The games havn't been too great either, Sonic the Hedgehog was a complete failure, it was okay, but the glitches and loading times made it unbearable. Fortunetly, the games released on Nintendo consoles have been good. Advance was good and Rush is the best Sonic game apart from the Genesis. Secret Rings is probally the only 3D game that has attually been good. All the others are either average or below average. The plot isnt the only thing that is slipping. Hopefully SEGA will co-operate with Nintendo more, His inclusion in Brawl and Olympics may lead to that.
SEGA needs to put more effort in their games, they all seem to be rushed.
Maybe its best we get back on topic, they will all be Action Trophies, when it comes down to it, none of them have much chance to be playable, if any.