Smash Apprentice
Random Time!
This whole partner thing has really got me thinking about my golden sun idea. Sure we can have assist trophies, but this really limits the amount of characters that can be represented in the game and from what I expect for this next game (hopefully on an HD Nintendo console) we will be able to add complex things like this.
For those of you who have played golden sun, consider the Djinni. There are four different elements that correspond to each Djinn.
No two creature of the same type has the same ability,how can we capture the essence of their abilites (importance for that matter) by just cramming all of them into one Trophy?
Take the concept of the Pokeball, we can implement hundreds of different types of pokemon at random by using one item. Imagine we can do the same using the 'Stars' of Golden Sun (I imagine that they are roughly the same size)
Consider this same concept for other characters that are deserving within a popular game (with many characters). It might get pretty creative to figuring out how to apply this concept to other titles by which many characters are involved (FE, Mother, Paper Mario, and more)
This wouldn't even be an issue if smash gave some support to the competative community (or just Wii's online better overall). Not everyone wants to have a 4P smash party with items (not all of us have that luxury either). Casual and Competative should be interchangeable to satisfy both parties.
Last note- I'd rather have P.Mario over Geno, Jr, or Toad any day. His gimmick is right up there with G&W with a few unique traits thrown in for his favor.
This whole partner thing has really got me thinking about my golden sun idea. Sure we can have assist trophies, but this really limits the amount of characters that can be represented in the game and from what I expect for this next game (hopefully on an HD Nintendo console) we will be able to add complex things like this.
For those of you who have played golden sun, consider the Djinni. There are four different elements that correspond to each Djinn.

No two creature of the same type has the same ability,
Take the concept of the Pokeball, we can implement hundreds of different types of pokemon at random by using one item. Imagine we can do the same using the 'Stars' of Golden Sun (I imagine that they are roughly the same size)

Consider this same concept for other characters that are deserving within a popular game (with many characters). It might get pretty creative to figuring out how to apply this concept to other titles by which many characters are involved (FE, Mother, Paper Mario, and more)
Not to repeat my observed pattern, but Chu, sometimes you are clueless. Kuma and I talked about this in response to whether or not WD should even be in the game. It was honestly a creative way to settle a dispute. It would please me very much to see you take care to what you say, because hey, you never know.This is why you make "Neo Wave Dashing," a feature that adds very little for most players and will turn them off to the game.
This wouldn't even be an issue if smash gave some support to the competative community (or just Wii's online better overall). Not everyone wants to have a 4P smash party with items (not all of us have that luxury either). Casual and Competative should be interchangeable to satisfy both parties.
Lol@ U using 'depth' examples from your own perspective, limited at as well. What happened to the dodging mechanics introduced in melee (air dodging,sidestepping, etc)? What did that do for the game?Melee did this by adding stages that moved, making the normal fight much deeper.
Why do we want to overdo the partner gimmick? When you guys brought up Bowser's partner stuff I thought you were refering to him using their wands for different moves not the characters themselves. What should we gain from this overuse? Perhaps if they came out of nowhere to use moves like some of the capcom vs. fighting games. I think that was your intent, just want to clarify.Partner Stuff
However; Independence is what makes the Partner's as they are, as Mario and them work together to attack at similar timings
Last note- I'd rather have P.Mario over Geno, Jr, or Toad any day. His gimmick is right up there with G&W with a few unique traits thrown in for his favor.