I don't think the Laughing Dog discussion was resolved. We kind of devolved from actual conversation to 'He didn't do anything in his game' 'but it makes perfect sense for him to do this and this and this' 'but he didn't do that in the game' 'but neither did ROB' 'well ROB is a robot, so of course he can fight' 'but dogs are notorious biters, and scratchers, and barkers, and pouncers' 'but it's a dog, so it's different' and so on.
But the point of my original question was NOT 'is this character able to have a good moveset', that discussion was for you to have with yourself and reach a logical conclusion. The one I came to was 'yes, yes he can', but I can certainly see why some think Laughing Dog(Which is a far better name than Duck Hunt Dog) couldn't fight.
But my question wasn't that. My question was 'is this character important, popular, and representative enough to be included?', which nobody has as of yet answered. So let's move away from this moveset nonsense, and discuss the character based on its merits and demerits. Ok? I'll start by showing my side of the argument.
Duck Hunt, along with SMB, were the launch titles for the NES that came pre-packaged in with it. Yes, we've got ROB representing the Hardware on the NES, but we don't really have a character representing the software of the NES. Oh sure, Ice Climbers kinda do, but their game wasn't all that popular, and several people had no idea who they were in Melee. Laughing Dog, on the other hand, is instantly recognizable by most people who'd buy this game, even if they haven't played it, as shooting the dog is one of the most overused video game jokes ever(In the same section as 'Toad's flipping you off' and 'He's got head damage because he hits bricks with his head(hint: He uses his fist)'.)
So he's recognizable, and he's got historical significance. I'd also say Duck Hunt is probably one of the most popular NES games; sure, of course Zeldas 1 and 2, Kirby, the Mario trilogy, Metroid, and a few others outrank it, but I'd say it's probably one of, if not the most popular NES-exclusive franchises(You seen Duck Hunt Wii yet? Nope.). And sure, people claim to hate Laughy here, but he's hated in the same way that Wario is hated, not the way Tingle is hated. He's not mean to you, he's mean to the disembodied crosshairs, in the same way Wario is mean to Mario.
Which brings me to my next point; he represents a genre thus far unrepresented in SSB; First Person Shooters. What's that? It's not an Eff-Pee-Ess? Yeah it is. Also, Pokemon Snap is. Don't say it isn't; it's in the first person, you're 'aiming' at 'enemies' using a 'crosshairs', and you can throw small, roundish objects that do different things, aka, Grenades.
Anyway, that's my 53 1/4 cents. Make of this what you will.
Oh, and if you really no longer wish to discuss Laughing Dog, how about a new topic?
What would you guys think if Diddy had Dixie added onto him as a combo Ice Climbers team and Zelda/Sheik tag-out? It'd represent a major part of the Donkey Kong Country series, and it'd allow for more Donkey Kong characters in one slot on the select screen.