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OH SNAP! v4.0 - Sexcellente Southwest ROYAL RUMBLE! [11-22-2008]

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The Real Inferno

Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2008
Wichita, KS
*facepalms* pay no attention to Stealth Raptor someone let him out of his cage XD

I'm hearby challenging Dojo to a My Little Pony Deathmatch at OH SNAP! His Metaknight vs my "Whatever". Loser has to wear a piece of My Little Pony Merchandise the rest of the day! =D

I demand this challenge be accepted as Dojo has insulted the ponies.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
I quick little update.

whoever houses me and kalo and seth....plz include tyle. hes our driver.....LOL

also, kalo mains MARTH.



Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Dang, I was gonna house Xyro with Shade cause I think 3 people could fit there, but I guess he'll go to Thien or something.


Smash Lord
Mar 27, 2006
Oh wait, this has brawl in the tournament. Now I dont know if I want to go to this. Is it a one day event?
Mar 18, 2007
oklahoma has disapointed me :( instead of embracing brawl as another step in smash history they fight between themselves which is better melee or brawl. tisk tisk my former oklahoma people. embrace not discrace.
cept pablo
he sandbags


Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
nxt to Dphat wit all dem azn biches
I can possibly get 6 KC brawlers out.
Me for sure
Duck^ (ROB)
Jace (Falco / Pit)
Artik (Snake) Maybe?
Arkivezero (Link / Luigi) Maybe?
8bit (kirby) Maybe?

I'll run it by all of them tomorrow

Jun 29, 2006
Oklahoma City
Brawl vs. Melee ? Still? Seriously?


Can't Melee players...you know...go play Melee and stop whining?

Anyway, to the point of my post. I'll be bringing at least 3 other Brawlers, possibly 4-5.
The Don (G&W)
RobbieDarkness (Wario)
Skrulz (Ike)
For sure, these 3 will be coming along with me. Maybe more, but most likely not.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
I don't even see why people keep talking about it when only one guy mentioned it.

But if you insist, perfect reason as to why Melee isn't dead? Melee never had to force character bans in order to make things fair in less than a year. Also, Event 52.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
I don't even see why people keep talking about it when only one guy mentioned it.

But if you insist, perfect reason as to why Melee isn't dead? Melee never had to force character bans in order to make things fair in less than a year. Also, Event 52.
Remember how they thought they'd have to with Sheik?


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Not really since Sheiks were never actually dominant in any tournaments. The only good Sheiks that were out during the beginning was like Recipherus. After that, the only good Sheiks were like DSF and maybe Azen? Japanese Sheiks play in Japan, and CJ always said Masashi was better than him and aside form that, the only other American Sheiks that were prominent in the beginning were, what, Neo? And Hayato, CalleW, and random Ninja Turtle members?

The only thing that was discussed was banning chaingrabbing, but people got over that really quickly when they found out she only chaingrabs bad characters anyway.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005

Yeah. Melee was a game that depended less on characters and more on player strengths. People thought about getting rid of "cheap" tactics as a quick fix to increase low tier play, however that never happened and as a result, low tier mains are amazing in melee. They might not have the best shot at winning, but man they're ridiculous.

But anyways, therefore Melee never had a dominant character, just dominant presences. The closest we have to a dominant character is Ken, but at that time, the only players equal to him in skill weren't Marth mains also. Azen played Marth, but was likely to counterpick all the time which left Neo and Husband as the only two other possible Marth player (but of course, Ken was on another level). But the argument for Marth being dominant sticks today cause of players like M2K, but if events like FAST1, OC3, etc are proof of anything, it's that it really depends less on characters and more on players.

Counterpicks in Melee are growing less and less in Melee. Now the game has shifted to respect single character mains more than multi-character players.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Neo was amazing. Husband, notsomuch.

I still think Fox is the single-best character after watching PC super-gay every single one of M2K's stocks at OC3, but even then, he's beatable.

It's interesting that the game has shifted from CP to single-character. Is it because of the lack of players, or has our little ol' community finally grown up?

Shiiiiiiiit, now I wanna get my Roy back in shape for the Melee tournament here. Eff Peach. Sheik is still dope, though. Needle cancelling is the single most fun thing in the game.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
It's not the lack of players, it's more about the evolution of individual players. Before people didn't understand their characters fully and had negative perceptions.

For example, Sheik counters Marth. Jiggs counters Fox. Peach counters Fox. Etc.

All of these imbalances through experience and knowledge were taken away, and players started dissecting matchups much better. It's not so much now that CP and natural character advantages don't work anymore. It's that players have invested so much time into single characters that they're able to use one against the entire roster much easier especially because of: increased knowledge with DI and Stage Counter picks. Now, Sheik vs Marth isn't a counter pick, Jiggs might be countered by Fox, and Peach players hate Fox players.

If anything, Melee's community has grown to a point where it's hard to find "bad" players. All players to a degree know what they ought to do, how they ought to play with a character, and see what they need to incorporate into their game that's new. Cause of this, Melee has grown into what it is today though that isn't to say that exceptions to the rule don't exist. But it should be stated that these exceptions don't always work out.

Take PC Chris for example vs M2K at Long Island. PC went: Falco, Fox, Peach, Sheik, Falcon against M2K over two sets and nearly took it cause PC's just such a smart player. However, later on PC Chris realized it was much easier and smarter just to go single Fox vs Marth out right and win. Also, at FAST1, Dashizwiz decided to counterpick using Fox on FD (don't know why he didn't go YS) versus Cort's Peach and was *****. If anything, this really shows that while Counterpicks can be applicable to some extent, when you get to the top of the game, it's much more difficult to hold your own being varied. In recent memory, Chu Dat is the only one who manages to do so. Everyone else can't.

Also, I agree that Fox is the best character in the game; however, in the entire history of Melee, I find it VERY difficult to name 3 tourneys that Fox has won.

OC3 is one . . .


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Peach only counters bad Fox players. I hate Fox with a passion. D:

I suppose you're right. All this Melee talk makes me wanna play. Too bad CO is weak at Melee now. Stupid Brawl ruining us. D:


Smash Ace
Oct 2, 2005
Phoenix, AZ
Counterpicks in Melee are growing less and less in Melee. Now the game has shifted to respect single character mains more than multi-character players.
obviously, this isnt a melee discussion thread, but id rather it be here than some random thread where it wont be read.

here i must disagree with you. I've always been a spacies main... always. I spent at least 80% of my time on them, and only a small amount to others, mainly falcon...

But since a certain peach player convinced me to go to a tournament that i ended up NOT going to, and I decided to pick up my controller once again and fight off the evils of... um... nevermind

the point is, since then, i've started using marth, peach, shiek, and puff equally to the other three, and often, more so. I've discovered some very interesting things concerning counterpicks.

As you said, low tier mains **** for two reasons. One, their entire metagame, style, mindgames, and tech skill have revolved around their attempt to make up for the weaknesses (and playing to the strengths of), their not as good characters. Two, because when Bum or Taj or Gimpyfish pull out their low-tiers against a fox or a marth in tourney, they have an advantage... EVERYBODY knows how to play against marth and fox, and many other high tiers, but honestly, how many people know how to beat a good mewtwo, or BOWSER for that matter? as far as most people are concerned, theres no such thing as a good bowser.

Some people that can beat my spacies, I beat easily with jigglypuff. If they can beat my marth, they probably can't beat my shiek. i think more people now are using multiple characters. any of the old school players, you can name them and i can tell you what character they played for most of their career. ken played marth, wife peach, krazyjones peach, pc falco, forward falco, dsf shiek, and so on. all of their side characters were picked up much later in their game.

whew... rant of the day... complete


The True Zaft
Aug 17, 2005
how many people are expected to enter Melee? And is this really only on one day? Because I see 5 tournaments listed on the agenda...
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