Kinda drunk so bare with me
There are few instances when players are THAT close in skill when it's actually necessary to complain about sandbagging. If someone is much better than u, an continually beats u..regardless of how hard they are trying DEAL WITH IT, GET BETTER, DONT DO THINGS YOU GET PUNISHED FOR, AND MAKE THEM TRY HARDER! People are so worried about where they stand in comparison to great players... its stupid, just dont worry about it. A friend of mine came to a tournament, got 4 stocked by reik and m2k repeatedly, then complained to me that they were sandbagged and didn't know where they! If someone is that much better, it doesnt matter! U can gauge it as wow they are tons better than me n I have alot 2 work on. On the rare occasion where to people are THAT close where it actually matters.....ask yourself why it does matter! If two smashers try their best and go back and forth, accept it as that, and move on with the game. This is the relationship between me and Keitaro, so close, **** eachother on differnt days, never know who is really better. At some point you realize it doesnt matter, just be happy you have someone to push you to get better.
My opinion on the leader....1st off, if anyone has somethin negative to say get at me on my screen name, be a man about it. Now, for the crew in general, dont be in such a rush to be considered GOOD. Gotm, mexi and triad are pretty good smashers, but honestly the other nj crews have much more depth. If someone like me, and others who arent even in the crew can look from the outside and see the best...why is it such a problem and big deal from within? The crew is the crew, why stress so much on who is in a crew battle, that you would most likely lose? Please dont take that route! The people commited to the crew and getting better should be the ones representing the crew. If your crew is made of semi advanced players... then fight your crew battles with them. The smash world knows what the crew has to offer, so dont worry about putting out an impressive or disappointing image. THE CREW KNOWS WHO ITS BEST MEMBERS ARE, so role with that, and keep it fun. Chibo has put together tournaments, and helped make this crew known to all. Gotm is also another member who has aided in representing the crew in a great fashion, and is def fit for the leadership role. This crew has been established for a whike, and naturally has found its leaders, so dont rejhect the obvious. Gotm and Chibo are the leaders obviously, and for those who look for vet skill and knowledge you have triad to look up to. Geti it together Tos, you guys have much potential like Scar said, but realize it is what it is.... POTENTIAL. Practice and get to where u wanna be, and don't worry about the stupid ****! Work together as a crew, and dont worry how u look to everyone else, because if all you care about is what everyone else thinks about your crew, or how u did in a crew battle, are u really together for the right reasons? Just be yourselves, and step ur game up. N if you wanna come to Rutrogers and get ***** by Eazy, Spammer,doyoung,mog keitaro etc GET at us!!1 lol good luck to you guys, hopefully my drunken rant wat coherent, and you all see my true message. Peace!