard to use that's the problem. You can't factor in dynamics into your notes so there are no accents, no ghost notes, nothing. It basically sounds like MIDI, or a ringtone.

And GH2 is awesome. <3 that game.
When you say that notes are in the game that aren't actually played are you referring to synth notes like in the Mr. Crowley intro and the bridge in TTFAF? Because I see these additions as a good thing as it saves the players a long stretch of music with no guitar in it. Also I know that in TTFAF many notes that arein the real songs solo do not appear in GH. As for the difficulty you can probably attribute that to the large number of hardcore people who play GH or RB choosing GH due to its better song list (as of RB1). People like Iamchris4life, jameslikecoulter, and phenomen have all FC'd most if not all the songs in GH2 which has a timing window similar to RB. This includes "Jordan" which is just an example of the kind of difficulty that people are still able to FC at. I don't think TTFAF would've been FC'd (yet) if the HO window wasn't so large but I also don't think any RB songs comes close to this level of difficulty so I'm not sure it's legitimate to say that GH3 has been FC'd and RB not thus RB must be the harder of the two games.

I don't think you can really compare a real guitarists opinion of the difficulty of this game versus a real guitar. In an interview with slash he said he found playing the game was harder than the real thing and this included songs like "welcome to the jungle" which is not very difficult.

As for the songs in GH:WT I agree with you that bands should only be featured once in the game as to promote variety (with the exception of DLC). I think it's a crime that they didn't put voodoo child or all along the watchtower in the Hendrix DLC... So very dissappointed with that one.

Like I said I have not played any of the instruments yet but I'll look into their quality. I have not bought either set of instruments yet, RB or GH, but I plan on playing both for a little bit to figure out which one I like best. Who knows what comes of it... I know some people who preferred the RB1 guitar to any that GH had put out :S


Smash Cadet
May 29, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
It sounds like you guys don't like Guitar Hero 3 just because the timing window was loosened up, but have you tried playing it on Precision mode? If the only thing you didn't like was the timing, maybe you'd enjoy the game more with it turned on?

Whether or not you like a music game should always come down to whether you enjoy the songs. If it was just about the difficulty, we'd all be playing Beatmania IIDX. :)


Smash Cadet
May 29, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
No, otherwise you'd skip the game and just listen to the songs. Gameplay matters a lot.
Remind me why you play Band Brothers, then. I'm sure it has nothing to do with playing your favourite game music and everything to do with the uncomfortable button layout of the DS. Unless you mean to say that you just prefer to listen to those songs instead of playing them. ;)


Smash Apprentice
Oct 1, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Games like Guitar Hero and Rockband are exactly what they are; games. If you're looking for realism spend the money on a real instrument. End of discussion.

MK vs. DC is looking more and more like a good game but it is very weird to play and the novelty wares off pretty quickly. Depending on my financial being at the time I 'might', and its a pretty big might, get the game. All of you could always just give me money now for my b-day and I'll use it on drugs--I mean MK vs. DC when it comes out and I could invite you guys over.

sorry infzy but batman > sub zero


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
ok i gotta finally weigh in...

personally, i crave stuff like TTFAF, but I completely understand how it alienates the majority of players... the final set in GH3 is like a brick wall to regular people, especially those who usually play on hard... it's like, you have to go back to GH2 to practice for that set

anyways, the overcharting is brought up by people who don't play it to get high-scores on expert (i'm just making an observation) and the rockband difficulty, or lack of, is brought up by the oposite side...

for a long time I thought that the two games had figured out their niche... GH for the crazy obsessed people, and RB for the casual gamer, + the crazy people for drums... both would have been targeted to slightly different markets and had a positive effect on eachother...

instead GH brand had to go and try to one-up RB by adding MORE inputs per instrument, and also semi-dumbed down their tracks... now they are both starting to alienate the HC players on guitar and mostly focusing on drums for difficulty... and now it turns out that I'm stuck with first generation technology since I bought the complete RB1 set, and I hate being an early adopter who gets boned via mandatory "improvements" in peripherals...
as for a slight aside, I really like the RB guitars over the GH ones... the small buttons on the end of the neck are the only ones i use, and I feel really clumsy going back to the 360// ps2/3 guitars with their larger buttons now...
and finally, I should definitely try to put together a rockband night, where the vocals is always sought after because you can drink and play at the same time... probably some time shortly after the niagra tournament

if people know how, i have room to set up 2 kits so we can have some epic band to band competitions, though I don't think there is local play like that... either way, this **** be on like donkey kong!


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
oh and sorry for the double post but I realized that if I spent as much time playing a real instrument as I did playing gh/rb, that I would be pretty decent... so I learned basic guitar :)

if anyone wants to have a music night, just let me know


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613

I'm in.

As to the pick up an instrument comments: (not specifically here, but in general)
I'm a music major. Haha, I play ridiculous amounts of instruments. These games are a way to blow off steam with musicians and non musicians alike in a completely fun setting. Playing live shows is totally better. :p


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
too true... i was a performance piano player growing up, and I gotta say **** PRACTICING A MUSIC VIDEO GAME!!!

the _only_ times I ever practiced were a) the intro of TTFAF, and b) I be a friend I could 97% tom sawyer on drums, which i promptly got 96%, chugged a 40 of olde E and then don't remember the rest of the night because I was 9 pints in already...

for the record, i play piano, a bit of drums, and every brass instrument :)... and a bit o guitar


Smash Apprentice
Oct 30, 2006
as for a slight aside, I really like the RB guitars over the GH ones... the small buttons on the end of the neck are the only ones i use, and I feel really clumsy going back to the 360// ps2/3 guitars with their larger buttons now...
You referring to the new RB guitars? Also I'm in for a GH or RB night if you set it up


Smash Apprentice
Oct 9, 2007
Whooo Rockband Night!



Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
I'd be totally up for RB/GH stuff... I generally play drums on expert and guitar on hard, but I'm not that great, I often require starpower saves :laugh:


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
Seems they've started some sort of caps filter, which is totally lame, It Replaces Your Text With This Kind Of ****. You can get around it by just using a single lowercase letter somewhere; which you can just make invisible using color=#1f1f1f if you'd like.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
Even though I'm horrible with every instrument in RB, I'm up for a music night because lulz > serious business


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
and finally, I should definitely try to put together a rockband night, where the vocals is always sought after because you can drink and play at the same time... probably some time shortly after the niagra tournament
I don't think you've ever seen me play drums :chuckle: If don't have a beer wench / groupie on hand, I usually wait for the fill portions and leave em blank. Chug a beer by the time the green note arrives :laugh:
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