Attention everyone! The ruleset for Smash Aid 7 (State Crew Battles) has just been finalized. Here they are, I copied and pasted them straight from the SAVII thread.
*State Crew Battles*
There will be one crew per state (exceptions will be made for non-USA players) allowed to enter. Final! There will be no "adopting" of players into states. If you would like to compete for who will be in each crew, please try to show up as close to 3 as possible and i will set aside T.V.'s for you to do so. A list of the states 4-6 players must be submitted to the non-participating supervisor of The State Crew Battles by 6 o'clock p.m. friday.
State Captains (To be named later) will given a handout to complete concerning starting players and player characters. Characters for the lineup of 4-6 players will be fixed, meaning, the character you turn in along with your completed handout for each player will be the character they use for the entire SCB (exception below). The SCB is fixed character, but not fixed order.
State Captains will chose (on the handout) a starting player for each of the battles
(i.e. State A chooses player 1 to start against State B but chooses player 2 to start against State C) This will be done by a nonparticipating member and no one participating, including myself, will see this until the matchups are written and have begun.
There will be no alternative players
-Round Robin
-Crews must be between 4-6 people
- 20 stock split between members
-Stock will be divided as evenly as possible, with only a 1 stock difference being allowed
-3 Neutral Stages will be on Random : Final Destination, Poke' Stadium, and Dreamland 64 <- This will be used for the first matchup regardless
- After the first match, Team Captain of the losing team will chose the next player.
-If entering player chooses to pick a counterstage (Singles stages rules apply) then the previously victorious player has the option to change character
-If the entering player chooses to go random stage, both players retain their character. The entering player retains his character no matter what.
- Victorious Player will have HP returned to zero and will start the match on the opposite side of the level after killing him/her self to equal the lives left from the last match.
I'd like to nominate myself as team captain of team FL. I have extensive knowledge on character match-ups, I've shown myself to be a good leader, and a bunch of other good qualities that will just take too long to post up ^_^
I'm not sure if we're allowed to register more then one character per smasher, I'll have to ask GA Wes about that.