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**Official Titans of Smash (ToS) Crew Thread** We Never Died

Classic Yayo

Smash Cadet
Dec 14, 2007
Brooklyn / Philadelphia
Wow all the love I almost cried a little. Then I remembered that everybody got better than me and I need to practice. I wish that one match that I beat GOTM's fox with my shiek on FD was up. But magically it was corrupted.

AHH the corruption!

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Wow all the love I almost cried a little. Then I remembered that everybody got better than me and I need to practice. I wish that one match that I beat GOTM's fox with my shiek on FD was up. But magically it was corrupted.

AHH the corruption!
one of the vids on the front page (at the bottom of the first post) is one where you beat me. it was an awesome fight, we both played rly good

EDIT: i changed the rankings tourney details a lil. first i made the fixed the 2008 typo that wind pointed out, and i changed the time. since gotm cant show up for a lil bit and it might be a lil bit of a travel for ppl, it now starts at 2pm, not 11am. question for tos members, should we just do friendlies and a rankings tourney, or make a full blown training schedule to work on our game?


Smash Champion
Feb 4, 2007
West Chester, PA
well we have to do the rankings tourney, but i say we do training first (since i might not be there yet, lawls), and then do the tourney at the end of the night. then people will go home.

this gives everyone a chance to warm up and perform their best for the actual tourney

Classic Yayo

Smash Cadet
Dec 14, 2007
Brooklyn / Philadelphia
Wow that just owned my post.

Whats the point of the rankings? We all know who's better than who. Even if we didn't know before after a few friendlies you could tell who has more skill. I think you could use that time to have a few serious matches and get some feedback.

Like a buddy system !!!!!

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
il make u a sig for now yayo, what kinda stuff do u want in it? im bored and i love making sigs. i should make a shop!

also yayo, take scars advice: friendlies dont mean much at all lol. many ppl dont play completely serious in friendlies, such as me sometimes when i play jiggz. i always go for more rests than normal cause i think theyr awesome and im working on my combos to them. i would never go for an off the stage rest in a real match lol.

we dont know how everyone is yet in the crew. none of the members have played everyone yet... i even havn't. we do the rankings tourney by round robin so everyone plays everyone to get the est skill rankings. also, everything is done in sets with counterpicks, which isnt done in friendlies.

the main reason we do the rankings tourney is to know who are the top 5 in our crew to know who we should use in crew battles, but im sure everyone loves the bit of bragging rights that comes out of it. lolz at mexi not being first n e more.

hmmmm i wonder how the rankings will change this time.... is chibo better than mexi now? find out on the next episode of Titans of Smash!

edit: o yea yayo if u wanna see some of my work on sigs, i made the sonic picture in my signature. i also made all the crew stuff, but that didnt rly required skill.


Smash Cadet
Nov 29, 2007
Drexel U. or Sicklerville, NJ
il make u a sig for now yayo, what kinda stuff do u want in it? im bored and i love making sigs. i should make a shop!

u should make me a sig...with a tipper causing a nuke to explode in the bakground

also yayo, take scars advice: friendlies dont mean much at all lol. many ppl dont play completely serious in friendlies, such as me sometimes when i play jiggz. i always go for more rests than normal cause i think theyr awesome and im working on my combos to them. i would never go for an off the stage rest in a real match lol.

Friendlies are dead serious...ask toushi, off the stage rests are what the cool kids do in matches

we dont know how everyone is yet in the crew. none of the members have played everyone yet... i even havn't. we do the rankings tourney by round robin so everyone plays everyone to get the est skill rankings. also, everything is done in sets with counterpicks, which isnt done in friendlies.


the main reason we do the rankings tourney is to know who are the top 5 in our crew to know who we should use in crew battles, but im sure everyone loves the bit of bragging rights that comes out of it. lolz at mexi not being first n e more.

lulz at bragging rights in ur own crew...i guess i can't say much cuz i'm most likely the worst in tsa lol, no bragging rights for me :(

hmmmm i wonder how the rankings will change this time.... is chibo better than mexi now? find out on the next episode of Titans of Smash!

:laugh: jk

edit: o yea yayo if u wanna see some of my work on sigs, i made the sonic picture in my signature. i also made all the crew stuff, but that didnt rly required skill.

i wish i could make cool things :(
well that took too long...but I got a lot of free time being at my gparent's house...roykid out ;)


Feb 11, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA
also yayo, take scars advice: friendlies dont mean much at all lol.
Yes and no. It's quite possible to tell who is better from friendlies, i.e. any of the Philadelphia locals who have played Cactuar for the first time. What doesn't matter is the RESULT of a friendly.

In other words, saying "I beat person X in friendlies and therefore I am better" is an idiotic thing to say. But if I played everyone in ToS in like 5 or 10 friendlies I could probably put you in order of skill fairly accurately.

Also out of curiosity why do you guys have a ranking system?

Edit:: I just read Chibo's explaination for why there is a system. And I disagree because I'm a jerk and I can. Also because your answer was not "to encourage competition." Because that would have been acceptable.


Feb 11, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA
I know, right? I totally have all the answers, and have such a hard time not sharing my wealth of Smash-specific knowledge and flawless rationale with the community. Roykid you should come over for a TSA PA XMas smashfest... when are you available?

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Also because your answer was not "to encourage competition." Because that would have been acceptable.
The rankings essentially get you into the crew battles, an important part about crews. if you want to be in them you need to do well in the rankings tourney by.... encouraing compeition? w/e ur right scar lol, i like the way u worded it. another reason is to practice in a tournament style with sets and rankings on the line, but i forgot to right that but iv mentioned it before.

scar, w2be awesome

u should host smash sermons...keep preaching that truth

I would prolly show up
put me down as also attending. you should have it as a side event at one of the future smashpocalypses.

RoyKid said:
u should make me a sig...with a tipper causing a nuke to explode in the bakground
im working on your request and i search google images for smash tipper to get a pic of marth tippering, and i found this, some hot game designer who gos by the name tipper queen. lolz u should totally get with her roykid, ur all about the tippers


I'm done RoyKid. It's a lil sloppy, but i think its pretty nice. url = http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y201/ElChibo/roykid.gif
As your sig would look with it in:


Smash Cadet
Nov 29, 2007
Drexel U. or Sicklerville, NJ
I'm done RoyKid. It's a lil sloppy, but i think its pretty nice. url = http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y201/ElChibo/roykid.gif
As your sig would look with it in:
well i can't complain since u were cool enuf to make it, but I kinda had a different idea in mind lol, which i guess u wouldn't know since ur not me and stuff...anyways...i went searching for what i was thinking bout from this other vid and here ya go


I guess u wouldnt know wth this vid is about unless u at one time played wow, nonetheless its still made of awesome...and is pretty much all that you hear when u do get a tipper...or at least when i do :laugh:\

*edit* in response to scar...I'm pretty free and stuff whenever..its just the whole getting from nj to philly problem...its only like a half hour away...but parking in philly ftl and stuff...idk lol...if i can get up ill play whenever though

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
well i can't complain since u were cool enuf to make it, but I kinda had a different idea in mind lol, which i guess u wouldn't know since ur not me and stuff...anyways...i went searching for what i was thinking bout from this other vid and here ya go


I guess u wouldnt know wth this vid is about unless u at one time played wow, nonetheless its still made of awesome...and is pretty much all that you hear when u do get a tipper...or at least when i do :laugh:\

*edit* in response to scar...I'm pretty free and stuff whenever..its just the whole getting from nj to philly problem...its only like a half hour away...but parking in philly ftl and stuff...idk lol...if i can get up ill play whenever though
o man... and that took a while to make lol
that video is pretty funny. i dunno exactly how to incorporate it into a sig size image tho with marth


Smash Champion
Feb 4, 2007
West Chester, PA
Also out of curiosity why do you guys have a ranking system?
bragging rights take no part in this at all, for me anyway. i like this solely because we come to no disagreement whatsoever when we decide who will participate in crew battles. if you dont perform at the rankings, you dont perform in crew battles. its simple.

its the only way we could think of that takes away judging, since that isnt what we want to do. you have to prove yourself.

also, i will never brag about where i place in these things. its a tournament in a friendly setting for the sole purpose of wanting to participate in a crew battle, and i will also never "brag" to anyone in the crew. theres no point, everyone is here to get better and egg(m) people on.

i just think theres been a lot of confusion about this whole rankings thing the past week or so, and you know who you are if you understand this, lol.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
bragging rights take no part in this at all, for me anyway. i like this solely because we come to no disagreement whatsoever when we decide who will participate in crew battles. if you dont perform at the rankings, you dont perform in crew battles. its simple.

its the only way we could think of that takes away judging, since that isnt what we want to do. you have to prove yourself.

also, i will never brag about where i place in these things. its a tournament in a friendly setting for the sole purpose of wanting to participate in a crew battle, and i will also never "brag" to anyone in the crew. theres no point, everyone is here to get better and egg(m) people on.

i just think theres been a lot of confusion about this whole rankings thing the past week or so, and you know who you are if you understand this, lol.

perhaps bragging was the wrong word to use. i didnt really mean it as a way of gloating. you put it much better, egg(m)ing ppl on. im sure you know what i mean, im just not the best with words lol

Classic Yayo

Smash Cadet
Dec 14, 2007
Brooklyn / Philadelphia
Alright I understand what everybody is saying, yes it's needed for crew battles I just feel like we need to step overall game play up by playing each other and getting feed back first. Also I didn't notice that you wanted to do this at Cot2, I thought this was a different thing.

I want a sig with a close up Shiek throwing a needle but the needle is a syringe the syringe should be flying to the foreground , with a large Yayo in the background in a signature font. I want it to be mostly crack white with Blue outline. And Have Titan Of Smash Vertically running down the side.

WOW sounds hard, if you can pull it off your officially the GOAT.

That's Your Mission.....Good Luck Player

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Alright I understand what everybody is saying, yes it's needed for crew battles I just feel like we need to step overall game play up by playing each other and getting feed back first. Also I didn't notice that you wanted to do this at Cot2, I thought this was a different thing.

I want a sig with a close up Shiek throwing a needle but the needle is a syringe the syringe should be flying to the foreground , with a large Yayo in the background in a signature font. I want it to be mostly crack white with Blue outline. And Have Titan Of Smash Vertically running down the side.

WOW sounds hard, if you can pull it off your officially the GOAT.

That's Your Mission.....Good Luck Player
**** thats a request and a half. il try it. i should be done tomorrow. maybe even tonight if im bored enough lol.

ranking tourneys are completely seperate from the CoT tournaments. CoT is a formal tournament we run like smashpocalypse or.... pound 3? lol. we try to hold ranking tourneys at one of our houses before every big tournament so we can do crew battles. if its something small like... xzax's(i guess?) we wont do it, but smashpocalypse 3, cot2, and so on we'll do. if more ppl besides me and gotm are goin to pound 3, then we'l do one b4 that also. we prob wont do one before the next tunes biweekly. i dont think they do any crew battles. plus, would anyone go to them besides me and gotm?


Smash Champion
Feb 4, 2007
West Chester, PA
**** felipe, you got better. stop going for the taunt meteor haha

and good stuff at mexi startin to moonwalk, lol


El Fuego
Mar 10, 2006
Philadephia, PA
Ranking tourny to determine skill level within a crew is acceptable given that it is round robin and that it is done fairly often. TSA used to do this actually.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Nice work on Yayo's sig, what font is that? I like it.
The word Yayo is in Magneto and the side Titans of Smash is in Haettenschweiler.

To get the pic of sheik i actually played the game on my crappy SDTV (not even flat screen (i dont mean panel)) and took a picture of sheik when the game was paused with my cell phone. i just smoothed the edges and played off the odd look of it being from a TV as an effect, and gave the syringe a real standout effect along with an interesting gradient in the bkrd to take your attention away from the lower quality sheik.

Ranking tourny to determine skill level within a crew is acceptable given that it is round robin and that it is done fairly often. TSA used to do this actually.
crew compliment from tuar ftw!

Now that iv actually seen the videos, man aztec ur ICs are gettin so nice! i cant wait to destroy em next time we play lolz. f2damaxx is also gettin better, but i would suggest wavedashing a lot more in place of ur rolls. u and that taunt meteor lol. im almost sure mexi was sandbagging at first like early against aztec and against f2damaxx, but i dunno about later. come on mexi, i know your better than that!

mitri- howd u get the videos online? i didnt kno u or anyone else in the crew had a recording setup


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
I'm sure all of us had our fair share.

Actually someone around my town wanted to mm me really bad thinking i sucked and how he thought he could wreck me.

I'll admit I might have started it because I was pretty cocky due to my achievements atm.

But at VLS he treated me like I was the next KDJ or something. Like im some ultra pro which I wasn't.

My point is stuff like people talking behind your back is BOUND to happen. Its human nature sad to say to feel better about themselves.

Don't let it bother you just move on and if you want to make a point improve and wreck people.



Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2007
Vineland,New Jersey
I'm sure all of us had our fair share.

Actually someone around my town wanted to mm me really bad thinking i sucked and how he thought he could wreck me.

I'll admit I might have started it because I was pretty cocky due to my achievements atm.

But at VLS he treated me like I was the next KDJ or something. Like im some ultra pro which I wasn't.

My point is stuff like people talking behind your back is BOUND to happen. Its human nature sad to say to feel better about themselves.

Don't let it bother you just move on and if you want to make a point improve and wreck people.

Teczero is so cool thats why Teczero= Shakugan Sensei
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