42000000 90000000 <- opening line, doesn't appear to have a byte count
0416A904 00000000 <- says to use 0x speed
2A180F3A 00000015 <- 15 is the stage ID for something, probably spear pillar
0416A904 3E4CCCCC <- says to use ~.2x speed
2A180F3A 00000004 <- stage ID for LM
0416A904 3F000000 < says to use .5x speed
2A180F3A 00000005 <- stage ID for... mushroomy kingdom?
0416A904 3F2AAAAB <- says to use ~.67 speed
2A180F3A 00000024 <- stage ID for I have no idea what
2A180F3A 0000002D <- another stage ID
2A180F3A 00000031 <- another stage ID
0416A904 BF800000 <- says to use -1x speed
2A180F3A 00000014 <- probably stage ID for ps2
2A180F3A 0000001C <- probably stage ID for WW
0416A904 3F800000 <- says to use 1x speed, no idea why this is here, prob best to leave it
E0000000 80008000 <- ending line
use this stage list: