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OFFICIAL Create a Stage! Create, Share, Rate, Discuss!!!


Smash Cadet
Dec 10, 2007
here's mine:

Just to clarify, this is all one stage. You get to the bottom part by falling through the middle hole or the two other holes under the statues (the statues take battle-damage and break). If you fall to the bottom part of the stage, you can get back up by using the fans or triple jumping.
I like your stage. One of the best starfox ones ive seen in my opinion


Smash Journeyman
Jul 15, 2007
Rocy Face , GA
Can someone tell me where you can get those sprites like malesretmit12 used? I want ot use those to
make a stage. And please don't tel me you need photoshop and you can just use paint.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 9, 2007
South Florida

Love all your stages! I'm going to agree with Conner and say the last one is a bit "meh", but every other one rocks my socks.

Seems a bit TOO easy to die on the Sonic stage, though, now that I think about it.

But I'm in total love with your Boo's Mansion stage.

Thanks for your compliments and criticism, Dyce!

I took your comments on the Winters stage into consideration, so I made a newer one!

Stage Name: Winters Academy
Universe: Eagleland
Game: Mother 2/Earthbound

This stage has a bit more depth into it! I thinks it's better now

Stage Name: Excite Course
Universe: Excite Land (made up :p)
Game: Excitebike

This stage is cool, with a few excite bike racers zooming on through! Try to get the excite bike assist trophy here for some fun!!

Stage Name: SR-388
Universe: SR-388 :p
Game: Metroid 2: return of Samus

FINALLY!! a lava-less metroid stage!!! Not too many hazards here :)
Swimming is key to mastering this stage!! Don't drown!!


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Wow. Graphically, one of the best looking stages on this thread. What program did you use to make it? Oh, and I love it by the way. I just don't know what game it's from. (Star Fox Adventure, I assume?)

You improved greatness. Well done!
I love the academy, and I love the lava-less Metroid stage. Seriously, why don't we have more of those?


Smash Apprentice
Dec 2, 2007
Oh and a while ago I made this

It would be a mountain like stage from minish cap, were the small slightly darker shaded platforms would be that rock link used to shrink, and so players would use it to get back and forth from the top and bottom, oh and once in a while when shrinking you would reappear over to the side exit and would have to run back to it, giving other players a chance to really get you well ur small


Smash Apprentice
Dec 2, 2007

Wow that stage would be HUGE! But it just looks like a desolate mountain. You should try altering it to see if you couldn't come up with some things to make it look more "Minish Cap"-ified.
Sry, I don't really have any programs like like, you would just have to picture it that way


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2007
Atlanta, Georgia
here's another one; this time it's cape claw from star fox adventures:

The idea for this stage was created by Ismar; I just drew it. Basically, the water level rises over periods of time and washes players away if they're not careful. The hightop dinosaur also acts like another platfrom but appears randomly. The cannon in the bg shoots at players as well.

Not my best b/c of the blurry image of the dinosaur (I couldn't find a better one), but it still gets the point across.
Actually pretty awesome.


Smash Champion
Sep 17, 2006
Huntington Beach, SoCal. Wanna Smash? PM me.

Green Hill Zone

Well There it is!

All characters can run in the loop! Once you hit a part of the loop it runs you through itself and the rock is there to stop you from running off the edge if you get too carried away.
The Small rock is also just something you can stand on, but its too small to hand by.
To get to the other side you can either run it or jump over it, the platform moves all the time, up and down.
No you cant "fall" off this stage but if it happens you will get major damage from the spikes that spin at super fast speeds.
Deaths by side KOs or Sky KOs, the spikes also help push you to left or right depending on where you get hit.
The small bridge is a fall through platform, a kind of bunker, I guess.

Well there ya go! Hope ya like it!


Smash Cadet
Dec 18, 2007

Assembly Line, Frantic Factory? (DK64...)

Thhis wasn't originally Meant to be from DK64, but I just remembered that factory level. Anyways, the conveyor belts attempt to move you down a level each time, and ultimately, into the spikes There is a ladder Between the middle and top level, but not between the bottom and middle. The pink ball is for size comparison, that being kirby. It IS possible to make it from the bottom to the middle belt by jumping. There is also a stationary platform in the middle. What do you think?


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond

Green Hill Zone

Well There it is!

All characters can run in the loop! Once you hit a part of the loop it runs you through itself and the rock is there to stop you from running off the edge if you get too carried away.
The Small rock is also just something you can stand on, but its too small to hand by.
To get to the other side you can either run it or jump over it, the platform moves all the time, up and down.
No you cant "fall" off this stage but if it happens you will get major damage from the spikes that spin at super fast speeds.
Deaths by side KOs or Sky KOs, the spikes also help push you to left or right depending on where you get hit.
The small bridge is a fall through platform, a kind of bunker, I guess.

Well there ya go! Hope ya like it!
I want to like it... :( but unfortunately I can't see it.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 3, 2007
Hello! I'm very exited about the stage maker, and while I'm sure I can't make this in it, I wish I could.

Tetra's Pirate Ship!

(The thick black lines are solid, everything else is scenery)

This may look like a very basic stage, but it's not. The boat will tilt and sway to the waves, causing the surface to slant. (BTW, the actual stage would have the view a little higher, looking down, so that you can see the ocean behind it) Sea enemys apear frequently, including Gyorgs, Cannon Ships, and Octorocks. The Gyorgs will sim next to the ship, then jump over it, attempting to hit the players hanging out in the middle. The Cannon Ships would float by and shoot a bomb or two, making (Durr) explosions, and the Octorocks will ram the ship, causing everyone on it to bounce into the air a little.

Final obstacle; the catapult will fire, sending a rock over the stage, just so that if your standing on the mini-platform, you will get hit. Also, if your standing on the catapult when it goes off, you will be flung really far.

So, you like it? :)
i would play on that


I made a Halo one...

Based on a Halo ring, it's basically a large platform, around two or three Battlefields, with four metal rotating platforms above it, and horizontally moving platforms on top of those.

In the background, you see UNSC and Covenant forces battling it out, and every now and then, a Bashee comes in and shoots lasers and Fuel Rod bombs at the stage, like the Arwings.

Of course, the Brute gets hijacked and crashes to the ground.

But who was that that hijacked the Banshee?!? IT'S THE ARBITER!!!

After you see Scorpions and Wraiths appear, you'll know it's rush time. A whole storm of Flood will take over the area as Gravemind watches the fight from above, out of reach. Flood will jump onto the arena in order to get to the other side. They hurt you, so plz avoid. This is when two minute melee matches end, but if not, then after about thirty seconds, you see a sprakle in the distance, the Gravemind roars, "THE HALO! NO!!!!!!" The screen flashes for a millisecond, and jumps back to the UNSC vs. Covenant fight.
yay i love halo im stealing your idea


Smash Cadet
Dec 18, 2007
A few I made on the Level Editor...flash thing. They are pretty self-explanatory:


The Noob Legend

Smash Ace
Dec 9, 2007
Stephenville, NL, Canada

For a Sonic Stage.

In some Sonic games this event looks rather familiar.

The players are battling on the dock bridge, but watch out!
An Orca is trying to destroy the battle field, AND YOU!

So watch out when you jump high, because if that Orca hits you, prepare to become fish food.

I'll make a precise model soon.


Smash Rookie
Dec 25, 2007
My Stage

Name: Trapped in (might think of something better when Brawl comes out)

Size: Small (Think Kirby's Dream Fountain)

Description: You are in a box. You cannot get out. Basically this stage is only useful if you are playing Stamina Mode.

Stage: 11111111111 1's= ground
1 1 0 = player 1
1 1 2 = " 2
1 1 3 = " 3
1 0 2 3 4 1 4 = " 4


Smash Rookie
Dec 25, 2007
K, my stage didn't turn out at all what it was suppose to look like. NVM the "picture", the description is what it's suppose to be.


Smash Rookie
Nov 1, 2007

Right, so you basically spawn on 1 big bullet bill. But then more start to come they could be big, small and shape or size. BUT 1 bullet bill every so often will explode at random so if your on it it's an instant KO. The background is super mario world background think its number 3. And the do do do do do do theme tune :p

I know, I know my paint skills are pro :p

Merry Christmas! *<|=]

PS: If you fall your also dead

Edit: How do i make it so you don't have to click i link to view it, so it's just in my post?
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