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OFFICIAL Sonic thread. (Keep it Brawl related, or suffer Xsy's/Xii's wrath!)

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Smash Master
Aug 22, 2005
i don't want to see sonic in this game

i feel like he'd pollute everything

plus his plethora of crappy games has just made his appeal go down the toilet for me

last time he was any good was back on genesis

and those days are over

if sonic can be in then lets let crash bandicoot in too---how bout spyro?!

in 20 years if this series is still around i imagine the floor being opened to all video game characters from a ton of different series that are not nintendo related

but that time is not now
brawl doesn;t need sonic
and neither do i

OK, now try giving coherent reasons.

And Nothing Rhymes with Circus, 'Curses' rhymes with 'Circus' :p


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
OK, now try giving coherent reasons.

And Nothing Rhymes with Circus, 'Curses' rhymes with 'Circus' :p
People keep telling me stuff that rhymes with "circus", and I die a little inside everytime. :(

Besides, "curses" totally doesn't count. I DEMAND A RECOUNT.

Got Blood?

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2006
What was all the hulabaloo about Reggie hinting at Sonic? And that Sonic confirmed screen makes me sad.I want him so bad...

@Sonic haters,Sonic's games haven't been fantastic as of late,but the storylines in Heroes,Sonic Next GEN,and Secret Rings are morefull than most Mario games (and mario is my favorite character).And Secret Rings rocked btw.


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
That's what i love so much about Sonic games. They always have an interesting storyline for players to know the ending, even if the gameplay is a little... you know....
Sonic started not being as serious, with Sonic freeing his animal friends from their robot captors, but i just love how it went to that to... well here's just a small list of what awesome storylines.
(I won't try to spoil anything, but if i do i am sorry)

1. Sonic Adventure had the whole tragic past going with Tikal and the echidnas. Not to mention Gamma's story being the most thought-out storyline

2. Sonic Adventure 2 had more tragic past only in the form of Shadow and his past. (Did i mention that this game had some of the best music? I love "Supporting Me" the song while fighting Biolizard). Basically the serious plot is based all around on Shadow, and also what could have easily turned into something like 24 with the "president must give in to evil eggman's demands or else he will blow up his part of the world".

3. Sonic Heroes might have been the norm 3D and some cheesy dialouge (If you remember "We're Sonic Heroes!":urg:) But the whole return of Metal Sonic was sweet to hardcore Sonic fans. I think the only MAIN problem in that game is that everybody had the same exact levels and bosses.

4. Shadow the Hedgehog probably is either the most serious or 2nd most storyline (depending on if you think Sonic 2006 had a more serious storyline) Shadow had lots of plotholes, which got away from the flow of usual games. But Shadow could become ruler of the world, universe, or the main lackey of the evil black arms. (Oh and an attempt to kill the president in one mission)


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2007
Marietta, GA
all i know is if they manage to screw up Nights...
im gonna have to bust some skulls...
i almost feel like i could make a better game...
but rumor has it they are remaking Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (as in the Genesis classic) to be in 3D...
that could either be amazing...
or an abortion of a classic video game...
I think when I saw Sonic Rush adventure 2 for DS preview that they may take a viewtiful joe style. 2D side scroller with 3D elements. I mean all the 2D games were classic so give the fans what they want.


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2007
Marietta, GA
That's what i love so much about Sonic games. They always have an interesting storyline for players to know the ending, even if the gameplay is a little... you know....
Sonic started not being as serious, with Sonic freeing his animal friends from their robot captors, but i just love how it went to that to... well here's just a small list of what awesome storylines.
(I won't try to spoil anything, but if i do i am sorry)

1. Sonic Adventure had the whole tragic past going with Tikal and the echidnas. Not to mention Gamma's story being the most thought-out storyline

2. Sonic Adventure 2 had more tragic past only in the form of Shadow and his past. (Did i mention that this game had some of the best music? I love "Supporting Me" the song while fighting Biolizard). Basically the serious plot is based all around on Shadow, and also what could have easily turned into something like 24 with the "president must give in to evil eggman's demands or else he will blow up his part of the world".

3. Sonic Heroes might have been the norm 3D and some cheesy dialouge (If you remember "We're Sonic Heroes!":urg:) But the whole return of Metal Sonic was sweet to hardcore Sonic fans. I think the only MAIN problem in that game is that everybody had the same exact levels and bosses.

4. Shadow the Hedgehog probably is either the most serious or 2nd most storyline (depending on if you think Sonic 2006 had a more serious storyline) Shadow had lots of plotholes, which got away from the flow of usual games. But Shadow could become ruler of the world, universe, or the main lackey of the evil black arms. (Oh and an attempt to kill the president in one mission)

I thought Sonic Adventure 2 had the best story line

Sorry double post :(

Got Blood?

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2006
I think when I saw Sonic Rush adventure 2 for DS preview that they may take a viewtiful joe style. 2D side scroller with 3D elements. I mean all the 2D games were classic so give the fans what they want.
Like New Super Mario bros,correct?

SA2 (battle) and Sonic Next gen had the best story lines IMO followed by Sonic and the Secret Rings.I have a Wii,but Sonic Next gen had AMAZING graphics and an excellent story.SA2 had some great platforming levels and probably the best story in the series.Sonic Secret Rings had the best gameplay by far and had a greatr story.I was sort of surprised when
Shara dies and Sonic says "hell".


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Your webname should have been 'Nothing Rhymes with Orange' lol
It almost was. I thought I was being more original with "...Circus".:embarrass

I'd say SA2 has the best storyline. But I may be biased, due to my instant love of Shadow when I saw him. So it might seem better to me just because it was all about him.

I never did play Shadow's solo game though. The gun thing was just too ridiculous for me.


Got Blood?

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2006
I'd rather have Shadow as his own character (though it won't happen I'm sure).He could definietely rival Mewtwo in power (outside of brawl i mean).


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
I'd rather have Shadow as his own character (though it won't happen I'm sure).He could definietely rival Mewtwo in power (outside of brawl i mean).
Aside from the fact that it would never happen, as you said, my one problem with Shadow being his own character is that I'm afraid they might try to give him his gun.

Which is a no-no, methinks.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Actually, they're not even giving Snake a gun in favor of a lower rating. Apparently, explosives are OK.
Ooooo, that's a good point. I forgot about that.

Well then, Shadow for Brawl. Despite his total lack of a chance.


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2007
I don't know which way this is headed, but to throw in my opinion.
I would actually be disappointed if Sonic wasn't in it. I know how much work it is to throw him in to the Brawl, with the copyrights (blah blah blah).
I'm not a fan of Sonic, but with all the hype and stuff about it. I pretty much know that they have considered it and its probable to how well he is known.


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2007
I would say he's been in the game for a looooooong time.
He has to be in, he's at such a he demand, not putting him in would seem slack. Plus, having him in would help boost sales.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Like New Super Mario bros,correct?

SA2 (battle) and Sonic Next gen had the best story lines IMO followed by Sonic and the Secret Rings.I have a Wii,but Sonic Next gen had AMAZING graphics and an excellent story.SA2 had some great platforming levels and probably the best story in the series.Sonic Secret Rings had the best gameplay by far and had a greatr story.I was sort of surprised when
Shara dies and Sonic says "hell".

mmmmm video? Played through the game but I must've not've noticed.

And about a post awhile back.

It made me shiver, in a good way, to see Mario and Sonic achknowledge eac others existence as well.

I thought SA2 had the best plot by the way, and post-SA2 that Secret Rings was the best game. Rush was fun too, and if you weren't serious about it, Nex Gen Sonic was alright to screw around in...


Smash Ace
Apr 8, 2007
Spear Pillar
The stories in most of the Sonic games (especially SA2) were pretty good in my opinion. My one and only gripe about the game is the VOICE ACTING. Good lord, whoever decided after SA2 that the VAs from Sonic X were going to be voicing the characters needs to be hit with a shovel. Thankfully, I heard a rumor while back that Secret Rings (great game IMO) was the last game to use the Sonic X cast.

I think everybody shivered seeing Sonic and Mario acknowledge each others existence... this may very well be the beginning of an era friends.

Sonic. For. BRAWL.


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2007
Marietta, GA
^^Those awful 4kids voice actors, I think something like the guy who originally voice overred Eggman died or something so they went and changed all the actors. I remember Tails sounds like a girl. Remember when they had Jaeel White (I think thats his name), aka Steve Urkel voice Sonic.

Well I did hear SEGA was "reinventing" Sonic so that he doesn't suck. He's still cool cause of his Gameboy, DS, Classic, and SA2 games, Now how would it be if Miyamoto fixed Sonic for us. That guy is one creative person, most creative guy I know.

Also that whole Mario and Sonic at te olympics thing they showed at E3 was awesome, wish they could of talked more about it, Maybe they will show some more of it today who knows, this is the biggest thing fans of both Mario and Sonic have wanted for so very long.

Back to Smash........ I think by now he's either in or out, remember that whole SEGA hasn't contacted Nintendo about Sonic's appearance. Well sure the answer is out I mean Miyamoto was supervising the M&S thing right, so it should of been handled.

Hey who's seen the Super Mario Galaxy teaser trailer on
Scroll till you find it...... At the end whatever enemies those are look exactly like Chaos from SA2 I mean really they do.


Smash Ace
Apr 8, 2007
Spear Pillar
^^ Eggman's old voice died? I never heard that. I just think they did it to get Sonic X fans to buy the games... but anyway, I liked the voice actors from SA2, I think they got the voices right. Tails was a boy and SOUNDED like a boy, for one. XD

And you're right, at this point negotiations are probably done and we just have to see whether they manage to get Sonic in or not. I'm hoping that M&S at the Olympics is a sign towards Sonic being in Brawl as well. It's obvious that Sega and Nintendo seem to like each other now.

I Like Smash...

Smash Apprentice
Jul 6, 2007
Baltimore, MD
^^ Eggman's old voice died? I never heard that. I just think they did it to get Sonic X fans to buy the games... but anyway, I liked the voice actors from SA2, I think they got the voices right. Tails was a boy and SOUNDED like a boy, for one. XD

And you're right, at this point negotiations are probably done and we just have to see whether they manage to get Sonic in or not. I'm hoping that M&S at the Olympics is a sign towards Sonic being in Brawl as well. It's obvious that Sega and Nintendo seem to like each other now.
Tails sounded like a boy because the voice actor really was a little kid...
if they did get new voice actors...
its unlikely Tails would ever sounds quite the same again...
regardless of that i hate Knuckles's voice now...
and the original Sonic voice was much better...


Smash Apprentice
Feb 1, 2006
Here's my stance on this. It's really more of a discussion of third party in general than just Sonic....

IDEALLY, Brawl would be a nintendo only game. I feel like, in general, the inclusion of any third parties at all, including Sonic, does indeed pollute things. BUT, Snake's already in. The third party door has been opened whether we like it or not, so now's our chance to actually grab someone worthy before it closes.

The way I see it, as much as I hate the fact that Sakurai held the door open for Snake, I would hate it even more if he did so without peaking in, spotting a character like Sonic, and grabbing him.

If third parties are in, then I want a third party character I actually like. Now that Snake is in, all bets are basically off.

EDIT: And I really don't want to hear anything about Sonic's crappy 3D performance. That has nothing to do with his character and the fact that DESPITE the lackluster display he's giving on 3D consoles, the games still sell. That is COMPLETELY due to his character (and the rest of the characters in the series). People just love Sonic.

Besides, I don't care what anyone says. The Sonic/Tails/Knuckles stories in SA, the Sonic/Shadow stories in SA2, and all the stories in Sonic Heroes were decent.

the thing about snake is...he was on nintendo back in the day--sonic wasen't

and konami and nintendo have had a good relationship since the old times....

sega and nintendo have not

so i don;t completely count snake as something outside of the nintendo universe--tho i understand ur point

i'd love to see sonic in the next game....this round i really say he'd just be pollution

by the way that guys a moron

curses and circus don't rhyme

in the same way *says* and *kiss* don;t rhyme

plus circus is hard anyways cause you could say sirkuss---or sirkiss----

but they still don;t rhyme


I Like Smash...

Smash Apprentice
Jul 6, 2007
Baltimore, MD
the thing about snake is...he was on nintendo back in the day--sonic wasen't

and konami and nintendo have had a good relationship since the old times....

sega and nintendo have not

so i don;t completely count snake as something outside of the nintendo universe--tho i understand ur point

i'd love to see sonic in the next game....this round i really say he'd just be pollution

by the way that guys a moron

curses and circus don't rhyme

in the same way *says* and *kiss* don;t rhyme

plus circus is hard anyways cause you could say sirkuss---or sirkiss----

but they still don;t rhyme

that doesnt really make any sense to me...
it just sounds like blatant fanboyism...
why would he be any better int eh next game???
im sure when/if that rolls around you will be saying the same thing...
Sonic is a video game icon that has appeared on 4 different Nintendo platforms...
just as big if not bigger than Mario (and dont tell me he isnt as big as Mario because Sega isnt int he console wars anymore; we all know what happened)...
besides, its not like Mario never had a bad game (need i remind you of the abortion of a game that was Super Mario Sunshine???)...


Smash Master
May 14, 2007
Sacramento, CA
You can not logically say there is no doubt until it is released if he is or not. I think there is little chance he won't be, but you literally can't know until they say so.


Smash Lord
Jun 20, 2007
You can not logically say there is no doubt until it is released if he is or not. I think there is little chance he won't be, but you literally can't know until they say so.
No ****, dude. What was the point of that post?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2007
^^^ Okayyyyyyyyyy thennnnnnnnn............................... ? never mind i don't want to know.

Sonic has a really good chance of being in the game since he was one of the most voted charcter in the poll. he will most likely be one of the last unlockable characters in the game (if he's in).

though there is a chance (unfortunatly :( ) that sonic could not be in the game. nintendo will most likely keep this a huge secret until right before the game is complete or after the game is completed :mad::mad::mad::urg::urg::urg::(:(:(:(:confused: :confused::dizzy::ohwell::ohwell:

though i really expect sonic to get in the game :laugh: :) :cool:


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
With every franchise having a emblem or logo including Snake. What should be Sonic's Icon if he is in?

Should it be:
1. Ring
2. Emblem
3. Chaos Emerald
4. the SonicTeam head silhouette?


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
I think the ring is most iconic for the Sonic franchise.
But as a silhouette (as all the symbols in Smash are), it would just looks like a circle.

Plus, Sonic's emblem (the Sonic head) has been representing Sonic forrrrr.....ever.

I don't think you can go wrong with the Sonic head.

I don't even really get why this is a question. Sonic has an established symbol.


Smash Master
May 14, 2007
Sacramento, CA
But the sonic head is for sonicteam, which includes more games than just sonic. I think they could make it look like a ring by making it look shiny. Or use something else, but the sonic head is a no go to me.


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
There's no doubt that Sonic will be in. Why anyone tries to argue against it baffles me.
its not really that. he has such a fanbase pushing him that he stands the best chance of any third party character. we don't so much argue it as we do bash sonic for being an overrated hedgehog who's recent games have been with the exception of 1, well **** really. that doesn't seem to hurt his chances though, so i'll be looking to play this flaming turd when brawl comes out.

oh and hamsters pwn hedgehogs


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
Hey SiD and Nothing Rhymes With Circus, do you always argue over some things? Often i either see N. R. W. C. get a reply from SiD and vice versa. What i find also a coincidence, is you both have a Mickey Mouse type avatar.
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