Mona (Meh. I don't see this happening, but whatever.)
Ridley (Not a fan, never have been, and I don't particularly want him to get in, but there's no denying he's got a chance.)
Krystal (If she gets in, she sure as heck better not have a single move in common with Fox, Falco, or Wolf. All I'm sayin'.)
Isaac (Yes, yes, and triple yes!)
Lip (This idea is growing on me [in part thanks to MYM]. She'd make a nice addition, especially as a more "obscure" character.)
Dixie Kong (Please no. Let's stop with the monkey DK reps.)
Bowser Jr./Shadow Mario (How about Bowser Jr. without Shadow Mario? Wasn't Shadow Mario only in Super Mario Sunshine? I think Bowser Jr. would work fine without any kind of transformation.)
Waluigi (I simply cannot approve of this idea. Ever. Daisy deserves a spot before Waluigi, and Daisy definitely doesn't deserve a spot.)
Black Shadow (If it gets Ganondorf a new moveset, I'm all for Black Shadow's inclusion.)
Lyndis (Lyn's time is past, more than likely. We'll get some new Fire Emblem lord who none of us has ever heard of, probably.)
King K. Rool (Yeah, sure. I'm not a DK fan by any stretch of the imagination, but I'd give this guy a spot. Just stop DK rep after that. No Dixie, and no [insert other bizzare name] Kong.)
Meowth (Why? What does Meowth have to offer? He's got everything against him that Mewtwo does, plus two more things. One, he's not any kind of ultimate, standout Pokemon. And two, he hasn't ever been playable in Smash Bros. games. Sorry, but I just find this idea absurd.)
Paper Mario (Much as I'd rather have a new Mario rep that isn't another Mario [Bowser Jr. is perfect], I'd settle for this as long as his moveset was interesting enough.)