Ultimate BUMBDIZZLE!!!!
Anyhow, since the cash statistics is too difficult to manage, I'm throwing out that idea for what I hope will be a more welcomed idea. I'd like to have a statistic on every smasher in the state of FL's placings for the month of 2006. Bassically, what I'd like everyone to do is post the places everyone has gotten in tournaments they've attended this year. Be it a good or bad place. That way, I can work on a list to show everyone's results so that even if you don't make it onto the top (insert number here) results that I currently have on the first page, you'll still show on the other list.
Now my ultimate goal, is to catagorize everyone, and get an idea on who (more or less) places top 5, 10, 20, ect... This way, we can keep track even better on how players are doing. And perhaps even come up with seeds for FL based off of tournament placings.
So starting now, I need everyone to post there results from every tourney they've been to this year. I'll do what I can with the knowledge that I have to start the list.