So I recently got back into SSB, attending a few brawl tourneys and smashfests a year or so ago. I figured that its time to pick melee up again, and see what I can remember about the game (though I'm loads better with brawl, melee is still much more fun to me).
Seeing as though I'm a Marf main in brawl, I went back to see if my melee skill was as good with him on SSBM... It's not. Haha. Instead I tried out a few characters, and one that really stuck out for me was Falco (my 2nd in Brawl). I was able to pick up l-cancelling and the shorthopping (with lazers) quite quickly with Falco. My dilemma lies here: Should I continue to advance with falco as my Melee-main and put Marth on the backburner? Or stick to a character I'm much more comfortable with, if less technically skilled?
I'm able to shuffle aerials with Falco, something that I can acheive once in a blue moon with Marth. However, I'm less clumsy with Marth, SD's are nonexistant and wavedashing comes very naturally for me- something that I can't seem to achieve when playing Falco.