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Official MBR Tier List

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Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
I dont know Lajinn you seem like an okay dude, but you think young link actually has the advantage vs some characters so I find it hard to respect your opinions, no hard feeling yeah ^_^


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
I dont know Lajinn you seem like an okay dude, but you think young link actually has the advantage vs some characters so I find it hard to respect your opinions, no hard feeling yeah ^_^
imo he does its just he has more bad match ups than good match ups.

what a wonderful phrase..... it means no worries for the rest of ur days!


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
I dont know Lajinn you seem like an okay dude, but you think young link actually has the advantage vs some characters so I find it hard to respect your opinions, no hard feeling yeah ^_^
Yes. I do. I don't think he is a better character than a lot of characters in the game. But I do think he is a better character than some of the others that are above him.

I'll give you specific reasons. Feel free to start a peaceful discussion:

In my opinion, YL will destroy or has the advantage over the following characters that are above him. I will start from highest to lowest:

Although I personally did'nt know this match up till about a year ago, I've gotten better at it and I actually know what to do now. lol. . Peach has no good approach to YL. Everything Peach does, YL has a better answer than her for any given situation. He can easily outspam her with Peach not being able to keep up(like Fox can spam lasers on her without her having a hope for catching him). Not only that, but because YL racks up damage ridiculously fast, he can kill her with no problem at all. Just look at Jash if you want to know how to play this match up correctly.

Same as Peach, only you have to be a lot more careful cause the match can easily turn around. If you can spam correctly without getting caught, the match is in YL's favor as Jigglypuff, like Peach, can't keep up with YL's speed. Even more so than Peach, Jigglypuff relies on aerial attacks. And you can't block while in midair, so a bomb will ALWAYS hit and that always leads to a combo or Jigglypuff's death.

Donkey Kong:
This match up is indeed an auto-win for YL. There is no way that YL should ever lose this match up. Ever. I don't even need to explain this match up, but its like 9-1 in YL's favor. Like M2 and Bowser, YL will ALWAYS win this match up unless YL player just sucks. DK is a huge target, easy to edge guard, easy to combo, easy to not get hit by him, etc etc. The entire match up is just overall easy.

Although Link can kill easier than YL can, YL racks up damage a lot faster and his projectiles are a lot better. YL's edge guarding is also better than Link's and he also has a speed advantage, which makes spamming a lot more effective than Link's. The match up in my opinion is like 6-4 in YL's favor.

This one is slightly in YL's favor, but Ganon can also easily win. This match up should be obvious on how it should be played just by looking at both characters. Its something like 5-4 in YL's favor.

Everyone below YL:
In YL's favor. Especially the lower you go on the tier list.


Please feel free to debate with me about these match ups.
You can make this argument about any character in the game.
Since the tier list is clearly not based on tournament results(As this has been declared multiple times in the thread), then i'd love to debate about these match ups.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
YL has the slight advantage vs Ganon? LOL...

I can just punch the boomerang or arrow and I win.
If your punching the arrow or boomerang, then you are standing still while the YL is either retreating, approaching, or pulling out a bomb...

Im not saying that YL really does have an advantage over ganon. And im not saying that well timed jabs dont greatly help here.

... But that match-up is not so simple as that and is deserving of more consideration.
But ya. the jab can be a godsend against those projectiles... But if your against the best YLs out there, you will need to use that jab in conjunction with proper WDs and Wlands. Without that proper spacing inbetween jabs, the YL will be moving one step ahead of you to get into an ideal position.

And... well... ya.


Smash Master
Nov 29, 2005
Memphis, TN
...I'm pretty sure by "punching the arrow/boomerang" Kage meant fair, not jab.
And Laijin just got banned again so don't expect a response any time soon XD.
That's what he gets for spamming as badly on the forums as he does in the game.


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Nah everything is just so simple, just backair and fist YL ftw, that's all you need.. since when Young Link is a Hero vs Ganon? lol. Just spam moves and gg YL goodbye. =P

Zenjamin, what's with you with Wavelanding and all that, as I said before you don't NEED that to win.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
Zenjamin, what's with you with Wavelanding and all that, as I said before you don't NEED that to win.
You dont "NEED" jabbing to win. You dont "NEED" tilts to win... at least not against most.
But Wavelanding is like those. they are tools that can help you in certian situations where nothing else would. And not even bothering to pick up those tools are just plain stupid.

And if you want to beat the best of the best, you will "NEED" to have every tool ready.

Seriously though. you said you dont watch other pro ganons play except for Triforce of power... Please. PLEASE start.
Here. watch this. specifically at :28

Learn to properly WL, and it can more then touble the range of your tilts.
There are simply NOT places you can get your hitbox in time without ganons Wl.

And that vid is over two years old. the top ganons now have extended that even further.


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
I already have the tools ready... wait I have my sword ready to cut down everyone in my path.

Doesn't mean I have to use wavelanding all the time, it's just a pain in the ***. There's a few things you don't understand about my playstyle, Zen.. you have to experience it, but I don't think you want to, because it's scary. =P


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
Yes. I do. I don't think he is a better character than a lot of characters in the game. But I do think he is a better character than some of the others that are above him.

I'll give you specific reasons. Feel free to start a peaceful discussion:
I apologyze ^_^ I was just kidding anyways, I know YL has good match ups haha. I've seen some really cool stuff out of him anyways. You've been around since 04 and you still main YL so at the least I have to assume you know your stuff with him. I have absolutely no right to pretend like I know YL's match ups, if I ever played against one I would only have my experience using him and hopefully a big enough advantage in my character choice to make up for the inexperience haha.
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