how does it contradict? it's a supplemental rule, and in reality is just an interpretation of the standard SBR ruleset: stalling is banned at TO's discretion, if the TO decides you're stalling you get DQ'd. seeing as you yourself proved that MK's planking is game breaking stalling, it falls under that
Ok then, define planking/stalling.
Hence, whatever the person deems is planking or stalling, they can now DQ you for it. Not a very concrete rule lol. Most stalling things are clear and easy to see. Infiniting to run out the clock, IDC, etc. Planking is basically just an over powered form of edgeplay, and it's hard to define well what is and isn't planking. Look at scrooging, where does that fit in with planking? If I don't grab the edge but scrooge, do I get DQ'd? What if I do both but moderately? What is too much and why?
Serin, a longer clock just means you have to be more patient. Think about it like this: if people are complaining that MK can run out 8 minutes way too easy, how is adding Half or less of that time on top of it gonna actually improve anything? Might as well double the timer if you want to discourage people from playing gay ever.
I'm disappointed that people are suggesting we change the timer, stage list, and ruleset to fit in this character with no guarantee that he will be fit for competitive play.