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Official Texas Power Rankings! - Updated June 15, 2012

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Smash Champion
May 20, 2008
Houston, TX
Broly. Not attending tourneys does not lower your points. The people who you lose to do. If you lose to someone higher then you lose less points. Lose to someone lower then you lose more points. Also, you say you only lost to B tier which is not true (Snakee). But who did you beat? According to what Zac posted, you only beat people C tier and lower. Now does only beating C tier people Raise you dramatically? Not really. Like a normal tier list, you gotta beat the top players to be rewarded with a higher rank. No one is hating on you. We understand you can't travel to Houston every time. You still don't lose points and the times you do, you don't stand out. You arn't last. This tier list isn't based off attendance because you don't lose points for not attending. It counts value in who you lose to and who you beat which hasn't shined from what Zac posted. Losing to someone with a low or lower point value really shows so just step it up. All the people you listed apparently have better wins or losses. Don't bash this tier system, its fine and actually rewards people for beating someone or deducts points for losing to someone. RGV tourneys arn't being left out either. Just send them to Zac and it'll be counted accordingly.


Smash Champion
Mar 17, 2008
Funky Town, Texas
@ Broly - This system determines your position based on how well you actually do, not based on a hypothetical skill level. I don't have the money to travel to Houston every weekend either, but when I have actually showed up to tournaments over the past few months I've placed consistantly in top 5 and top 8. If you place consistantly well when you do show up then your rating will go up as well, but you won't instantaneously jump in to A tier.

Want to $20 best of 5 money match me next time we're at the same tournament? We can set it up in Tio as a single elimination tournament and ask Zac to upload it if you'd like it to effect your ELO.


Smash Champion
May 20, 2008
Houston, TX
Also Broly, Zac said he only has you registered into THREE of the tournaments listed on the OP. And your record did not shine from those three. Thats probably a factor too. Either find more tournaments to go to, or register the RGV tourneys and have a SOLID record which is the most important part.


Smash Lord
Feb 27, 2007
Houston, Texas
What RGV tournies? Ahahahahaha
exactly, my point is, whats the purpose of the tier list? Cause if you ask top level players that have played me, they would agree that im not one of the bottom texas players. Its dumb to make such a list and make it ''Official'' when its really trash.

id MM you infinity, but winning or losing wont help my resolve.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
exactly, my point is, whats the purpose of the tier list? Cause if you ask top level players that have played me, they would agree that im not one of the bottom texas players. Its dumb to make such a list and make it ''Official'' when its really trash.

id MM you infinity, but winning or losing wont help my resolve.
So you want a tier list based off of "Someone's word-of-mouth that Player X is really good" and not even bother looking at tournament results, wins, and losses?


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
exactly, my point is, whats the purpose of the tier list? Cause if you ask top level players that have played me, they would agree that im not one of the bottom texas players. Its dumb to make such a list and make it ''Official'' when its really trash.

id MM you infinity, but winning or losing wont help my resolve.
Another reason to come to Hylian's tourney, **** everyone there and then move up the tier list. ;)


Smash Lord
Feb 27, 2007
Houston, Texas
im not bothering in singles just crews n dubs.

no, utd but a more intelligent made list, not on number of tournies but value. like i place, for example, 13th, 9th, and 17th. average them out and theres the answer. make a limit on tournies people go to so you cant go to one tourny, get 4th, and be 4th on PR.


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2007
im not bothering in singles just crews n dubs.

no, utd but a more intelligent made list, not on number of tournies but value. like i place, for example, 13th, 9th, and 17th. average them out and theres the answer. make a limit on tournies people go to so you cant go to one tourny, get 4th, and be 4th on PR.
That would just favor people who attend small tourneys, aka you. Did you ignore what I said about roy? He's the type of player who barely attends tournaments but is still always pretty high on PRs. Not as high as he could be but not like D tier or anything.

And yes, no matter what living in RGV will be disadvantaged cause its harder to go to tournies. ANY system of pr you do. How are we supposed to gauge your skill if you aren't competing with the rest of TX. Same goes for Dakpo and lubbock/amarillo.

Same goes for El paso, hell they weren't even on the list at first.....


The Old Lapras and the Sea
Mar 20, 2008
Then explain the difference between beating people that have no rank in a $5 30-man tourney and beating people with no rank in a $10 100-man tourney? Should scrubs be weighted more, just because there are more people? An un-ranked/low-ranked is the same, so should a high-ranked.

You mean to say that an RGV tourney that's made up of almost all tourney-goers gets weighed like **** compared to San Japan that was like 60 scrubs and 4 real players?

That's the grief here.


Smash Lord
Feb 27, 2007
Houston, Texas
ill head to head beat everyone on e, d, and c tier. trust me. if roy was low, xyro would complain all day and he'd get on list eventually. im not saying he doesnt deserve it, because he does. its recognition that should be looked at.i should not be recognized as a ****ty player just cos i go to 3 tournies and place in the middle everytime.

REI is my new best friend.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
I weighted all tournaments as accurately as possible. It's very difficult. Size is not a big factor. OoS players cause more problems than you would think. It's all quite messy if you try to come up with a system yourself, that's why I used the ever-so-popular ELO.

You are more than welcome to out-code me and make a better system, but trust me when I say I'm a Computer Science masters student and I know what I'm doing ;)


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2007
Then explain the difference between beating people that have no rank in a $5 30-man tourney and beating people with no rank in a $10 100-man tourney? Should scrubs be weighted more, just because there are more people? An un-ranked/low-ranked is the same, so should a high-ranked.

You mean to say that an RGV tourney that's made up of almost all tourney-goers gets weighed like **** compared to San Japan that was like 60 scrubs and 4 real players?

That's the grief here.
The grief is your a dumb ***.
If I get 1st place at a tourney, only beating people like Ron Simmons, Bob Simon, and Ali Jegadi, I'll get barely any points.
If I go to another tourney and get 9th, beating Gnes Dojo and M2K, I will get a ****load of points.

The system is based off who you beat, not how you place. Like Zac said, size is not a big factor.
You guys are giving zac way too much trouble and its pretty gay cause he put a lot of work into this. TROLLS!


Smash Lord
Feb 27, 2007
Houston, Texas
The grief is your a dumb ***.
If I get 1st place at a tourney, only beating people like Ron Simmons, Bob Simon, and Ali Jegadi, I'll get barely any points.
If I go to another tourney and get 9th, beating Gnes Dojo and M2K, I will get a ****load of points.

The system is based off who you beat, not how you place.
You guys are giving zac way too much trouble and its pretty gay cause he put a lot of work into this. TROLLS!
EXACTLY, so why put RGV tournies? it wont matter will it? go beat houston and dallas players and ya get higher. travel 6 hours just to make **** loads of points. STFU


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2007
It WILL matter once someone from RGV becomes S/A or B tier. Let say shlike starts going to hobos and wins like every single one, shlike rises to like S or A tier. Then shlike comes home and starts getting ***** by Broly at every RGV tourny, which means your going to start rising up to S/A tier too.

Also RGV never holds huge *** tournies for others to go to, like whobo or final smash. You guys have to either host big stuff or have at least one person travel to the big stuff. And why u mad anyways, you said your focused on melee.

EDIT: I notice shlike is B tier. So if you start beating him at every RGV tourney your eventually gonna hit B tier and prob even higher. Just gonna be slower cause no one travels to RGV and you guys barely travel to us.

I just dont understand why your complaining but el paso/lubbock aren't.


The Old Lapras and the Sea
Mar 20, 2008
The grief is your a dumb ***.
If I get 1st place at a tourney, only beating people like Ron Simmons, Bob Simon, and Ali Jegadi, I'll get barely any points.
If I go to another tourney and get 9th, beating Gnes Dojo and M2K, I will get a ****load of points.

The system is based off who you beat, not how you place. Like Zac said, size is not a big factor.
You guys are giving zac way too much trouble and its pretty gay cause he put a lot of work into this. TROLLS!
That's exactly the point, *******. Right now, RGV is rated as low as Rob Simmons and Bob Simmons and Ali Jegadi. We're getting **** for points because our tourneys are small. If I beat Broly, I'm not gaining much, even though he's a helluva player. The only people we can really gain any points from is Shlike.

If it only matters who you beat, size shouldn't factor at all. But it does, according to what ZAC said earlier, *******.

Shlike is clearly the best one down here. Chances of us moving up, JUST off of beating him is slim to none.


Smash Lord
Feb 27, 2007
Houston, Texas
It WILL matter once someone from RGV becomes S/A or B tier. Let say shlike starts going to hobos and wins like every single one, shlike rises to like S or A tier. Then shlike comes home and starts getting ***** by Broly at every RGV tourny, which means your going to start rising up to S/A tier too.

Also RGV never holds huge *** tournies for others to go to, like whobo or final smash. You guys have to either host big stuff or have at least one person travel to the big stuff. And why u mad anyways, you said your focused on melee.
really? so you guys would come to a tourny here? HAHAHAHAHA, Battle at the border happened, and only person who went was Stiltz for SF4. Im mad at texas for failing to PR correctly. which tournies count? hobos, all, or is there a list? all i wanna know


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2007
If it only matters who you beat, size shouldn't factor at all. But it does, according to what ZAC said earlier, *******.
Size is not a big factor.
RGV dont hold much weight cause the players there arent ranked high cept shlike, if everyone there starts beating shlike, then it becomes more balanced and you become a stronger region in terms of points, and would be higher on this list.

really? so you guys would come to a tourny here? HAHAHAHAHA, Battle at the border happened, and only person who went was Stiltz for SF4. Im mad at texas for failing to PR correctly. which tournies count? hobos, all, or is there a list? all i wanna know
its on the front page. And I already said its a disadvantage for RGV/elpaso etc when it comes to PR cause of distance. You keep insulting how the PR is made but cant seem to come up with a better system. Either travel or host big **** and get people to come.


The Old Lapras and the Sea
Mar 20, 2008
RGV dont hold much weight cause the players there arent ranked high cept shlike, if everyone there starts beating shlike, then it becomes more balanced and you become a stronger region in terms of points, and would be higher on this list.

its on the front page. And I already said its a disadvantage for RGV/elpaso etc when it comes to PR cause of distance. You keep insulting how the PR is made but cant seem to come up with a better system. Either travel or host big **** and get people to come.
Okay, now look back a little further where he contradicts himself by saying he accidentally counted one of our SMALL tourneys as a BIG tourney. Last I checked, "small" and "big" refer to size.


Smash Lord
Feb 27, 2007
Houston, Texas
i did. average placing with a limit of 5 tournies. put your 5 highest placing from a set of qualified tournies and use it to create a PR, EASY


Smash Ace
Oct 27, 2009
Fourside, Eagleland
Yay for Lubbock guys!!! Woooooo

Anyway, at the end of the day broly, all this complaining is not going to get anything done. You don't like where you are?? Then fix it. Actions speak a LOT louder that words my friend.


Smash Champion
May 20, 2008
Houston, TX
Shlike came to HOBO and did good. He does good at other tourneys. He is now in B tier. Broly you came to HOBO and didn't do as well. You're much lower than him because of that. RGV randoms are rated as "Bob Simmons" because WHO HAVE THEY BEAT FROM PEOPLE RANKED ABOVE THEM? They don't have those points because of who they beat. Thats a reason you'll get less points for beating them. Size matters in a small way. Which will you count more? Apex or P4's 2nd Pee Hole?

Edit: Lets say I went to San Japan and beat all those randoms and got 1st. Then the next week I went to a HOBO that had 30 people but I beat people like Dojo, Roy, Lee, Gnes, etc. I'd get a **** load more points at the HOBO then San Japan. Your wins/losses matter more than size. Size is a small factor.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
Just a random fact, I only gained like 2-3 or so points from the two P4 fests that counted. And despite Trela completely dominating everyone at one of them, he only gained a few points. But they were a local tourneys, so it would be silly to give it as much weight as a Hobo or Phase.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Okay, now look back a little further where he contradicts himself by saying he accidentally counted one of our SMALL tourneys as a BIG tourney. Last I checked, "small" and "big" refer to size.
Small and big don't refer to size, they refer to weight. Tournaments are weighted, not by size, but by another factor.

If I just put all tournaments together and ran my program on them, the results would be skewed. I had to adjust some of the tournaments with a weight factor to correctly balanced results. It's complicated, but trust me, it works.


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2007
Okay, now look back a little further where he contradicts himself by saying he accidentally counted one of our SMALL tourneys as a BIG tourney. Last I checked, "small" and "big" refer to size.
Show me that cause I didnt see. I'm not gonna speak for zac but i am sure it didnt affect points much. I also checked the list of tournaments and didn't see a single RGV tournament there. I remember magik posting about this and zac asked for tio files but you guys don't have them. Something like that.

i did. average placing with a limit of 5 tournies. put your 5 highest placing from a set of qualified tournies and use it to create a PR, EASY
Like I said that favors smaller tournaments with less skill. Tha means random kid Jeffrey Mohammed from kazahkstan can win 50 tournaments in a week in a desert somewhere in Texas and be right behind Dojo. that would hurt people that go to hobos or phases since they have more skill and its harder to place. Thats how the SWF brawl rankings are and its wrong. You are literally asking for an inaccurate PR. Set of qualified tournaments? Then you are going to have conflict about what is considered qualified.

and San antonio is much closer to you guys than houston or dallas. they frequently have tournaments which you can DEFINETLY benefit from.


The Old Lapras and the Sea
Mar 20, 2008
So if I work my *** off to beat Shlike at a pee hole tourney, I get **** for it. But If I beat him at HOBO, it suddenly means something? Same thing with randomscrub817?

I'll look for it Ozz. Shlike lost 30 points, so did Magik and Vorguen lost 20, I believe, me and Guero lost 10, which was more than half.


Smash Champion
May 20, 2008
Houston, TX
You will get lots of points for beating him. I won't speak for Zac but you'd get A LITTLE more at HOBO. It won't be like 10 points greater or something. Maybe a couple of points.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
No, I dont "weigh" tournaments based on the tourney name or who hosts them or where they are hosted. Those mean nothing. I based it off of the average skill point distribution among all players than entered. So if Gnes goes to a 50 man tourney at some convertion, and only 3 of those players actually play competitively, then that tourney's weight really low.


Smash Hero
Sep 18, 2006
SA-Town, Texas
RGV, send Zac a list of all the tournies you guys have had in 2010. The only one I see on that's represented is Omnicon.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
It's weighted more if you beat him at Hobo, because the skill level at Hobos or Phases is considerably higher than a local tourney with scrubs. And once again, there's the whole they-might-not-be-trying factor, which may or may not happen. Ninja'd by Zac, WARFPOJFODIAONSLAKM.

But the fact remains, if you go to a big tourney and do good, you'll get a ton of points within that one tourney.


The Old Lapras and the Sea
Mar 20, 2008
I accidentally counted some of your small tournaments as big tournaments on the previous list.
This was the post. 30 points is a lot, Razer. Maybe not for you, or Dojo or Gnes, but to everyone else, that's a ****load. Didn't change who beat who.


Smash Lord
Feb 27, 2007
Houston, Texas
read razers post, san japan doesnt give much, only hobos and phases. l2read posts ozz. QUALIFIED tournies. lets say theres 20 texas tournies, PR Panel selects 10 that will be looked at. players the provide thier 5 best placings, and panel averages them out. w/e come out is your PR


The Old Lapras and the Sea
Mar 20, 2008
Good people make bad people better. . . That just makes the top better and the bottom worse. . .
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