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Omaha Weekly Smashfests!

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Smash Champion
Jun 9, 2003
St, Joseph, MO
blah blah blah no johns. you wanna win? start getting better with roy, or learn a easier character. roy sucks? tell that to neo, a guy who does very well with roy against the majority of tournament players.

i'm not sure of the exact level of 'random-ness' that you attribute to smash, or how it compares to other fighting games, but the fact is that consistently good players are gonna win, no matter what. nothing is random is you learn the game in and out, and expect things.

revolution smash is far far away, dont worry about it. if you are just gonna wait for that to come out and to get good, then quit ssbm.


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2005
Haha, you tell em Dmac ^-^

I would just like to throw in that about phantom hits, stage spikes, and wall jumps, I think those add to the game tremendously... phantom hits... well, those CAN cause you to lose a match because of, but not normally. and Stage spiking and wall jumps? Those are 2 things that make this game so great. They are both just 2 things you can use to your advantage to defeat your opponent, learn how to use them... I guess as a Samus player I can do a bit more than a Roy... but you can always play someone else, like they have said. And even as such, you dont NEED to do them, if anyone else is going to use them, for recovery reasons or whatever, just watch for them and time your attacks better.

Also, Leon plays Marth. 'nough said.

...but i'll say some more anyway.... you can beat marths. I've beatin Mo's marth, and from the last thing I knew, Mo played a better one. With saying that, Mo's probably beatin my Samus more.... but I still play him, I could just go pick a shiek and play, but I dont. I love playin my main, not only for the competition, but just for the fun of playing. If you dont want to play his Marth with your Roy, then dont. Why do you think people change characters in tournies? There ARE bad matchups, you just need to know what they are and know how to counter them.

As for revolution smash, although I DO want a revolution pretty bad, and want it to be here, I also dont. SSBM is flawless. I actually forget about a revolution while we're sittin there playin, so just sit back and hope that it will just advance on everything that we already have, and not ruin it.


Smash Lord
Mar 10, 2005
Omaha, Ne
Sir Roy said:
Mmm. I have gotten better with Roy since He's gotten back, but it's still uneven. And I do concentrate.

As for not complaining....imagine this.

There are always going to be good and bad things in life, and taking smash for example, there are good characters, bad characters, and characters middle of the road. If everyone shut the hell up about whatever character they play with and no one complained, we wouldn't have much of a tier list because without complaints, there would not be any opinions against other characters. Without opinions, that's like saying there is no free will to think against someone else. So it's good that I complain. It's like handing you a my brain and my hands and telling you how this fight works. Or in this case, doesn't work.

And anyone who knows me, knows that although I don't like it, and I do complain, I just deal with it. Besides, it's not like it pisses me off or something. You know Smash is the most random fighting game in the planet.

Anyone play Third Strike? Guilty Gear? King Of Fighters? None of those have hidden properties, like Phantom Hits, Stage Spikes or wall jumps (Chun Li doesn't count). As many random things tha thas happened in Smash, I know all of you have been on the recieving end of which at least a few times. Like when Yosh smacked me and I countered, which turned around and nailed Aaron, although he hadn't done anything to me.

And for starters, I'm not getting mad at anyone (Besides Marth), or threatening to kill anyone, or threatening to break anything, it ain't Drama.

I can beat Leon. It just takes....alot of patience, timed hits, and a bit of luck. It's just a difficult fight because of all the advantages (fair or unfair) that he has. Then again, anyone who knows anything about Roy, knows that he doesn't have an easy fight against anyone.

That tournament thing basically kinda unlocked Leon's 'Hidden Potential'. And anyone who has watched DBZ for any small amount of time knows what I mean. It...just hasn't happened to me yet.

Edit: And even if I wanted to change characters, I can't. Revolution Smash is ALMOST here. Hear me? Almost Here. This is the LAST YEAR for this version of smash. It wouldn't make sense economically for me to start playing another character. I'm deadlocked now, whether I like it or not.

Quen you may not want to hear it but I'm going to tell you anyway. Dmac, Mo, and Mike are all right. You know they are right. I've been telling you the same thing ever since I got back from FC3. Why do you think I picked up other charecters after I got back, because you just can't play this game with one charecter you just can't. Ken is the best on the planet, he could have won FC with Doc Mario if he wanted. If you want to be more successful with this game you have to get good with counter charecters. You wanna beat me get good with Gannon, Fox, Cap Falcon, Falco, Peach, SHEIK just to name a few all of them kick Marths ***. But for some reason you refuse to play with any of them. So you know what Quen until you get to god like levels like Neo, I am going to keep beating you with Roy ok. Just trying to help man so don't take this the wrong way. I want to see you get good at this game, but for right now, I'm better. So if you want to start beating me do something about it


Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2004
Omaha, Nebraska
How are phantom hits the same as stage spikes and wall jumps? Stage spikes and wall jumps are the opposite of random, they actually add to the skill of the game because those are things you can control and master to become better than your opponent. If you know about stage spikes and you can see one about to happen to you, it takes skill to see it coming and counter it with a wall tech.

Phantom hits are pretty much the only big time glitch in this game, and it doesn't happen that often maybe once in ten matches on average I'd say.

Smash ain't that random tho mang, I'm just saying...think about how often the better player loses because of a random factor? Hardly ever. I think I am a better player than Devon but why do I owe him five dollars? I didn't bring my best game and he did. Usually if a better player loses it's cuz he didn't play well enough.

Sir Roy

Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2005
Uhm. For starters, this isn't drama, and I'm not trying to turn this into a debate, but fine.

Dmac: I remember you, I think. Why are you checking this thread? Bah. Anyway, I didn't mention anything about quitting, I just said that it wouldn't be very economic at this point. If I tried to learn how to play with, say, Mario, and started getting good, and it took me all of 2-3 years to get good, and since I know all the advanced crap to this game now, I'd say it'd take me at least 6 months to get mario down pat. By the time that happens, Rev Smash will probably be only a few months away.

The_Echo: I can't say I remember seeing you in person, but Leon swears I have. I suppose Stage Spikes can be avoided if spotted quickly enough, but anything that pushes you up will push you into the staged and back down again. Wall-jumps are a bit of an annoyance, because not everybody has them, and I think it's a little not fair. As for Phantoms, these happen to Roy and Marth in a good fight, at least once or twice, usually to Marth. It has happened to me before (Not often) but the biggest annoyance in this fight is how stupid the game gets when we swing at each other. I'd swing and he'd be too close so he doesn't get hit, but he does marth's running attack, and he swings and misses me at the same time. Or we both grab through each other's grabs. I don't think this game looks as bad as a fighting system when those two fight. I can count the number of times I've been Mo's marth legitmately on one finger. THen again, it has been some months, and I'd like to try it again.

Batman: You know me. And I know how to fight and beat Fox, Falco, and company, the problem lies here in the fact that I don't face them often enough so techniques get a little rusty. That peach that beat me in a Tourney, I think if I had played her a little more often, I could have done better. Oh well, such things are called experience.

Loran: I covered those earlier, but Phantom Hits (and grabs) are garbage. And Better Players have lost to phantom hits.

I have a question for you all. What's with the entire "Let's hate on this guy because he occaisionally gets pissed off at smash for anatomically correct reasons?" This ain't a **** bandwagon and I really don't appreciate it much. I'm all for the entire "Beat him until he gets good" thing, but when it becomes 4 people, one of which I'm not at all familiar with, jumps on it, it isn't cool guys. And anyone who knows me, KNOWS that I already just deal with it, so please, for the love that is fair in life, get off of my back.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2004
Council Bluffs, IA
ThE_BaTmAn said:
You wanna beat me get good with Gannon, Fox, Cap Falcon, Falco, Peach, SHEIK just to name a few all of them kick Marths ***.
I laugh, peach is not really a marth counter. Oh well. On to the topic, quin, not to jump on the "I hate Quin" bandwagon, but I do have some advice for you. If you wanna learn a new char., it won't take you 6 months to get good. The whole reason it took you 2-3 years to get good in the begining was because you have to get all the techniques down. Now that you can(or hopefully can, haven't played you in a while) l-cancel, shuffle, wavedash, dashdance, and all that fun stuff, it will transfer from character to character. To comment on leon's post, about ken could have won FC with doc, I doubt that he sat their for 6-8 months just playing doc. His mindgames and technical skills are good enough that he will be good with other characters. Skills pass on. Thats just my 2 cents though.


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2005
Yes, you've seen me, I beat your Roy when we were playing those crew matches before the FFC tourney. I play Samus, and I think that might of been the only time we've played.

and I wasn't hating on you, I was just messin with ya about the drama thing. Leon plays a Marth, and you're gonna be pissed about that. Even a lvl 9 Marth pisses me off, they're just stupid. There IS a reason he's at the top of the tier list. As a Samus player, I know how bad it is to face up against a Marth. If you play him enough, and you said you do, you should know what HE's going to do. You said he's learned how you play, so why cant you see what he's doing? Also, try to learn some mind games to get that F-smash out of him, and while he's there, make your move. I'm not a big marth player, so ask someone else if you want some advice.

As for Leon's "unlocked potential", dont get yourself into thinkin all that stuff. Sure someone could help him out with some strats or somethin, but its all about experience. I have played this game since the day it came out, and played the 64 version hardcore, but I knew I couldn't be really good competively until I played these guys in Omaha, they're better, and just pounding the newbs here wont make me any better. I have been playing alot more, and have gotten alot better, thats just how it is. Also, with experience, you need to go alot of tournies. I can play really well just chillin in someones house, but when I go to a tourney, i still get nervous. ****in look at that Kansas tourney, only person I lost to in Pools was Vidjo(obviously), and then when i get started in the tourney, i **** up completely to Jesi's falco. And I know that the only way to fix that getting nervous is to go to more tournies, and to get that experience.

If you do want to get some experience, and get to play with alot of people, check out my smashfest thread. You're gonna have to head down to Columbus with some peeps, but it looks like we could be getting a good amount of people. It would be a great chance for you to play other people, and even get some help. And, if you want to try out a different character, practice up and bring him to the event.

Here's the Link! http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=1179947#post1179947

Sir Roy

Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2005
It isn't the fact that I don't know how he plays, it's more of the fact of that I can't do anything about it. I see him combo'ing, all I can do is back off and perhaps smack him to end it, or evade my *** off when I see that spike coming.

As for Colombus, I really, REALLY don't know about that one. My mom flipped out on me entirely that one night me, Leon, Mo and Mike went down to phat's house and ran out of gas. I didn't hear the end of that one for an entire week. If I can catch a ride out there, I'd be more than happy to pay for gas.

I guess not maybe 6 months, but I'm a relatively slow learner, so maybe.


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2005
Sir Roy said:
As for Colombus, I really, REALLY don't know about that one. My mom flipped out on me entirely that one night me, Leon, Mo and Mike went down to phat's house and ran out of gas.
Dude... the way people like johnny drive, its only like an hour and 15 min away from you. I'm sure phat's house is WAY further.


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2005
sorry for doi'n this to ya dude but uhh....if ya dont like what ya see with roy...or your ability to play him with or against other characters then please....
STFU and.....GTFO

dude when we head'n up to your place in columbus mike...kause uhh, thats gonna be some good **** dude.

and just to let some people know...that e=mc the ****ever is com'n up in the next week or 2....maybe 3 i dunno but we need to make a solid decision.


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2005
lol, smeesh, if you guys wanna come down to Columbus, i'm fine with it any day. Its just up to you guys, and if you actually want to head down.

But, that will just be chillin at my place and whatnot. The actual fun **** will happen the weekend of March 10th, unless i decide to make it a week closer, or somethin.

Anyone else notice that I have like every other post in this thread?! HOLY **** am i bored... I need to get a ****in life, nothin to do here.

Sir Roy

Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2005
I highly suggest you leave me alone at the moment, because I am very close becoming very angry. Angrier than I have at any game I ever have played competitively.


Smash Lord
Mar 10, 2005
Omaha, Ne
SM3EsH said:
sorry for doi'n this to ya dude but uhh....if ya dont like what ya see with roy...or your ability to play him with or against other characters then please....
STFU and.....GTFO

Sir Roy said:
I highly suggest you leave me alone at the moment, because I am very close becoming very angry. Angrier than I have at any game I ever have played competitively.

Quen now what do you want foreal cause now I'm getting really tired of this ****. What did you expect you just played me with a bunch of charecters that you have no idea how to use and lost did you think you were going to win. It is going to take alot of practice. But nothing works no matter how much we talk and talk and talk about this game to you, you still get all pissed off cause you don't win against me. Well one I'm better than you and yes it helps that I play with a good charecter and you don't. And like Echo said I have more experience than you. That is the big factor in all our fights. I know how to react to certain situations. One second you think your about to win and one, two grabs and the tipper and I win. You keep saying I know you and you game thats why I win, well the same goes for you you know my game really well also. You have to take the little advantages your charecters have abuse the hell out of them. But at the same time thinking about what you want to do next. Everyting you do has to be for a purpose, when you just randomly throw f-smashes at me I punish you for it. You have to be a little creaative take a couple risks and go for it. Again I mean all this to help you and you game. So quit getting so ****ing frustrated

Sir Roy

Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2005
I asked nicely to be left alone. My patience for this conversation has been reached. Respect my wishes. I am asking nicely a SECOND time. Leave me alone.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2004
Sioux City, IA
Hey Quin, aaron is right about learning a new char. Ive been using Mewtwo for about a month and it already stands out from the rest. pick up a mofo Doc. Ill show you a few things
Echo, im not really sure if thats a dis with the way I drive... but if I have the money and time, ill come to hang with you,
Ill pack a smeesh also


Smash Journeyman
Nov 17, 2005
want to be left alone, perhaps consider this....

stop checking the boards.

Sir Roy

Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2005
Nothing like murdering a couple thousand people in San Andreas to make one feel better.

Anyway, I'd be willing to get up some gas money for this colombus thing.


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2005
HEY!! Columbus is not so far from you!!! You guys make it seem like its another big drive. And Mo, lincoln is not on the way to Columbus from Omaha, if thats what you were asking lol.

My address is in my thread if you need to mapquest it, though the address is going to change, it will be in the same town. Unless you mean just coming to my house to chill sometime, then mapquest it and go.

but yeah, that looks like its gonna be a good turnout, gonna need alot of help with setups though.

Please, post in my tourney thread if you think you can make it, and also if you could supply a gamecube, a TV, or even both. I'm gonna go search for a little place to get this **** together in, and I just want to have some idea of how many people are goin.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 24, 2006
The Big O
Hey guys i finally got an acct here im so down 4 columbus man, ill drive i can prob supply a tv but unless ne changes in my income i still wont b able to supply a cube. i sould have my car back in 4 days so i sould b there for sunday and ill prob be goin 2 the sat. tourney at the collisum well im at work so ill c u lata


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2005
That'd be awesome, I wouldnt worry about cubes near as much as TVs... i can gaurentee there are too many cubes to go around, but I really do hope for more TVs.


Smash Ace
Oct 3, 2005
Nebraska smash
who are you vip? should i know you?

look dudes im goin to say this to end this, if you are goin to complain get a new char, if that's a prob then forget it completely i changed my char soooooo many times over the years it doesn't matter: i mained with Peach, Marth, Captain, Fox, Samus, Sheik, Yoshi, BOWSER (a waste of my time), and i have only mained with my gannon for like 2 weeks b4 joining the smash crew i believe it is a waste of time to complain and you never know thet you could be a natural with sum 1.....


Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2004
Omaha, Nebraska
Yeah Marth just seemed like a natural character for me to use he's pretty much the first character I ever used seriously and felt comfortable pretty much right away.

Who's that VIP guy?


Smash Apprentice
Jan 24, 2006
The Big O
The_Echo said:

He got his name from being VIP at the Iowa Strip Club. lol
thanks i got caugt on here so i coulnt reply right away and yep its the other fat kid that goes to jonnys for smeesh


Smash Ace
Oct 3, 2005
Nebraska smash
well ya may wanna just give the crew position to echo b/c my ***** spanish teacher is a ***** a$$ newb ***** who could *** her own a$$ monkey kids if they wouldn't tell on her ... and if you all haven't guessed im grounded b/c she is a **** i may not see any of you for maybe.... 5-10 weeks b/c i lied about my homework and this dumb-a$s pyramid of success is a ***** acedemic *****

P.S. sry to all little kids reading this

"the OTHER fat kid" come on dont be races to your own man

that is a lot of stars!


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2005
MaJiK said:
well ya may wanna just give the crew position to echo b/c my ***** spanish teacher is a ***** a$$ newb ***** who could *** her own a$$ monkey kids if they wouldn't tell on her ... and if you all haven't guessed im grounded b/c she is a **** i may not see any of you for maybe.... 5-10 weeks b/c i lied about my homework and this dumb-a$s pyramid of success is a ***** acedemic *****

P.S. sry to all little kids reading this
LOLOL!!!! :joyful:

I'm sorry, might not be the best to laugh at such a thing... but it was just the way you said it.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 24, 2006
The Big O
lol.........i hope ur kidding

I wasnt makin fun of u its just that that phrase sounds funny i mean what hapeend sucks and all but the phrase is JUST SOOO FUNNY


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2005
JBM falcon08 said:
echo do u remember the samus u faced at family fun center? well he wants a rematch.
LOL are you kidding? If my memory serves me right, thats the guy that got pissed off at me becuase I 3 stocked him on like, FD, and then he counter-picked an ILLEGAL STAGE that he gauranteed to win in, and still lost.

So, yeah, I'd love to play him again, maybe if he'd decide to not be an ******* this time, I could teach him some stuff. I'm normally a pretty nice guy ^-^

Anyway, Him, or... you.... or whoever you are... i dont know.... you guys should try to make it down to my event in March, then. Not only for a rematch, but also for our tournies and just a good time.

You can find it in the Midwest forum, I dont feel like grabbin a link atm :p

And... MaJiK... chill out dude, you DID make it sound pretty hilarious about your teacher, but i'm sorry to hear that.
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