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Omaha Weekly Smashfests!

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Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2005
well you know leon, if thats what your into, im sure mike and i can use our imagination to, *** up with something unique, just for you.

Sir Roy

Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2005
That kind of hurt my feelings smeash.

Like seriously.

You know, I'm trying to branch out here, play someone other than my main, and you know, trying something; maybe I don't have the natural talent, like you guys do. I'm a bit of a loner, and as such, I don't do too well at tournies. Not nessessarily because the guy is better than me, but because I get nervous. I'm not used to playing in front of alot of people. I get nervous, make more mistakes than I usually do, and lose. Not to mention if my ability to stay awake becomes an issue. Which, in often case, it does.

Mind you, all those are excuses, and as you are ever so fond in telling me, no johns. So I'm trying to fix that. Add to my repitiore of characters. So, I do what I can, practice when I can, amongst other things. I like playing smash competitively, it's fun. Well, now it is. Before it was just fustrating because I was misunderstanding the game. I sat there and thought about it for quite awhile. And the answer hit me; everyone in the game has a main, but good people always have an alternate character they can use. A back up. Before, I thought, (like in alot of other fighting games) that I could get away with playing one, maybe two people..not so here.

I know when I was alot less skilled, that I'd sit here and write rants to express my anger as to why certain characters have special talents that I don't think the developer meant to give them. I did do it out of anger, but also to poke fun at the game. Alot of people percieved it as whining, which didn't help my rep at all. Then I took the game a little more seriously, and things stopped getting fun. Just fustrating. Mind numbing, brain stupifying, eye bleedingly fustrating. Nothing I did, managed to make me any better. I went to Phat's house one night, long in the past, and got to play both him and Dmac. Of course, I got religiously stomped on, as to be expected, Dmac's Gannon in particular, was moving so fast, I couldn't even hope to keep up. I thought that the good people were good, but not to the point where I wasn't even landing one hit. I got discouraged. Badly. I stopped wanting to play. I thought I was getting the point of the game where I was decent, but that day..kind of crushed my hopes. I stopped playing for a bit, and quit the first time. But the game called me back a few months later, and here I was.

Second time through playing this game, I decided that since I'm the only one with Roy as a Main (or one of the few..), I'd be as good as I can be. So I practiced technicals stuff. Wave Dash, L-canceling, all that good stuff. Practiced it for hours and hours every day. Eventually, I got those up to respectable level, and tried fighting you guys again. Same result, with nearly little-to-no change. Except this time, instead of just beating my ***, it was certain characters with abilities that Roy just can't deal with easily (Samus crouch canceling Roy's Fsmash at 120% and not budging, or Peach completely eating through my aerials.). This was made more evident at the FFC tournies I went to. People with far less skill could beat me, simply because of character match ups. And if they could beat my Roy, they could take out anyone in my arsenal. Another thing was the inability to go to SMYM. I was going to go..but my mom accidentally over paid the bills. So I was stuck. And Leon went instead. And came back. And put me in a world of hurt. His skill advanced more those few days thatn he had the first six months I'd played him. I was so intensely jealous, I triple timed my own efforts, and only slightly closed the distance between us, before he got to go to another tournament (I forgot which one at this point) and then he jumped ahead again. So I shut down a second time. I stopped playing the game for a few more months, and let you guys have your own way with things.

I got back into the game some time later, when I made the realization I said before. I can use other characters, and still have Roy as my main, and still get some degree of recognition. So I try this for a few months, and make a mild bit of progress. Hey, I remember when that used to screw me up! Hey, I felt like I got better. The truth of it is, the game still irked me. Some of the dumbest tactics known to man kind still got to me, simply because I was ill informed. I got mad and quit a third time. Why bother trying to play a game that only rewards people who play with certain characters? Or so I thought.

Then, one last revelation hit me. Why do I bother playing this excercise in massive fustration? Because it's fun. I want to play the game, cause it's the #1 reason why I bought a gamecube in the first place. So if I want to continue playing the game, and not get fustrated, what's the best way to go about doing it? Easy. Accept the game for what it is, and stop trying to change/complain about things that happen with the game. And here I am now. While I still am fully aware about some of the crap that goes on, you just deal with it, and keep playing; **** happens to everyone. Move on.

So I stopped complaining so much, I stopped worrying about tiers, I stopped thinking about my impossible match ups, and just started to play the **** game. Put everything else, all the angst, the egomaniacial bull crap, the trash talk, right out the window, and just be at peace with the game. As a result; my resolution with the game got much, much better. When I played Dmac & Darkrain in that tourney, I realized that the good people weren't just good. They were playable now. I can see their movements, and counter them with my own. I can make strategies against these people now. I can start to beat these people now.

Now I have the ability and the attitude to play this game correctly, and catch up with everyone else. Now that the Nebraska crew is pulled apart and being rebuilt, I want to be in it. I want to be there. I'm willing to do nearly everything it takes to be in it. I feel like I can be truly become good now. So I'm trying new things, experimenting, and doign research. I'll be up to snuff, soon enough. I hope.

As for the last gamers tourney; Sucks having no money.

But you guys always tell me "No Johns". So I am keeping my mouth shut from now on. I was even thinking about changing my name..possibly.

1200 words right there.

Not quite what you asked for, but my point remains crystal clear. If any of you guys want to come over to my place and help me train; let me know, I'd be wide open for it.


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2005
Sir Roy said:
(Samus crouch canceling Roy's Fsmash at 120% and not budging)
omg dude that was sooo funny i think i was at like 165% though and i just TOOK it dude my samus is top tier. But more seriously....

I just got my ****ing check from gamers today... and after winning both SINGLES AND DOUBLES...

I get 60 dollars.




wow dude.

I really can't imagine what anyone else got, probably like 10$ for 2nd place.

**** GAMERS.

I feel like Darkrain did at Des Moines :(


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2004
Council Bluffs, IA
Hey quin, its been just a fun game for me for quite a while now, and thats why, even after going without playing with anyone for 3 months, in the teams tourney, my falco ABSOLUTELY OWNED MIKE FALCO's SHIEK :) :) :) It was so pretty having all those people cheer me as I handed his *** to him in a match for the first, and probably last time ever ;) But yeah, when my Falco gets 3 stocked by smeashes captain, its ok, I still have fun, and I justify it by 3 stocking his capt with my pika(he was distracted, but a win is a win :) ) I think you will love playing smash so much more now that you have come to the realization that your at now. Like I said, I would love to be as good as ken, but I am not going to get to the point where playing and practicing isn't fun anymore.


Oh, and mike, I think you got screwed, my check was for $90!!! I wish, for third place in teams I got a whopping.........$5. I bet it cost them more money for their "Accounting Department" to figure out how much I won, than I actually got for a prize.


Smash Champion
Aug 29, 2004
Overland Park, KS
lol that's nothing echo. I got a combined 12 dollars for 1st in teams and 2nd in singles at the last wichita tournament we went to.

**** that.

Big Burn

Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2004
i dont think they sent me anything yet..... gayness.... o well... hey echo i was wondering what the number of people you expect to come to the tournament?


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2005
oooo Leon and Big Burn huh... could be real, I guess.

I recommend you guys find out how you're all getting here, if Mo bails, you better hope Mike decides to kreep, if not... then I dont know what you're gon do =/


Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2004
Omaha, Nebraska
You guys realize it's Sheik and not Shiek right?

Anyways, Nebraska pulled a masterful last minute game winner today. Pretty real.

lol Leon said the ole gamers 4 stock. That's a good way to put things.


Smash Apprentice
May 7, 2006
Ya NE pulled that out with like, 120 left on the clock, pulled a great finish out of our ***.

I finally met up w/ the professor last wednesday, his luigi is decent. lol he's the only one there that knows how to wave dash...
He said that he's going to PP2, and I might be brining a carload, and I'll definately be there. I'm going to see if I can get some recording in, but there's a good chance I won't have a laptop. It doesn't turn on all of the sudden which is hella gay. If anyone has a laptop and is going to PP2 let me know, my cap card still works.

Does anyone have VoD? Ken vs Azen in the New York Playoffs....OMG...the best match I have ever witnessed. If you don't have VoD it's 20 bucks for the 06 season pass and it comes with an MLG t-shirt. I have the pass on my PC and I might bring it to PP2 so you guys can watch it if you haven't seen it already, and that would solve the broken laptop problem.

If you have a laptop and are going to pp2 please let me know, I don't really want to bring my whole computer.


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2005
wether or not ne pulled a masterful doesnt matter, we played garbage the second half, sides lol, if anyone pulled a masterful it was KSU.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Wichita, Kansas
CXJKXCJLKfJDS It's contagious!!!!jjjjjjjdwoidlzz

EDIT - Wow I've been making a lot of posts tonight under one sentence long..I feel a bit spammy.


Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2004
Omaha, Nebraska
**** I think we've definitely got at least the Holiday Bowl wrapped up. THat's a solid one too, USC or Cal could be there and they've both been top 10 most of the season. We ain't good. We're just halfway decent lol.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2004
Council Bluffs, IA
cant wait for this weekend. Mike, I need some directions to your house. I should be leaving here about 4 pm, and then I will either be there right away, or I will be headed off to GI first, and then to Columbus. And walmart better have enough wii's for all of us. I am getting one no matter what its gonna take.


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2005
eh I went to the Toilet bowl earlier today, its not all its cracked up to be.

Aaron, I think everyone else is gettin here at 11 or so, probably a bit later... so i mean, no hurry if you wanna hit up GI or whatever.
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