I just read the last pages in which people were bringing up AKuma and whining about boss character status, which made me want to punch a hole through a wall.
Well not really but its stupid.
boss character doesn't mean crap.
They are analyzed just like any other character.
My favorite one eyed Samurai lady was a boss character in the first GG game.
She wasn't ban worthy, she sucked!
You know what, let me start that over.
There are times in which characters are banned due to the method required to obtain them, this is also true in the fact that manyof these games have arcade modes.
Those games are typically made so they can be competitively viable.
This inludes games like SF, GG, MvC2 etc etc.
Characters are at times banned, not because they are boss character status, but by the method in which they are available.
For example, Link, Heihachi, and Spawn are all characters available in SC2, the problem was that each of these characters were available only on a specific console. There was no method to cater to all these people who main these characters, it would be ridiculous to try, so those characters were banned.
At this point we would loo at the Guilty Gear games and point at the EX and Gold characters.
They could be unlocked but the thing is that similar to SF, Guilty Gear is a game with competitive viability, and so the creators made arcade mode to pretty much give you everything required.
EX and Gold characters were not available in Arcade mode, there was nothing hidden.
Now le's lo at SF2 Akuma.
It doesn't change the fact that he was indeed available in Arcade mode.
Even if it did matter, it was the fact that Akuma was BROKEN. He was in every sense of the word BROKEN.
I repeat, he was banned because he was BROKEN.
Not due to boss character status, not due to requiring a cheat code.
Now we come to SF2HDR Akuma.
He was considered broken as well.
Boss character status doesn't mean a ****thing.
They are analyzed just like any other character.
This is the third time I heard a comparison and argument in regards to Boss character status, please Smash Community, use your brains!
Now a the current matter at hand.
@ Ankoku: Weren't the walk off stages banned due to back camping? Considering how int his game defense is so much better, I think its even more reason why they would remain illegal. Even more so with a character like DDD who just chainggrabs you to the end of the stage until you are dead.
(not an issue on the pipes and may mario circuit but you know what I mean).
Personally I say we should all play on Big Blue.
Everyone chooses Sonic, everyone uses bunny hoods, tripping on 80%.
Last person standing wins. =D