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Omaha Weekly Smashfests


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2007
Ames, Iowa
I haven't set up my PS3 internet yet, I probably should. I'm just lazzzy.

What games you got for it YOULAI!?

JBM falcon08

Smash Master
Jan 24, 2006
glenwood iowa
Uli and anyone else who doesn't plan on trying to get better.

just quit the smash scene, seriously. the way i see it your not willing to put forth the effort for smash but to hang out with people so just quit smash and quit wasting my time to play people like yourself who seem unmotivated or unwilling to try and get better.

people who lack a goal go nowhere, and i haven't seen you motivated to play smash for however long so your just wasting your time.

dekline i think everything should be 5 dollars, we haven't had a tourney that has had a 10 dollar entry fee for sometime now.

on another note is david hosting games tonight? i heard rumors but no solid answers from anyone whether it was happening or not.


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2006
omaha, NE
Uli and anyone else who doesn't plan on trying to get better.

just quit the smash scene, seriously. the way i see it your not willing to put forth the effort for smash but to hang out with people so just quit smash and quit wasting my time to play people like yourself who seem unmotivated or unwilling to try and get better.

people who lack a goal go nowhere, and i haven't seen you motivated to play smash for however long so your just wasting your time.
well there goes all of the smash scene am i right LOLOLOL

well mister JBfuckingM

im sorry i waste your time even though when i play i generally try my hardest when we play our main chars and shit and try to get better but apparently not
im sorry i have to work on weekends and at night so i cant come out to every smashfest even though i make it to to 90% of them
im sorry im not showing the effort to get better
im sorry im not as good as everyone else
im sorry that id rather not pay 10 dollars at a local tourny with the same people we play everyday
im sorry that im not going to give you my money
im sorry your just worried about your self and not trying to help other people out and just simply giving up on everyone else
im sorry i simply enjoy the game and hanging out with people
im sorry i enjoy wasting my time with friends playing games
im sorry i dont go to all the out of state tournaments even though i think ive been to everyone we've gone to thus far
im sorry smash is serious fucking business even though we NEVER go out of state to prove anything
im sorry JBfuckingM

I haven't set up my PS3 internet yet, I probably should. I'm just lazzzy.

What games you got for it YOULAI!?
just blazblue and sf4 at the moment
probably all ill play on there for now


Smash Champion
Oct 16, 2004
Land of Oz
Rough...mcgruff? I only played cause I was playin with my friends, and was still decent. Keep it up uli :p


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2008
0-0 seems I missed an interesting chat

melee will be $5 since that's what ppl seem to want it to be

and would anyone be down for a $1 64 tourney? just for shits & giggles?

JBM falcon08

Smash Master
Jan 24, 2006
glenwood iowa
Uli i'm not just worried about myself, its that i've heard several people say i am givin up on melee when there is clearly a competitive scene left and i hear others say you just simply play to play and don't care at all about getting better (you've even told me this).

i realize everyone has a life outside of smash and i know being serious about smash is not always fun but lately i feel that people are playing the game at a "friendly level" therefore wasting my time. I am a competitive video gamer, i don't enjoy games unless something is at stake unless its after tourney anymore. FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO PLAY CHARS THAT ARENT COMPETITIVE I WILL NOT PLAY WITH YOU LOL! You haven't neccesarily wasted my time but i know you have talent and it annoys me when talent exist and people don't use it.

so i guess as others, i will be playing less smash because most people don't like to play competitive for very long. I try to win every friendly because

1. i want to be the best
2. i don't want to wait 1-2 turns before i play again

Hate me or disagree with me but realize this is what i'm all about.


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2006
omaha, NE
okay everyone this is plan
we play joke chars only against jbm and play for serious against each other


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2009
JBM got fucking owned LMFAO! You dont fuck with Uli. He'll own your punk ass like no one's business.

And for the record. I only play Smash because I honestly feel obligated (lol nerd) and because Im only friends with Smash folk for the most part. I play to have fun more than anything. Getting better just happens with time. Its not nothing you really gotta focus on unless youre ********.

And what exactly is this joke char shit? I use Samus all day long and I can beat all you punks.
Realize that I said "can" not "will."


Smash Ace
Oct 3, 2005
Nebraska smash
wow JBM I have no idea what to really say to you.
I'm a very competitive gamer
I just like to win at EVERYTHING not just one game
I guarantee you if you were to take random fighting/shooter games over the years and challenge me I will win a large majority
I simply have the desire to play char's I like as oppose to wanting to win (that may be because with my brothers and Devon I've always kicked enough *** to play whoever the **** I wanted)
I kick *** at Halo 3
I kick *** at Tomorrow Never Dies
I kick *** at SSB
I'm really good at SSBM
I'm really good at SCIV
really in general I kick ***
I don't have the drive to try and learn marth falco fox falcon or shiek just to win
I love fun!
fun is winning fun is losing fun is who you're with


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2009
Im glad all we Nebraskans are on the same side on this shit. Really, the hate comment came out of no where and was pretty stupid and uncalled for. E-drama FTW though XD


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2007
Ames, Iowa
okay everyone this is plan
we play joke chars only against jbm and play for serious against each other
LMAO too good!

yeah i got MGS4 and Killzone 2 for now. Eventually i might get blazeblue. MAYBE.

JBM - harsh man. Just harsh. I enjoy playing competitively but, I enjoy just playing for fun more. Random that you just called out Uli on that though.


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2009
I harshly consider you not play with us anymore then as we all play to have fun and have a good time. Honestly, you are coming off as a dude who takes this game more serious than life right now.

(-) Respect.


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa
People that play video games just for serious business and not for fun are the biggggest nerds.
Also didn't PC say that if you don't have fun playing the game you're just going to hit a brick wall?


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2008
Who else other than JBM can bring a full setup next saturday? We'd need 3 at least or the tourney'll take hella long


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2007
Ames, Iowa
I generally don't do things I don't have fun with, if it can be avoided. No offense jbm, lighten up. haha


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2009
Anyone read about Genesis? Armada from Europe got 2nd. He sent M2K, Shiz and Mango to the Losers Bracket. He also used Peach.

EDIT: I just got back home from MN :D

JBM falcon08

Smash Master
Jan 24, 2006
glenwood iowa
pretty sure mango didn't lose a set tyser.


******, punishing, sexy combos=fun
^what it takes to do these things= be good at the game and take it seriously.

all i'm saying is that as a whole it seems like the competitive scene for smash is dying around here because no one has the desire to do better. If i keep winning even though as ian has said i've gotten worse, i'm going to say that my desire to be amazing is going down because the people i play with aren't beating me.

my best was AFTER smeesh had beat me after so many months at jokers and from that point i knew that i was going to get better to make a distinct seperation b/w he and i. ever since ev52 things have been goin down hill.

i hope i'm not the only one who feels that way.

basically beat me is what i'm saying :)


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2009
Im pretty sure Mango did lose a set to Armada (2-3; Winners Final), JBM. I was twittering the shit out of Genesis so dont even question me about that. Yes, I resorted to twitter, pretty gay I know XD.

Also, we're still dwelling on this ******** ass shit? Stupid . . . How about this. Our scene is one gigantic joke. It is apparent that we no longer wish to take this game very seriously anymore. If you wanna get better, I suggest you go and look for some other serious gamers such as yourself instead of pleading your case to a bunch of people who obviously could care less.

On a more productive note, I only plan on going to GigaBrawl if Matt goes now. Im no longer going to SMYM since I have a wedding to go to in Arkansas. Even if there wasnt a wedding I wasnt gonna go though. Fuckin 8 hour drives are the worst ever. I think after GigaBrawl Im done with tournaments.

JBM falcon08

Smash Master
Jan 24, 2006
glenwood iowa
i thought people competed for the purpose of competition and proving one's self.

what is your definition of competitive gaming? because the way i see it you still haven't proven yourself as what you would like to say "the best" in your area.

i guess that if i don't have to depend on you well then you are indeed "just a smashbuddy" buddy :)

the greater question also is what are you hoping to accomplish while playing smash? to just keep playing and not thinking out or looking for ways to beat someone/get better?

i think your wasting your time.


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2009
I dunno what youre talking about now. Youre changing the subject. Read my previous posts and you will find that nothing that Ive said thus far has been about me (besides the "I play to have a good time" part). But Ill react to your post I suppose.

i thought people competed for the purpose of competition and proving one's self.
They do and so do we. People dont play a fighting game wanting to lose. Dont be dumb.

what is your definition of competitive gaming?
Gaming to be half way mediocre just like everybody in Nebraska/Iowa. Just because people dont progress as quickly as you doesnt mean you gotta be a dick about it. Learn a bit of patience, kid.

the way i see it you still haven't proven yourself as what you would like to say "the best" in your area.
Id say Ive proven myself pretty decently actually. Smeesh is/was the best in the area. Ive beaten him in the last 3 or 4 tournaments. The only people I ever lose to in seriouslies is Echo, Smeesh and you. I mean, I like to believe Im the best in the area but I know people wouldnt like it if I walked around saying it all the time especially when its only my opinion on the subject. Others may believe Im not very good, that's their opinion. I believe Ive proven that Im the best in Nebraska but thats for everyone else to decide and if they disagree with me that is perfectly fine.

i guess that if i don't have to depend on you well then you are indeed "just a smashbuddy" buddy.
If you wanna break friendship over a video game be my guest. Harshly childish but thats your problem.

the greater question also is what are you hoping to accomplish while playing smash? to just keep playing and not thinking out or looking for ways to beat someone/get better?
Accomplish while playing Smash? This is just a video game where one cartoon character beats up another cartoon character. To answer the question though, to be better and to have fun, both of which Ive probably stated more than 3 times already. Youve seen how I play and you know who I am, you already know the answer to the second question.

i think your wasting your time.
Hanging out with friends is technically me wasting my time, so I suppose I am wasting my time. Id rather waste time with friends than waste time playing a video all by myself though, which is what youre gonna be doing for the next while.

E-drama XD

EDIT: Are games happening this week? Id like to play some games for fun, not serious games, but for fun as in we all smile and have a good time and laugh and stuff. As in not serious, but maybe a little bit.
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