best TO in the state getting no credit as always.
i'd like to remind everyone about intimikill 1, where 28 players were OOS and 5 were local. gg OK melee, keep complaining about not seeing baller melee tournaments because you missed them.
it's easy for me to pump up and round up our region and the midwest, the problem has always been the flakiness of OK players. i've even had people hit me up personally to ask about tournaments since then, from scenes that haven't been out since ohsnap 2/3 days. but it's not on me to try to save ok's melee scene. i actually already tried and it stagnated, and coming back again i was disappointed to see it turned into everyone waiting and complaining. outlaw's got his crew back into it and is training up young blood, even has 1 person out in michigan on swf now learning with the midwest. will's about brawl. i'm not really here. norman has fallen off the map; no attempted JAMS relation/integration or in any way involving any part of the OU community? i know it's hard after losing forest, brett, and yawara in very dif ways, but did you just let all potential that all 3 who had worked very hard had tried to set up go to waste? and okc has done 0 things in like 3 years, none of you get to complain about the scene, even norman's failings.
we've never been the east coast: traveling is rare, states and regions don't often talk to each other or hype each other's tournaments, and the player base doesn't extend quite as far -> EC gets new players all the time to replace the old schoolers, who still show their face to see old friends now and again. however, we always had ways to make up for it. no one besides me even planned for FC. what happened to planning occasional travels and pumping OOSers there up for our own regional esque tourneys. what happened to the scene that was so active we pissed off our old mentally handicapped SO-MAD mods and got our entire thread banned!?
I warned OK that things would have to be stepped up when i originally vacated the state, especially since coty had left around the same time, and thankfully for the scene there were people like yawara, brett, hanson, and forest ready to do what they could for the scene. but each time the state got deader and deader, and jer here/bryan+karl south are having trouble rekindling the fire for just smashfests. the STD at jer's was great, and old memories resurfaced of 2006-2009 OK smash where STDs were commonplace. it is harrowing to think that the scene is going to stay the way it has been the past year because we've ran out of Coty's, and no one left is interested in reviving the scene because there's so little to work with. it's sad to see the same thing happening to barlw and i really hope it doesn't just because it's such a lackluster and tragic way for a scene to fall - to shrivel up and float around like a ghost, not fully dead but not really doing anything.
this rant is going to lack a conclusion because i need to bounce, but just a reminder to everyone complaining/whining or waiting for me/yawara to do something or even those doing the same as ***** *** hazy over here reminiscing about the past like it's still pertinent: remembering, waiting, complaining - these are all ways to handle the scene, but contain no ways to fix the scene. if anyone wants to plan a smashfest, don't talk about it once - POST EVERY DAY AND PM AND BOTHER THE HELL OUT OF PEOPLE. if anyone wants to host a tournament, don't wait around or subtly mention you're interested - GET OUT AND LOOK AT VENUES AND RULESETS AND GIVE HAZY/SARS/SPAW A CALL OR A PM, NOT A SHOUTOUT ON THE BOARDS. and if you want to revitalize the scene, don't spend your entire smash career making time/job/responsibility johns as often as you can because an event isn't huge enough sans you (ps, it's like voting, there's generally several people who don't commit because they don't think it's going to be a huge event, causing the event not to be huge because it's missing several people) - GO TO WHATEVER YOU CAN AND MAKE THE TIME/USE SOME OF WHAT LITTLE TIME YOU HAVE TO INVEST SOME EFFORT INTO HELPING AND SUPPORTING EVENTS AND THE PEOPLE WORKING ON THEM.
smokey the goose says drink your milk, don't start forum fires or flamewars, and encourages everyone to get high on lombardi. be back in a few days, call me or pm me if you want to play some melee/steam games/card games/anything 3rd-7th gen console gaming that's fun.
oh and ps:
chris, you fggt let's hang out.
i think we're doing a dope job of accidentally detering cactuarz lol.