Smash Champion
i don't know.. what people are talking about.. or about what's going.. on.. I know i'm not.. great or like crazy good or anything.. but.. the LAST person who deserves to say I don deserve a spot on ANYTHING is you tai.. so i'd shut it.. you talk so much ****.. and you're nowhere NEAR my level of play.. you have a marth you THINK is good.. and everyone else you play is yuck! so you can stop talkin about it now.. You don hear me saying.. Tai doesn't deserve to be in 10v10 regional battles either.. I just keep my opinion to myself.. I suggest you do the same thing.. You're not as good compared to me/Jeff as you THINK you are.. and it's what makes me laugh!
I'm not really upset... but when people talk to me about you.. I actually respect you.. w/things such as.. "man "tai is one of the fastest improving players out there, Tai, was one of the worst.. soon he'll be one of the best, High praise. blah, blah you name it.. while others... disagree w/what i have to say.. and then all Tai does in return.. is talk **** about everyone in SV... Me not qualifying.. fine, idc if i do/don't whatever... Jeff.. is most definetely capable of qualifying..
Another Note:.. not something I generally care about too much, but i'm growing quickly tired of the speculation, all of you people have with comparing myself/Jeff... Yes.. We all know and even myself know that Jeff is better than me.. Heck he's HELLA good!.. I'm glad that i'm the one who started the Melee community yes... I don't regret teachin anything that i have to teach new people.. It's great.... however,, I'm growing tired of the speculation that whatever Jeff can do... Timmy just somehow can't.... I've placed 1 SPOT... 1 F/CKIN SPOT BEHIND HIM IN 4 TOURNAMENTS IN A F/CKIN ROW!.... not one... so it can't be luck.. not two.. so it's kinda luck.. not even three.. for the complete trio.. FCKIN FOUR TOURNAMENTS that i'm right behind him! so i'm sick of fu/ckin people like Tai.. talking like he knows EVERYTHING about NOTHING!.. which is what he talks about.. then when I play people outside... I don't play them.. very much or few matches.. so people I play ONCE.. like Tai... and people.. like Tai.. happen to do good in ONE ****in match.. it's makes them think things, that are nowhere NEAR the truth.. then the rest of the matches.. i play.. if it's me,, 4 stocking to me only 1 stocking.. it seems the first match is the ONLY one people think of since it's the only one that matters to them!
Another note" Not Johning for Jeff, or for myself, but these recent tournaments, Jeff, has not been playing rather well, "No offense to Jeff" but he knows he wasn't playing his best... so to some PHX noobs.. (Tai) it's annoying for you to judge what you don't know about Jeff.. that I KNOW BETTER THAN ANYONE!!.. or me w/my famous way of not playing as good as i'd like but good enough to get far! (lol sheik) - FUN FACT: you know every tournament i've been to i've lost to a sheik) - perhaps it's my weakness, but perhaps it's fear that causes people to make them use sheik. (either way that's my problem) and I know.. so STFU before u start sayin it's my problem bcuz i know it is!.. so stop judging my skill compared to Jeff's on such a level.. Yes he's indeed better than me.. (i'm really glad/proud that he is, knowing that i helped cause that) but....don start sayin **** about me you don't even know because NONE of you have played me enough to know where I am... Every person Axe has faced.. and beaten.. I've done the same thing if given the opportunity..... but of course.. NONE OF YOU F/CKIN IDIOTS notice.. so i'll just deal with it..... "the joys of being an underrated player.. but whatever..noone fu/ckin notices anyway.. cuz they're fu/ckin blind!
heck Forward won SV twisted the tournament.. and he might not have been playing his best either... but guess what.. i bet if he lost.. i'd hear from the occasional people.. "oh Forward was playing bad.. just to protect his name and the coxsuckers who ride his nuts! "Axe got lucky forward wasn't his best" It's ****in annoyin so just shutup about it how about that
.. anyway.. to more important matters.. I might be workin a bit more everyone.. perhaps smash sometime later on this week or something.. let me know..
anyway.. i'm off to play some Halo/L4D, smash, whatever game I play.. (which btw before any of you tucson,phx, whatever noobs say you're good at.. (especially halo) meet me online.. i'll be glad to push your **** in!
i've wasted enough time here... anyone outside of SV.. **** off and shut the **** up about **** you don't know..
Sv.. (you need me you'll find a way to contact me!
worst part" - come tomorrow.. I know i'm still gonna respect Tai, Like I do EVERY smash player i've ever played. but no.. i'm timmy i'm soft.. and im a let people walk all over me.. like i always ****in have.. isn't that cool!? F/ckin skanks! *sigh*
I'm not really upset... but when people talk to me about you.. I actually respect you.. w/things such as.. "man "tai is one of the fastest improving players out there, Tai, was one of the worst.. soon he'll be one of the best, High praise. blah, blah you name it.. while others... disagree w/what i have to say.. and then all Tai does in return.. is talk **** about everyone in SV... Me not qualifying.. fine, idc if i do/don't whatever... Jeff.. is most definetely capable of qualifying..
Another Note:.. not something I generally care about too much, but i'm growing quickly tired of the speculation, all of you people have with comparing myself/Jeff... Yes.. We all know and even myself know that Jeff is better than me.. Heck he's HELLA good!.. I'm glad that i'm the one who started the Melee community yes... I don't regret teachin anything that i have to teach new people.. It's great.... however,, I'm growing tired of the speculation that whatever Jeff can do... Timmy just somehow can't.... I've placed 1 SPOT... 1 F/CKIN SPOT BEHIND HIM IN 4 TOURNAMENTS IN A F/CKIN ROW!.... not one... so it can't be luck.. not two.. so it's kinda luck.. not even three.. for the complete trio.. FCKIN FOUR TOURNAMENTS that i'm right behind him! so i'm sick of fu/ckin people like Tai.. talking like he knows EVERYTHING about NOTHING!.. which is what he talks about.. then when I play people outside... I don't play them.. very much or few matches.. so people I play ONCE.. like Tai... and people.. like Tai.. happen to do good in ONE ****in match.. it's makes them think things, that are nowhere NEAR the truth.. then the rest of the matches.. i play.. if it's me,, 4 stocking to me only 1 stocking.. it seems the first match is the ONLY one people think of since it's the only one that matters to them!
Another note" Not Johning for Jeff, or for myself, but these recent tournaments, Jeff, has not been playing rather well, "No offense to Jeff" but he knows he wasn't playing his best... so to some PHX noobs.. (Tai) it's annoying for you to judge what you don't know about Jeff.. that I KNOW BETTER THAN ANYONE!!.. or me w/my famous way of not playing as good as i'd like but good enough to get far! (lol sheik) - FUN FACT: you know every tournament i've been to i've lost to a sheik) - perhaps it's my weakness, but perhaps it's fear that causes people to make them use sheik. (either way that's my problem) and I know.. so STFU before u start sayin it's my problem bcuz i know it is!.. so stop judging my skill compared to Jeff's on such a level.. Yes he's indeed better than me.. (i'm really glad/proud that he is, knowing that i helped cause that) but....don start sayin **** about me you don't even know because NONE of you have played me enough to know where I am... Every person Axe has faced.. and beaten.. I've done the same thing if given the opportunity..... but of course.. NONE OF YOU F/CKIN IDIOTS notice.. so i'll just deal with it..... "the joys of being an underrated player.. but whatever..noone fu/ckin notices anyway.. cuz they're fu/ckin blind!
heck Forward won SV twisted the tournament.. and he might not have been playing his best either... but guess what.. i bet if he lost.. i'd hear from the occasional people.. "oh Forward was playing bad.. just to protect his name and the coxsuckers who ride his nuts! "Axe got lucky forward wasn't his best" It's ****in annoyin so just shutup about it how about that
.. anyway.. to more important matters.. I might be workin a bit more everyone.. perhaps smash sometime later on this week or something.. let me know..
anyway.. i'm off to play some Halo/L4D, smash, whatever game I play.. (which btw before any of you tucson,phx, whatever noobs say you're good at.. (especially halo) meet me online.. i'll be glad to push your **** in!
i've wasted enough time here... anyone outside of SV.. **** off and shut the **** up about **** you don't know..
Sv.. (you need me you'll find a way to contact me!
worst part" - come tomorrow.. I know i'm still gonna respect Tai, Like I do EVERY smash player i've ever played. but no.. i'm timmy i'm soft.. and im a let people walk all over me.. like i always ****in have.. isn't that cool!? F/ckin skanks! *sigh*