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OFFICIAL AZ Power Rankings & Social Thread (Updated: 11/27/13)


Dec 13, 2005
2.412 – 2.462 GHz
That is escapable CHUK. By a slight, mere margin, it is escapable. But yes, that is ****.

PS, thanks for the pro tip Dan. Any new findings is great for me. I'll go test it out right now.

EDIT: ... It is escapable. When you escape from a grab, apparently you can *jump* away from it in the air or *DI* away. Yeah, it's weird. But, you learn new stuff everyday.

You're supposed to keep attacking the person while they're being held real fast. You can't jump out of a grab while being attacked. I've seen some people say you can spot dodge in time, but others say you can't. Either way, it's hard to get out of.


Dec 13, 2005
2.412 – 2.462 GHz
No, this is the smash world forums. It's all for smash. There just so happens to be a single location devoted to other games.

You can talk about other games and stuff. Even I've mentioned Halo here from time-to-time. But don't derail the thread about them.


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
No, this is the smash world forums. It's all for smash. There just so happens to be a single location devoted to other games.

You can talk about other games and stuff. Even I've mentioned Halo here from time-to-time. But don't derail the thread about them.
You mean the SMASH world forums?

What about this SMASH forums?

What about this SMASH forums?

Alt4, you really need to lighten up, not like we are discussing anything important in here. Speaking of which, SMASHFEST TONIGHT AT NYTE'S FOR NO REASON. TUCSON, STAR PASS AREA, PM ME IF YOU WANNA COME.

Sorry if I rattled your Moderating cage there, I'm a natural troll, I do things for the Lulz, but yea, let us talk about whatever we feel like, Louisiana thread is a party.


Smash Champion
Dec 4, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
You're supposed to keep attacking the person while they're being held real fast. You can't jump out of a grab while being attacked. I've seen some people say you can spot dodge in time, but others say you can't. Either way, it's hard to get out of.
I see. My mistake.

You see, I tested it with Ike (no surprise), who has a slow grab attack. I feel silly for not testing the other characters. That's why.


EDIT: ...If the famous rule of "Don't get hit." for Brawl turns into "Don't get grabbed," then Brawl will then have a campy air game.



Smash Ace
May 10, 2005
MD (AZ at heart)
G&W is BULL****! I can beat you with no effort at all with him. And this is why I am starting to dislike Brawl a little. Its still a whole lot better than Melee, but what turns me off is how easy it is to pick up a character nowadays. Sure, this game is more about match ups, counters, and stage layout (also, it was never intended to be competitive) but its disheartening when I can play pretty much any character and be able to hold my own against someone else's main. I am not going to give myself too much credit. Yes, I am good at Brawl, but its "pick up and play" ability makes counter picking, spamming, camping and plain ole cheap bull**** take priority over pure skill. That's not cool.
Ok..I'm glad you touched on this. If anyone remembers I played PXG at Goop's tourney. I was doing poorly with my falco...just wasn't feeling it. So i decided it would be fun to play a new character since I was probably going to lose anyway. So I just picked pika and went with it. I spammed and used cheap bull**** to win the set. It was dumb...there was no reason I should have won that. PXG's toon link was clearly more practiced and refined than the pika I'd never played before. It reall isn't cool.

and I like the don't get hit philosophy better than the don't get grabbed one....just saying


Smash Ace
May 10, 2005
MD (AZ at heart)
Trent, why doesn't your name say "Gatorade, too good" anymore? It makes me sad :(

WHOA WHOAH....wtf when did that change....

-_- ChaosTheory is not amused.

Gatorade, its too good.....was under my name for so long......and now its not :(

EDIT: just noticed my avatar also doesn't show up...what gives?


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
I blame AltF4... >_>

Just because... we all knew he never really liked Gatorade. He was jealous of you and your title all along, so he hired STB to steal your under-your-name title when you weren't looking and then kidnapped your cat. It's a coo to bring down the Tempe smash game. WHY?!?!?!?!?


Smash Apprentice
Dec 20, 2007
haha i agree with nighty nyte
you need to lighten up dan
oh ya thanks for the infraction bwahahahahahahahahaha


Smash Champion
Dec 4, 2007
Phoenix, AZ

Whenever I look at the Youtube link for Rick Roll's, it's like it changes every time or something. >_>



Dec 13, 2005
2.412 – 2.462 GHz
-Lighten up? Lol. Try going into a forum moderated by Crimson King.

-OMG Corey you know my plan!!! (I PM'd this to Trent, but they did something with the premium members a while ago. I bet his stuff got messed up from that. A quick message to Kirby King should straighten it out)

-I totally would have fallen for that rick-roll if it were one as well.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 14, 2008
I don't see what the big deal about being rick rolled is, My roommates and I actually like that song and listen to it fairly often, we even know all the worlds, haha.


Smash Ace
Apr 9, 2008
Phoenix, AZ
XD I wish 80's music were back these days. Rick Astley (joking), Motley Crue, AC DC, Guns N' Roses, and all the hair and glam metal bands are all awesome.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 14, 2008
I think the thing that makes that song is the badass dancing in it, I mean come on, the guy the jumps off the wall isnt a bamf? And what about all the little dances that rick does?

And to stay on topic ummm anyone going to the little pima brawl tourney?


Smash Apprentice
Mar 14, 2008
Its at pima east campus in tucson starts at 3 double elim tourney with a 3 dollar entry, not really sure how they are going to play it, but prizes are gift cards and **** so only worth it to me since I live in tucson already


Smash Journeyman
Oct 30, 2007
Arizona / New Jersey
Ok..I'm glad you touched on this. If anyone remembers I played PXG at Goop's tourney. I was doing poorly with my falco...just wasn't feeling it. So i decided it would be fun to play a new character since I was probably going to lose anyway. So I just picked pika and went with it. I spammed and used cheap bull**** to win the set. It was dumb...there was no reason I should have won that. PXG's toon link was clearly more practiced and refined than the pika I'd never played before. It reall isn't cool.

and I like the don't get hit philosophy better than the don't get grabbed one....just saying
I wasn't sour about it all. You're a well known and respected player. You have already proven to others that you are very good at Smash.

Why, just today, I got into an argument about cheapness vs skill. In my opinion , just because you win does not make you better. Now if you win 19 out of 20 games, its pretty obvious that you are the better player. Anyway, the new mechanics and physics engine makes it much harder to punish someone (especially spamming and camping). With that said, by using tactics that take little effort and vastly benefit the one using them against someone who doesn't use such tactics make you better? Does spamming Zelda's Din's Fire or Pikachu's thunder make you better just because you win with those moves? Hell, if you edgehog someone three times, does that make you better as opposed to getting a KO with a combo and properly timed killing strike? Does winning equal being more skilled? Not just Smash, but any game? Discuss.....


Smash Apprentice
Mar 14, 2008
Its tomorrow, saturday, at 3 pm til whenever it ends, should be fun to play in an actual tourney like setting instead of that bull**** every thursday


Smash Champion
Dec 4, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
Brawl is partly a game of luck. Unlike Melee, Rolling is like, super superior now.

Which way will they roll? Ohohoho, now it's all about a game with anticipation and prediction. You either might hit that F-Smash for a KO or not.

Wave Dashing

It's the same with airdodging. If I attack him in the air, will he air dodge? Will he wait about half a second to my timing off and then airdodge? Who knows?

Directional Air Dodging

Luck =/= Skill

Eliminating luck from a fighting game should be held in top priority. Unfortunately, this is not possible with Brawl.

I mean, I don't hate Brawl. It's just, well, inferior. =[

I really -would- like some input as to why you guys still prefer Brawl over Melee. I don't want any hostility here and I don't imply to. I just want a response.



Smash Ace
Apr 9, 2008
Phoenix, AZ
I really -would- like some input as to why you guys still prefer Brawl over Melee. I don't want any hostility here and I don't imply to. I just want a response.
Me too, I really don't understand. I'm willing to play both competitively but Brawl doesn't want to go that way. Hopefully, we will host both games equally but I can only hope for the best. Also, I'm positive Tai will approve of this message :p


Smash Cadet
May 15, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
I wasn't sour about it all. You're a well known and respected player. You have already proven to others that you are very good at Smash.

Why, just today, I got into an argument about cheapness vs skill. In my opinion , just because you win does not make you better. Now if you win 19 out of 20 games, its pretty obvious that you are the better player. Anyway, the new mechanics and physics engine makes it much harder to punish someone (especially spamming and camping). With that said, by using tactics that take little effort and vastly benefit the one using them against someone who doesn't use such tactics make you better? Does spamming Zelda's Din's Fire or Pikachu's thunder make you better just because you win with those moves? Hell, if you edgehog someone three times, does that make you better as opposed to getting a KO with a combo and properly timed killing strike? Does winning equal being more skilled? Not just Smash, but any game? Discuss.....
Effort is irrelevant. The game only knows winning and losing, and if I can win consistently by spamming, then there's no reason for me to actually fight. You not beating my strategy is your problem, not mine. Also, the definition of skill is irrelevant. Skill is not measurable because the definition of it is cloudy and up to the inference of the observer. However, it makes sense to assume that a person who can win a lot at Brawl has a lot of skill in Brawl, and therefore we can assume that skill is proportional to tournament victories, since other victories are moot.

All of this assumes, of course, that you're a hardcore player who truly values winning.


Smash Ace
Apr 9, 2008
Phoenix, AZ
Effort is irrelevant. The game only knows winning and losing, and if I can win consistently by spamming, then there's no reason for me to actually fight. You not beating my strategy is your problem, not mine. Also, the definition of skill is irrelevant. Skill is not measurable because the definition of it is cloudy and up to the inference of the observer. However, it makes sense to assume that a person who can win a lot at Brawl has a lot of skill in Brawl, and therefore we can assume that skill is proportional to tournament victories, since other victories are moot.

All of this assumes, of course, that you're a hardcore player who truly values winning.
Wow I never thought of it that way. That's really, really smart to think like that. You must be Asian jk lol xD.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 29, 2007
Glendale, AZ
Brawl is partly a game of luck. Unlike Melee, Rolling is like, super superior now.

Which way will they roll? Ohohoho, now it's all about a game with anticipation and prediction. You either might hit that F-Smash for a KO or not.

Wave Dashing

It's the same with airdodging. If I attack him in the air, will he air dodge? Will he wait about half a second to my timing off and then airdodge? Who knows?

Directional Air Dodging

Luck =/= Skill

Eliminating luck from a fighting game should be held in top priority. Unfortunately, this is not possible with Brawl.

I mean, I don't hate Brawl. It's just, well, inferior. =[

I really -would- like some input as to why you guys still prefer Brawl over Melee. I don't want any hostility here and I don't imply to. I just want a response.

I see your way of thinking but I feel it is flawed.

I'll elaborate some time tomorrow after I've had my morning cereal.


Smash Champion
Dec 4, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
Thank you, Jake.

Please, break down this post. I just found it recently after making my statement about Brawl. I'll use it as a foundation.

yes, i am saying just that, that brawl IS highly luck compared to melee

trading hits, random air dodge to the ground with no landing lag, random tripping, which can happen during DDD chain grabs, air tripping as well, there's tons more luck in brawl than there is in melee, and far less guaranteed things. You don't anticipate the moves of noobs, they do random things, in melee you just **** them by being better, but if they are a campy noob, they can still do decent by just being a shield camping ***got. Melee has infinite room for improvement, without even needing to play gay. Brawl, if you play gay and boring, you have a SIGNIFICANTLY bigger advantage, and that's extremely boring and ********. Lack of things you can master makes the game less fun with less replay value, which are things melee offered to a huge extreme.

You can do things randomly and not get punished for it nearly as bad as you would in melee, and that's a downgrade for competitive potential, where the best player isn't as guaranteed to win, especially in 3 stock matches. You suicide once it's over, in melee comebacks were easy cuz of death combos and stuff, brawl is more leveled out for the little kiddies, and that's more unfair for the better players. All the advanced tactics aren't hard to do, like shield cancel, it just takes getting used to, and it's extremely shallow, anyone can do it, and it's also really really really campy and that makes the game not fun. Brawl wasn't designed to be competitive, Sakurai did this on purpose, stop trying to make it competitive. Actually, that's what I'm trying to do, but it's not working, so just go back to melee, everyone's fine with that.

I don't want to argue about this, NOTHING anyone says will change or persuade my opinion at ALL unless I convince myself that with my own observations which hasn't even become semi close to happening.

Blind predictions are the perfect way to describe the game.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2005
Brawl is no more luck than Melee at all. There was prediction in smash, there's prediction in brawl. There are other things wrong with brawl, but luck is not significantly one of them. There's still space control in brawl. Now there's uber defense. All that really means is that you either can or can't force your opponent to do something, and sure, you can take a chance too, but if it's unfounded than I wouldn't call that effective space control. Of course, space control on the offense is severely reduced, so really nobody usually has any business attacking in the first place.

One sentence in particular: "There's...far less guaranteed things." That's absolutely right. There is no offensive control. Stick with camping. Eh, I'm probably coming off rude. I just realized the poster wasn't even identified.

Hey, how does this BC business work. I've added a bunch of people and am apparently awaiting confirmation.
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