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OFFICIAL AZ Power Rankings & Social Thread (Updated: 11/27/13)


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
Have I met you before at a tournament or anywhere like that? Or you part of a crew. Do you play with anyone I should know?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 3, 2008
Garden City
yes. and just because i live in phoenix does not mean i speak spanish. *points at your last post*

and i have better things to do then waste my time driving to a tourney.


Smash Journeyman
May 4, 2008
Mesa, Arizona
Sad news:

Remember how my camera fell off the table at the Atomic Comics League tournament and broke? Well it will cost more to fix it than to buy a new camera.

Minus +$250/hit points

I am not blaming anyone or anything. It was a 100% accident and my fault for leaving it in a vulnerable place and then leaving the store.

Future reference: If there is ever equipment (from anyone) set up PLEASE please PLEASE PLEASE be AWARE and use caution when moving around. I don't want anyone else to have to pay an extra $250 every other tournament because of broken equipment. This also goes for setting up your drinks on tables etc. We all saw how many accidents and spills there was at AzOneTwoStep. Luckily nothing spilled on a Wii or anything important (at least that I know of).

But I will do my best to make sure equipment is secure. Also don't take it personally if I tell you to take your drink off the table or move it somewhere else if it is next to any electronics. A spill on the floor is one thing, a spill on a Wii/laptop/camera is another.

But let's have fun and make AZ #1 on the charts :)


Smash Ace
May 2, 2005
Tempe, Arizona
man, sorry to hear dook. i saw when that happend, i think it might have been that small kid there that did it, or his friend that he teamed up with, his name is Greg *not me, the other greg that was there*


Smash Journeyman
May 4, 2008
Mesa, Arizona
man, sorry to hear dook. i saw when that happend, i think it might have been that small kid there that did it, or his friend that he teamed up with, his name is Greg *not me, the other greg that was there*
Yeah I know how it happened too, the camera was filming the whole time so you can see its great descent :laugh:. No hard feelings though. It was a valuable lesson learned. When is the next AZ tournament? I am itching for one. I will be in California this Saturday for Nexus and then I am flying to Vegas on Monday for a Summer Tournament. If there is a tournament on Saturday the 5th I would love to go! Be sure to post it in here :).

Actually I think there is a tournament in Tuscon on the 5th. It might be Forward's tournament. I can't check right now because I have to blast off to Fry's Electronics. But everyone should go to the tournament in Tuscon!


Smash Ace
Apr 9, 2008
Phoenix, AZ
uh well the atomic comics tourney and the biweeklies >.>

i dont know if they are on the fifth or not though


Smash Apprentice
Mar 14, 2008
He isn't have one line conversations with someone, hes having one line conversations with everyone!

And everyone go to forwards house on saturday, there will be melee friendlies as well.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
What if I say no because almost every single one of you *** romping *****es didn't come to my house last weekend? What was your john?


Smash Champion
Jan 12, 2006
Glendale, AZ
What if I say no because almost every single one of you *** romping *****es didn't come to my house last weekend? What was your john?
That your ***** *** has never come to the West Valley, while we've been to Tempe countless times. You don't have the nuts to come to events in your hometown much less in Glendale, and we're supposed to jump on our bikes and come to your apartment to play a dead game?!?! Eat a ****.



Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
No you aren't, because I ****ing remember asking everyone in STB to give me a ride to your tourny, but no one wanted to go out of their ****ing way to do **** for me. And who says that Trent couldn't have picked up a few of you? No, you *** buckets just wanted to go play a party game and beat scrubs at it instead of playing something that takes skill. Eat a ****.



Smash Champion
Jan 12, 2006
Glendale, AZ
No you aren't, because I ****ing remember asking everyone in STB to give me a ride to your tourny, but no one wanted to go out of their ****ing way to do **** for me. And who says that Trent couldn't have picked up a few of you? No, you *** buckets just wanted to go play a party game and beat scrubs at it instead of playing something that takes skill. Eat a ****.

If I had to pick up Trent, then maybe I'd have gotten my **** together to give him a lift; who the **** is coregaymes to tell me what to do? And besides what the **** have you done for anybody in this community besides john it up and suck ****?!?! Not a whole ****ed lot. What if I wanted to hang out with cool people that share my interest in non-homosexual relations? But am I judging your ****?! **** no. If you want to play a game nobody plays anymore except a few high school asian kids and a fourteen year old boy, then that's your mother****ing business. Consume a phallic organ.


<3 Tai, KuhGah, and Duff0


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
If I had to pick up Trent, then maybe I'd have gotten my **** together to give him a lift;
I said Trent could have given you a ride. If you weren't too busy keeping your head up your ***, maybe you would have read it right!

who the **** is coregaymes to tell me what to do?
And who the **** are you to tell me to go to your house? **** YOU!

And besides what the **** have you done for anybody in this community besides john it up and suck ****?!?! Not a whole ****ed lot.
I don't know, I TRIED TO HOLD A GOD ****ED TOURNAMENT! I ****ing set the **** up for a whole two months and you ***gots didn't have the balls, let alone the male chromosome, to ****ing think about showing up! Go kill yourself.

What if I wanted to hang out with cool people that share my interest in non-homosexual relations?
Then I think you've been hanging out with the wrong group of people if you wanted to avoid that.

But am I judging your ****?! **** no. If you want to play a game nobody plays anymore except a few high school asian kids and a fourteen year old boy, then that's your mother****ing business. Consume a phallic organ.
And if you want to play a game that everyone plays because they can play "Character Select" well, then go right ahead. I'm not going to stop you from beating up scrubs, because we both know that's all you've been good for anyway. Go lick an ***.


<3 Tai, KuhGah, and Duff0

</3 everyone


Smash Ace
Apr 9, 2008
Phoenix, AZ
Whats with the fighting?

I wake up for this?

I'm going back to sleep.

<3 g-mo and his fast robotic character


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
Yeah, I'm done with this. SCREW YOU AZ.

I'm done with you guys.

Here, let me leave you with my last words to all of you that care to read at all:

Before moving out here to Arizona, I was just getting into competitive smash. I hadn’t played the game in well over a couple years, because the home-run contest, computers, and the adventure mode wasn’t enough to hold my attention. My friend and I were bored one night and picked up the old game and started playing. We got into it pretty deep. I had recently been exposed to Metroid, so my character of choice was Samus. I love the franchise and thought I would give it a try. I did great.
My friends all have this joke about me. I can beat any game in three days and master it in one week. Well… maybe not so much a joke as a saying. And it’s true. If you hand me a game, I will figure out how to beat the single player experience in three days and then in the remaining four days, I will see if I can get everything down to excel at it. It has to do a little with natural gaming talent and a bit more of obsession. When I start playing a game, I will play it from start to finish or until I’m too tired or hungry to carry on.
This was also the case with Melee. After picking it back up, I played it constantly. After school, on weekends, in between homework assignments, I was playing all the time. I got good with my timing with missiles and stumbled upon some ATs that I didn’t even know I was discovering, like CC’ing and MC’ing. The next time I played my friend, he got dominated. He ended up playing as Fox just so that he could spend half the game in the reflector so that I could just spam all day. Little did he know that it would change the way I played, forever.
Aside from him, I had other friends interested in the game. A few times at the end of the semester or whatever, I would bring my GC to school and play with everyone there, not losing a single fight ever. I was the most bad-*** at smash in my region, no doubt. However, I then began my exciting trip into INTERNET FORUMS! Of course, I would start out going to Gamespot. They had forums for every game available, and Smash was no exception. It was there that I started to here about crazy things like L-Canceling and Wavedashing. However, I didn’t think of any of it useful. I mean, I had won all my matches without it, why was it so important? So I brushed it aside and didn’t worry about it.
Now let’s fast forward to my arrival here. I was going to start college at UAT and it was new person week. Along with the prescheduled events, there was plenty of free time. As it would just so happen, the most popular game there was Melee. I couldn’t resist. FFA after FFA I sat and dominated that cube. Once I got in, I wouldn’t get out. Sure, sure I didn’t always get first place, but I never got rotated out. That first week was great. Soon after, the announcement was made that, at the next LAN, there was going to be a Melee tournament. Stoked for it, I quickly grabbed another one of the good players there, Dan (Hippy), and formed a team. Funny enough, we made it all the way to second place. I we were demolished by these two insanely good kids known as Chaos and Blue. (Enter Trent) It was about that time that I started going to Smashboards and start learning how to REALLY play the game.
Shortly after that night, Trent and blue started playing in the FFa’s more often. Oddly enough, they would show up, and everyone who wasn’t taking smash seriously would leave. We all knew that Trent and Blue used glitches and exploits to win, but if you won against them, that would make you best in school! I couldn’t pass it up, especially considering how I was still obsessed over this game. I got my *** kicked every time we played, even by Blue. This habit continued all the way up until the week before Christmas break. Then, on a late night, I was practicing alone when Trent stopped by. He then spent the next few hours or so playing varying characters against me and telling me how to deal against them with Samus. After a long time, I started beating him. Granted, it was his Yoshi, Pikachu, Roy, etc., but I WAS BEATING HIM! It was the ultimate high for my return home.
Of course, while I was home over the break, we had to have another smash tourney. My buddies were excited to face me, because they all had been practicing to take my *** down. However, they completely didn’t expect the butt-kicking that they received. Four stocks, JV Four stocks, 3 stocks, and any other one-sided victory were all claimed by me. Even my Roy was doing so much better than them. No one stood a chance! I was proving just how good AZ was with smash. Some may even say AZ is… too good?
When I got back, I resumed my routine. I believe that Trent saw me as a more competent player, and started to give me a harder time. I started to destroy Blue consistently, until it got to the point where he couldn’t beat me. I started spending more time with Trent, learning the techs, strategies, getting punished for doing things wrong, and getting insight as to what to do in certain matchups. It was awesome. My ability sky rocketed.
Eventually, time came for another tournament. My friend Mess (Rob), a jigglypuff palyer, was going to hold it in his apartment. When I showed up, I was surprised to see the much smaller turnout than the school event, and it was singles only. There was this one guy there who was going through the entire bracket with just pichu, and he was good! (Enter Wobbles) In the end, I took 4th place. I think it wasn’t bad for my first, real tournament. Not one with just friends and family, but with money on the line and ambitions high. I won a Star Wars poster >_>
I kept training diligently with Trent, and continued my pursuit. At some point, I stumbled upon the AZ Power Rankings, AZPR. It was there that I saw all the big names and my opportunity for glory. If I could get best in state, I would be on a professional level! ‘**** that would be awesome,’ I thought. I pushed myself hard to try to attain one of those spots. I’m not sure when, but sometime that year, someone was holding a tournament in Tuscon in one of the local Libraries. This guy called GamerGuitarist (Enter… him) was holding it and I was invited. Well, I needed a ride. Trent was going to, but he decided not to at the last second, but I ended up getting a ride with someone else. The car pooled up to my house and I found a big black man, a stoner, and Wobbles in the car (Enter Taj and Forward).
The whole ride down was them talking to me about smash, and I absorbed every bite of information they had to feed. Yes, I was concerned that I was driving so far under the supervision of near strangers, but it was all for smash! When we arrived, We paid our fees and I got down to playing some friendlies. I had gotten into the whole spray painting your controller thing at the time, and had my own custom colored controller with my tag, SA-X, on it. I was going to do well. Well… I thought that until I got run completely over by this Pikachu player. (Enter Axe) Honestly, who plays Pikachu? I was unprepared for the low-tier choice and got eliminated. I said my GG’s and watched all the other games.
After everyone left, the MM’s started happening. One person getting Forward, Taj, and Wobble’s attention was a Falco player named B-Will (Enter B-Won’t). Forawrd almost blew all of his winnings on trying to do a handicapped MM against him, but just couldn’t do it. So after Wobbles tried it with 1$, I went in with my Samus, except with the handicap on him. I won both rounds in under 2 minutes each, and, consequently, won my first MM for the standard $5. Shortly after, it was time to go. The ride back was ok. We stopped at a Denny’s and discussed things. They told me what I should work on, like telling me to get a better tag because SA-X is gay >_>, and that Gamer doesn’t know how to run a tournament.
That night, all I could think of was how I went to a real tourney, traveld and talked with true pros, won a Money Match, and got to have dinner with the Best MewTwo in the world, the best Falco in the world, and the best Ice Climbers in the world, even if someone may disagree that they don’t get those titles. I had to step up my game. I HAD to step up my game. After getting taken out of a tournament that fast, I had to go harder. Trent was always there, but it was getting obvious that learning one person’s mindgames isn’t going to help. That when I started going to smashfests, mainly one guy in Mesa. (Enter Goop) Goop held a smashfest almost every other week. While I couldn’t attend them all, it was a big chance for me to play with some of the best people. A **** good Sheik (Enter Dark), a *****in’ Peach (Enter Light), and a Samus mainer who was better than me (Enter Wakka) were the ones who stood out.
It wasn’t long before a year had passed, and it was time for me to go home over the summer break. This time, through smashboards, I hooked up with the only crew in West Virginia. You see, WV’s smash scene is more than lacking, it’s nearly non-existent! It was no wonder I never went to tournaments when I was there, because no one had them. In any matter, these guys claimed to be the best in state by showing me pictures of them winning a bunch of WV smash tournaments. So, that weekend I played them all. That weekend, I beat them all. I wasn’t untouchable, but I didn’t lose. There were some very close matches, but it was apparent that I was on a higher level. Satisfied with my skill level, I returned to AZ.
It was new person week again, and all of the new people arrived. Before leaving, all us veterans, Trent, Blue, Hippy, Mess, a few others, and I, decided that we wouldn’t play against the n00bs until the tournament at the end of the month. However, those plans were destroyed by Trent. There was one freshmen in particular that acted like he knew everything about the game. He had no humility and chewed out everyone else for how they played. For example, he said that a professional Peach does not use turnips. This pushed Trent over the edge and he played him… more or less ***** him. When I arrived from the airport, I quickly came to the same realization, and played him, but I was a bit more modest. I played at near midnight, when no one was around, and only as Roy. I was going to hold my true strength for the tournament.
When it came time for it, everyone was excited. This year I was on a team with Trent, and we were already sure to be the victors. Surely enough, we were. We were completely undefeated and sometimes even 8 stocked a few teams. Then it came time for singles. We both got seeded on other ends of the bracket and fought our way up. We met each other at the finals, and I got bumped to the losers bracket. From there, we had to wait for four hours as entire group of eight people plaid. Why did it take so long? Every person in those games, including myself, was playing either Jigglypuff or Samus. Plus, everyone HAD to counter-pick Dreamland. Every match went almost to the time-limit, and it was getting late. When it finally came time for the Finals, Trent just threw in the towel because he hadn’t played for the past few hours, he was extremely tired, and he thought I should win because it was only a dumb little school tournament. It was a first place victory that I was proud of though. I loved that victory.
Noticing that Trent had carried me probably as far as he could or wanted to go, I turned to someone else, Taj. Someone told me that he loved pancakes and Gatorade, so I stocked up and told him that I would keep feeding him if he would keep training me. So, for a full day, I bough Taj and got his supreme council. Consequently, Goop held a smashfest that night and Taj drove me over there for me to try out my new skills. I don’t think I improved that much over one day, but I definitely had things to strive for. More mindgames, better understanding of spacing, comprehend timing on moves, etc. These things became very important, but Taj left one note for me that night. “Above everything else though Corey,” he told me, “you gotta have love for the game!” Wow… cheap. That’s the ultimate strategy? Have love for the game? What a waste.
So I worked on the things he told me, and improved myself. For the next event on the calendar was SAST2, and I wasn’t going to leave there unimpressed! When the day came, we, Trent, Taj, Wobbles, and I, loaded into a car and went down to Tuscon once more. In the car, Taj and Wobbles had the great idea to switch names for the tourney, which was impressive in the mindgames department if I do say so myself. One of the biggest differences about this tournament was the large turnout of SoCal members (Enter Gimpyfish, Mango, NES) as well as some people I didn’t meet there on my first trip to Tuscon (Enter NickNyte, Mr. J, Butters, Hanky). Trent and I teamed up for doubles and got thrashed… hard. After our first two matches, we completely lost it. We went to get something to eat, and waited out for singles.
One of the most amazing things happened though. During the finals match for doubles, a huge crowed formed around the TV. When AZ scored a stock, so began a riot of cheering, singing, and dancing. When SoCal got a stock, so did they. Each community was fighting both on-screen and off, and it was beautiful. A rivalry of epicness. During hat same in between time, I got to play Gimpy, the best Bowser in the world, and after three tries I beat him. I thought it was a little embarrassing to lose to a Bowser, but he was the best right? I friendlied Forward, and got his Mrth down to one stock. I was feeling good about that. Then, while I was taking a break on the balcony, I ran into Butters. A while back, we agreed we had to MM each other and now was our chance. We sat down and I won. I won my second MM ever!
Soon after, pools started. I made it out of my pool and began a gauntlet of pain. First came NES, a Peach player from SoCal. Though our matches were close, he ended up winning. Right after that was Mr. J, another Peach player. I beat him using what would eventually be called by him as a “broken strategy.” I shot a missile and followed it and then grappled. If you shielded or dodged it, I grabbed you. If you didn’t, you got hit by the missile. I guess he forgot about jumping or attacking :S Anyway, I won, and stayed in the tournament. To my dismay, Mango was my next contestant. I pulled two stocks off of him both matches, but that was all. I said my GG’s like usual and sat out the rest of the tourney, only to join in with the festivities for the Finals match between Forward and Mango. If memory serves, Mango beat the hell out of Forward, winning the tournament.
We cursed SoCal and began the trip home. While I place OK, probably 15th or something out of the 80 or so there, I wasn’t feeling to great. I had trained and trained all I could and I still didn’t place high. My shame was lifted though when the new AZPR’s were released. I had scored and impressive runner’s up! 16th in state! Tacked on to that note was B-Will’s comment that had I been to more than two tournaments in the passed year, I may have scored even higher. Higher? HIGHER?! Awesome! I was pushing up the ladder and feeling good. However, I did jump in the game rather late. It appeared that Brawl’s release was right around the corner, and everyone was waiting to put up their cubes and plug in their Wii’s.
In the months leading up to Brawl’s release though, I went to two scrub tournaments. The first one Trent and I faced each other in the second round, and he knocked me out. The second one I went to with two of my new friends that I had been teaching how to play over the months prior. The both did OK, but I ended up winning. I got the grand prize of $50, and tried to push it further with Money Matches. But, no one wanted to play me after seeing me demolish the fox in the finals match, especially after he was “doing well” before he had. Also, the pot would have been for $100 if a few more people had shown up, something the tourney host didn’t advise me of before we started, or I could have called a couple people I knew who played that I could easily beat. A win’s a win though, right?
Aside from that, nothing really happened. We eagerly awaited Brawl; that’s all we could do. I went to GDC in February, and got my hands on it before a lot of people could. I was frustrated. The game was horrible! It was nothing like any of the trailers seemed. Samus was completely boned, tripping was a pain, the C-stick titled, not recovering was impossible, and everyone ended up playing Metaknight because you could only play with the characters at the start-up (no spoilers). I hated it. Every gameplay mechanic just felt horrible. I knew that this would probably be the exact game released to the public, but I prayed with all my heart that this wasn’t going to be what we were getting. So I continued to wait. When Japan released the game, I didn’t get a Japanese game nor anyone close enough for me to play with. That aside, all I could hear was bad things about it. This left me hopeless. Was Brawl going to be so bad that I wouldn’t want to buy it or even play it? God…
The day of the release, I went to my friend Tim’s house and spent the next two days there playing it. Every match was frustrating. Every match was disheartening. The controls were unresponsive, tripping was the ultimate spit in the face, I couldn’t use Samus correctly anymore, Metaknight was still unstoppable, the only way I could win was by going to the edge and spamming quick moves with Pit and firing my arrows into the crowd. It was terrifying. ‘Did we deserve this? Is this punishment? What did we do Nintendo?’ I asked myself. I decided that I wasn’t going to play Brawl, I was going to be a Melee man.
Of course, everyone at school didn’t feel the same way. Every time I went there, instead of good ol’ Melee on the TV, it was Brawl. I strayed from it as much I could, but I was bored and ended up playing anyway. I did what I could to win. I always play Pit and sit on the side and shoot arrows. That’s what I do. I dominate at Brawl, but it’s a terrible game! There were several people who said that I was angry because it doesn’t have the glitches for me to win with anymore, or that I’m angry because Samus was nerfed, or that I can’t have fun anymore because I play too seriously.
Those are all mostly true. I don’t have the glitches anymore. Consequently, those glitches added unknown amounts of depth to Melee’s system. The removal of them and the addition of nothing really detracted from the core gameplay. Samus was now completely unplayable to me. The year and so I had spent learning how to use her was not applicable to how she now played. I play too seriously though, that is what gets me. I love playing tournament style, no items, certain stages on, damage ratio set to 1, normal Melee, etc. That’s when I can compete most well and when I enjoyed the game the most. The most fun I had playing the game was at a tournament, why wouldn’t I play it like that? If I can’t play Brawl with serious rules and have fun, then what’s wrong with that picture?
Well, I ended up going with the flow. I was still kicking *** as Pit and thought that maybe, even in a crappy game like this one, I could still go to the top. Goop held a tournament soon after. There was a huge turnout for such a small apartment. I saw some old faces and a bunch of new ones who gave up Melee before I started or I just hadn’t met before in real life. (Enter Mike Stone, Sam, Vat-Zero) My first match was against an Ike. We were tied on games and going into the last match. We were both at our last stocks and he was at a kill percent, I was around 30-ish. I was doing my arrow thing on the edge and he came close and started to charge a Fsmash. I decided to GTFO and stay away from it, so I dropped my shield and tried to do my usual run away tactics. However, the best game mechanic caused me to lose that match, as well as all hope for Brawl that day. I tripped and got killed of the side at 55% that day. Even though I moved to the loser’s braket, I just knew that there was no hope.
The rest of the tournament was botched by Goop. He messed up the bracket and some people left. I ended up taking one of the 17th spots in the end. In any case, Brawl was dead to me as a competitive game. Every opportunity I could, I played Melee. I got the new people at school that semester to try melee, but they hated it. It was “too fast,” or “too clunky.” God knows that, had they been there a semester earlier, they may have been saying, “too good.” As time passed, more and more Brawl tournaments did as well. I was eagerly awaiting the next Melee thing when someone at smashboards finally snapped against me. I always complained about how no one was holding Melee tournaments, and someone said, “Why don’t you hold one yourself?” It was so simple, but so true! I should hold one. Trent’s done it before; he could help or do it himself. He agreed and we set the date for the week after AZ one two step, a big upcoming Brawl tournament.
Nearly two months went by when it was time for AZ one two step. Everyone was busy there, while I stayed back and got some school work done. I posted describing everything about our tournament for everyone to see in the AZ thread, and Trent eventually made a thread in the southwest boards about it. The turnout was going to be moderate. We were guessing around 20 people to show up for some Traditional Melee action. Before I get into that though, I want to talk about the boards more. It seemed like a great chasm formed between the few people who wanted to stay behind for melee, and those pressing on into Brawl. We, who didn’t find Brawl any form of good, became ostracized faster than a Jew in Germany. All anyone wanted to do was play Brawl, and the mere mention of Melee, especially in the discussion of “vs Brawl,” gained instant agro. The moderator of the boards became a watch hound, seemingly only sniffing out the pungent smell of Brawl offenders. The AZ crew turned their backs on us and would have nothing to do with us except insulting us.
Goop had another smashfest not too long before the beginning of June, if I remember right. When I got their, there was a melee set-up, to my surprise and two people playing on it. (Enter Tai and KGA) I spent the next good part of the day playing with them. It was the first time I played someone other than Trent in Melee with more than beginner’s skill in forever! It was a blast. It brought back the memories of the tournaments as well as showing how well I could do against good players. I had a blast. I even got to team up with Light, who, as it turns out, is a great teammate. This was what AZ was. This is what made AZ too good.
Trent and I so greatly anticipated our guests for that day that we scrubbed down the whole house rearranged the furniture in my room to make room for more people, and reorganized everything that had become a mess in the living room. All we could do was wait. As fate would decide, Atomic Comics decided to hold a Brawl tournament at the same time on the same day as my tournament, the one that we had in the works for the prior two months that is. Suddenly, everyone that said they would come to my tournament turned their backs on me. I was shocked. Why? They had just gone to a tournament one week ago for two whole days and they aren’t going to one melee tournament, something that hadn’t been held in AZ for almost five months, and would rather go to Atomic Comics than my house? What?
In the end, only two people showed up, Tai and KGA. Goop came that morning and picked up Trent and they both went off to Atomics together. Heartbroken. You can’t understand how angry I am with you now AZ. You taunted me. You got pissed when I was cocky. You cheered when I was defeated. You spat in my face. You stabbed me in the back. Was it that important to go there that day? Is it so important to get better at that game, to beat up some n00bs, to play as Sonic, Snake, Metaknight, Zero Suit, etc. that you can’t play Melee anymore? Is it below you now? Is it wrong for you to play a game that takes skill, is fast paced, that people watching can get excited about? Did you suddenly become allergic to combos? Are you scared to admit that Brawl didn’t live up to your dreams? Do you hate me that much? Can you not play them both? Are you worried about my skills? Are melee fans not human to you anymore?
Remember, you were playing this game competitively about five months ago, but now you avoid that game disc like it is a demon. It’s not so old; you were playing it within this year! You are a shame. A shell of your former self. AZ, you have lost the privilege to call yourselves “too good.” You abandoned that slogan the day you also abandoned a fellow AZ player for a corporate circle jerk and a lesser game. All I’m left with is questions. Why? Why AZ? How can you not pick up Melee now and go, “Wow, this is much better?” Are you that bent on improving crap? Are you trying to impress someone with your abilities in a game that lacks ability? Have you become so low that you would rather trip, spam, camp, and out character select in Brawl and win than take the chance of losing in Melee? No. No you are far from good at all AZ. You’ve fallen far.
I guess I’m glad I’m moving. I’m not going to be staying down here much longer. I’m not going to pull out another loan after this semester. I’m going to finish up here, ride out my lease, and see where life takes me. If I can get a game design job in that time, that’s where I’ll be. Otherwise, I’ll be moving back to WV to live at my parent’s house until I can get a place to myself. I hate to see AZ this way, I remember how awesome it use to be to say, “I’m a smash player from AZ. AZ too good.” You are pathetic now. Even if religion isn’t your thing, you should be repenting at the sight of yourself. If AZ can’t possibly revert to the way t was and drop this bad game where it is, then I say goodbye. I’ll still roll these boards, but I’ll just stay away from the Southwest area. It seems that detraction from Brawl gets you infractions anyway, and I don’t ever feel like talking about that game in good light aside from its soundtrack. If I can, I’ll see if I can get a great Melee scene going in WV, I can pass on my knowledge and maybe lead a crew to some big tournaments in VA, OH, KY, or TN. I’m not sure if that’s possible, but I’ll be ****ed if I don’t try. Hopefully I’ll run into one of you guys later in life. Maybe it will be at a tourney, maybe it will be at the release of one of my hit games. Who knows? Just know that I will always have $5 on me for that day, and I’ll be ready to MM you.
Thinking back on what Taj said. You have to have love for the game. I have a lot of love for melee. A lot of love. I can’t let the game go. In contrast, I don’t have any love for Brawl, so how can you expect me to play it? If you ever want to play Melee, or even Mario Kart 64, hit me up. I’m always willing to play those games against anyone. But, until Melee comes back, I don’t see my place in AZ anymore. I don’t see AZ anymore. You have become a scum hole of helpless pieces of ****, and I hope you enjoy that fact.


Smash Champion
Jan 12, 2006
Glendale, AZ
I said Trent could have given you a ride. If you weren't too busy keeping your head up your ***, maybe you would have read it right!

And who the **** are you to tell me to go to your house? **** YOU!

I don't know, I TRIED TO HOLD A GOD ****ED TOURNAMENT! I ****ing set the **** up for a whole two months and you ***gots didn't have the balls, let alone the male chromosome, to ****ing think about showing up! Go kill yourself.

Then I think you've been hanging out with the wrong group of people if you wanted to avoid that.

And if you want to play a game that everyone plays because they can play "Character Select" well, then go right ahead. I'm not going to stop you from beating up scrubs, because we both know that's all you've been good for anyway. Go lick an ***.


</3 everyone
Listen, if I went insane one day and decided to go to a smelly apartment so I could play melee against a ****ty Samus, I'd crank up the CPU to level 8 and make my god****ed way to the nearest homeless shelter to make potpourri out of a hobo's socks. Pedophilia is only funny on the internet; not in real life. You're a grown-*** man; stop hanging out with little boys you Michael Jackson impersonator.

Besides I already **** on your face at SAST when I ****ed up your Samus like I did your mom's pale ***. Don't give me **** about not coming to your room and refusing to be under the same roof as a **** loving ghost child who glows in the dark. I do what I ****ing want.

Don't think you're mother****ing cute when you claim I ****ing play with scrubs only. I was done playing with noobcakes when I kicked the ***** of people like you in Melee. When you grow a pair of balls and learn to play Melee, then maybe I'll make the trip down to your room and tie the short hairs on your head to the long ones on your ***. Until then, keep johning it up, and keep those **** sucking lips moist, you pasty ***got. *****.


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