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OFFICIAL Sonic thread. (Keep it Brawl related, or suffer Xsy's/Xii's wrath!)

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Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
Without items?:confused: (Items can cause it to go either way:ohwell:)

Anyway if he is in, should he have a adventure mode stage or part? Like maybe a side scroll through Green Hill Zone? Or perhaps he makes a sudden apperence on Mario's stage?


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2007
Marietta, GA
Cool 100th page, not much to talk about though except possible AT'ies, stages, items, ect. One question I wanna bring up to keep the thread alive until we here some final information. Do you think Brawl and M&S at the Olympics will be the only games that see these two join together. I honestly would love to see Sonic become an official Nintendo thing, That would put Nintendo the ultimate leader in Video game business, most of the most recognizable characters come from Nintendo, well here's a list from 1up on top 10 video game characters.


as you can notice the best ones are Nintendo right. So Sonic joining would absolutely make Nintendo great. I mean all his good games are on Nintendo counsels so it's like hes already joined. Before I get sidetracked do you think (if Sonic's in Brawl) will mean we will see him again on another SSB and Sonic possibly signing a contract to Nintendo.

Just a question :)


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
I don't know...

That seems actually kind of scary.
Here is what some possiblities will be if the contract was made. Let's say both Super Smash Bros. Brawl (with Sonic) and Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games are HUGE succeses, we'll probably see more Sonic in mario games. Well, anyway here's the list. (and i made a scar-o-meter on it for you to choose

1. Sonic in Mario Party 9 and/or 10
(Very cool/Cool/Uncertain/Scary/OMG Scary)
2. Paper Mario & Paper Sonic
(Very cool/Cool/Uncertain/Scary/OMG Scary)
3. Sonic in Mario Kart {He really wouln't need a kart:chuckle:}
(Very cool/Cool/Uncertain/Scary/OMG Scary)
4. SONIC & MARIO PLATFORM GAME! {Them working TOGETHER} (Very cool/OR SUPER AWESOMENESS TO THE MAX!!!!!!!!!) Heh heh heh just kidding
(Very Cool/Cool/Uncertain/Scary/OMG Scary)
5. Sonic in the sports series (he'd be awesome in a Mario Strikers game)
(Very Cool/Cool/Uncertain/Scary/OMG Scary)

Other then the contract, one thing scares me SHADOW IN MARIO & SONIC AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES!!!!! NOOOOO!!!!! :scared::scared::scared::scared::scared::scared::scared::scared::scared::scared::scared:scared:

Sir Jigsbee

Smash Cadet
Apr 22, 2007
OMG Scary to all!

I personally hate the idea of putting Sonic in the game. It costs God (Nintendo) money - money that could be spent on more Nintendo things. Grr!

But I must admit, he probably is in... almost without a doubt.

In which case, I will just make Sonic my enemy every time and laugh at him as he falls off the edge all the time with his Sonic speed.

Also, if he is in, I hope he doesn't have that rubbish music from Sonic Adventure .:shudders:.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 3, 2006
in the Subspace Emissary. What is the Subspace Emi

Is it too late to post my own moveset? Whatever lol. In some places the format is kind of wierd because I made this is notepad.

Sonic The Hedgehog:
Strength: 3/5
Speed: 5/5
Weight: 2/5
Range: 3/5
Jump: 4/5

{Ground Moves}
A- Standard punch.
AA- Standard punch followed by a kick.
AAA [repeating]- Standard punch and kick followed by rapid punches.
A>- A stronger punch.
A^- An upper headbutt.
Av- A downward headbutt.

{Air Moves}
A- A flying kick.
A>- Sonic's signature homing attack. Homes in on the nearest enemy and attacks.
A<- Sonic lunges back hitting the opponent with his spikes.
A^- Sonic curls up into a ball and does a counter-clockwise spin. Enemies hit will fly upward.
Av- Sonic curls up into a ball and does a clockwise spin. Enemies hit will fly downward.

Grab Attack - Sonic repeatedly headbutts the opponent.
Forward Throw- Sonic spins on the foe, launching him/her forward.
Backward Throw- Sonic throws the opponent back and hits him/her with his spikes.
Upward Throw- Sonic counterclockwise spins and launches the foe up.
Downward Throw- Sonic throws the opponent flat on the ground, then jumps on top and spins on him/her.

{Smash Attacks}
A>- Sonic Fist: Sonic punches the enemy with incredible force. More blue energy will surround his fist the more the smash is charged, and the more range the punch has.
A^- Sonic Launcher: Sonic jumps into the air with incredible force. More blue energe will
surround his body the more charged.
Av- Sonic Spin Kick: Sonic does a breakdance on the floor to show how cool he is :). More blue
energy will surround his body when charged.

{Special Moves}
B- Sumersault: Sonic does a simple roll on the ground like in Sonic Advance. When pressed
twice, Sonic will do a forward round off that surrounds his body
with energy, increasing range and increasing damage.
B>- Sonic Wind: Sonic lunges at the opponent and spins around him/her, making a whirlwind
of blue energy. One the whirlwind stops, the foe gets thrown into
the air. However, Sonic rests for a moment, leaving him
open to attack.
B^- Chaos Control: Sonic uses the power of the chaos emerald to teleport. Sonic has only really
used this power once though in the games, so he can only travel
short distances. This attack can not damage opponents,
but can be used for recovery.
Bv- Spin Dash: Sonic rolls into a ball in classic Sonic fashion and rolls around the stage at
breakneck speeds. This attack can be controlled with the analog
stick. This attack can be charged by pressing the button
more, but it makes it harder to control.

{Final Smash}
Super Sonic: Sonic temporarily transforms into Super Sonic to battle. While super Sonic,
Sonic gets an attack boost and is able to fly. Also, pressing B will teleport
Sonic to a character and attack. By repeatedly pressing B, Sonic
will teleport between all the enemies one by one
and attack.

{Other Details}
Alternate Costumes:
1. Sonic sports Shadow's black and red color scheme.
2. Sonic sports Silver's...silver color scheme. (what a great name for a silver character!)
3. Sonic sports Tails's yellow and white color scheme. (no tail, but the colors)
4. Sonic sports Knuckles' red and white color scheme. (once again, colors, not details)

Character Stage:
Green Hill Zone- What other stage for Sonic The Hedgehog than the classic Green Hill Zone!
This stage is half normal SSB stage half Onnet style stage, with the left side
of the screen sporting a water pit, and a flat KO zone at the right. (This
relates to the fact that Sonic travels right in his classic games, not left). This
stage is all green, with grass an palm trees galore. The only man-made part
of this stage are the wooden platforms stacked on top of each other near
the center of the stage. Sometimes, Robotnik's mechanical spiders and
monkeys will appear on the stage to harm players. The crab will simply
appear under the wooden platforms and walk around, but touching them
will send you flying back. Monkeys will hang in the trees throwing bombs
at you. These can be picked up, but you must have perfect timing or BOOM!
There is also a spring board to the right of the wooden platform, and in the
backround is more of the classic stage. (I posted a drawing of this on a stage thread somewhere.)

Taunt: Sonic gets in fighting position and says "I'll blast through with Sonic speed!"

Victory Dances:
1. Mission Complete music from the Sonic Adventure games come on. Sonic does a
thumbs up.
2. Mission Complete music from the Sonic Adventure games come on. Sonic puts on sunglasses
and lies down, yawning.
3. AGAINST MARIO. Mission Complete music from Sonic Adventure games come on. Sonic
crosses his arms and looks at the screen. "I guess that settles it."

Kirby Hat:
When Sonic is swallowed, he will gain a blue coloring, as well as Sonic's spikes on the back
of his head. Kirby can also perform the Sumersualt move when the Sonic hat is on.

Also, I made alternate special moves where Bv is Sonic's Bounce attack, B is Spin Dash, and Sumersault is scratched. I'm not sure which set is better, so I'll just leave in the first one.


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
Well Starfy, Ray, Poo, seem pretty sub par to me. Back on topic, Sonic's done a lot for Nintendo's history after the death of the Dreamcast, Sonic has made Nintendo some money so to return the favor Nintendo should pay for Sonic in this game, well if Sakurai didn't know what to do by now, he should of never told us about how close Sonic is to being in this game.
sonic is most likely in brawl already, so you really don't have to worry about that

oh and starfy is a megastar in japan, ray is wanted by allot of people, and poo offer more earthbound rep. plus none of those you mentioned are third party so they aren't in competition with sonic now are they.

and sonic is still overrated


Smash Rookie
Jul 6, 2007
falco is actually compareably slow copared to fox his attacks are a little stronger and he jumps higher


Smash Journeyman
Oct 24, 2005
Fox is faster than falco in running speed.

But the fastest runner in the game is captain falcon.


Smash Ace
Apr 8, 2007
Spear Pillar
Fox > Falco IMO. Fox is faster, and while his attacks don't do quite as much damage, he falls the same speed as Falco.

But on topic now...

Seeing as there won't be a playable demo at E3, hopefully there will still be a trailer. And hopefully, Sonic will be in it... here's praying.


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2007
Marietta, GA
sonic is most likely in brawl already, so you really don't have to worry about that

oh and starfy is a megastar in japan, ray is wanted by allot of people, and poo offer more earthbound rep. plus none of those you mentioned are third party so they aren't in competition with sonic now are they.

and sonic is still overrated
I didn't say anything about being 3rd party.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 3, 2006
in the Subspace Emissary. What is the Subspace Emi
I think Sonic will be revealed at the end of the trailer, Snake style. It makes sence, seeing that they're both surprise third party characters (ok Sonic's not as much of a surprise, but all the more reason for him to appear at the end of the trailer.)

ClarkJables also has a point though, It's very likely that they show Sonic at the very last moment. However, if the trailer shows all of the starting roster, then Sonic will be in it. There's no way Sonic will end up as a secret character.


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2004
Boulder Creek, CA.
I theorize that nintendo didn't pay Sega to use sonic.

Instead, they proposed a swap.

Sega gets to use Mario and co in the Sega game "Mario and Sonic at the Olimpics" and Nintendo gets to use Sonic in Nintendo's Brawl.

Instead of money, Sega gets a Mario game.


Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2007
Taunt: Sonic gets in fighting position and says "I'll blast through with Sonic speed!"
I like your moveset a lot, but had to bring attention to your proposed taunt. The stance Sonic takes when idle for a few seconds(Genesis games) would be the best taunt ever IMO! You know, when he has his arms at his side, and hes tapping his foot. And then his eyes are like 0_o

LOL, best taunt ever.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 3, 2006
Am I suppose to know That?
Though I hate third parties it seems Sega and Nintendo are pretty much one now. You can even buy Sega Genisis games on you Wii. I've also heard of all the third party that Sonic is the most wanted (which I believe is true). Honestly I don't think we will see Sonic in any of the previews instead he will be a secret character that you will have to unlock.


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2007
There's no way Sonic will end up as a secret character.

You think? What makes you say that?

Secret characters come as even more of a surprise, do they not?
Like when you're in the middle of your game and then all of a sudden you see a sihlouette challenging you on a brand new stage?

Either way would work for me.

Is everyone here settled on the idea that Sonic is going to be included?
Is it just too obvious a guess?


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
yah of course sonic will be a secret character, in fact he will be the last unlockable and he will be so hard to unlock most people will say he isn't in smash

I Like Smash...

Smash Apprentice
Jul 6, 2007
Baltimore, MD
it seems like he has to be in now...
it seems like everyone has assumed he will be in...
i think it would be soo cool for him to be in...
sure his latest adventures (on Wii or any other console) havent been so great...
but he was great when he was in 2 dimensions...
what Nintendo fanboy wouldnt love beeting the poop out of Sega's mascot???
if he isnt in Brawl (God forbid that happening)...
the next update should just be that he wont be in the game...
so that we all have enough time to recover from the shock before the game comes out...


Smash Journeyman
Jan 9, 2005
OMG Scary to all!

I personally hate the idea of putting Sonic in the game. It costs God (Nintendo) money - money that could be spent on more Nintendo things. Grr!

But I must admit, he probably is in... almost without a doubt.

In which case, I will just make Sonic my enemy every time and laugh at him as he falls off the edge all the time with his Sonic speed.

Also, if he is in, I hope he doesn't have that rubbish music from Sonic Adventure .:shudders:.
Wow. Thats blind fanboyism that offends all of the senses. Yes, even taste and smell.

Like its been mentioned, Nintendo and SEGA have been doing lots of IP loaning over the past while, so it seems quite likely that there wouldn't be any licensing fees involved. Not that I even begin to fathom why you care if Nintendo would have to pay a small licensing fee.


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
Just because a character has been confirmed, does not mean they are a starter. Wasn't Snake confirmed to be secret not a starter by Mr. Smash Bros himself?:confused:


Smash Apprentice
Jun 30, 2007
hey if nintendo now owns sega, do you think that kagemaru might be in brawl? BTW kage's from virtua fighter, a fighting game series made by sega.


Smash Cadet
Apr 12, 2007
Lmao nintendo owns sega.

Knuckles would be better than sonic in smash bros just look at awesome the hedgehog.

Nights anyone?


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2007
Rockford, MI
I didn't take the time to sift through the entire thread, so I hope I don't repeat something somebody has already said... Anyway, assuming that sonic gets in the game, he would have an awesome Final Smash. All the chaos emeralds could swirl around him, and he could be transformed into super sonic (is that what it's called When he's yellow?). He could then zoom around the stage at speeds comparable to lightning melee. just an idea.
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