Smash Lord
Cat's gotta be tough to pull in those 2000G fishes. Anyone willing to start the "Big the Cat Offical Thread?"Big's 3rd emblem missions are hard.
B: Lose Froggy-Big tosses Froggy at his foes.
Side-B: Fishing Line- Big casts his line towards and enemy, if it hooks them, it pulls them closer.
Up-B: Umbrella Float- Big floats up using his umbrella. This does no damage but anyone who touches him bounces away.
Down-B: Belly Flop- Big does a small hop, then smashes into the ground with his full body weight.
Final Smash: I dunno, the team blast from Sonic Heroes?
Up-Taunt: Raises his hands in the air and says, " what am I gonna do?"
Side Taunt: Looks around and asks, "Froggy?"
Down Taunt: Hugs Froggy and says, "Froggy I found yoooooou!"