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Omaha Weekly Smashfests!

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Smash Ace
Oct 3, 2005
Nebraska smash
but dev can post 3 times in a row with no comments huh? and i know this is a bad comment but ummm y didn't i get to be in the crew was it: 1. i wasn't good enough 2. i haven't been to an outa state tourney with yas 3. ya don't like me 4. echo's a better friend 5. ya already had a gannon and a falcon 5. i post too much 6. i am noobish 7. i am new to the smash seen 8. i posted 2 times in a row 9. i missed too many smash fests 10. im fat

P.S. nice sigs though :(


Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2004
Omaha, Nebraska
LOL that's gonna be so hilarious. Also, I might be going back to Omaha my roommate is sick and he wants to go home so I might not be able to game it with you guys in Lincoln.

Oh and who made those sigs? THey're sick. Good **** Mike :-P

I think Mike has made the crew by a combination of doing a ton of smeashing with the guys lately (not necessarily me even tho we played yesterday forever lol) and since he made his inaugural tournament trip when he came to Kansas.

Btw Mike I was pretty impressed with your play the other day. Why don't you always play like that? I can't see how you would lose to some of the people you've lost to....


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2004
Council Bluffs, IA
:freak: Its #10. No, my guess on why he got in was cause me and johnny adopted him from sunday till wed, and he didn't really leave the apt for anything during that time, kinda like smeash :p but yeah, he put in some really quality smash time, and that would be my guess why. Also, he made the new sigs :freak: with his down time, so I think that helped him also, but other than that, talk to johnny, he knew more about it than i did.

Maybe its because I have a better gannon, and smeash has a better cf, but soon my cf will be better also :):)


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2004
Sioux City, IA
We love Majik ^-^
Are going Saturday. you'll place good at least.

To make it far we'll have both Majik and Echo play each of us in the crew and see how much stock they take form all of us. The highest is in the crew.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2004
Council Bluffs, IA
Sounds like a good idea johnny, one thing though, would we have it be a gauntlet style, where we are all there and then they fight us one by one with no rest inbetween, or would it be play each of us sometime and then take the winner?


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2005
FaceLoran said:
Btw Mike I was pretty impressed with your play the other day. Why don't you always play like that? I can't see how you would lose to some of the people you've lost to....
lol Mo, I think that is the only time we've ever played, besides that one time we played on FD, and I got uptilted about 300 times. But that was really good stuff, I think just from this past week my smash game has gotten alot better. From playing so many newbs and computers, I got used to doing stupid **** like going out to try to down air and ****, but i'm back to just chillin with the uptilt, and the sex kicks, along with alot of things i've just learned in this past week from playing excessively.

FaceLoran said:
Those are sick as fizuck *****!
Hey... thanks... I did it all with nothing but Paint and the only pics I could find.

About the crew, I thought it was becuase of these:
-I traveled to an OOS tourney, and i'm planning on going to every next one possible.
-I'm obviously dedicated, I live 2 hours away from Omaha and I make it there more than some people.
-You need a Samus Player in the crew?
-It IS my opinion, but I think I am a fine Samus player, just need to get to play more of the Omaha people rather than Columbus.
-I'm moving to Omaha, which, is no different than you guys, but... you know.
-The choices were between Me and MaJiK, and in the last get together we had, i took MaJiK 2-0 in pools, and then 2-0 in the Losers bracket. Not trying to put you down or anything Tony, I think you're ganon is awesome, and I know you beat me after the tourney when we played friendlies. In fact, I wanted to use you as a team partner before Uriel ended up comin to the omaha tourney with me. And you didnt go to the Kansas tourney.

And... the other thing I was thinking, was that MaJiK was going to be the leader of the 2nd Omaha crew. With Leon, Q-Man, Ron, and anyoen else he wants to put in there. I may have misunderstood, and im too lazy to look back about 40 pages when he was talking about that.

Oh, and viperboy is makin sure we get hooked up with some housing for E=MC^3, so I dont care how poor you guys think you are, you're goin. :p

AND ANOTHER EDIT, this is like the 14th time.... I just wanted to say something to Smeash: Please, when you're combo'ing newbs tomorrow... PLEASE... dont get into such a combo that you kill youself >_> It would be humilating to lose to someone because you're trying to hard lol

Sir Roy

Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2005
I'm getting my name on that god**** sig if it's the last thing I do.

I'll be making my comeback soon, you had better believe it.

In random other news: I now own a DS, Mario Kart, Advance Wars and Mario & Luigi. Fun!

Random Fun Fact: Jake in Advance Wars sounds EXACTLY like Mo. Seriously. The guy said 'Weaksauce'.

He's even told people not to get 'pwned'. Seems Nintendo has been listening to him through various gamecubes.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2004
Sioux City, IA
If we can get each of you together and all of us, we'll do a final crew battle. each person plays all of us with no rest in between. Most stock wins


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2005
I dont know if i'm looking at this the right way... is this the exact same thing we tried last time?


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2005
Yeah dawg i'm the guy that dresses like a hippy to hide how emo I am.

Geez, the memories of the people in this place, is it crunk night again in Omaha?

Anyway, this crew ****... i dont care how it is, lets just do it, lets finally get this outta the way. I want my T-shirt :p


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2004
Sioux City, IA
The way im thinking about doing it is not the same as last time, that was sloppy and flawed.
As far as I know there is only one spot open and thats tanks spot. We could always vote out MFL's spot.... Hes crust anyway


Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2004
Omaha, Nebraska
What's creepin tomorrow? Mexi went to bed lol the poker game was lasting too **** late...

Someone call me doof. I dunno if Mike will remember.

Phatgamer's number 1 on the list of people who think they are good at low tier but get **** on by Mo's Roy :-P Actually Phatgamer is number 1 in Nebraska since I'm by far the best here and he beats me on a routine basis. Ahh wait he lives in Missouri...


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2004
Council Bluffs, IA
Listen to mo talk smask, the last tourney at my place, I remeber you getting outted by I believe murn? And then the week before that Smeash won. That I guess would make you the best by far :dizzy: :dizzy: :dizzy:


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2005
Low Tier? Psh... My kirby needs to play his GaW... i just sandbagged to let you advanced with your roy cuz i knew you wanted to play vidjo so bad >_>

and uh...

Someone call me doof.
Ok DOOF!!! haha.

........well...... <_< ...... >_> ....... <_< ...... you realize I may not be able to head up to Omaha until the day before E=MC^3, and thats IF you guys still go, and IF I still go, which the only way I wouldnt is if I wouldnt be able to get to Omaha... but still.... when the hell do you want me to do crew stuff? Unless everyones gonna be there to do it that night.... geez, I had no idea everyone was going to stir up this much conflict about such a thing. I've played all of you, for all I know you guys could just let me win every time then. I've played smeash so god **** much, and he knows he didnt beat me in every match, although he does SD alot. I've played Mo for 5 straight hours the other day and he aggreed it was some really good ****. I havent really played Aaron and Mike as much, but, aaron said i was playing some quality smash, and Mike said he really wanted me to go places with him when i got some more experience. Johnny, well, you never really said anything, but you know, I can only beat your jiggs on fountain of crust, but thats better than nothin. I thought everything was good to go crew wise.

When I made that sig, I did NOT make it with me in it.... I made a blank space, where Tank would have been, but I didnt know who he played or anything as such so I left it blank. but BEFORE I sent that sig, I talked over MSN, and i talked, and I was told to put myself in it, so dont think that I am just some selfish ******* that put myself in that crew sig just because I think i'm better than you and should be in it. I put myself in it, because it was insisted that I join the Omaha smash crew because, of my playing ability, the lack of a character that no one else specailizes in, :samus: and with my moving to omaha i'm going to be much more able to play with the crew. Also because of my dedication of not just playin all the time, but going as far as is needed to get a tourney that everyone wants to go to. If you want me to go play everyone to prove that I deserve to be in it, then fine. Theres no way i'd lose that, unless I got ****gamed. Which is why I thought you should find a more far way to do it, but, whatever. Let's just do it, but I dont see how you're going to find a time to get everyone together for it, unless you all do decide to go to E=MC^3, and have a gettogether the day before the tourney.

ok... now that I got that outta me, I look forward to seeing you all that are coming down to lincoln today!! :colorful:

EDIT - Oh, and I thought the whole reason for the crew was to be the people to represent NE when we go out of state, or even in NE tournaments for that matter. Alot of people dont show up to smashfests, they dont go to tournaments, or anything like that. How could they be reppin NE for you guys.


Smash Lord
Mar 10, 2005
Omaha, Ne
the only reason i have not made it to the smashfest is because i work like crazy and have a lot going on outside of smash. But, I still play as much as I can or whenever Quen feels like getting pwned. But I belive that I'm as good as all you guys. Just felt like I was being pushed to the side. Now don't get me wrong I'm not upset, just wanted to say what I felt. Man posting on my phone owns!!! What time are u guys going to the home of the sorry *** cornhuskers?


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2005
lol, ****, you can post on your phone? that is some pimp ****. how the hell do you do that?


Smash Ace
Oct 3, 2005
Nebraska smash
aaaaahhh shoot man if there isn't smash today im goin to explode I mean come on man were we not supposed to have the smash tourney for crews today?


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2005
yeah, Johnny, Smeash, JC, and Mike all came last night, and everyone but Mike stayed until today. Everyone was doing there own share of winning matches, and it was really good ****.

Um, also, I'm planning a smashfest and such in Columbus, for my birthday, but also for like a get together before I move from Columbus. And, because I just want to host one >_> I want alot of people to make it, and i'm planning it more than a month in advance. Be sure to check it out, by CLICKING HERE !!!

Also, I wanna say it was some good **** playin with all you guys this past week while I took a little vacation.

and... Crew ****? I probably wont be able to do anything until my smashfest, unless you guys actually DO decide to go to E=MC^3, but by the looks of it, it looks like its too much for any of our budgets. So, if you want to go do some crew ****, whatever. Personally, I think its up to the actual true members of 5 guys and a yosh to decide it, they should just vote. Oh well, I'm headin back to Columbus, peace.

Sir Roy

Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2005
Alright, you know what Leon. End this once and for all.

I would heavily appreciate it if you didn't refer to me as getting "Pwned". Instead, refer to the following factors as to why I keep losing to you.

First and formost. You use Marth. Marth is 4th in tiers. Roy is 15th. And since in this game tiers matter more than anything? Guess What? Advantage number 1. You all know how I feel about Marth, for those who don't check previous rants.

Secondly. In Marth vs. Roy fights, besides having the natural advantages, Marth also has a bunch of stages that work to his advantage due to platforms. I land on one of these things and boom. Instant Tipper. Like that's even remotely cool.

Third? You got to go to that god**** out of state tournament. I couldn't go because Mo's car was so ****ing small. And that's the only reason why I didn't go.

Fourth, apparently some insanely good player was nice enough to sit down and explain to you how to play the game. That's like God coming down out of heaven and handing you a book on how to be the most successful human in history.


So yes. The combination of those five factors lead to me having an extremely annoying time against you. HOPEFULLY, the revolution version of smash will put Marth where he needs to be. Mid-Tier. So I'm not being Pwned. It's like putting a physically handicapped person on top of a mountain and telling him to climb down. He's not going to get down safely the vast majority of time, and I don't get to come back to the stage very often, so shush.

**** Marth's grab range. **** it to hell. :mad:


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2004
Sioux City, IA
It was weird, for like an hour, I sucked. Then the next hour smeesh sucked, the next echo sucked. Mike crusted me by having me drive him back to Omaha at about Midnight and I went trunking back around 1.
SNS did take place, but since I wasnt there to promote it. It was kind of a loss cause. only Majik showed up and smeesh was with me so hes there.
Who is down for the teams tourney next Saturday?


Smash Lord
Mar 10, 2005
Omaha, Ne
this **** is ****in funny

Also still posting from my phone. yeah computers with reglular internet are so low tech. But I also got live satilite tv, 512mb mp3 plyayer, and a bunch of there **** :chuckle:


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2005
ThE_BaTmAn said:
this **** is ****in funny

Also still posting from my phone. yeah computers with reglular internet are so low tech. But I also got live satilite tv, 512mb mp3 plyayer, and a bunch of there **** :chuckle:
my god man, wtf do you do for a living... rob banks?


Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2004
Omaha, Nebraska
He doesn't make you pick Roy. You pick Roy yourself. If you wanna beat him, pick Sheik.

I already told you what the deal is with that lol...you gotta either concentrate on getting better with Roy, or quit using Roy. It's pointless to complain about Roy when you are going to keep picking him.

Sir Roy

Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2005
Mmm. I have gotten better with Roy since He's gotten back, but it's still uneven. And I do concentrate.

As for not complaining....imagine this.

There are always going to be good and bad things in life, and taking smash for example, there are good characters, bad characters, and characters middle of the road. If everyone shut the hell up about whatever character they play with and no one complained, we wouldn't have much of a tier list because without complaints, there would not be any opinions against other characters. Without opinions, that's like saying there is no free will to think against someone else. So it's good that I complain. It's like handing you a my brain and my hands and telling you how this fight works. Or in this case, doesn't work.

And anyone who knows me, knows that although I don't like it, and I do complain, I just deal with it. Besides, it's not like it pisses me off or something. You know Smash is the most random fighting game in the planet.

Anyone play Third Strike? Guilty Gear? King Of Fighters? None of those have hidden properties, like Phantom Hits, Stage Spikes or wall jumps (Chun Li doesn't count). As many random things tha thas happened in Smash, I know all of you have been on the recieving end of which at least a few times. Like when Yosh smacked me and I countered, which turned around and nailed Aaron, although he hadn't done anything to me.

And for starters, I'm not getting mad at anyone (Besides Marth), or threatening to kill anyone, or threatening to break anything, it ain't Drama.

I can beat Leon. It just takes....alot of patience, timed hits, and a bit of luck. It's just a difficult fight because of all the advantages (fair or unfair) that he has. Then again, anyone who knows anything about Roy, knows that he doesn't have an easy fight against anyone.

That tournament thing basically kinda unlocked Leon's 'Hidden Potential'. And anyone who has watched DBZ for any small amount of time knows what I mean. It...just hasn't happened to me yet.

Edit: And even if I wanted to change characters, I can't. Revolution Smash is ALMOST here. Hear me? Almost Here. This is the LAST YEAR for this version of smash. It wouldn't make sense economically for me to start playing another character. I'm deadlocked now, whether I like it or not.
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