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Oklahoma Thread: Weekly events for all games in OKC and Tulsa


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
I think the line up now is Hanson, Kyle (bwamp), and you Po. So one/two more spots are opened up.


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2008
hey i may head up to dallas a week before ohsnap (anytime from aug 3rd-8th or so), anytime in that range fit better for the dallas people? i left my controller in your car.


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2008
one tiny problem, will doesn't have an sd reader, i said i would have it for him the next time i went there. i do have it, but i forgot the sd card =/

kosmos, i used the files i took from your sd card and put in the file replacement code. however, the portraits still look like the regular ones that came w/ the game. what did i do wrong?


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Daniel, a question just occurred to me: would you give Wario gastric bypass surgery?

Will, sorry I wasn't able to make it out to your place today. However, I should be able to tomorrow. Or would either of your parents be able to swing by my place, given the address? If not, that's fine.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 1, 2008
Oklahoma City,Oklahoma
Daniel, a question just occurred to me: would you give Wario gastric bypass surgery?

Will, sorry I wasn't able to make it out to your place today. However, I should be able to tomorrow. Or would either of your parents be able to swing by my place, given the address? If not, that's fine.
Tomorrow is cool man.

IC's are fun to play with <3

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
I was going to post this in the MK Vote Thread, but it would just get buried/ignored/ridiculed there, and I feel it's more important to post it here.

I've fought a long, hard, and seemingly impossible battle trying to climb to the top of the skill mountain in Smash... I've been Ken Comboed, Shine-Spiked, Falcon Punched, Down-Smashed, Pillar'd, Laser Spammed, Up-throw-to-Up-aired, Up-tilted, and of course, Shuttle-Loop'd. I've also been gimped, oh gawd how I have been gimped over the years... :mad:

The point is, I've lost more matches and in more ways than I think one man ever should. Yet, despite the seemingly obvious fact that I am a loser, and apparently will always be so, I have always, ALWAYS gotten back up, dusted myself off and tried to do better the next time.

Even though I have failed to do 'better' than my constant string of defeats, I never once questioned my reasoning, my belief that, at the end of the day, skill and guts would always overcome even the most debilitating of odds... Somewhere, deep down underneath all the frustration and setbacks, I STILL believe that.

However, watching this community, be it the lowliest scrub, or a seasoned vet with more tourney wins than all of us combined, tear itself apart over this MK nonsense has finally struck a nerve I didn't think I had: The 'I can't do this anymore' nerve.

I've spent pretty much every day since Brawl came out, hell, since I first unlocked Luigi in the original Super Smash Bros. on N64 trying to win with my character of choice. I don't even remember why I started using Luigi in the first place, maybe it was to one-up my cousin who would always beat me with Mario, maybe it was the pink color, maybe, just MAYBE it was the first time I used his Up-B at close range and performed 'SHORYUKEN'... Who knows... ;)

The point is, I've never had much use for or care for 'Tiers'... They mean nothing to someone who is entirely devoted and loyal to their character. If I can't play and win with MY character, then why the hell would I even bother to pick up a controller? If someone beats me with Marth or Fox, well then they must just be a better player than me, and its up to me to not let that **** happen again by getting better.

Metaknight, yeah that ***** has beaten me more times than any other character. Yeah, I've grumbled about my opponents' lack of skill or the fact that MK is ridiculously overpowered in comparison to my character, but never once did I use that as an excuse for my defeat. If I lose, then I lost because the other guy wanted it more, or outsmarted me somehow. However, random-*** Shuttle Loop kills at 20% stretches the limits of what I can accept as a 'clean' loss.

When a dude who was clearly getting his *** beat from one end of Battlefield to the other starts Planking and stalling and then gets desperate when you won't take the cheese and starts randomly lashing out with the Loop, catching you with a single, tiny, almost invisible pixel of an invincible hitbox and you go hurtling off the stage as if you were just Donkey Punched at 300% IN THE OPPOSITE GOD****ED DIRECTION YOU WERE HIT IN, then yeah, something's wrong.

At first, I thought that maybe there was something I was doing wrong, maybe I didn't space myself properly, maybe I tried to instictively counter attack once I saw the start-up frames, maybe I just suck... No, Shuttle Loop is broken. An absolutely, irredeemably broken move that can kill at 0%, the ultimate cheese move. A Bailout button for someone who can't otherwise win. A skill-crutch, an EASY button.

I can't count how many times I've had Bryan or some other Metaknight cornered, at high percent, last stock... I've pulled every last single trick I know as a Luigi main to force it to this moment, my opponent is totally on the ropes, he's nervous, he's scared, he can't figure out how this Luigi has managed to hang on this long, he's incredulous at the fact that this peon who has never won a tournament in his life has pushed him THIS hard. He has gimped him, out-prioritized him, baited and punished... and yet, here he is, with his last stock remaining by only a thread of a percent, actually moving TOWARD his doom, with absolutely NO FEAR, prepared to risk everything on this last ditch offensive. 'He does not fear me? Why does he keep trying so hard? Wait, is he actually ahead? Could I really lose? BUT I'M METAKNIGHT! I CAN'T LOSE!!!"

It is in that moment of desperation, when they realize they can no longer intimidate or stall, when their back is to the wall, that they unleash that one final desperate act: SHUTTLE LOOP! WHETHER I HIT HIM OR NOT, SHUTTLE LOOP! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, UP-B SAVE ME!! Were this a Marth, it would not work, I would see it coming and shield the Dolphin Slash and then finish them with a flaming uppercut of victory. But not so for the Knight of Meta. Even if I block his initial assault, he will just loop around and strike at me with his gliding attack... BUT WHAT'S THIS?!? Po knew it was coming?! He shields again and prepares to deliver a pizza, BUT NO, THIS *** SHUTTLE LOOPS AGAIN, and this time my shield is too weak to stop it, I get shield poked, but seeing as he's been desperately spamming these things all match, there's no way it will kill me, I'll just momentum cancel and return to the stage...wait a second, WHY AM I GOING THE OTHER DIRECTION AT 500MPH?

OH. ****. ME.

I can't deal with that indignity any longer. I'm sooo tired of fighting my heart out and losing. Soo tired of having to patiently wait for my opponent to stop being a coward and face me on the stage because he got caught with a combo. So very, very tired of giving everything, and getting nothing in return.

That's why after OHSNAP, I'm going back to where things make ****ing sense. Back to a world where if you **** up, you get punished HARD. Where if you keep your wits about you, you can mount a comeback with zero health and no meter.

I'm going back to real 2D fighters. But before I go, I'm going to take my character as far as we can go. Let's-a go, Luigi. One last time, for all time.


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2008
Were this a Marth, it would not work
I would disagree with that.

As for my .02, I honestly dont think he should be banned. Yes, hes fast. and yes, hes strong. but that doesn't mean that hes unstoppable.

I have seen countless people in friendlies and tournaments go, "okay time for the guaranteed win" or something along those lines and go MK. Im sure everybody has seen somebody do this at one time or another, and what ends up happening? In my experience people often lose worse than with their own main.

Okay, MK is banned. now what? every MK user could go on to characters like DDD, or G&W. are we goin to ban DDD next cause he can chain throw every character?

Oh yeah, i voted "no". and may make accounts just to vote no more times haha.

just skimmed through the arguments, and i honestly think that the anti ban does make a better argument. and whats going on outside the US?! I want to play these guys if the top players arent mk!

this post doesn't make much sense i dont think, but ill edit it on a post by post basis.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 19, 2008
Dallas, TX
Bad anti-ban arguments are so bad, Tom...read them again.

Saying that a character is allowed to have a huge amount of advantages but is beatable is simply just comparing that character to a final boss of a game: Not impossible to beat, but sure as hell of a hard time to deal with. I suppose that is why they are the boss. And in competitive context, allowing the use of a boss-like character is obviously an unfair advantage for those who chose not to use him.

I'm probably wasting my time.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
I would disagree with that.

As for my .02, I honestly dont think he should be banned. Yes, hes fast. and yes, hes strong. but that doesn't mean that hes unstoppable.

I have seen countless people in friendlies and tournaments go, "okay time for the guaranteed win" or something along those lines and go MK. Im sure everybody has seen somebody do this at one time or another, and what ends up happening? In my experience people often lose worse than with their own main.

Okay, MK is banned. now what? every MK user could go on to characters like DDD, or G&W. are we goin to ban DDD next cause he can chain throw every character?

Oh yeah, i voted "no". and may make accounts just to vote no more times haha.

just skimmed through the arguments, and i honestly think that the anti ban does make a better argument. and whats going on outside the US?! I want to play these guys if the top players arent mk!

this post doesn't make much sense i dont think, but ill edit it on a post by post basis.
ddd CAN'T chain throw EVERY character, fox, falco, and a maybe a few others that I can't think of oof the top of my head, hit the ground and ddd can't cg em again.

plus, ddd CAN BE Counterpicked, stages, or like i just said, with other characters, mk this could NOT be done.

mk destroys the whole CP system of brawl because you CAN'T really cp him, there are no stages that are techniclly bad for him, nor any other matchups, mk at only has at most like a few(3? at best.) "even" matchups, and one is against himself, and those other "even" matchups, can be taking away if the MK chooses a stage that THOSE characters do bad on.

my main reason wanting him banned, he ruins the entire system of cping.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2006
I was going to post this in the MK Vote Thread, but it would just get buried/ignored/ridiculed there, and I feel it's more important to post it here.

I've fought a long, hard, and seemingly impossible battle trying to climb to the top of the skill mountain in Smash... I've been Ken Comboed, Shine-Spiked, Falcon Punched, Down-Smashed, Pillar'd, Laser Spammed, Up-throw-to-Up-aired, Up-tilted, and of course, Shuttle-Loop'd. I've also been gimped, oh gawd how I have been gimped over the years... :mad:

The point is, I've lost more matches and in more ways than I think one man ever should. Yet, despite the seemingly obvious fact that I am a loser, and apparently will always be so, I have always, ALWAYS gotten back up, dusted myself off and tried to do better the next time.

Even though I have failed to do 'better' than my constant string of defeats, I never once questioned my reasoning, my belief that, at the end of the day, skill and guts would always overcome even the most debilitating of odds... Somewhere, deep down underneath all the frustration and setbacks, I STILL believe that.

However, watching this community, be it the lowliest scrub, or a seasoned vet with more tourney wins than all of us combined, tear itself apart over this MK nonsense has finally struck a nerve I didn't think I had: The 'I can't do this anymore' nerve.

I've spent pretty much every day since Brawl came out, hell, since I first unlocked Luigi in the original Super Smash Bros. on N64 trying to win with my character of choice. I don't even remember why I started using Luigi in the first place, maybe it was to one-up my cousin who would always beat me with Mario, maybe it was the pink color, maybe, just MAYBE it was the first time I used his Up-B at close range and performed 'SHORYUKEN'... Who knows... ;)

The point is, I've never had much use for or care for 'Tiers'... They mean nothing to someone who is entirely devoted and loyal to their character. If I can't play and win with MY character, then why the hell would I even bother to pick up a controller? If someone beats me with Marth or Fox, well then they must just be a better player than me, and its up to me to not let that **** happen again by getting better.

Metaknight, yeah that ***** has beaten me more times than any other character. Yeah, I've grumbled about my opponents' lack of skill or the fact that MK is ridiculously overpowered in comparison to my character, but never once did I use that as an excuse for my defeat. If I lose, then I lost because the other guy wanted it more, or outsmarted me somehow. However, random-*** Shuttle Loop kills at 20% stretches the limits of what I can accept as a 'clean' loss.

When a dude who was clearly getting his *** beat from one end of Battlefield to the other starts Planking and stalling and then gets desperate when you won't take the cheese and starts randomly lashing out with the Loop, catching you with a single, tiny, almost invisible pixel of an invincible hitbox and you go hurtling off the stage as if you were just Donkey Punched at 300% IN THE OPPOSITE GOD****ED DIRECTION YOU WERE HIT IN, then yeah, something's wrong.

At first, I thought that maybe there was something I was doing wrong, maybe I didn't space myself properly, maybe I tried to instictively counter attack once I saw the start-up frames, maybe I just suck... No, Shuttle Loop is broken. An absolutely, irredeemably broken move that can kill at 0%, the ultimate cheese move. A Bailout button for someone who can't otherwise win. A skill-crutch, an EASY button.

I can't count how many times I've had Bryan or some other Metaknight cornered, at high percent, last stock... I've pulled every last single trick I know as a Luigi main to force it to this moment, my opponent is totally on the ropes, he's nervous, he's scared, he can't figure out how this Luigi has managed to hang on this long, he's incredulous at the fact that this peon who has never won a tournament in his life has pushed him THIS hard. He has gimped him, out-prioritized him, baited and punished... and yet, here he is, with his last stock remaining by only a thread of a percent, actually moving TOWARD his doom, with absolutely NO FEAR, prepared to risk everything on this last ditch offensive. 'He does not fear me? Why does he keep trying so hard? Wait, is he actually ahead? Could I really lose? BUT I'M METAKNIGHT! I CAN'T LOSE!!!"

It is in that moment of desperation, when they realize they can no longer intimidate or stall, when their back is to the wall, that they unleash that one final desperate act: SHUTTLE LOOP! WHETHER I HIT HIM OR NOT, SHUTTLE LOOP! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, UP-B SAVE ME!! Were this a Marth, it would not work, I would see it coming and shield the Dolphin Slash and then finish them with a flaming uppercut of victory. But not so for the Knight of Meta. Even if I block his initial assault, he will just loop around and strike at me with his gliding attack... BUT WHAT'S THIS?!? Po knew it was coming?! He shields again and prepares to deliver a pizza, BUT NO, THIS *** SHUTTLE LOOPS AGAIN, and this time my shield is too weak to stop it, I get shield poked, but seeing as he's been desperately spamming these things all match, there's no way it will kill me, I'll just momentum cancel and return to the stage...wait a second, WHY AM I GOING THE OTHER DIRECTION AT 500MPH?

OH. ****. ME.

I can't deal with that indignity any longer. I'm sooo tired of fighting my heart out and losing. Soo tired of having to patiently wait for my opponent to stop being a coward and face me on the stage because he got caught with a combo. So very, very tired of giving everything, and getting nothing in return.

That's why after OHSNAP, I'm going back to where things make ****ing sense. Back to a world where if you **** up, you get punished HARD. Where if you keep your wits about you, you can mount a comeback with zero health and no meter.

I'm going back to real 2D fighters. But before I go, I'm going to take my character as far as we can go. Let's-a go, Luigi. One last time, for all time.
i voted no


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2005
Fuyuki City
I voted no because I just plan on playing him if I continue to play this game. There is literally NO reason to play any other character.

I feel the same way brandon does. I'm not 'quiting' mind you; its just that my main focus is going to be on blazblue and other 2D fighters after OHSNAP. I enjoy the competitive nature of those games alot more than I do smash right now.


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2008
ddd CAN'T chain throw EVERY character, fox, falco, and a maybe a few others that I can't think of oof the top of my head, hit the ground and ddd can't cg em again.

plus, ddd CAN BE Counterpicked, stages, or like i just said, with other characters, mk this could NOT be done.

mk destroys the whole CP system of brawl because you CAN'T really cp him, there are no stages that are techniclly bad for him, nor any other matchups, mk at only has at most like a few(3? at best.) "even" matchups, and one is against himself, and those other "even" matchups, can be taking away if the MK chooses a stage that THOSE characters do bad on.

my main reason wanting him banned, he ruins the entire system of cping.
i could really care less. Actually as a falco player, if more people were to pick ddd, it would probably work in my favor. but id like to learn more about the mk matchup.

the argument said that mk can do poorly on stages. however, im sure if you picked those stages, you would lose anyway.

Van Jones

Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2008
Leander, TX
I voted no because I just plan on playing him if I continue to play this game. There is literally NO reason to play any other character.
Wait, what? Isn't that one of the main points of the ban? Supposedly, without him, there WILL be a reason to use other characters.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2006
Shine Blockaz Central
LOL, that is sort of circular reasoning.

Anyway, I'm here to get a final head count on people interested in heading down to Houston with Brandon and me, so I can settle housing with Allan. My girlfriend and I were in a car accident on Monday (she hydroplaned and rear-ended someone), and the airbag snapped my phone in half while I was in the middle of calling someone back; needless to say, this will be my primary form of contact 'til I get a new Palm Pre. Chris, Paul - are either of you still down?


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2005
Fuyuki City
That's true but since he really has no counterpicks and he does well on basically every stage, then he's the character for me. I don't want to learn three or more characters because I'm being counterpicked all the time if he gets banned (IMO thats what this game will turn into if MK gets banned). I admit I am being selfish in my argument and might recieve flames because of it but this is the way I feel...

I honestly enjoy playing as MK and I think I'm pretty good with him. As long as he is allowed in tourny play I will play as him, because he's just overall the best character in the game.

Yes you can play as Diddy and do well in tourny, but once you run into metaknight, you might be able to squeeze a win in but chances are meta will come out on top. Falco can hold his own against the majority of the cast but again, once he runs into a metaknight that knows what to do in that matchup, chances are meta will again come out the victor.

Should he banned? Probably.

Do I want him banned? No, because I want to start winning (again this is me being selfish).

Will I still play this game if he gets banned? Most likely, but it will probably be because I enjoy hanging out with you guys and the rest of the smash community too much to quit. I'll probably just find a good high tier and stick with him.

EDIT: Hanson, Brandon wants me to come to HOBO so I guess I'll go. Not to hyped about it to be honest but it might be fun.:)


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
God this drama is so old.

If people are gonna retire, don't drag the rest of us into this jeezuz.

The first post I have in the Oklahoma thread deals with Po's retirement for Christ sake. I went from like 9th to like 5th on the Oklahoma PR in a day cause everyone decided to retire simultaneously. ****'s old, no one cares anymore honestly, and even focus in other fighting games will get you to complain about things.

The only perfect fighting game is one where all characters are broken or one where only one character exists so you only have to ditto. Otherwise, imbalances will exist whether or not you like it.


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
In Another Dimension...
LOL, that is sort of circular reasoning.

Anyway, I'm here to get a final head count on people interested in heading down to Houston with Brandon and me, so I can settle housing with Allan. My girlfriend and I were in a car accident on Monday (she hydroplaned and rear-ended someone), and the airbag snapped my phone in half while I was in the middle of calling someone back; needless to say, this will be my primary form of contact 'til I get a new Palm Pre. Chris, Paul - are either of you still down?
**** u got upsmashed


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2005
Fuyuki City
God this drama is so old.

If people are gonna retire, don't drag the rest of us into this jeezuz.

The first post I have in the Oklahoma thread deals with Po's retirement for Christ sake. I went from like 9th to like 5th on the Oklahoma PR in a day cause everyone decided to retire simultaneously. ****'s old, no one cares anymore honestly, and even focus in other fighting games will get you to complain about things.

The only perfect fighting game is one where all characters are broken or one where only one character exists so you only have to ditto. Otherwise, imbalances will exist whether or not you like it.
Also true that most competitive games are imbalanced but here's the thing...the characters that were labeled "unfair" or "cheap" in fighting games were beatable (Fox in melee, Chun Li in 3rd Strike, Sagat in SF4). People will ***** and moan about characters in about every competitive game you play, its just a fact of life.

Some characters are so broken that they might warrent a ban or temp ban. Meta is the subject of that topic.

We are debating on whether or not he should be banned.

I'll edit this post later, I have to get back to work.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2006
Shine Blockaz Central
LOL. Keith, since Chris is going now (again), you're going to have to do the right thing: ditch Gea and team with Flip. =)

Quivo? DEAD
Reflex? DEAD
All Falcos in attendance? DEAD

HOBO 17 is going to be a walk around a small velvet cake.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
I feel the same way brandon does. I'm not 'quiting' mind you; its just that my main focus is going to be on blazblue and other 2D fighters SUPER SMASH BROTHERS MELEE after OHSNAP. I enjoy the competitive nature of those games alot more than I do smash BRAWL right now.
fixed. you're welcome.

also, shin akuma...not that it isn't thrown out enough for argument but yeh. mk isn't the reason i don't play brawl anyway but...meh.
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