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OFFICIAL Create a Stage! Create, Share, Rate, Discuss!!!


Smash Journeyman
Jul 15, 2007
Rocy Face , GA
New stages, all are just plain cruel though. Here they are :

Starting points

Red = P1
Blue = P2
Yellow = P3
Green = P4
Purple = respawn point



Smash Ace
Nov 6, 2007
wow u make good stages invincible but i would probably take away the castle looking things and probably just make it flat

personally i dont like courses that move and courses that r hard to get ko's in
I agree, Invincible made some really good stages.

But, considering that your name is "bluffmaster" and a bluff is a lie, you like courses that move and are hard to get KO's in, so I made a stage for you. :laugh: Seriously though, if you want to make a great stage but have no ideas, just make one with this in mind: Hard to get KO's in, so characters reach high percents (however, this is unbalanced since it will give the advantage to powerful and heavy characters like Bowser and Ike).

Look carefully at the map. There's very few places to KO. The bottom right may look easy to KO people in at first, but look closer: How are you going to smash/throw them down there? Besides, there's spikes for them to recover after bouncing off them (taking some more damage is always better than dying!).

For some reason, it won't let me make the second one as a picture in the link.


Smash Cadet
Nov 26, 2007

Name: Speed Run (title pending)

Music: Mach Rider

Setup: The entire floor is made of fast conveyor belts all moving in the same direction. There are spikes on the top of the stage and at the front of the conveyor belt. No extra platforms.

Overview: With a stage like that, characters will constantly be running up the belts as if they were racing. With spikes at the top and front, the only way to be KOed would be to be knocked back, or fall behind. Perfect for an adrenaline rush and characters like Sonic, Mario, fox, and the gliding characters!

That was MY idea, now tell me what you think! Sorry 4 poor image.


Smash Ace
Nov 6, 2007

Name: Speed Run (title pending)

Music: Mach Rider

Setup: The entire floor is made of fast conveyor belts all moving in the same direction. There are spikes on the top of the stage and at the front of the conveyor belt. No extra platforms.

Overview: With a stage like that, characters will constantly be running up the belts as if they were racing. With spikes at the top and front, the only way to be KOed would be to be knocked back, or fall behind. Perfect for an adrenaline rush and characters like Sonic, Mario, fox, and the gliding characters!

That was MY idea, now tell me what you think! Sorry 4 poor image.
That's awesome. I was thinking before, "How can you make a stage like Big Blue?" But if you add some platforms which move right to left, maybe even some stationary platforms, then it would be a pretty good version of Big Blue. (The conveyor belt represents the track, while the platforms moving back and forth are the cars.)


Smash Apprentice
Jun 15, 2007
Huntsville, AL
Name: Thunderdome
Music: anything that reminds you of Mad Max
Setup: Large rectangle the size of the screen with only one opening. For variety, there could be two holes that alternate between open and closed. Where do the hole(s) go? Ceiling? Sides? Floor? It's up to you.
Overview: Rectangle encloses the stage and the only way to KO is to get your opponent through the hole. Undoubtedly, lots of damage will be doled out between KOs.


Smash Champion
Sep 17, 2006
Huntington Beach, SoCal. Wanna Smash? PM me.
Name: Thunderdome
Music: anything that reminds you of Mad Max
Setup: Large rectangle the size of the screen with only one opening. For variety, there could be two holes that alternate between open and closed. Where do the hole(s) go? Ceiling? Sides? Floor? It's up to you.
Overview: Rectangle encloses the stage and the only way to KO is to get your opponent through the hole. Undoubtedly, lots of damage will be doled out between KOs.
Just Draw it.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 27, 2006
Stage Name: Duel with Zant.

It starts of in the Palace of Twilight where Zant is in a chair watching the battle. He then gets up and changes the stage just like in TP. I call them phases.

This phase is reminiscent of the battle with Diababa. It has Zant floating in the background shooting those red energy balls at you. Also, try to stay out of the poison water or your damage will go up.

This phase puts you right back in the room where you tackled the giant Goron
that you threw off the platform and into the burning lava. Zant's gimmick this
time around will be to warp around the room and make the platform move all
around. Watch out for his energy attack. Also, when you hit the lava, you will take damage and get shot back up.

This phase puts you in the watery deeps of Lakebed Temple. There will be many different Snake Helmets all around the bottom. They'll be closed off until one of them opens up to show Zant inside. Also, When he is exposed, he'll launch an energy attack at you and then wait a few seconds before disappearing. Also, sence being underwater, you can jump up, but you will slowly float down.

Remember the mini-boss in the Forest Temple? Yeah -- that's this. Zant will work very similar to the way the monkey did, jumping from pole to pole and then stopping to throw an energy attack you.

This phase takes you right back to where you fought Blizzetta. Zant is giant floating over the character and will drop down and smash the characters. You can even hurt Zant by punching him when he drops down and starts hopping around holding his foot and starts to shrink. The ground is also slippery.

In this final phase, you'll fight Zant right in front of the trapped Hyrule Castle, no real gimmick to talk about here.He has a few attacks that he'll use in this final confrontation -- one is the stanard slices from his two blades on his arms and the other is a vicious spin attack. The latter is hard to avoid because it can break your guard fairly easily. After the spin attack, Zant will often be left very dizzy. he's also running toward you and just stupidly trying to swing his blades as well. he'll fall to the ground and you'll be warped
back to the Palace of Twilight.

How do you like that.


Smash Ace
Dec 20, 2006
I was wondering how do you post a picture on these forums? Because I drew a stage and wanted to post it here. It is in "My Pictures". Do you need some sort of account at some image dump to get it too work? (Like Myspace ect?)

Edit: Nevermind someone told me. :)


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
How do I get the image of my Brawl Stage from the flast stage creator on the first page? It doesn't let me save it...


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2007
Waiting for you to slip up.

I made a Halo one...

Based on a Halo ring, it's basically a large platform, around two or three Battlefields, with four metal rotating platforms above it, and horizontally moving platforms on top of those.

In the background, you see UNSC and Covenant forces battling it out, and every now and then, a Bashee comes in and shoots lasers and Fuel Rod bombs at the stage, like the Arwings.

Of course, the Brute gets hijacked and crashes to the ground.

But who was that that hijacked the Banshee?!? IT'S THE ARBITER!!!

After you see Scorpions and Wraiths appear, you'll know it's rush time. A whole storm of Flood will take over the area as Gravemind watches the fight from above, out of reach. Flood will jump onto the arena in order to get to the other side. They hurt you, so plz avoid. This is when two minute melee matches end, but if not, then after about thirty seconds, you see a sprakle in the distance, the Gravemind roars, "THE HALO! NO!!!!!!" The screen flashes for a millisecond, and jumps back to the UNSC vs. Covenant fight.


Smash Ace
Dec 20, 2006
This is a stage I drew with the idea of a Wind Waker stage in mind and the new swimming technique thrown in.

Wind Waker Isle

You can swim in the water. That red dragon boat from Wind Waker docks sometimes and you can fight on it. The Master Sword is just background but you can still stand on all the dark green land and wooden platforms.

Also, there are 2 forms of weather that change on a timed basis. Clear and Stormy.
Clear is seen in this picture I drew.
When it is stormy, it rains and strong winds blow but the winds don't move you while fighting. They can however blow items off the stage slowly. The water will wave around making it harder to swim, and if a boat docks it won't be the red dragon boat, this time it will be a pirate boat with 2 goblins equipped with crossbows that shoot weak fire arrows (they do about 4% damage per hit, hardly any knockback.) randomly into the air and volley it on the stage randomly. The boat sways with the waves. If you jump on their boat and attack them, they will sail away after awhile. You can turn off the stormy weather in the stage options if you want for more competitive play.

Pretty cool. Anyway, what do you guys think? Pretty good for my first stage, right? ^^

Cereal Rabbit

Smash Lord
Nov 13, 2007
Davis, CA
Does anyone remember Donkey Kong Country 1? There was a Rope climbing Mini game.

Stage: DK Ropes
Stage Size: Medium
Stage Anatomy: Basically 3 ropes hanging from something (Don't go up you might SD) and a small ground platform.

Yay Tourny Banned.


Nov 11, 2007
Plymouth, Massachusetts
I've had an idea for a stage for a while now.

Stage Name: Tourian
Stage Description: Mother Brain's Lair
Stage Music: Metroid: Boss Music (Ridley Battle), Menu 01 (Melee), Star Fox: Space Armada.
Item Configuration (if this feature is included): Metroid Assist Trophy, Beam Sword, Ray Gun.
Layout: Floating platforms in the middle of a mechanical void-like area. Acid rises from the bottom occasionally. (Only high enough to harm those on the lowest platforms.)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 14, 2007
haha. great comic. i have the ps3 and motorstorm blows! haha :)
but i still like ps3. :)

but without a doubt, ssbb will be the best game ever.

today was supposed to be the release day... :(


Smash Apprentice
Oct 27, 2007
Vallejo, CA
I don't really have an idea for a particular stage, but more for the whole stage builder thing.

I know this is an impossible idea for normal stages, but in stage builder I think it would work. For the stages you make, you can upload an mp3 file or something, and the song(s) gets saved to that stage so that whenever you play it, that song plays.

Sakurai is apparently going for the customizable thing (buttons, stages) so I don't see why this isn't possible. Plus, there are several songs in my music library that I would love to brawl to (Chopin, Beatles, John Williams) and I'm sure you have some too.


Dec 19, 2002
I don't really have an idea for a particular stage, but more for the whole stage builder thing.

I know this is an impossible idea for normal stages, but in stage builder I think it would work. For the stages you make, you can upload an mp3 file or something, and the song(s) gets saved to that stage so that whenever you play it, that song plays.

Sakurai is apparently going for the customizable thing (buttons, stages) so I don't see why this isn't possible. Plus, there are several songs in my music library that I would love to brawl to (Chopin, Beatles, John Williams) and I'm sure you have some too.
You start by choosing the size of the stage, the background pattern, and the music that will play. Oops! Sorry. For music, you’ll only be able to choose from the songs you have available.
This is from the stagebuilder section, so sadly, you can only use music from the game. If you really want to play your own music, just play it on a stereosystem or MP3 player while playing the game.

Agent 47

Smash Apprentice
Nov 25, 2007
San Jose, CA
no personal music is a drag, but the stagebuilder section may help give smash fans new ideas in upping their gameplay.

The Kraken

Smash Cadet
Dec 1, 2007
I live under your bed, waiting for the lights to t

Bowser's Castle from Mario Kart Double Dash.

Ok, pretty much this is what i'm aiming for: a stage about bowser's castle that moves, similar to Mute City, but without platforms, and doesn't have those 5 second "dashes" to the next part of the track. Instead, the screen scrolls through it slowly, not sideways but backwards, in a sense. Basically you start at the start/finish line and you move and fight while the screen travels through the castle track. Eventually you find yourself in the company of Thwomps, just like in the video, and the screen stops for roughly 10-20 seconds, allowing the Thwomps to move about and do their thing. If you go to 2:30 in the video, you can see that large "island" in the track. This could separate some of the players while the Thwomps try to squash you.
Then you start to move again, and you stop at these places like the Lava pit, with fireballs jumping out of the centre, and two static bits of the track on either side of the pit. There is also that large fiery turnstile after that, where you have to avoid the Flaming Balls of... Fire.
Other: Some of Bowsers minions (Hammer bros., Little red spiny guy, paratroopa, etc etc.) may try and attack you, using their signature or primary (or only) action, (paratroopa: Divebomb you, Hammer Bros: Throws small hammers, not the ones used as an item, etc etc.). And even sometimes the mario kart drivers themselves would start driving through the course.
The only problem with this stage is that you wouldn't be able to use the flashing speed boost thingies that are set on the track without having a vehicle.

Yeah, but whatever. Just ideas.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 20, 2007
A simple stage:

Two versions of a stage based on the original Legend of Zelda. I'll probably design and play both, but I'd be interested in hearing which people think looks better.

Finally, a Tetris based stage - a moving one would be better, but if they don't include one this is better than nothing. (This was just my first try at laying out the blocks - if anyone else wants to try and design a layout that would be better for Smash, I'd love to see it.)
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