in fighter, you need the folders for the characters. you put the texture files in there. Just a note though, the names of them are like they are in the disc, so like, zero suit samus is "szerosuit" . there are some others, but I can't remember them off the top of my head.
You don't need menu, but if you want strap screen textures (like where it says to put the strap on LOL no dirty thoughts) , you can get those. you put those textures in private/wii/app/rsbe/pf/menu/strap/ and call it StrapEn.pac.
I have no idea what the system folder is for.
more texture hacking info:
Texture Hacking Info
Active DSDL Feature
Texture F.A.Q.
Q: Is there a limit to textures? I loaded 13 so far.
A: The only limit is the game's personal limit (as of now) so you can only have as many replacements as there are originals on the game. So if you want to texure hack every character on the game, go for it.
Q: Do textures work on wifi?
A: Yes and No. Yes, because you will see your own textures as you play on wifi and No, because your opponent will not see your textures. If they have textures then they will see their own personal textures. Only way for you to both see the same thing would be for you to both have the exact same textures set to the exact same character colors.
Q: For stage textures, do I have to use the Melee directory for brawl stages?
A: Yes, all stages use the directory of \stage\melee\STG(name).PAC
Q: I have a texture called Fit(name)Final.pac - what do I do with this?
A: That's a texture for a Final Smash mod. Put it in your character's directory like you would any other texture for that character. Leave the name as Fit(name)Final.pac
Where to get Textures from:
Kitty Corp
Stack Smash
Each file will be stored as the following - The Green is the actual file itself.
The following describes both versions a and b
Character Textures:
(a) X:\Private\Wii\App\RSBE\pf\fighter\(Character Name)\Fit(Character Name)(Color #).pcs/.pac
(b) X:\fighter\(Character Name)\Fit(Character Name)(Color #).pcs/.pac
Final Smash Textures:
(a) X:\Private\Wii\App\RSBE\pf\fighter\(Character Name)\Fit(Character Name)Final.pac (PT will have a color # in between Final and .pac)
(b) X:\fighter\(Character Name)\Fit(Character Name)Final.pac (PT will have a color # in between Final and .pac)
Stage Textures:
(a) X:\Private\Wii\App\RSBE\pf\stage\melee\STG(StageName).pac
(b) X:\stage\melee\STG(StageName).pac
Stage Builder Names for Stage Textures
Pokemon Textures:
(a) X:\Private\Wii\App\RSBE\pf\item\(Pokemon Name)\Pkm(Pokemon Name)Brres.pac
(b) X:\item\(Pokemon Name)\Pkm(Pokemon Name)Brres.pac
Assist Trophy Texture:
(a) X:\Private\Wii\App\RSBE\pf\item\(AT Name)\Asf(AT Name)Brres.pac
(b) X:\item\(AT Name)\Asf(AT Name)Brres.pac
Mode Textures
(a) X:\private\wii\apps\RSBE\pf\minigame\coinshooter\cs_pack.pac
(b) X:\minigame\coinshooter\cs_pack.pac
Item Textures:
(a) X:\Private\Wii\App\RSBE\pf\system\common3.pac
Character Names
Color #'s
Stage Names
Pokemon Names
Assist Trophy Names
VILE's Guide for Items
All released pokemon texture hacks have been known to randomly freeze while loading in mid-battle. It is unknown weather this is due to the code, or the textures which are all by the same author. Assist trophies are confirmed to work without problems.
1. Load times are increased by a slight margin.(don't worry, you'll barely notice it)
2. There is a slight chance of freezing if you exit the CSS and enter the SSS before the character's files are completely loaded. (when the Wii stops beeping) It is advised that you wait until then to eliminate all possibilities of error. Alternatively, you can sacrifice the use of Custom Stages to remove freezing completely.
Textures appear to work on all modes but for some modes (mostly adventure modes) you'll need the .pac file counterpart of each .pcs file.
You must have the .pac file counterpart of each .pcs file at all times with the following characters for them to work properly:
Pokemon Trainer & company
How to convert .pcs to .pac
You can get the .pac file by dragging the .pcs into this program. (I apologize to the author for not giving credit as I don't remember where I got this.) It will tell your your .pcs is opened, this doesn't mean that its over. Continue waiting and it will begin creating your new file. After its done, it will create a name.pcs.out file. Simply change ".pcs.out" to ".pac" and ignore the warning about becoming unusable.