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Official MBR Tier List

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everlasting yayuhzz

Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
swaggin' to da maxxx
Seeing as I know Chad on a personal level, I can pretty much tell you he actually doesn't give a ****.

Also, he doesn't need to care about or defend his rep anymore, he's got a crapton of fanboys and tournament placings to do it for him. That's what happens when you get good at something.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
Seeing as I know Chad on a personal level, I can pretty much tell you he actually doesn't give a ****.

Also, he doesn't need to care about or defend his rep anymore, he's got a crapton of fanboys and tournament placings to do it for him. That's what happens when you get good at something.
God**** it.

Chaddd's like the only person who hasn't four stocked me yet.

Smooth Criminal


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
My favorite part about Mike's arguments is when he tells people deeply involved in the tournament scene that they need more experience or to ask high level players as if we don't know and or play with them personally.



Smash Master
Jan 8, 2006
Good luck Mario
Although, I remember watching a vid of teh spamerer vs vidjo (i think) on poke floats where he camped until the clock ran out :laugh: That has never happened here (as far as I know)
I was impressed by that by the way, camping in this game DOES take skill.
:laugh: As far as I know, that doesn't happen much here either. What's more impressive imo is Plank vs Vidjo going to the timer on Pokemon Stadium.

You're wrong though, Falcon vs Fox is anything but ****.


Smash Master
Apr 12, 2008
Göteborg, Sweden
^^What? Omg I have to see that. Is it on youtube?
BTW have you ever camped until the clock ran out in other matches? Would be fun to watch, and I could learn tons from it to since I need to get better at camping :laugh:

Anyways, people seems to have thought that when I said that fox ***** falcon I mean some kind of monstrously enourmous advantage like 90-10 NTSC sheik vs bowser **** or something. I don't. What I meant was:
Fox destroys falcon in the way that it is one of his two WORST matchups (fox and falco are his worst, sheik is bad aswell but not terrible imo).
I explained very clearly in that post about how much big of an advantage I think fox has. (Off course falcon wins if he plays better). Maybe I should've used the word "big advantage" instead of "****", but who really gives a **** :/
I think the matchup is something like 70-30 in fox's favor. Atleast 65-35, like I said before.
And off course, everything I have said is my opinion, i just dont say imo every half second because it'd get repetitive. i figured its obvious its my opinion since im the one saying it.

Just wanted to say that, cuz I don't want people thinking I said stuff I didn't.
And lots of people seem to think that I said crap I didn't (someone even thought I was criticizing the DBR and bashing SS :laugh:). I think gimpy thought I said falcon sucks period :/.
And lots of people seem to think I said that swedens top pros->SS. I didn't make any statement in that debate at all actually (if you could call it a debate), I just informed people who didn't know what they where talking about that they didn't know what they where talking about.
With this post I just wanted to clarify things so I'm not misunderstood any further :)

I won't argue any further with any off you, since the argument has been taken to far already and trying to discuss at this point will most likely just lead to a "I'm right" "No, I'm right!" *********** fest. And I don't think anyone wants to waste their time on that. If you think it's important feeling that you won the argument I don't really care, you can just tell yourself that you won the argument and not bug me or anyone else about it.

I didn't mean to start all of this lol. I was acting disrespectfully to some of the opinions on the matchups in some of my posts here, sorry for that. (rereading my posts I realize that I came off as way more "im right, you're wrong" then I intended :()
If you want something that I said clarified or whatever, you can PM me about it. Like I said posting here could lead to a flamefest so I'd avoid that. Have a nice day everyone and <3 smashboards.
I might talk more about my opinion on matchups later on if I'm bored and feel like it, btw. =)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 5, 2007
People are waaaayyy too liberal in handing out 70-30 (or worse) matchups.

Melee is well balanced enough that the large majority of matchups in this game between high-top tiers falls between 50-50 and 60-40. 70-30 means that given that two players are of equal skill, the one using the advantaged character will win 70% of the time. Thats an overwhelming majority. With the exception of a few matchups like Peach/ICs or Peach/Marth, high level results show that the better player will usually win if he's even a bit better.

Fox/CF is NOT 70/30.
Fox/Peach is NOT 75/25.

There are way too many Peaches that bet Foxes of a similar skill level and way too many CFs that beat Foxes for either of these to possibly be true.

everlasting yayuhzz

Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
swaggin' to da maxxx
Dude, 70-30 is a monstrous advantage too. The matchup isn't that bad. How are you going to sit here and argue with people who play great falcons and go to tournaments ALL the time and experience this match? Fox just doesn't beat Falcon that bad.

Eh, whatever. Eventually you'll see what I'm talking about.


Banned (62 points)
Jul 11, 2005
Edmonds, Washington
i didn't think you said falcon was bad i was just making fun of your absolutely DREADFUL "logic" about falcon not being able to do a standard combo meant for marth's weight class against fox as some huge downer


Smash Master
Apr 12, 2008
Göteborg, Sweden
Lol >.> I didn't exactly say "Fox counters falcon 70-30 b/c he cant combo fox like he can combo marth". I said "No mr someone I was directing my post to, falcon cant combo fox well at all, and the matchup is heavily in fox's favor in my opinion"
And that post obviously wasnt my "initial argument". that post was a response to the guy who posted above me. I can't beleive you thought that was entire argument lol. I made a post about my opinion on the matchups BEFORE that (i might even have made several, i dont remember, but im 110% sure that was not my first post about it)
(And falcon can't combo fox well at all if they DI correctly. He can tech chase, and has great tech chase set-ups, but tech chasing=/=comboing.)

everlasting yayuhzz

Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
swaggin' to da maxxx
Tech chasing is a combo. If they can't get out of it, then it's a combo. If I predict your DI, how is it not the same as predicting your roll? You still can't get out of it and you're still going to keep getting hit, so it's a combo.

Oh and Kevin, Link is top tear wat r u talkin abowt. mayb u shuld l2p sum 1st.

And to this person:

lol how close was marth to getting the number one spot on this list. Fox is overall a bit better than marth IMO, but since the list has them both at 9.9, I would like to know how close marth's dominance in late o6 to 08 to the widely regarded best character in melee thoughout the world(fox)
This is the best list the SBR has made for brawl/melee, all characters are placed in a tier which accrately depicts the reslts in the metagame and the tiers themselves are very specific. Just erfectly done, I hope the next brawl tier list is as good as this one (melee>brawl forever IMO even in tier lists lol)

Fox had a score of 9.88, Marth with a score of 9.85.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Yeah but ur forgetting i beat lvl9s on a tem wih 9 handico and me 1 an i **** thm rlly bad wit link and i stil sayz he suks


Smash Cadet
Aug 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Surprised at the new placings, especially Falco and Shiek
Falco is still top though, no biggie
I guess this last year of Melee was crazy enough to switch up the tier list one last time
Still wanted G&W to be near middle...


Out of Obscurity
Sep 23, 2007
Heh, took you Guys Long enough to make. :p
Very odd, the tiers have shifted so much since 2006


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
Unless there's an official definition of "Tier" in the SBR, then everything being said here is opinion, whether you like it or not.
Sorry to say, but it's alot more than just "opinion" that determines fox, marth, sheik, and falco are the 4 best characters in the game. Does raw data not suffice?

Doesn't Peach do better against Falco and Fox? Those matchups seem pretty bad for Falcon...

and as has been said numerous times, tournament results etc. etc. ....
Fox and Falco are only bad for Falcon if you can't techchase well.

Yeah, Peach is better against spacies and Sheik; Falcon only does better on Marth.
I think Sheik ***** falcon and peach evenly. Peach can't 0-death on Sheik like Falcon can.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 29, 2008
Sorry to say, but it's alot more than just "opinion" that determines fox, marth, sheik, and falco are the 4 best characters in the game. Does raw data not suffice?
but opinion determines what order the best 4 go in

what is the definition of the tier list anyways?
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