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O.H. S.N.A.P. 5 Tournament Results (August 14th-15th)


Smash Champion
May 23, 2008
Wow I love lain <3

That was you!!! Well, I was really thirsty so thanks =) At least I didn't have to pay $5 for a cherry coke. $3 was a much better price for a 20oz.
Hey, I'm glad someone appreciated it!

How did you make $17.50 when your profit rate was $1.50? Even taking out your initial start-up costs, $17.50 doesn't make sense.
I smell bull****

I don't expect you to understand my business ventures, Fino. But just so people know I'm no liar, the drinks didn't cost me $1.50 each...


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2004
Dallas, Texas
Ahh, can't believe I forgot Legan and Zeton...

Zeaton - Amazing fox. It makes me sad that a cool character like fox is suck-tier while boring-*** falco is top =/

Legan - Super chill dude. And omfg, the footstool combos... D:


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2008
Lamar University, TX
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the ones you just put up from the MM and not the tournament? I remember the tourney match had JJ when Legan made a sick comeback.

Van Jones

Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2008
Leander, TX
Ok, I will relabel those. Also, those are the only 1v1 Xyro/Legan matches saved on my wii. I still have a bunch of y'all doing 2v2. Those are still being uploaded.


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
In Another Dimension...

1: Dojo-Man sure u know how to break a guys heart. Right when I think im getting closer u 2-0 me and 3-0 Razer. I just dont know what to say. Your too good. I won't give up though, our matches will only get closer from here on.

2: Ultimate Razor-"Regular Africa, i will spit in your hands...WAHAHAHAHA" Bro i love your randomness. Pound 4, we got that shiz. Permanent partners, hmm, lets talk later. I admit its nice not to see u in bracket for once, too bad i got the diddy killer instead >.>. Good shiz man. Thanks for coming on the trip man, wouldn't have been the same.

3: Lee Martin-Lee got his groove back. Good stuff man, and hanging out with u at Yawara's was too fun. When u learn diddy, ill hate u forever. Also, your ike is BROKN.

4: Jerm-Wait, this isn't a typo. Jeremy outplaced me...WTF. J/k man u did awesome. Just another person who escaped my wrath thanks to bracket. What happened in crews wario eater, looked like u gagged while he was mouth rap....well u know the rest. :) Lets **** at CS.

5: UTD Zac-Sorry Zac, its a fact, i counter u in teams. U and jerm keep going back and forth, its amazing. Btw i love your tricks on pictochat, i laughed so hard. Good job out placing me, why was i the only one in dojo's bracket :(

5: Bassem-Ur sexy. We didn't talk alot but we should next time. Ill show u the silliest diddy uve ever seen.

7: Kos Mos-So u just had to add me to the list did u. Man, honestly playing u is as hard as playing razer, idk what to against u sometime. Ur way to smart, and thanks to Hanson uve got the matchup down. Im still figuring out some stuff so we'll see what happens at HOBO. I love u Chris, and u and dojo have shown me i've still got a long way to go.
7: Hyrulian Royalty-This guy Hyro, can't hit Gnes in a whole stock but still not afraid of nothing. LOL ur way too cool dude, and u had me laughing so hard. Next time Lousiana has a major tourney ill be there no doubt. Also, aren't crossovers awesome?

9: Gnes-Wow, i guess the guys on livestream were right. U choked SO HARD. U loss to that scrub Dojo who's like 4th in the world and some guy named Fos-Kos. WTF, do better noob.

9: Affinity-Why is your meta so smart? It reminds of infinity in his prime, and that's so freaking scary. I like meta's, we should team sometime. :)

9: Dphat-Dude i told we would do well in teams, sorry about low tier though we could have beaten lee and dojo easy had i just went bowser. Oh well. We **** man, 5-0 against lee and zac. Took santi and dojo to game 5 in winners finals, and this was our first time doing regular teams together. AMAZING.

9: Foursaken- Why so serious buddy? LOL friendlies at Yawara's was fun. U should have went D3 against me in pools, i know the wario matchup like the back of my hand. Also, i didnt know DMG could produce offspring. >.>

13: Santi-Dude i love u. I know u don't feel the love for this game anymore but man, whenever in the same area we've got to hang out. Also, i took some stock tanking tips from u, ur so good in teams. Ill teach jerm everything i saw. Also, me and katie do not talk the same. punk

13: Fogo-FREAKING FOGO MAGIC, helped us stay the whole weekend in OK. Thanks man, ill be in dallas for Animefest so we should definetly hang out. Plus ill have my own car, drinks on Fogo?

13: Chuck Nasty-PT is too good, come to HOBO pleaze?

13: Chic-U came a long way from WHOBO pools, i wish i could have played u. HOBO 18, be there son.

17: Esca-Whats up buddy, MCGEE....LETS GET DOWN TO BUSINESS, MORTAL KOMBAT!!! Thanks for taking us man, and seriously the trip wouldnt have been the same without u. U are without a doubt one of my favorite smashers. Lets team one day when i get my D3 up to snuff. :)

17: Trela-Trela so sexy, so smooth, oh wait i mean when he rolls. Dude u have no idea how many people came up to me talking about u. U've come so far and ur so young which is scary. U'll be at the top soon, just give it some time.

17: Ice-BE PATIENT DOJO!!! LOL u enjoy making fun of me dont u. Me and u and eric are chillin when i come to dallas.

17: Zeton-Zeton were teaming when i come to Kansas. IDC what u say. U are way too good, and we team it seriously looks like melee. Also, those team friendlies with everyone, way too fun, SO MUCH TRASH TALK, like a hour and a half of it. U've come a long way since WHOBO too, good ****.

17: Le Thien-Dude, thanks for all u've done in making me the diddy player i am today. Even though ur officially retired now remember ur promise to come to one more HOBO to hang out with me and flip. U dont have to enter, just come and chill with us man. Once again, thanks for passing on your knowledge to me and i will live up to your expectations, just u wait. Also, im a little sad i wasn't able to get those special drinks flip was telling me about but its all good. Also, your girl is hot. :)

17: Fino-Hahah fino, ur shoes are awesome. Also, dont feel bad about our matches. Diddy ***** oli, well, more like diddy's nair ***** oli.

17: Legan-ITS THE LEGAN!!!! Im gonna turn u in for "black-on-black crime" Dude i know u hear this alot but your link is inspirational, and if it was woman i would

25: Sethlon-I love u sethlon, and no matter how much u hate this game, i will make u hate it more by gimping ur falco every stock. I will never kill u normally because that will make this game satisfactory, and it is not.

25: Royal Nynja-Man, i never seen so many spikes in my life. I wont lie, i will be copying some of the stuff i saw from u. Like seriously, ur too good man. I've never seen a edgegame like yours, so unique. We'll chill lots at No
KOAST 2. :)

33: Xyro-Im really gonna miss u when u get married. Hopefully we can go on more trips before it happens. Honestly the trip wouldnt have been the same if anyone were missing, but seriously u saved our ***** during the WHATABURGER fiasco. UR mad clutch, in the game and real life. Also, it looks like ur figuring out the ness matchup, u wont lose to them anymore.

33: Cyphus-Man match 2 in our set was scary. Yoshi's is so gay, stupid invincibility glitch. Believe it or not i used to think DK stood no chance against diddy, now i know otherwise. Sorry u got bracket gayed, ur not the only one >.>

33: Po Pimpus-Wow, we were dressed alike day 1. >.> LOL I eat luigi's for breakfast, nuff said. Ur nothing like your internet persona:laugh:

33: PhantomX-Okay, now u seriously need to stop with this 33rd stuff. How do we go even then this happen. Granted we both weren't playing our best or whatever, come on, everyone knows how good u, now show it sexy. Be more confident man, ur the second best wario, i wont accept placings like this. :)

33: BadNewsBear-"Foursaken, why are u trying so hard" LOLZ. No black table happened :(, or maybe it happened without our carpool. Whatever we got more OoS shiz to do it at, and ill definetly be there.

33: Type Ex-dude your falco is spitting image of sethlon back in the day. Nothing but gimps, cg, and plain smart *** predictions. Guess who took him out back then, :). Good friendlies man, i admit i would have gay u in bracket, im not letting anyone 0-death me. Ur too good, and scary smart.

33: Sars Pirate-Cant forget this awesome guy. Thanks for housing us dude, ur super cool and your ramen is pro. I would have chugged it all down if that beer didnt give me the weirdest stomache ever. Like seriously, not cool at all. U should come to HOBO and chill with us. We'll entertain u, i guarantee it.

33: Cake-Cake, have u noticed we've like never friendlied. This needs to change. Seriously.

49: Magitek-thanks for the support. Ur cool, and u smell nice. :)

49: FattyFatFatso- ITS THE FATTYFATFATSO!!!! Daniel, u and your girl are so cool(shes too good for u). Whats her name btw, i just noticed i forgot it. She's sweet so she'll forgive me. Also, why the hell are u this low, we both know ur better than this. Step it up Sexy.

49: Kates-Why don't we ever play, i guarantee ill make u laugh. Also, it was cool hanging out with u at Yawaras. Stop laughing at my voice. >.>

49: Infinity (Forfeit)-Congrats on getting married man. We definetly need to play at...well u know what. Jinx is a cool chic, u guys will be together for a very...very....very....well u get the point. Also, idc if u forfeited, get last again and ill kick your ***!!!! :mad:

Special shoutout-Monica-NICE TO MEET U!!!! Next time ill definetly get some of those awesome brownies everyone talks about. And lets play some matches next time. U'll never have more fun than win u play with me.

If u weren't at this tourney, u need to seriously invest in going OoS. This was one of the best weekends of my life. I'll definetly go to more OoS tourneys. If i forgot anyone, ill edit later.

Teh Brettster

Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
Denton, Texas (Dallas)
I had fun. Pools were great. Everything was intense.
I'm really sad my Ike got Falco and Olimar (2 match-ups that some argue to be 70-30 to 80-20) in bracket though. =\
Nearly won each, but just didn't pull through. Maybe next time. =]

1: Dojo-- Good job man. Did you know you're pretty much the ONE MK that I always have an inclination to root for?

2: Ultimate Razer-- You seemed a little down near the end of the tourney. You shouldn't. We all love our little Razer. LAWLAWL I beat you in Snake dit---- okay, Duelist. I <3 Razer.

3: Lee Martin-- People have said that I look like you after 2 years on crack. Others have said you look like me after 2 years of crack. Maybe we should sit down and do crack for 2 years and see what happens.

5: UTD Zac-- Zac, you're my favorite. At everything.

9: Affinity-- Good friendlies and thanks for playing MK through my *****ing. Though the matches with you were my ONLY matches that weren't close, it helped. The guy who played me in pools right after you saw me lose to your MK and figured he'd try it out. I was demotivated first round and lost, but I turned it around and 3-stocked him second time. =D

9: Dphat-- Sexy.

9: Foursaken-- I had no idea you were housing in the same place as me. It was cool, it was fun.

13: Santi-- I'm so glad I got to see you again, Santi. Too bad I wasn't able to hang around longer. =\

13: Fogo-- You always seem so chill in tournament settings. I wish I could do that. I'm so restless.

13: Chic-- **** good job, Chic! Getting recognized, stepping it up, placing nicely at a big tourney. GOOD STUFF.

17: Trela-- So good... so scary...

17: Ice-- You know what I said to Fogo? Same thing.

17: Zeton-- Wow, I love your Fox, and I'm so glad I got to be housed with you. Definitely one of my favorite people that I met at this tournament. Keep it up, man; you're awesome.

17: Le Thien-- Hmmm. Somehow I don't know what to say. I love it when you and your brother are near each other. You guys are both hilarious.

17: Fino-- Ugh. I played too much of this Olimar on last stock to never win, hahaha. Great games, though. No johns-- bad match-up or no, you're a skilled player.

25: Koala-- I love you, Michael Le. We need to play a lot at UNT, yes?

25: Chucky-- Same exact thing ^. Let's play when we get the chance.

25: Sethlon-- Were you DQed from the winners bracket in Duelist? If so, I'm sorry you got that bad break. =\

33: Xyro-- Hey Buddy. I might consider going to HOBO 18.

33: Nicole-- I think I sat at the same TV as you a few times without ever playing you.

33: PhantomX-- I'm sorry you only got to play me while I was in super tired unhappy jittered scrub mode. I'll make up for it next time.

33: BadNewsBear-- Good Duelist games. Didn't see much of you outside of that. =\

33: Type Ex-- FALCOOOOO. I can't freaking figure out your spotdodge! =[[ Good games, though. At least I was able to catch a glimpse of FUN, unlike against other Falcos.

33: Sars Pirate-- Haha, I know what you mean. I'm lucky enough to outrange broken Utilt. =D I thought our pools matches were kind of funny... you won the game I should have won, and I won the game you should have won. Very fun Snake though. I love the Snake match-up.

33: Cake-- Cake. You are such a nice guy. You don't know just how much I appreciated those compliments about me being the best Ike you'd seen play in person.

33: Mr. Doom-- Just like I said to PX-- I'm sorry you mostly played me in my super tired sickly unhappy scrub mode. I wish we had gotten some more Ike action going outside of that.

49: Magitek-- You get a tough break in bracket too? Sucks. I can't believe we didn't play any friendlies even though we sat right next to each other the whole night! Next time. Next time.

49: K Peezy-- Thanks so much for housing. Really cool of you to take the 4 of us in on short notice.

49: Saijee-- Fireball to fireball to fireball to fireball to fireball..... best combo ever, right?

49: VST-- Zelda's hot. Keep working on her. Winning with a character that isn't expected to win is a good feeling.

49: ****-- As long as you ***** out those brownies, I'll forever be a customer of this ****.

49: Kates-- Dang, it's kind of cool to act nice once in a while between all of our episodes of wrecking each other. I forgot what that felt like. Lol.

49: Infinity-- We missed you on the second day! =\ Good seeing you again though. And thanks for bringing Jinx! It's nice to finally put a face to her name.

49: Teh Brettster-- I'd usually say something about being scrubby here. But when you finally got your bearings, you actually played pretty well in some games. Bracket was bad luck. But don't let that be your only excuse. You still have great room for improvement.

49: Chris-- Man, were you the one in the pool who went against me in the pool playoff? Good games. You got into it man, and it indirectly gave me the jitters and just about threw me off! Good games, fun final set. Snake is a fun match-up.

Jinx-- So nice to meet you. Tough break in pools. But I have to say--- you made the most amazing survival of any spike I've ever seen. And you took the match afterward. GOOD games. So much fun. And I hope to see more of you (but I'm sure that's not a huge problem.) =]


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
NorCal - San Fran
1: Dojo: You're my hero. Maybe next time I'll let you 3 stock me since you were so sure. :p Let me know when you can eat my brownies... Special hand drawn MK brownies just for you.
5: UTD Zac: "I wanted to jump on it, but I thought it might just be the cat." Don't worry Zac, I got you on falling on the cat. :p
7: Kos Mos: I got you twice in teams! Snake vs Marth on Japes, Marth kinda wins. Haha. We still didn't do any friendlies. We fail.
9: Gnes: Yes! I gets special shout outs! I think I'll make it a staple to always have a batch with me, so you'll get some. Or just get your butt up to Dallas and get some then! And I don't doubt in the slightest that I would have fun playing you. I watched you, you're loud. Haha. I think at one point you yelled really close to me while you were playing and I jumped so hard I dropped my controller.
9: Dphat: I love you Andy. I'm sorry I forward rolled over your cat.
13: Santi: I was so scared you were going to fall when you were jumping up and down on the chairs... And crews was going to have to stop cause you'd bust your head open and have to go to the hospital...
13: Fogo: "Wait, was she topless?" "Monica, catch up to that motorcycle!" "OMG she is!" I'm so glad you were in my car. I will never look at getting beat up again the same way. Or being in a closet. ;)
17: Ice: I'm glad you were in my car too. Next time it'll have to be you, Fogo, Billy, and me. Although with as much **** as y'all gave me without Billy in the car, I hate to think of what you will give me. As long as you and Fogo beat me up though, it'll be ok. And maybe next time when you're trying to get an alliance against me in Zombies, you should let the other players know. Or else you get WRECKED! Bwahahahaha!!!!
17: Le Thien: Oh the love of my life! What will I do without you?!?!?! :p Hanson, you're the **** and you know it. I'm glad I got to be there for your final hour. I love you so much. You have to come to my birthday since you missed out last year. I'll always hold a special place in my heart (and in my bed ;)) for you. Haha. It was great playing you in teams first round though. Too bad you didn't lose to a bunch of girls. Maybe we should have gotten naked. <3
25: Koala: My cousin -loved- you. It was great getting to meet/talk to/know you. I want to see you around more often! Brownie Money Match! Alright! You're so getting *****. Like, no lube *****. :D
25: Sethlon: "How about you quit getting ****ed!" Haha, thanks for playing Zombies with us! I'm getting my own copy so we'll have it for future invasions... Plus there are "Humans" and "Aliens"!! So we've got lots of expansion packs! And I promise to stop rolling 3s when I'm 4 spaces out... And yet still winning! :D
33: Cyphus: You were the only person that three stocked me. I'll get you one of these days! It was great having you in pools and then first round bracket.
33: Po Pimpus: No controller johns! I'm glad you liked the brownies. I'm glad you got some! I was almost mobbed.
33: PhantomX: My other hero. You're the best. I'm really glad I got to spend the weekend with you. No more awkward sitting next to each other and then having great conversations on AIM. :p And you finally got brownies. Now you know the hype! Haha.
33: Sars Pirate: We still have yet to have our good time! Margaritas this time around were a bust... But we will have our day! Glad you got some brownies though.
33: Cake: Get wrecked at Zombies! Bwahahahaha!
49: Magitek: Car ride back was great. Glad we decided to take you too.
49: FattyFatFatso: Thank you for housing us! It was great to meet you... Wish the only time we had played wasn't in pools though. Haha. But thank you for the weekend.
49: Slu[/SIZE]t(Ladybug/Monica): The name was a conversation on the way up with Fogo and Ice. Wtf... Learn to play. Jeeze.
49: Kates: Mah hoe! It was great actually getting to spend time with you this weekend. We should team more often and not get last place again and beat up on boys. I am happy for you how the weekend turned out. <3
49: Infinity (Forfeit): I'm glad I saw you! Congrats!
49: Teh Brettster: You got super wrecked in Zombies. Hahahahahahaha.

JINX - I love you. Stop patting my head! I'm not that short! See you sooooon. *hugs*

I'm so glad I came and my cousin had a lot of fun too so thanks to everyone who was nice to him.

I'm doing this in class so if I forgot anyone I'm sorry. But you probably made this memorable and that means a lot since I generally don't get to do OoS tournaments. <3


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
In Another Dimension...
Haha monica...idk why i was so loud that day. Probably because i was having so much fun. When im serious im super quiet...well...isnt everyone :)


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2008
Cypress, TX
I usually react to whatever happens in-game and say something after it.

Ex 1: I wreck you with a combo; I giggle.

Ex 2: Lee ***** me with some wierd Toon Link/Lucario combo; I reply with "I was sandbagging."

Ex 3: I lose the match; I get up, un-plug my controller, and say "I'll see you in Bracket!"

I'm amazing. Accept it. I AM the future.



Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2008
Does anyone know which Wii has the replays of the Double Diddy vs. Double Diddy matches?
Not a lot of shout outs, but yeah...

Dojo: It was cool talking and hanging out. Everyone knows that you're an amazing player but those matches in pools were ridiculous. I mean, I just didn't see it coming, it was weird because even though I got 2 stocked I still felt as if you were sandbagging. O_o

Lee Martin: How I feel is pretty straightforward. You're a super chill dude and all but you play so gay...so, so gay. I mean, I didn't go into our match with all that much confidence to begin with but I just felt so gayed after you camped so hard. But I guess that's tournament life.

Gnes: Lol...there's so much to say here. First off, you're gay for not giving me a shout out. Anyway, All the doubles matches we played were f****** stupid but **** they were hella fun. I don't think I've heard anyone talk so much **** in the middle of friendlies in my life. You really do understand how to play the game and enjoy it simultaneously and it's refreshing to see. We hung out a little bit in tourney and got a lot of talking in after the tournament ended which was really cool, can't wait for No Koast 2 :) (Assuming you come see us).

Sars: Your **** talk is sooo good Lmao. You made watching crew battles so much more enjoyable, this was an amazing first tournament for me. Thanks so much for hosting. ^_^

Stealth: Haha, thanks man. You play a really good pikachu. I really was scared going into our match in pools, I was telling people I thought I was gonna lose and everything so it was really kind of surprising when I pulled off the win. I really hope we get some more matches in. Next time.

Cyphus: Oh...My...God. It was scary having you in my pool but **** it was fun talking. I got to see you wreck a lot of people and it really meant a lot when you said you were scared to play me. I hope we can get in more matches another time though, you should come to No Koast 2 in October!

PhantomX: Pools...our matches were so good and so close but I just couldn't capitalize I guess. You're a good player and a really good person, I can't wait until we play again. Next time I'm gonna take the wins though :)

Type Ex: You make no sense. Lol. That's really all I can say. Playing you is so weird but it was so fun.

Le Thien:
I think I hung out with you more at this tournament than any of the other pros (outside of the Wichita scene) and it was really great. Even though it was your last tournament, you made my first one a blast. I think you really helped me with my game-play as well as show me how to make the tournament sooo fun. You've helped change and revolutionize the Diddy game and you're just an amazing character altogether. I wish you luck with where ever life takes you and hope you manage some time to still come to a few tournaments to visit us! :D


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
as a melee player it was fun to come and watch oklahoma's best brawl players do 10x better than last year. plus LA and MO were a very nice addition. this was my first brawl tournament i've ever entered, including local tournaments, so i much expected to get my *** kicked like i did. still, i actually won a bracket match, and i almost beat lee once, so i exceeded my own goals of having fun losing :p

MO: you guys were very good houseguests. you were all a fun grop to hang out with, and have a lot of talent. in particular, thanks Soma for teaming, we had no idea what to do but it was still pretty fun for 5 bucks ^.^ and legan, you're mad cool and too good at both games. who 2-stocks fogo? and who 2-stocks him with link? insanity. pm me your address so i can send the stuff you left here. and send me my pokemon t-shirt :(

san angelo: dojo, santi, cake...don't know if there's anyone else from there but i met you three and each one of you had a good sense of humor, were fun to play with in both games when i got to play vs you, and were super chill. if all of texas were a reflection of san angelo...i'd move.

lee: stop being better than me in both games. :( my sheik choked in melee, and i have no johns in brawl except that i suck. i'm going for better than 1:6 win ratio in smash vs. you next time ^.^

bassem/kosy/hanson: reppin' OK :D i see 2 of you outside of smash anyway so...to bassem, welcome to norman, hope to get some games in soon

other oklahomies: yay! i see you all often but thanks for adding to the fun. in particular thanks to po and FFF for rides.

cyphus: never formally introduced but you're the coolest OOSer i've met in a long time. hope to run into you again sometime.

to everyone not previously mentioned playing melee - zach/sethlon/even jerm and esca just messing around/etc: 2 good

the world: good **** owning texas


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
sars, Fatty, Hazy, Inferno, AFFINITY! Please, I Need The Low Tier Results!!!!
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