Well duh, of course popularity has an influence. But it's nowhere near what people think it is.
Which is why you make statisticians cry, no amount of "it's negligable" EVER makes up for not accounting for popularity in your statistics. Period. Either directly account for it, or your conclusions are bunk unless your conclusions are a meta-conclusion based on post popularity and raw amounts.
You're forgetting that in the data, only the top 8 players in each tournament are counted. The rest, no matter how many there are, are discarded.
And that helps why?
You completely misunderstood the point I was trying to make. Read this.
No, you're just wrong.
Well duh, of course popularity has an influence. But it's nowhere near what people think it is. You're forgetting that in the data, only the top 8 players in each tournament are counted. The rest, no matter how many there are, are discarded.
You completely misunderstood the point I was trying to make. Read this.
Differences in population, while it would be helpful to know, turns out to be misleading because of two reasons. One is the fact that the subset of players that choose to play metaknight is difficult to measure. How many are there?
That's exactly why not accounting for it is bunk, "difficult to measure" =/= "does not matter".
Is the average MK player an accurate sample of the SSBB community at large? I do not think that it is. There is an unknown variable that determines whether a player switches to MK or not and we currently have no clue and no way to measure whether or not this variable has an affect on player skill.
No, it's not an accurate measure, but that's irrelevant.
Second, and more importantly, is that OS uses data where all but the top 8 placings in 100+ tournaments are thrown out. At this point, differences in popularity become less important. Let's say you add 20 (skilled) Link mains and 20 (skilled) mario mains to the Pound 4 tournament. Would the top 8 results have changed at all? I very much doubt it.
Add 20 Pit mains? It may change the results very slightly. Perhaps a highly lucky! (and highly skilled, of course, but skill is a variable which should be held constant for these arguments) player breaks top 8.
Add 20 MK mains? This one should be obvious (taking skill out of the equation)
The result is that while popularity DOES have an influence upon character placements, the importance is dampened by the fact that the character is better, plain and simple, and that only a constant sampling from each tournament (8) is drawn from these large samples with varying popularity for each character.
I already addressed this, add 20 more skilled link mains and that WILL push up the average link results, considerably. The lower the number of players, the more this will occur.
Furthermore, you're neglecting the real issue, in every group of mains, there's a certain percentage that obtains true skill on average. The more players a character has, the greater the raw number of those players.
If one out of every 200,000 players is good, and Diddy has 200,000 mains, and MK has 1,000,000, then wouldn't you expect that MK has more good players then Diddy?
That's just how it occurs, the more players a particular character has, the larger the raw number of good players that character has, plain and simple.
Raw number of good players are what take tournaments, not proportions, to have a valid result, you need proportions, otherwise you cannot track character power.
I think that's perfectly fine, though. Let's argue ban philosophy. Personally, I've said how I feel about the ban before. I think that because MK requries micromanaging to fit in with our vision of how the game ought to be played, he should be banned, or instead, we should stop trying to microban him and let him reign.
No LGL, no scrooging or planking rules, no IDC ban, nothing. Let him reign or ban him.
Except that when people are talking from their personal philosophy using terms defined by their personal philosophy instead of actually getting down to roots and discussing which philosophy is better for the metagame and debating that, then you get nowhere.
People try to prove each other wrong with "evidence" that is meaningless to their opponent's personal philosophy.
Regardless, I will agree with you, to a point, infinite stalls are overcentralizing by their nature, this has been proven again and again. If we say, "allow him all or ban him all for say, IDC", then we should say the same thing about sonic...
If a tech that is overcentralizing by it's nature can be discretely and enforcably banned then it should be.
You're correct about planking.
Actually most communities deal with character bans on a case-by-case basis and there isn't really a "set criteria." In most cases, it's something like:
"He's too good" or something similar
and after a lot of arguing
"K we'll ban it."
Which is stupid. From my experience SF functionally lifts their ban criteria straight from PtW.
What if I told you Sirlin himself advocates an MK ban?
A. Prove it.
B. What's his reasoning?
I'd be fine with debating him on it, but his opinion doesn't really matter per say.