Im not a Bar anymore, that's been dropped a long time ago, the only bars remaining ar RuBar and Bar himself, but it don't matter, being how AvalanchE is now in full effect, but there seems to be massive problems on AE attending Zenith now, my car is sitting on a donut so i don't wanna attempt taking it down to the city til i get the new tire, and that should be in like 10 business days, so me driving is out, and sol and ky told me yesterday on myspace that they can't make it cuz they made plans for that day b4 the tourney was announced, and now supposedly X can't make it cuz of work, and i spoke to Coin Chaser and he said that if Ky don't go, he won't go cuz that was his partner and what not, and Reject already said that he wasn't gonna go...... seems that noone from AE is going to Zenith, sux tho oh well ill see yall when Brawl comes out