Highly doubtful, considering Capcom owns the Megaman license, and have used and could still use him in any of their vs. fighting games at their own discretion, as well as the fact that they are still making Megaman games, I don't foresee them allowing his use in Smash or anything that resembles a video game that isn't made by Capcom.
Kenji Inafune - the creator of Megaman in case you don't know - himself stated that he would've liked to see Megaman in Brawl, and that he can imagine seeing him in a possible future installment.
@GBeast: God I hate if people want me to reply and then post their answers into quotes...
well like i said, all forms of megaman have been in a fighting game except megaman X which is why i think he deserves a game for himself
Yes. That is true. But every other Megaman except for Rock Volnutt has deeper ties to Nintendo than X, who has pretty much everything after X2 on Sony consoles, excluding the RPG spinoff and kinda X3 which was ported onto the PSX.
Megaman.EXE and Starforce Megaman haven't been in any fighting game yet, btw.
Zero is more popular then megaman and has pretty much taken over the series
...WHAT? LOL!! You're kidding, right? Megaman Zero only sold because it had the name "Megaman", not because of the "Zero" on it. =P
The games still are called "Megaman", not Zero, and the Battle Network and Starforce games don't even have a slight blink of Zero at ALL. The only thing that comes close is actually Megaman ZX, but that's only a model resembling to Zero or being made out of him or whatever, which I don't count as full inclusion, and neither as "taking over the series". He just was stronger than X, hence he is the stronger model, if you want to.
hardly, you cant compare them to robot masters because they are both recurring characters and fightable bosses but they are also considered to be part of the main characters of the Megaman Zero series,
Then I compare them to NetNavis, ACians (or how the Starforce enemies were called), and Gutsman.
and they actually speak and have in-depth personalities hence why you cant compare them to robot masters
Oh, so a voice actor and a showcase personality is now what makes an important character? Link would like to have a talk with you.
and they are continuing to be main characters in their biometal forms in the ZX series
lolwut? What a dumb argument, really. I can only say again what I said before: the biometals only resemble these characters or are their "descendants" if you want to. They also could simply be random biometal stuff, the names and resemblance to the Zero characters has been put in mainly for people who played the Zero games to remember and be happy about how they knew this tidbit. You can play the game without knowing the Zero characters at all, and all you would have would be random letters. The biometals are really no "main characters" at all, as well, just speaking artifacts.
AND they all played major roles in MMZ2(minus phantom who died in MMZ1) and 3 even more so.... Harpuia is the closest thign that Neo Arcadia has to the original Megaman X(he is almost exactly like him personality wise) and if it wasent for them, Omega Zero would have defeated Zero and dr weil woulda had his way... have you even played/payed attention to the Megaman Zero series' storyline?
Importance to one game is not really saying anything, otherwise you should worship Impa. Oh wait, you want Midna and Wolf Link. Gotcha.
What I want to say is, even if they were important in one game, they do not represent the whole series. That only can be done by a Megaman. These Zero characters are Zero characters for a reason: They only appear in the Zero games. They are mentioned in the spiritual successor, but that's like saying Impa is in Twilight Princess because an old woman named Impaz in there, or she is in Wind Waker because there's a window picturing her.
new game needs the next generation of pokemon
I'm perfectly fine with the classic starters. Even people not so well-endowed with Pokemon can recognize them. I only played RBY, so if you showed me a generation past 1st Gen I would ask you what that is. I have no idea about them (few exceptions existing). Seeing the starters from the first gen was awesome for me because I knew these guys.
what about sheik? sheik was a major character(who was really just zelda) for one game and one game only... yet here she is, in her second installment of smash
Sheik is a very complicated case. Back when Melee was released, she was an insanely popular character because of OoT still lingering around - first of all. Of course, Sakurai could have gone for only putting in Zelda, which would've been good, too, but instead he opted for a version that enhanced gameplay, creating a character being able to transform themselves into a different character mid-match. Sheik and Zelda are completely different in terms of gameplay, and fit perfectly for a transformation character, who is popular as well. The other option would've been a Pokemon Trainer, but I think that would've been too hard to develop. Sheik's popularity back then plays into it, as well.
1) to date, only 3 megaman games are not on nintendo systems: Megaman Legends 2, Megaman X's 7 and 8... thats it(MM8 was released with the anniversary collection for GCN, and there was an MMX collection that had 1-6 for GCN too)
I don't count a collection as an official release on the platform. Also, you're forgetting the Megaman X remake and Megaman: Powered Up for the PSP, as well as Misadventures of Tron Bonne (which is basically Megaman Legends 3, but widely unknown and unpopular for the mere reason of not having a "Megaman" on its box).
2) they ALL originated on nintendo systems(just like sonic and snake)
lolwut? I thought Sonic originated on the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive and Snake on the MSX? *looks up* Yes, I'm right. Sonic only got his more recent games on mainly the Nintendo systems, and Snake only had 2 games on the NES, which both were considered terrible.
However, Snake got in because Kojima, Snake's creator, is friends with Sakurai.
3) all of the megaman games that capcom has released recently have been on nintendo systems and not PS systems.... yet snake hasent been seen on a nintendo system for a very long time, nor had any nintendo specific games in a very very long time
See above. I'm not saying that I'm against Megaman. I'm against including supporting characters from a subseries which isn't even that big when there's more obvious choices (Megaman, X, Protoman, Forte, Zero, Roll, the list goes on).