Smash Champion
yo this is seriously the truth though. im at step 3 and dont even wanna bother with step 4 so i just run at people anyway and get *****, but at least i get to slam dunk em sometimesThe cycle has become:
First time playing it: It sucks, too restricting
After getting used to the engine: Getting used to it, it's really fun and could be deep
After finding out that nothing works: Sort of boring, a lot more thinking required, too restricting
After learning the metagame: Camping is no fun, I hate this game, I can't approach without getting sheildgrabbed
You are at step 2. If you play vs me I have realized that the only way not to get ***** is to sit on the other side and camp like a little ***** until you approach me, then I will grab you and not do any moves out of it because they don't work. I'll just run away some more and grab again until you are at high% and then I will back air you and you will die.