Edit: Thank you for recognizing your supporters. It wasn't just me who pointed that out though. Glad you're back on track again

And the edit button worked, as I have just edited my post. I beleive it fears me after I ignored it to simply double post since recent encounters with problems. It wants attention, don't give it any? Maybe it works!
Always. Once things slow down here, and I can access each page without getting the 'timed out' message twelve times, I'll have a lot more to say. Good to know you've made the Edit button your *****, I've been working on it, too.
The way that their similarities out-match their differences among the many of them, there is nothing holding them back but that. I would like Midna, Ganon and maybe another Zelda character in Brawl before another Link but I would also feel like we would be getting "ripped-off" in a way. There are two Samus, they may be one character and are interchangable but none the less, two of the same character have been put in this elite cast. Two Links would be as diverse and visually unique just as well.
True, but the similarities between Doc and Mario and Pichu and Pikachu are what rule them out. And while you are right about the two Samus' they have the distinction of being very visually different. With any two Links the primary visual differences revolve around the animation style and age of the character, which could be said of Mario from SMB and Mario from SMG.
Thanks for listing the ages etc of the past Links, that actually clears some foggy corners up. I guess they should have a third Link because "the 14 year old Link is effectively synonymous with Teen Link." That could eliminate the argument on which Link was most often represented. Adult or Young has a thin line. I'm glad you brought up that the two terms (Young and Old) for the same character were made to sepperate the same Link and not just the characters various ages in general to the series. This is where the trouble arises. And I don't think there is an actual answer.
No prob. A few years back we had a topic in the Light House where we discussed these things to death, and someone had posted a list of quotes and in game information giving the ages of each Link. I wish it was still around, I could dig up more. Anyhow, I agree, my friend, there is no answer.
That and age differences aside, the fact that OoT Link is indeed tied to WW Link but is at the same time, ENTIRELY different in appearance and abilities, both in movement and equipment, that a CS version of a Link is required. Whether it be WW or HG, it would only be proper to have one more Link representing that side of the series while still, in a way, being connected to his counterpart. "Adult" TP Link is still a Link but again, other than him being the most recent version of Link,
rAt - "given the fact that whichever Link you insert here *inserting*
(TP Link), he's going to effectively represent himself and only himself?"
But no, I don't know the answer either.
Good point. I suppose my arguements against CS Link aren't based on the fact that I think he'd be a poor represetative of the series, or Links in general, but given that we already have a Link, I can't seem to figure out why our Cell Shading representative needs to be Link.
Redundant is the key word in that quote. Having the various Links wouldn't taint the roster with clones or anything similar. But I see what you mean by having other characters first. As would almost anyone, but when the other characters are in, then the other Link would be the next character in line. And he would be just as unique as the last Challenger Approaching.
When it really comes down to it, having the two Links would either fit ingeniously into the Subspace Emissary or ruin it completely. I hope it all works out for the better. That means CSLinks in Brawl, and everyone is happy because no harm was done.
Bad reference. Robin? Oh my...

By the way, I sigged one of your quotes. It was in a Zelda thread too.
That is another good point about SE. I can just imagine the two Links confronting each other with looks of "WTF??" And I'd say you hit the nail right on the head; I don't see Cell-shaded Link making the roster worse, there is just so much I'd personally want to see first. Now that Olimar is in, if Falco and G&W return, everything else is icing on the cake for me. While I won't ever be on the edge of my seat for CS Link, I will certainly be happy for his fans if he gets in.
After all, we Zelda fans gotta stick together. Except Sheik fanboys. 
On a side note, feel free to quote me any time; especially my obscure Star Wars refernces.