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OFFICIAL Sonic thread. (Keep it Brawl related, or suffer Xsy's/Xii's wrath!)

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chiyo-chan' dad

Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2007
Lmao nintendo owns sega.

Knuckles would be better than sonic in smash bros just look at awesome the hedgehog.

Nights anyone?
Nintendo don't own Sega, Sega are still good you fool. Rember back in the days, it was Sonic who did the owning to Mario.
Still Mario ftw. Nintendo are better, but don't own Sega.

Knuckles and Nights you say, man are you trying to kill me or something. If Sega are going to put a character in the game, it will be Sonic. Sonic only, that's all we need.

(I do like Nights)

I Like Smash...

Smash Apprentice
Jul 6, 2007
Baltimore, MD
Lmao nintendo owns sega.

Knuckles would be better than sonic in smash bros just look at awesome the hedgehog.

Nights anyone?
i think that would be a great idea...
the night sequel will be a Wii exclusive after all...
that would be good promotion for the game...
the first was one of the best games ever...
a cult classic i would put on the same level as Kidicarus (im sure somebody will flame me for that, and it will probably be some Nintendo fanboy who has never even played Kidicarus, but its my opinion)...
Night into Dreams was the number 1 (and only) reason to own a Sega Saturn...


Smash Journeyman
Jul 22, 2003
San Diego, CA
Just because a character has been confirmed, does not mean they are a starter. Wasn't Snake confirmed to be secret not a starter by Mr. Smash Bros himself?:confused:

Just to answer your question, yes. Sakurai did say that, because he feels that all "guest" characters would need to be unlockable.

Got Blood?

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2006
I was actually thinking that if we get Sonic,why not Nights? After all,they are making a new Nights game. Also,even though Sonic's FS would 99% be him turning into Super Sonic,but I was also thinking since Wii had Sonic & the Secret Rings,maybe his Final Smash could be
Darkspines Sonic.
That would be pretty cool.

chiyo-chan' dad

Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2007
Erm i was kinda laughing at it not actually saying it.
So you also agree that Knuckles will be crap. :laugh:

Got Blood: Remember that this is meant to be a Nintendo game, Snake is pushing it, and Sonic (if he's in it). So Nights is out of the picture.

I Like Smash...

Smash Apprentice
Jul 6, 2007
Baltimore, MD
So you also agree that Knuckles will be crap. :laugh:

Got Blood: Remember that this is meant to be a Nintendo game, Snake is pushing it, and Sonic (if he's in it). So Nights is out of the picture.
youre probably right, but still...
Sonic and Nights would be 2 Sega characters...
2 Sega characters wouldnt overshadow 30 Nintendo characters...
either way we were told to expect 2 or 3 more 3rd party fighters other than Snake...
in an interview, Miyamoto said that the one game he regretted not working on was Nights into Dreams...
im sure he isnt the only developer at Nintendo who feels that way...
i hope Sakurai feels that way too...:p
either way i agree its unlikely Nights will be in the game...
if he were an AT that would be kinda nice though...


Smash Ace
May 21, 2006
Sydney, Australia
I know every body knows what they'll do if Sonic is confirmed.

Everybody what would be your reaction if Sonic were to be announced (As a PLAYABLE Character, Not AT) right on the front page of the Smash Bros. Dojo.?
The other day one of my friends(Pete) and I made a bet with another friend(Andrew).
That if Sonic was in. Andrew had to shout us beer for a night.
And if Sonic wasn't in Pete and I would be shouting Andrew beer for a night.
Andrew's main argument is that Sonic isn't Nintendo, and doesn't fit because he's a runner more than a fighter. And he just doesn't like Sonic. Never did apparently.

Truly, Mario vs. Sonic will be the battle everyone whats to see. If the blue boy is in there as I unlock him I'm not even going to play with him I'm going to set him and Mario in computer mode,put them both on Level 9(or whatever the highest level will be now),set them on the Final Destination stage,sit back and relax,and enjoy the show.
Exactly what i'm going to do too. Though we'll never know the real winner. In a sense though Mario already won. Nintendo is still making consoles, and Mario is still the leading mascot.
Not to mention in the end Mario has a huge fanbase. I'm sad to say is possibly bigger than Sonic's fanbase.

Without items?:confused: (Items can cause it to go either way:ohwell:)

Anyway if he is in, should he have a adventure mode stage or part? Like maybe a side scroll through Green Hill Zone? Or perhaps he makes a sudden apperence on Mario's stage?
I always haver this vision of Mario doing adventure mode then somehow he ends up in a Green Hill zone. And at the end of the stage we see Sonic waiting, tapping his foot. Then after seeing Mario he says something like "About time you got here, what took you so long?" Or else once Mario finished one of his stages they should suprise us with having Luigi come up, then Sonic beats Luigi there and knocks you out. Then the fight starts.
I'm sorry I just get flashbacks of Luigi being unlocked in SSBM. That opening scene to the match.

I don't know...

That seems actually kind of scary.
Here is what some possiblities will be if the contract was made. Let's say both Super Smash Bros. Brawl (with Sonic) and Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games are HUGE succeses, we'll probably see more Sonic in mario games. Well, anyway here's the list. (and i made a scar-o-meter on it for you to choose

1. Sonic in Mario Party 9 and/or 10
(Very cool/Cool/Uncertain/Scary/OMG Scary)
2. Paper Mario & Paper Sonic
(Very cool/Cool/Uncertain/Scary/OMG Scary)
3. Sonic in Mario Kart {He really wouln't need a kart:chuckle:}
(Very cool/Cool/Uncertain/Scary/OMG Scary)
4. SONIC & MARIO PLATFORM GAME! {Them working TOGETHER} (Very cool/OR SUPER AWESOMENESS TO THE MAX!!!!!!!!!) Heh heh heh just kidding
(Very Cool/Cool/Uncertain/Scary/OMG Scary)
5. Sonic in the sports series (he'd be awesome in a Mario Strikers game)
(Very Cool/Cool/Uncertain/Scary/OMG Scary)
I think Sonic's best chances are Mario Party and Mario Kart. And it be nice to see Sonic together, like something that was meant to be one day. And Sonic in a Nintendo game to me is something that dreams were made of in my view. I never thought I see it but I always dreamt of it. I would Sonic and Mario to have their own platform game though. Though they should start off as enemies or in the wrong worlds. Sonic in Mario's world. And Mario in Sonic's world. I would like it if Sonic and Mario had a platform game similar to Sonic and Knuckles game.

yah of course sonic will be a secret character, in fact he will be the last unlockable and he will be so hard to unlock most people will say he isn't in smash
Probably be ruined on the box art though. Most likely the licensed companies will be on the back along with Nintendo, or we'll see it with the copyright information.

But yeah he'll be a tough character to unlock but it should be something involving Mario.


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2007
I think unlocking SOnic will be in an Event match (If there in Brawl)
You know, you play as Mario, the computer is sonic, beat the **** through him, and you get him.
But thats just what I think..


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
I think that Sonic should be unlocked in some sort of speed challenge. With him being fast and all, why not something to cause the player to move as fast as he or she can to unlock Sonic? It just makes sense. But perhaps it could be only a challenge to Mario or a speed challenge only Mario can do. But i totally believe that if he is in, you fight fast you should get the true blue himself.

Numbuh 214

Smash Apprentice
May 31, 2006
I've just thought up an alternate moveset for the true blue and a way to unlock him.

Unlock: (assuming anything unmentioned by Sakurai is unchanged from Melee) Fully complete (get to the rightmost door) of "Race to the Finish" with Mario in Classic Mode. Instead of a Metallic character fighting you, you will hear, "Versus: SONIC!!" Beat him, then beat Classic Mode. You will then automatically unlock him! You will not need to fight him again unless you needed to continue after his fight; but if you want to anyway, press (on the D-Pad and Buttons) Up, X, Down, X, Left, X, Right, X at anytime on the credits screen.

Moveset (On GameCube/Classic Controller):

Neutral A Combo: A right-fisted jab, a small right-footed kick, and a left-footed punt, followed by a flurry of punches (right, left, right, left,...) (yeah, he has an infinite...so?).
Forward: Left-footed punt as seen in the combo..
Up :Much like Mario's, but a bit faster.
Down: Sonic spins in place a couple of times; no lag before or after, so it is an infinite, technically, too.​
Dash: Sonic leaps from his place and sticks out the foot that was not touching the ground. He starts running after this, so he can infinite this, too; but, it can send him careening to his doom.

Forward: Leaps forward and does a flip kick. (Charging more gives more distance.)
(Comparable to the Sonic Eagle from Sonic Battle)
Up : Backflips while he delivers a strong kick. (Basically, the Sonic Upper from Sonic Battle.)
Down: Somewhat like Mario's, but animated like the Sonic Flare.​
Neutral: Like the Down Tilt, but in the Air
Back: Like Kirby's, but faster.
Up: Like Mario's, but faster.
Forward: Flip kick from the Forward Smash.
Down: Sonic Rocket (from Sonic Battle)​

Neutral B: Sonic Cracker - Places or throws an explosive below him that detonates on enemy contact with a mid-sized radius for minimal damage and medium knockback. When you set another, the first explodes.

Smash B: Sonic Drive - Throws a ring that you can aim and let fly while holding B, and then releasing it to attempt to Dash towards it. Counts as recovery move.

Up B: Sonic Meteor - Creates a shockwave by spinning at high speeds, thereby propelling him upwards and backwards (you automatically turn around in the air, though) Counts as recovery move.
Down B:
Aerial: Bounce Attack - Propels downward at supersonic speeds, bouncing off anything unfortunately large (like a box or a foe) in the way.
Ground: Spindash - Charges up the classic move. Press B to charge it up, hold the Analog Stick down to keep it, then let 'er fly!!​

Grab: Standard grabbing technique; nothing fancy.
A: Hits them with his right knee.
Forward/Back: Traps them in Magic Glove, then punts them away in the chosen direction like a soccer ball; fair knockback, but low trajectory; also, your opponent can only recover after 10 seconds of falling (or until he/she/it hits the ground; whichever comes first. Also, the opponent is shot up after breaking free if he/she/it has not hit the ground)
Up: Same as Forward/Back, but lobs the opponent with Sonic Upper.
Down: Shoves the opponent down, then runs on top of them for a couple of seconds, ending with a double stomp that allows Sonic to bounce off them.​

Taunt: Spins a Ring on his finger hula-hoop style three times while looking at the screen impatiently

Stance: Fists are both pumped and Sonic's entire body frame is bouncing (think to his stance in Sonic Battle). This eventually turns into the impatient tap, then the miffed lounge, and , after a few minutes, he jumps off the platform he's on, falls all the way down (obviously not trying to land), and SD's once. (Nice homage to Sonic CD, no?)

Super Smash: Super Sonic - Makes you invincible, super fast, and much stronger: your damage acts as a timer here; as soon as it counts down at the rate of once a second (obviously, slightly more quickly if you have more damage and if you are attacking) to 0%, it rises up to DOUBLE what it was in the first place and you turn back to normal.

  1. Classic finger waggle (S3&K).
  2. Breakdance to a thumbs-up (Advance 3, gold medal).
  3. Brushes his palms together cartoon-style, then strikes a pose (Advance 3, not gold medal).
Music: "Act clear" music (S3&K/Adventure (DX)/Adventure 2 (: Battle)/etc.).

Yes, Sonic would be slightly more agile than Falcon, but Sonic would have less traction (especially when braking in mid-dash :chuckle:), be slightly lighter than Falco, and he wouldn't hit as hard as other characters; he would both prove that "he who knows when to run away/will live to fight another day" and add a character that balances this "hit-and-run" feel with great combo skills. And the reason most of his moves are borrowed from Sonic Battle is because Sonic the Fighters is slightly less well-known (that and I never played it :chuckle:), so this moveset seemed more reasonable...

Also, I like the idea of crouch-canceling turning into the Roll attack; kudos to whomever said it...


Smash Apprentice
Jul 3, 2006
in the Subspace Emissary. What is the Subspace Emi
You think? What makes you say that?

Secret characters come as even more of a surprise, do they not?
Like when you're in the middle of your game and then all of a sudden you see a sihlouette challenging you on a brand new stage?

Either way would work for me.

Is everyone here settled on the idea that Sonic is going to be included?
Is it just too obvious a guess?
The reason I say Sonic won't be a secret character is simply because of how wanted he is. If he is not confirmed immediatly as a starting character, then everybody will give their hopes up, think that he's not in, and the game might not get as much sales (yes, I think some people will only buy the game if Sonic is in it). If Snake has been confirmed as a secret character though, then it's possible that they will do the same to Sonic, but I think it's very unlikely.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
All 3rd party guest characters will be unlockable, that's been confirmed. However, I think it's safe to say that their inclusion in the game will be revealed before the game is released, seeing as we already know Snake is in the game.


Smash Ace
May 21, 2006
Sydney, Australia
The reason I say Sonic won't be a secret character is simply because of how wanted he is. If he is not confirmed immediatly as a starting character, then everybody will give their hopes up, think that he's not in, and the game might not get as much sales (yes, I think some people will only buy the game if Sonic is in it). If Snake has been confirmed as a secret character though, then it's possible that they will do the same to Sonic, but I think it's very unlikely.
if people are going to be like that then they bought the wrong game.

And I actually enjoyed unlocking stuff. And if I didn't do my best and unlock everything I would of never found my favourite character, and never know about the FE franchise - Marth.

Sonic is a special character. I'm pretty sure Nintendo and Sega would have to pull some strings, to get him in and up with a good moveset, they should hand him to us that easy. THey should make us work and earn Sonic.

No one will lose hope and feel that Sonic isn't in, because a trailer would of revealed it, or confirmations would of got out. And if Sonic was in but it was hard requirement to unlock then if anything it would increase my anticipation and make me really work at it.

Casual Gamers should learn how to play games especially good Nintendo ones and understand nothing comes easy. And if anyone thinks it does then they need to play a Metroid game.

Besides I would hate it if they gave us Sonic straight up. There would be like no fun factor. That's just me.

Because Sonic is a newcomer and a special character I feel there should be some task, he shouldn't come around so easily.

We'rew all guessing. I hope he is in. Looking at Sega huge support behind Nintendo and taking all facts into account.
1. Sega is selling their games on VC.
2. Sega is using Mario and his friends in an Olympic game with Sonic. (favour returned?)
3. Sonic sells better on a Nintendo console than he has done on Sony, Microsoft or even a PC.
4. Sonic vs Mario may be way after it's time now, with Mario being the victor and all. It still has a good sales pitch, and many people feel a Fight is better then a Race.
5. Sonic is a mascot through and through. Mascots have the best chance in Brawl. Mario, Link, Snake, Falcon, Ness, Pikachu, Kirby, Marth, Samus, Fox,
6. Sonic is the most favoured third party pick. Even Miyamoto and Sakurai have mentioned Sonic has been requested the most more than anyone else.
7. Most people like the idea of Sonic in Smash Bros.

I don't know if he's an obvious and I am worried especially with Nintendo and Sega's former rivalry, and the fact that Sega is a western company. Nintendo i'm sure feels better working close to home than on the other side.

Got Blood?

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2006
1. Sega is selling their games on VC.
2. Sega is using Mario and his friends in an Olympic game with Sonic. (favour returned?)
3. Sonic sells better on a Nintendo console than he has done on Sony, Microsoft or even a PC.
4. Sonic vs Mario may be way after it's time now, with Mario being the victor and all. It still has a good sales pitch, and many people feel a Fight is better then a Race.
5. Sonic is a mascot through and through. Mascots have the best chance in Brawl. Mario, Link, Snake, Falcon, Ness, Pikachu, Kirby, Marth, Samus, Fox,
6. Sonic is the most favoured third party pick. Even Miyamoto and Sakurai have mentioned Sonic has been requested the most more than anyone else.
7. Most people like the idea of Sonic in Smash Bros.
8.Nintendo is releasing a Sonic RPG on the DS.:)


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2007
At Home
Sonic is pretty much in the game. I wouldn't worry, but i wouldn't get your hopes up, i don't know, I don't work for Nintendo or HAL Labs. Based on released news in magazines and Nintendo Power. Hints basically confirm him. He was almost in SSBM, why shouldn't he be in this one.


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Tennessee V_V
Well, if he is in I will be willing to bet he will be high tier, he just seems like that,... fast, and relativly strong, plus nintendo has a lot of room to make his moves great!


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
Numbuh 214 said:
Down B:
Aerial: Bounce Attack - Propels downward at supersonic speeds, bouncing off anything unfortunately large (like a box or a foe) in the way.
Ground: Spindash - Charges up the classic move. Press B to charge it up, hold the Analog Stick down to keep it, then let 'er fly!!
Thank you for getting this correct. Most people do not. Most people place the Spindash on Neutral B, which is wrong.

And anyone who assumes that they know anything about the game in advance at ALL is just setting themselves up for disappointment. I want Sonic in as much as anyone, and I really think he has a good chance to make it in, but saying that "Here are the reasons Sonic will make it in" is just asking to be disappointed.

And Nintendo's not releasing, or making, that game. It's being created by Bioware, Nintendo will simply license it for the system. All that means is that they give permisson for Bioware to distribute and sell the game, once they pay Nintendo a fee to use their platform. That's how it works (I'm pretty sure). My point is that Nintendo will have nothing to do with the game itself.


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
Sonic probaly has a 95-99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999.... chance of getting into the game.
His chances of not being are .000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001... if i am bad at math and missed a few numbers, then that is his chance of becoming an assist trophy.


Smash Ace
Apr 8, 2007
Spear Pillar
I think unlocking SOnic will be in an Event match (If there in Brawl)
You know, you play as Mario, the computer is sonic, beat the **** through him, and you get him.
But thats just what I think..

I think that Sonic should be unlocked in some sort of speed challenge. With him being fast and all, why not something to cause the player to move as fast as he or she can to unlock Sonic? It just makes sense. But perhaps it could be only a challenge to Mario or a speed challenge only Mario can do. But i totally believe that if he is in, you fight fast you should get the true blue himself.
Why not combine the two? Make it an event match, and have Mario KO Sonic within a certain time limit. If Mario manages to pull it off, have him fight Sonic again to unlock him.


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
Never thought about that, Cenedar you are a genius. I just wish somebody had the ability to eMail Mr. Smash Bros himself and tell him about your idea.

I Like Smash...

Smash Apprentice
Jul 6, 2007
Baltimore, MD
im sure (or i hope anyway) that Mr. Smash Bros himself came up with a decent enough idea on his own...
i hope so anyway...
it would be kinda lame if all you had to do to unlock Sonic was beat classic mode regardless of difficulty or how often you die...
they should respect tradition and make that the requirement to unlock Jiggsy again...:p


Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2007
Never thought about that, Cenedar you are a genius. I just wish somebody had the ability to eMail Mr. Smash Bros himself and tell him about your idea.
Which is exactly what gets to me. There are so many great ideas that I hear and see on Smashboards and such. But I'm disappointed that I'll never see them worked into the game because I know these ideas will never be seen by Sakurai or the development team.


Am i still the only one who think Mario and Sonic at the Olympics is a lie and at E3, they are gonna say it is not real?


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
Yes. Yes you are.

And nobody listens to me.

And to those talking about mailing Sakurai, yes there are some good ideas on this board, but there are FAR many more bad ones. Personally, I'd rather if he didn't check here. He's smart, he's made the last two Smash games. I'm sure whatever he comes up with will be awesome.

Hallowed Storm

Smash Journeyman
Jun 25, 2007
Which is exactly what gets to me. There are so many great ideas that I hear and see on Smashboards and such. But I'm disappointed that I'll never see them worked into the game because I know these ideas will never be seen by Sakurai or the development team.
I feel the same way.
Sometimes I wonder if, in the beginning stages of the game, the development team browsed the internet for some good ideas to put into Brawl. (Or Sakurai could have done it by himself, also.)
They most likely aren't doing that kind of thing now, though. Once the development team found so many ideas, Sakurai might have just picked only a few to put into the game. I doubt that they would keep looking on the internet after the game started to evolve.

I would like to see a special event match (if they still have event matches) where you have to play as Mario, and you battle Sonic on a stage like Final Destination. Mario and Sonic are very competitive.

I'd love to see Sonic in Brawl, mainly because one of my friends really wants to fight as him in a Smash Bros. game.

Sonic would be a unique character, and I think it would add more fans to Smash Bros. Brawl. Many people want to see him; I do not deny that I want to see him in the game. It would be an interesting edition.

If they do reveal him as a playable character, I think that they will either release the info at E3, or they might release it very close to the release date of Brawl.

Sonic for Brawl! :laugh:


Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2007
Yes. Yes you are.

And nobody listens to me.

And to those talking about mailing Sakurai, yes there are some good ideas on this board, but there are FAR many more bad ones. Personally, I'd rather if he didn't check here. He's smart, he's made the last two Smash games. I'm sure whatever he comes up with will be awesome.
I agree with both the bad ideas outweighing the good, and Sakurai's end results. But those good ideas could add so much more to the experience (such as a ledge grab) :ohwell:.

But, as you stated, Sakurai knows his stuff. :)

Got Blood?

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2006
Am i still the only one who think Mario and Sonic at the Olympics is a lie and at E3, they are gonna say it is not real?
IMO I don't think it's a lie,but if they were to reveal a lie,it would be at the same time they release that Sonic is a playable character in Brawl.


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2007
Rockford, MI
If only the mods could compile a list of all the good ideas, and somehow get Sakurai to look at it... It doesn't seem TOO far out because isn't this the largest Smash community on the web?


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2007
closest to Sterling Heights, MI on your wii foreca
If only the mods could compile a list of all the good ideas, and somehow get Sakurai to look at it... It doesn't seem TOO far out because isn't this the largest Smash community on the web?
thats exactly WHY its 'too far out'...these boards are huge, it would take forever to find all the good ideas, get them in one place, then try to decide which ones are actaully good enough to send as a suggestion to sakurai (you dont want to flood him with a list of 100 THINGS THAT SHOULD BE IN BRAWL. i dont think he'd look at it.). that would take weeks, maybe months. and i believe the game is in a state by now that theyve already decided all the big stuff like what characters are going to be included (and will definitely be done by the time this list actually gets sent to sakurai).

something like this would have been better to do, say, a year ago. or maybe more.


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2007
Rockford, MI
Well, I'm not meaning to do it now, but I mean in the future, if they make anymore games. You're right though, that the community is way too large to sift through and find the good suggestions. The mods wouldn't want to waste their lives by doing it either. =[


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
I agree k!llsw!tch. Only Sonic must be the playable character, if the other characters must be in. They have to be ATs. (Besides that would break the 1 to 2 3rd party character excluding Snake rule)


Smash Ace
Apr 8, 2007
Spear Pillar
Never thought about that, Cenedar you are a genius. I just wish somebody had the ability to eMail Mr. Smash Bros himself and tell him about your idea.
Well thanks SonicMario! It's not often I come up with any good ideas, being the wierdo I am, but it's nice to know somebody thinks something of my posts.

Yes. Yes you are.

And nobody listens to me.

And to those talking about mailing Sakurai, yes there are some good ideas on this board, but there are FAR many more bad ones. Personally, I'd rather if he didn't check here. He's smart, he's made the last two Smash games. I'm sure whatever he comes up with will be awesome.
Quoted for truth. Sakurai brought us SSB64 AND Melee. Both of which remain as two of my all time favorite games and "life killers" ever. Seriously. Any time I play a smash game for the first time I talk about nothing else for maybe that first month. I slowly come back to reality until my friends play it with me for the first time, at which point I'm back to square one again.

I trust Sakurai to make good desicions and make Brawl amazing. And you can hold me to that.

Errr... Sonic for Brawl! (waves Sonic flags)


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
Hopefully there will be some interesting news at E3 tomorrow. It is 50/50 chance that Sonic will be even mentioned at the nintendo booth.
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