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Official SV AZ Thread - Brawl Sux (We <3 Melee!) Updated (6/08/10) - We Miss You Joey


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
im too amazing to quit
alright im finally back on my account tim good luck in the air force ill miss you and remember whos the best in S.V. alright and dont forget that I own everyone in S.V. and you better admit that bleach is better than naruto now! on smashboards and if you ever go to tucson make sure you say hi to brittany for me ok. when you come back everyone you see here counting you will get ***** more than they already do cause they suck! HA TOO EASY! ILL MISS YOU TIMMY!*cries* *more cries* just saying again HA TOO EASY!
p.s. tai and carlton suck. tee hee
-Joey :cry:


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2006
Somewhere in texas
Your garbo Joey it's ok


Tim it's been one wild trip hasn't it? well all good things come to a end but there is always something to look forward to. we all knew this time would come just hopefully not so soon.

We all gotta grow up some time right? we can only smash so long before reality sets in. We been through the bad and the good but we manged to stand strong.

but it's about that time......you **** pokedex

(epic voice)
So as another journey in SV closes Vectorman embarks on his own. As well as SV's begins another adventure minus one......



Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008
alright im finally back on my account tim good luck in the air force ill miss you and remember whos the best in S.V. alright and dont forget that I own everyone in S.V. and you better admit that bleach is better than naruto now! on smashboards and if you ever go to tucson make sure you say hi to brittany for me ok. when you come back everyone you see here counting you will get ***** more than they already do cause they suck! HA TOO EASY! ILL MISS YOU TIMMY!*cries* *more cries* just saying again HA TOO EASY!
p.s. tai and carlton suck. tee hee
-Joey :cry:
Yes, I know I suck.

You were just sandbagging to observe my scrubby style in all the matches that you lost.

All this goodbye stuff to V-man makes me want to cry :(


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
Sierra Vista.........

Sad to say but this will be the last post from me for at least two months, well unless Joey uses my account or Jeff ^^ but otherwise it will be a while before anyone hears from me again.. Man.. i've had some awesome memories with you guys.. I'm never gonna forget all the funny **** we've done.. whether the crazy **** we've done in jeff's car... to me almost getting everyone kicked out of restaurants/malls.. to even actin a fool..it's all been great.. i'll never forget any of it..

I wish i could say i've been satisfied w/many things in my life, and sadly.. i just can't.. I've made way too many mistakes..many of them can't be forgiven either. Mistakes that only I can find a way to fix/correct..I really don't want to explain myself for those of you who don't understand.. but Jeff/Carlton know the jist of it more than anyone so perhaps they can explain it..Just some things for me I need to straigten up and figure out...

Don't get me wrong, playing melee with each and everyone one of you has been amazing.. it's been great i'll remember each and everything we all did. So much epic ****. Playing this game..was..like my way of happiness and peace..something i didn't show, but memories of certain people in my past would restrain it. With me leaving it is actually for the better in me, to get my life straight and figured out.. I always say i'm over things, and i'll show that I am, but in my heart i'm not.. i'm a weak person and I know that so perhaps this will do some good..I wish I had made so many better/smarter decisions in my life but all I can do now is fix/make up for them..

As for melee it was a great career.. and it's not over.. just yet.. but most definetely stopped for the time being..but i'll be back in due time... =]

Jeff - I remember when I first met you. I was talkin so much **** about your Pikachu.. Wow do I NOT regret that. Im so glad you got so competent. I was at a point of man is there anyone good..Little did I know there was you and many out there in the world.. I'm really glad I met you.Man.. I never thought....of all people you'd be the one to surpass me and with a Pikachu at that..I remember when you weren't that good at all and when you came back the next year.. I couldn't believe you had gotten so good..In due time even, your skills even kept increasing and now you can play with the best of the best.. I want to thank you for everything. car rides/trips/food/letting me stay at your place.. everything. You helped me out so much when times were so rough for me. Hopefully when I return, i'll be able to return a fraction of it.. I don't ever think i'll be able to thank you enough for what you've done for me. I'll appreciate that forever I'll value our friendship for dear life..I hope you travel the world and show off that amazing *** Pikachu of yours. I can't believe how good you've become at this game. Even to this day you impress me more and more. I've never in my lifetime.. met anyone who's as kindhearted and nice that matches even my own I don't even show it but people who know me closely know that very well...I never thought i'd see a person like that outside of myself....Keep being yourself. Stay kindhearted, and fun to be around, you bring the best mood out of everyone when you're around..I'm counting on you to keep the spirit alive in everyone! Till I see you again *sigh* it was so hard to leave last night.. I'm really gonna miss you.. you don't even know ^^ but i'll be back!!....Farewell.......{Big Thangs Poppin} <-----This team name ****in *****!! =D

Carlton - Umm i forgot your Beldum LMFAO! WHEN I GET BACK OR ASK JOEY!! HE CAN GET YOU ONE! ^^ anyway... Holy **** man i've known you for like forever.. I remember when we met in Halo days at Buena.. We've been through a hell of a journey too. The buena tourney(s) Back in the day, it was just me, you, Julian.. I remember us talkin so much **** lol it was so fun.. Shaud left, now i'm making my leave, I guess you'll be the last of us three.. You and Jeff both I can relate so closely too. You both helped me so much when I was in need of it. I don't think I can ever thank neither one of you enough.. Like Jeff keep the spirit alive. Also I expect nothing more than to have a **** *** Samus when I get back, so were gonna Ditto and I want you to beat the **** out of my samus got it!? =D Also.. Keep ****** at those FPS type of games and those other games I was good at. Since I won't be there challenging cities will might want to challenge in Halo/CoD/DoA/Naruto/ all those games I was good at.. It's your responsibility to wreck on those who claim they're the **** at the other games outside melee.. However Melee IS MORE IMPORTANT.. ^^ so just wreck all in both games You're the guy now that takes place of me on all the games I played well.. Till I come back.. So many fun times/memories man.. Keep it real.. I'll see you in due time..and tell your mother i'll miss her and I love her and thanks for everything you and her have both helped me with.. Last thing. Carlton tell everyone I didn't say goodbye to.. I said bye... Everyone at Gamestop, Greg, James, Eric, Adam, Vee, all of them everyone... and tell them i said thanks for the awesome stuff at gamestop!

Joey - I wish I would've met you earlier I would've got along with you so well based off you're personality alone. I'm not gonna lie kid, you've got guts.. and god **** lots of it. I admire your courage more than ANYONE. I love your cocky attitude and your always confident self.. That's a trait so rare to find in someone, yet underneath it all (somewhere locked in there) you have a good heart, yet you'll never admit/show it.. I can just tell it's there.. which makes it even more of a rare trait..When I first met you I never thought you'd be so serious into the game of melee.. I thought you were a come and go, but WOW was I wrong. you kept at it and you're progress is nothing less than UNBELIEVABLE.. You're already beating some of the better players of Tucson/Phoenix players who have YEARS.. ****ING YEARS OF EXPERIENCE ON YOU.. and as You'd say. "Ha too easy""Now it's even" Funny, IMO you're on the level of Tai, who's been playing YEARS ahead of you, and is even one of the best players. If AZ was to actually have a power rankings. And Tai was on them.. No matter what spot he has.. i'd think you'd have/deserve it 100% you're just coming up on your 5th month. It won't be long now till you're one of AZ's best players, that's what I think.. with all confidence at that.. I will tell you this though.. STAY COCKY.. STAY CONFIDENT.. it keeps your self esteem at an all time high and pushes others around you as well.. However.. DO NOT LET FRUSTRATION GET THE BEST OF YOU..NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES YOU LOSE, NO MATTER HOW GAY PEACH/MARTH/SHEIK IS.. anything because That will be you're downfall.. Let those experiences be your learning lesson and learn from them..believe me.. I was just like you.. I threw/broke controllers left and right got upset/angry.. my professional experiences with Halo/madden/ssbm/many other games.. I finally learned to calm it down, and i'm telling you from personal experience it's the BEST WAY.. I expect alot from you.. I know you won't let me down! =).. and as I promised.. "Bleach is (for this moment) better than Naruto!!
I'll see you around.. Joey!! =)

Joe - I wish I could've met you earlier too. You're a pretty swell guy. I appreciate/admire you too for your wanting to learn and play. I like you as a person as well..Keep it up man.. at the constant rate you play melee.. you'll improve as well.. you and Joey both play alot.. keep that up it'll only make you better you know.. Keep your rivarly with Carlton/Joey intact.. Not to an extent of getting mad at each other... but pushing each other further and further to get better you know.. ^^ Thanks for always lettimg me steal your food at your house and for letting me stay there so many times.. I got to record matches play guitar hero.. and of course.... at your's and Brandon's request.. quote from Joe.. "Tim let's play Halo I wanna see how I match up with you in Halo... ^^ that was a fun night.. I'll never forget Tim's quote "ooooooohh "Sally" <---- (Slang for Sniper Rifle) then pickin one of your heads. I don't remember which one i shot but yeah.. ^^ I guess that got rid of all doubts that I was good/bad with the rifle.. We had so much fun times especially those Reeses Puffs Cereal we killed.. and your constant "safety" since you love farting so much.. lol... You're a kid at heart.. I like that... Tell your mom thanks for all the advice and stuff she's given me.. Thank you for your kindness you shared towards me with things as gifts and such... It's nice to know there are still good people out there.. such as "THE SV CREW" ^^ I'll see you around slugger!

Seabass - I remember when Jeff first introduced me to you. You were playing Fox and you showed so much potential. Now look at you. You're an awesome Link player with some of the "sickest mindgames i've ever seen a Link player use" I mean it when I yell "mindgames" cuz wow you've got ALOT OF THEM..you've got so much potential.. You'll rival Joey/Carlton in good time.. Also... you're gift, is one of the coolest gifts i've ever gotten.. I love the controller.. I love the colors.. I love everything about it. The controller itself works very well, there's NOTHING broken about it either.. it's a controller i currently have nothing wrong with at all.. since most of the others had one tiny malfunction in them..whether the thumbstick or buttons.. so to (Tucson/Phoenix, NO I'M NOT USING CONTROLLER JOHNS..(people in sv know already that usin broken controllers is kinda my thing) regardless of a good/bad controller a win is a win.. a loss is a loss plain and simple plus i'm too lazy and broke to get controllers left and right.. so i'd just use Jeff's ^^;) anyway.. yeah keep playing melee man.. Keep your rediculous childish nature.. OMG.. i absolutely love that ****...I'd be one of those people that would admire your nerdiness around school and such... You can walk around me in a "ninja suit" anytime man.. that would be the ****in ****!.. Keep up your embarassing acts in front of the SV crew.. and don't be afraid to do it... **** I DO IT ALL THE TIME!! XD.. so i'll see you in due time Seabass

Branden - Dude how the hell did you get so funny! lol you say some pretty funny **** and have some funny/random *** sound effects.. Even in playing melee.. lol You're Falcon is so hard to play since it's hard for me not to laugh.. yet tough at the same time since you start to string little combos together... Heh.. You even ***** me with D-air, FALCON PUNCH!! lol i nearly cried!!!! xD.. I know others in SV will be leaving soon and that you don't plan to play Melee too much longer but hey... when I see you in other FPS games around.. (which you will because i'm the ****in **** at FPS's) NOTE: (take note Timmy's cocky side = like Joey's) no really I AM THE ****.. lol ^^ but when we meet up in other games... it'll be cool.. to play with you again.. Biggest memory I'll have is when I got to play some Basketball with you when you got a glance of the (not out of shape current Timmy lmao but still kinda outta shape) play basketball when we played 2v2 with Joe and the Fort Huachuca kids! Heh it was awesome... I'll see you around too

Andy - Hey man, I hope you stay cool and such. You're a cool person Andy, you have a good heart and are very kind. When it comes to playing melee and being around the crew. Don't look so sad all the time. Everyone can't have fun if you're not having fun and it will bring the mood down in everyone. when we all play. Go all out do what you can do to win. I remember when Jeff/Joey were training you for a good while you were beginning to look good, then it just faded. Just stay high spirited and have fun. It'd be cool to see you happier alot more, if that were to happen it'll be alot more fun for you and the rest of the crew.. I mean it when i say it though.. You're a good person, everyone in SV respects you, just bring the mood up.. Thank you again.. for that R4 it's an awesome gift..there aren't many people like you out there either! See ya kid!

Steven -,GET INVOLVED IN THE SV MELEE SCENE ALOT MORE.. we rarely see you, you need to be more active.. alot more active.. It's not even fair because i can't even make up enough words to make your shoutout match other's shoutouts.. unless.. i like..use... a...............bunch of..................dots...............or.....................something...............like..........................this..............................in...........................my............................typing..........................so it takes more.........................space..........or something..................lol... heh heh.. either way man.. i'll see you around... if you're still around.. Perhaps you can beat me in Killer Instinct Gold (WHICH YOU WON'T) but hey you can try!.. lol you keep it real man!!

Brian - glad you're back man! hopefully for good this time.. It was awesome going to your house each night doing our smash thing. Ordering food. *me eating it all* and then playing melee for the rest of the night.. You're floor and Joey's are the best floors i've ever slept on.. ahh.. so relaxing....and drool too XD... lol anyway...now that you're back hopefully you'll be more involved in the scene. Just keep playing man, and hopefully things go well. Keep at it. I'm glad you got into the competetive scene again.. I remember when we walked to my house talkin about melee that night when we walked to my place then you walked back... talking about Falco! lol.. and when you DRILLED MY TREE WITH THAT GREEN VAN!... lol good times.. good times. Well till we meet again.. Laters!

The rest of the shoutouts kinda weak, but i wanna at least show them respect I guess..

Mikey - you're a ****ing Brawl noob, NO YOU DIDN'T BEAT JEFF'S METAKNIGHT WITH SONIC.. NO YOU WILL NEVER... AS LONG AS I ****ING LIVE.. EVER.. EVER EVER BEAT ME in Pokemon... EVER!...no you're not better than me in starfox 64.. I can't even think of anything else right now.. *sigh* however with all due respect. You are a cool person.. Good luck in your NUBBISH.. brawl life.. and TRY.. to stay out of trouble.. idiot!!

Patrick - you're a cool guy honestly.. you're a REALLY cool guy.. but like Mikey.. YOU'RE A ****ING BRAWL NOOB THAT'S YOUR ONLY PROBLEM!..anyway... it was nice always hearing you talk and learn stuff about melee when that was fresh... like mikey stay out of trouble.. or try to at least....

Mr J/Turnup - Peach/sheik are like SUPER GAY!.. It was cool playing with you guys.. keep it up farmer.. you prolly didn't know but when jeff and i went to your house that night it was my last night lol.. epic huh! lmfao... Mr. J keep ur **** talk up.. but no joke.. joey's better than you at trash talk AND AT MELEE!! OOOOHH BURN SON!!.. lol take care both of ya!

People we'll ALL MISS!

Julian - heh Good luck with your artwork and ur comic Thanks for all the great memories. Unreal championship/tournament... Halo.. melee... Dead Or Alive.. man we were UNBEATABLE in Dead or Alive.. with your like 900 wins 200 losses.. and my 600 wins and 30 losses.. We were so epic at that game... I've so much more to say to you but i'm tired.. and you're that kinda person with the "who cares mentaility" LOL so i'll post for you later lol Also YES ALL OF YOU WHO'VE EVER WITNESSED IT and for those of you who haven't.. Julian, "Priest Revan" has THE BEST ZELDA... out there.. BEST... if you're lucky perhaps he'll teach you!!

Arthur - I know you don't ever check these anymore but man.. he was ****ing funny.. and any of SV that knows him can vouch him for that.. His strong like mentality mixed with his child like heart... and on top of that.. A Kirby that ****ing 4 stocked my Falco....OUCH!!.. i'm a miss you man! i think we all will!... Keep it real... and "YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS" LOL


Karla - man I really miss her, a whole lot, words aren't even enough. she'll never see this though, so she'll never know. Ironic how I leave on her birthday as well.. March 3rd will be very...........painful!...goodbye..

To the rest of you if there's anyone i've forgotten I'm dearly sorry.. It's late and I should get some rest for tomorrow.. Hopefully when I get back you'll all be into pokemon and will play me and we'll get to do that.. One thing that I do ask.. KEEP THE SPIRIT ALIVE..... DO NOT.. LET TUCSON/PHOENIX OVERCOME US.. we're the ****ing ****.... we can't let those garbage areas be better than us... because they're garbage.. LOL... also

NOTE: NO ****ING BRAWL.. IF I COME BACK.. AND I SEE ANYONE PLAYING BRAWL.. I SWEAR... I WILL GO TO YOUR HOUSE AND BREAK YOUR WII, I DON'T EVEN CARE IF IT'S YOUR'S OR NOT.. I WILL BREAK IT WHETHER WITH A SLUDGEHAMMER, BREAKING IT AGAINST THE WALL, THROWING IT, BURNING IT, ANYTHING... so if i come back and you're playing it and I find it... You better hide you're ****.. or LIE AND SAY JOEY/JEFF already broke it!...i'll break it alot more than anyone else THAT'S FOR **** SURE..

anyway in due time.. i'll see you all... I'll miss each and everyone of you NUBCAKES! <33 <--- lol....anyway....umm yeah...

Goodbye!! Oh and for those of you who have an Xbox 360 get "Sonic Genesis Collection" and play Vectorman!!.. For those of you who have a Wii/gamecube.. look for the game "Sonic Gems Collection and unlock Vectorman by playing it for 10 hours.. (Just cheat and leave it on overnight like I did! lol.. Then you'll understand where my name came from... and why Vectorman the game kicks so much ***! lol

Peace out... *What it Is? (you're reply) *What's up (you're reply) *What about you* (your reply) (BOTH) "WHAT IT DO!??......WHATCHU WAITING FOR........................nothin (you're reply) *what about you* (you're reply) WHAT IS HOE!!!

lol... just ask Jeff.. he'll explain it.. !! lol... anyway.. i'm out.. I love you guys!! NO REALLY I DO!!! ^^;


Smash Champion
Dec 4, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
This thread has turned into a cheesy jRPG.

It was nice to play with you whenever, Timmy. Have a nice life.
I mean it. You only live once!


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
I posted on the previous page...

Man.. I actually stayed up the entire night and read through the entire sv thread... from page 1 to page 308 and man... we are a funny *** ****in group... Priest Revan/ Old me/ Jeff/ lol everyone... this thread is too ****in exquisite!..

well yeah anyway... i'm actually gone.. i just left...the house now....I 'll see you in all in about 2 months...


Smurfy EXE

Smash Apprentice
Oct 25, 2008
Tim "Vectorman" (insert last name here) ... A name I will never forgets :(

Thanks for alls the good times Tim, I can ONLY wish you the best!

:mewtwo: :link2:

*sniffle* wow, my eyes are really, sriously, tearing up ha ha :(


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2006
Somewhere in texas
COME ON GUYS CHEER UP!!! timmy wouldn want you guys to cry over him hes not dead he will be back in two months and he will be able to visit constanly guys its only two months!!!!

Smurfy EXE

Smash Apprentice
Oct 25, 2008
Carlton is correct, I never meant to get too weepy...

We need to stay strong for TIMMAY!

And only prove to him that Smurfy ***** you all in the future! :052:

But Yeah, we need to stay happy!

2 months is only a figment of time!

time passes! :D

Smurfy EXE

Smash Apprentice
Oct 25, 2008
lol i'm not really that sad, but porn made me happier =))
..... Did you remember to clean off the keyboard before your mom wanted to use the comp???

Waffle, OK, I'm bored, hungry, tired, and I want to smash!

bored bored bored bored

C'mon Joey, cheer up, Tim will be back to **** us all...

Where is Jeff, and how is he taking this, i feel sad

AND ONLY because Carly hasn't already done it for a while


Smurfy EXE

Smash Apprentice
Oct 25, 2008

Whats wrong with Bleach!


But I love them so much :052:

But I want to so bad... :D


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
im too amazing to quit
shut up tiny **** nyte you dont know what were going through and that one about the lamp I actually saw the lamp first then saw the other one and started thinking of people tee hee

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
WHAT IT IS!!! ........

what it is..............

......oh yeah i forgot..... timmy's not here.... i guess i'll finish it for him...

"hoe" *crys*

Smurfy EXE

Smash Apprentice
Oct 25, 2008

I'm sad again, I know I didn't know Tim like you guys, but c'mon cheer up!

He wouldn't want to see us like this


Oh, and Carlton, I CHALLENGE YOU!.......Bandanna?
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