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Ottawa Bi-weeklies, because illegal gambling is perfectly legal


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada

makes more sense

so if you slip on a banana, your options are still the same as before.
Just I can't hit you with another banana and expect to follow-up.

wow that sounds like it'll nerf diddy lol
then again
it'll also nerf the ways I try to out-banana diddy's too
then again
hacked games aren't rly for me
then again
I want as many ppl to hack their wii's as possible, because I don't believe it should be tolerated by consumers (let alone facilitated by law) for hardware to restrict our ability to execute arbitrary code on it in the first place :)
so power to ya ;)


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
srry haven't had a chance to even power on my wii since lulz

mebbe this wknd...... tho I might be being dragged to toronto for some kind of anime/comic convention for nerds :urg:


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
wak-a-wak-a-wak-a-wak-a (pacman-noise)
:yeah we definitely still play regular o'le brawl :) i won't be there this time but it was definitely fun chillin' and playing you when you decided to show your face last time... I live significantly closer to you guys than fogel (I'm just over the champlain bridge if you forget) so hopefully you guys will come out to my place when i start hosting


Aug 19, 2005
Somewhere people speak french
I'll be alone today to "represent" Gatineau.

I don't really want to represent Gatineau, instead be part of the Ottawa community. We're not enough anyway to separate ourselves from our english neighborhood.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
As should be fairly obvious, I am un-signing up for today. I have other things I want to do, like preparing for school, finishing a few books, and of course, partying with other friends this time. I'll play with the phallus next time.

Post the results quick as you can.


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise

1st. Bryant (MK/Fox)
2nd. Andrew (Jiggs)
3rd. Alan (Lucario/Ness/Mario)
4th. Dave (Kirby/PT)
5th. Orlando (Marth)
6th. Riley (Diddy/Marth)
7th. Cameron (Random)


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada


1: braH (Marth)
2: Fogel (Snake/DK/ROB)
3: HiDef (Kirby/DDD)
4: Knuckles (MK)
5: Jiggernaut (Jigglypuff)
5: Linkshot (Lucario)
7: Wak (Olimar)
7: Haze (Diddy)

Balanced Brawl:

1: Knuckles (MK) <----- clearly Balanced Brawl is keeping the top tiers down
2: Jiggernaut (Jigglypuff)
3: Linkshot (Lucario/Ness)
4: HiDef (Falcon/Kirby/Dedede/Random)
5: braH (Marth)
6: Haze (Diddy/Falcon)
7: Fogel (Random) <----- all random, all the time!


- To whomever took my silver controller: I want it back ASAP. It's very obvious that it's mine, because there's tape on the front with my name on it, and a spot where the paint wore off on one of the handles. I do not want to leave for a month with two other people having my controllers (Moses having another one...)
- This is the last biweekly I'm hosting until I get back from break
- There is a smashfest next Friday, after that, I'm not hosting any smash/other games until I get back
- Moses: Please bring me my black controller back next Friday, plus $23 for HitH gas. Also, I don't know how, but I think I have your controller which causes Wiis to freeze...
- Randy: Please bring $20 for HitH gas to the next smashfest

GGs everyone, shoutouts later.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Hey Cam, that controller's not the same one Mike was talking about having on him earlier, is it? Because if it is, I can have him bring it with him when he comes down here and can get it back to you at the Smashfest next week.

Amazing Ampharos

Balanced Brawl Designer
Writing Team
Jan 31, 2008
Kansas City, MO
It's good to see that Balanced Brawl now has a tournament under its belt, though I hear a lot of people had... misconceptions what it was about. The game was not changed because we dislike Brawl. Thinkaman and I both love Brawl. We just wanted to make something great even better; it's just like Street Fighter 2: HD Remix, sirlin's rebalance of Street Fighter 2: Super Turbo. I am frankly bewildered to hear some people think Bbrawl is opposed to playing to win; we are one of the most pro-playing to win projects ever. A lot of our design concepts were basically right out of sirlin's book (I meant his site in general, but I guess some of that is in fact a literal book!).

Anyway, the main thing I notice is that a million characters were used; I don't know if that's a sign of anything given the low attendance, but I'm really not seeing a correlation one way or another between character(s) used and result so I guess in terms of balance results all news is good news? I do have to thank you guys for putting on this event; I hope you consider having more in the future, especially with this... misconception hopefully cleared up.


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
I think the MK winning generally sealed it to the people that bBrawl accomplished nothing :/

I still have 100% faith in it, though. I need to play more defensively against MK.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
I don't think 8=DBrawl can really become standard, and smash certainly doesn't compare to SF competitively at all. SF was meant to be played competitively, smash wasn't and this becomes obvious when you go from SF to smash, or smash to SF. It especially stands out between rounds, with smash taking a **** ton of time, while sf proceeds quickly and smoothly.

Now, this may be presumptuous since I wasn't there to spectate, but are you sure it was MK that won and not Bryant? I believe Alan said that MK didn't have that many changes. If this is true, then Bryant would still be pretty used to MK's play style, while everyone else's had some changes, right?

Were there any videos of 8=DBrawl?

EDIT: Updated the results post, not that it matters so much


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Hey Cam, that controller's not the same one Mike was talking about having on him earlier, is it? Because if it is, I can have him bring it with him when he comes down here and can get it back to you at the Smashfest next week.
No, it isn't; I was using that silver controller earlier in the day for friendlies before the tourney. Someone must have taken it home with them midway through.

Now, this may be presumptuous since I wasn't there to spectate, but are you sure it was MK that won and not Bryant? I believe Alan said that MK didn't have that many changes. If this is true, then Bryant would still be pretty used to MK's play style, while everyone else's had some changes, right?

Were there any videos of 8=DBrawl?

EDIT: Updated the results post, not that it matters so much
Not sure if that was directed at me or not...Bryant didn't actually use MK against me, so I can't comment. I just thought it was funny that MK still won the first Balanced Brawl tournament, that's all.

It's good to see that Balanced Brawl now has a tournament under its belt, though I hear a lot of people had... misconceptions what it was about. The game was not changed because we dislike Brawl. Thinkaman and I both love Brawl. We just wanted to make something great even better; it's just like Street Fighter 2: HD Remix, sirlin's rebalance of Street Fighter 2: Super Turbo. I am frankly bewildered to hear some people think Bbrawl is opposed to playing to win; we are one of the most pro-playing to win projects ever. A lot of our design concepts were basically right out of sirlin's book (I meant his site in general, but I guess some of that is in fact a literal book!).

Anyway, the main thing I notice is that a million characters were used; I don't know if that's a sign of anything given the low attendance, but I'm really not seeing a correlation one way or another between character(s) used and result so I guess in terms of balance results all news is good news? I do have to thank you guys for putting on this event; I hope you consider having more in the future, especially with this... misconception hopefully cleared up.
A lot of people busted out their "low tiers" against me because I decided to go Random. I think most matches were used with "serious" characters. However, given that Balanced Brawl seems primarily about beefing up the low tiers, I don't see why there would be a problem with people using a lot of characters. Isn't part of the point of this project to give those "low tiers" a fair shot at winning?


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
I've said it several times, but Thinkaman and I wouldn't have made Balanced Brawl if we didn't already like Brawl. From our perspective, Sakurai did a great job. Sure, it wasn't perfect, but then again, what is? Some of the mistakes turned out to have rather negative repercussions on the game of course, and we take it as our main mission to fix those issues. Sakurai himself discussed how one could go on balancing the game forever, and he concluded that he had to release the thing and be done with it. We are just picking up where he left off, and we're trading his access to top quality development resources with a freedom to design the game without regard for popularity or profit (we are fully willing to make known unpopular design decisions if we know it makes the game better) as well as the perspective provided by observing and even participating in tournament level Brawl. I mean, can you imagine trying to balance a game as complex as Brawl before it came out? There's hardly any data to use to judge what you've done, and even worse, the characters you're evaluating aren't even constants since they're actively in development.
This should not be overlooked in the least.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2008
I think the MK winning generally sealed it to the people that bBrawl accomplished nothing :/

I still have 100% faith in it, though. I need to play more defensively against MK.
I dont believe that bbraw accomplished nothing.

First im not sure how often Bryant used MK but I think he actually used him less than his other chars. I know during our matches I beat his MK and so he cp foxed against me in which he beat me 2-1. So it was probably Bryant who won the tourney and not a MK using player. Also generally I felt MK had been changed and maybe even 'balanced' so something may have been accomplished there.

Second determining results from one bbrawl tournament wont work especially with a low turnout.

Im still open minded about it being 'balanced' but I doubt I will play it over vbrawl. I just dont believe that bbrawl will catch on but I could be wrong.


Aug 19, 2005
Somewhere people speak french
The tourney was great. Even though I finished last and I had friendlies with BraH who finished first, my friendlies were nothing near from ****, I even got a match out of 2... Compared to fogel who finished 2nd, but I couldn't do ANYTHING against your snake :p.

So I want to get better at brawl, I'll be there at the next event. I won't forget to bring a cube though, because it was hella fun playing with arsenic. Impossible Ganon XD


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
I think people are taking my MK comment way too seriously. I actually meant it as kind of a joke. He used Zelda/Link against me, and I guess a lot of Fox against other people. Bryant is a good player and I definitely was not trying to suggest that he won just because of MK.

However, there's another issue. A decent number of people seemed disappointed that there was no Brawl doubles this time around. I suppose it will be up to Ben next month how to go about this, but I don't know if everyone will want to continue hosting bBrawl in place of doubles.

The tourney was great. Even though I finished last and I had friendlies with BraH who finished first, my friendlies were nothing near from ****, I even got a match out of 2... Compared to fogel who finished 2nd, but I couldn't do ANYTHING against your snake :p.

So I want to get better at brawl, I'll be there at the next event. I won't forget to bring a cube though, because it was hella fun playing with arsenic. Impossible Ganon XD
It might be a playstyle thing...I got 3-0ed in both Winners' Finals and Grand Finals by him :(


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
congrats to orlando, cam, and dave!

im' starting to see some new trends in placings (though 1st seems to change quite a bit)

i'm really excited to get back into the scene :), and I hope the first bi-weekly I hold (with matt and pho in attendance hopefully) will go well ... and on that note, to answer cams question, I will be holding doubles, not bBrawl tournaments :)

and unless we have too many tv's, during brackets, I will be requesting that all stations are for brawl, so that things can go a little quicker


Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2008
So Ben, when/where will we be getting the info needed for the events at your place? Where is your place and how do we get to it? Will we continue to have smashfests every second week? What time should we head over? Are the rules OBscene rules? That sort of thing.


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise

I sincerely wish I could bring my 13" TV, but I have to bus to your place :/

I would like to get more matchup data on bBrawl during Smashfests, if people are willing to play sets.

Ben, be scared. Apparently Falcon VS ROB is in Falcon's advantage XD

I highly recommend for Randy to try out Falcon and Ganon. He's obviously the most skilled with those two characters and can provide the most accurate data for them. (and they're just really fun!)


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
i think i've been pretty clear about the house rules regarding what games will be played when...

-- also, not to be a ****, but bBrawl sounds really dumb... the concept behind it is solid, but if most matches aren't even, then you're missing the point, and you just want your characters to do better ie. make your version of what characters should be good a reality... sorry, but that's how I feel about that right now (same with brawl+? why not just stick with what everyone else is playing?)

but to re-iterate, as long as no brackets are being played, and everyone who wants to be playing brawl is, then go ahead and convert an extra TV to whatever game wants to be played

if you PM me with 'i need contact info' thou shall receive!


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2008
Im not sure who is in charge of the first page on here but it may be a good idea to update it with Ben's rules for a while.


Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2008
i think i've been pretty clear about the house rules regarding what games will be played when...

-- also, not to be a ****, but bBrawl sounds really dumb... the concept behind it is solid, but if most matches aren't even, then you're missing the point, and you just want your characters to do better ie. make your version of what characters should be good a reality... sorry, but that's how I feel about that right now (same with brawl+? why not just stick with what everyone else is playing?)

but to re-iterate, as long as no brackets are being played, and everyone who wants to be playing brawl is, then go ahead and convert an extra TV to whatever game wants to be played

if you PM me with 'i need contact info' thou shall receive!
Oh, I see. You've got it all wrong, Ben. bBrawl is nothing like Brawl +. You're problem with this seems to stem from the fact that you don't like that people changed the characters so that they are better as they, being a biased person, deem fit. This can lead to trying to make things like Melee, or giving favoured characters overly-powerful buffs. This makes the game nothing like what it used to be and can seem weird to play.

Believe me, I don't like that at all either, and didn't enjoy playing Brawl +. The changes just felt random and biased and it hardly felt like playing either brawl or melee. I did, however enjoy playing bBrawl.

The difference lies in the fact that the characters were upgraded/downgraded according to how that character plays in brawl and their placing on the tier list, not according to an opinion. For example, Jigglypuff was not given a better rest, even though many would consider it awesome. Instead, she had her grab game buffed, and was given +1 damage on most aerials, because that is what she uses in brawl according to the current metagame. Her Fsmash also was kept the same, even though it is unusablely slow now, and no one would really argue against it being fair that she has one, because that would change her playstyle.

When I played bBrawl, I didn't have to think any differently than I did playing brawl. I played in the exact same way as I did before, but I didn’t have to suffer for picking a character that matches my playstyle. bBrawl is like HD remix for SF, it is the more balanced re-release that Nintendo will never give us.


Smash Master
May 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada
I am coming to the bi-weekly this Friday, I talked to you, and Linkshot about it, helped me out a bunch. (Thanks guys :).)

I'm also going to bring my Wii too, maybe take pictures/video's too, I got a new digital camera (need it for my course), so wanna try it out if ya guys don't mind. 8 gig SD card, I can record 80 minutes of videos :O.

I may arrive early, like around 6:00 for friendlies and stuff, if you don't mind.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2008
So I finally settled myself into my place in Ottawa, and I'm excited to meet everyone very soon. If anyone is down for some random smash before the biweekly(this week I believe?) give me a shout. I'm always down to play.
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