Because Shaymin is and always will be the stupidest piece of **** ever.Why are you all so mean to poor Shaymin?
Oh, one last thing; LEAVE SHAYMIN ALONE!!!!!!! (cookie to first person to get that reference)
Reference: Leave Britney Alone. Easycake.
Perhaps Arceus will be in the Torn World (Hall of Origins was really stupid if you ask me. It's like, you can't see if if you're standing on the ground, but if you walk up a hundred steps, you're all the sudden on this big floating, transparent platform where the God of Pokemon is just standing. Really, really lame. Arceus might actually become catchable in Platinum, but at the end of the Torn World. The Torn World seems to be an alternate dimension that is entered above Spear Pillar, not just a big floating landmass hovering above it.Okay, this brings me to something else. Serebii says that the Torn World is situated above Spear Pillar. With Arceus up there too, how the heck does the Torn World fit there too? Bah. Also, considering that Spear Pillar is at the top of Mount Coronet, and is clearly very high up, how exactly is it that you could get that high above Spear Pillar know, entering the atmosphere? I'm starting to loathe Platinum a little sounds cool, but at the same time, they're screwing things up even more.