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O.H. S.N.A.P. 5 Tournament Results (August 14th-15th)


Smash Champion
Mar 31, 2007
Route 23
Lmao, the inui/dugfinn talk was funny.But seriously, I hope you get her man, even though long distance relationships suck imo.

Shout outs later today!! Mcgeee =]


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2004
Dallas, Texas
Yay actual shout outs.

Dojo - (before tournaments) "Seriously guys, when was the last time I won a tournament? I always **** up against somebody and its gonna be the same this time."
(after tournament) "D'you guys see how much I ***** today? I didn't drop a ****in set in teams, low tier and normal. And I didn't drop a single MATCH in singles :cool:"
Gtfo, lol

Kosmos - You never took your copy of melee back from me. Its officially dallas' now :p BB was too much fun.

Koala - You're the Jin player, right? I never actually caught your name :urg:

Le Thien - I always wreck you in crew battles :bee: Next time you see me there'll be tilts everywhere~

Affinity - Sorry I couldn't get more friendlies in with ya. This game burns me out.

Forsaken - Next time Radditz is gonna ****in eat it.

Monica - The brownies are amazing. Zombahs was too fun, every tournament should have a section to just play random board games.

PX - GGs in BB. You should learn the air dash cancel spikeys -> ground high/low mix up!

DPhat - **** yoshi's story :embarrass

Bear - Ima perfect it :cool: thanks for stayin up with me.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2005
Fuyuki City
LOL Sethlon, I reminded Po several times after I left to get my melee disc from you but he still forgot.:p


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2008
**** it, if i didnt have nefarious_b's quote on my sig, i woudl take that one.

The Real Inferno

Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2008
Wichita, KS
Remember that time Inui lost to Rudy? Man that was awesome.

GGs mother****ers! I just want you to know I totally made sure that everything that anyone complained about at all, was purposefully done to piss off that particular person by me. It was all part of my plot to try and make you have a terrible day! Muahahahahaaaa!

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
LOL Sethlon, I reminded Po several times after I left to get my melee disc from you but he still forgot.:p
Sorry, I'm old, and my brain doesn't work so well anymore... :(

You'll get yer Melee, son, I promise.


First off, mad props to Yawara, Daniel, Allan, and Cameron for the amazing organization and smoothest flowing Brawl tourney I've ever played in. None of this would have been possible without you gents going out of your way to make sure this thing was a success. Thank you.

Dojo - You ****er! You won AGAIN... One day, we will play, and I will show you the true power of Oklahoma.

Razer - Why you so good with Snake, son? Is it the sheep dance?

Lee - You smexy beast, was there any character you DIDN'T play at this tournament? Always a pleasure, my friend.

Jerm - WTF?! Toon Link isn't supposed to be THIS good! Good games, bro. You'll get that tourney win soon, I bet.

UTD Zac - You cheat so hard at this game, it's not even funny. It's even funnier when you cheat at Melee. Watch out for those Toad kills!

Bassem - Last OHSNAP, no one even knew who you were, save for me and the wi-fi kids. Now look at you! Next time, you'll win for sure. You definitely gave us the moment of the tournament with that epic Fart-kill. Pokemon next time I see you!

KOS-MOS - As much as Zac cheats, you cheat just as hard. :) Oh well, too bad you forfeited and went home... Wait, what?

HyRo - Man, we didn't even play this time! Now, I'm glad we didn't. I don't wanna get wrecked by you! Too amazing, keep it up!

Gnes - Gnes and Po, seperated at birth?! LOL. Anyway, the one time we played, I had no idea what to do with your Diddy. Way too good, son.

Affinity - Stephen, how come we never play? I gotta show you the power of the C-Tier! Good job, and hopefully see you and the rest of Wichita soon.

Dphat - DPHAAAATTT!! We love you, DPhat! I know you didn't play as well as you'd hoped, but still amazing job! I almost took one from you in pools, don't let that **** happen again ;)

Foursaken - Still a FOURce to be reckoned with. Sorry for the pun, I couldn't help it. Thanks again for showing me how much I gotta improve.

Santi - Everytime I wanted to play you in Melee, you were busy... :( Wait, Santi wasn't even at OHSNAP, was he?

Fogo - You're still as magical as ever, Fogo. Everytime I see you play, I get this urge to get better so I can face on an even playing field. Stay, chill, bro.

Chuck Nasty - Spear Pillar FTW! I love your resolve after StealthRaptor owned your Charizard... You buckled down and returned fire like a champ! Get your Pokemon ready!

Chic - Way to rep the Green Man in this tourney, man! I love seeing a fellow Luigi main do it up big! Good job.

Esca - All the trash-talking aside, you're a very cool and smart kid. I concede that on this day, you were the better man, but don't get complacent... You have to keep working harder in order to reach the top. I know you can do it. Don't disappoint me.

Trela - Why are you so amazing? Man, just stop getting so nervous against top players and you will be a force. You've got fans here in Oklahoma for sure. Come to the next OHSNAP, so I can play you!

Ice - Ice is amazing. That is all.

Zeton - You and Shade need to play each other. Oh the Fox tricks you guys could come up with... Keep on rockin' playa.

Le Thien - Spear Pillar FTL! Man, you know we can't let it end like that... You and me, Hanson, one more battle, someday soon... You get a longer shout-out because you deserve it for all you have done for Oklahoma. Without you, NONE of this would have even been possible. We have only come as far as we have because of your passion and competitiveness. Your good will and effort has culminated in a Renaissance Period for Smash in Oklahoma, and for that, you have my eternal gratitude. It's because of people like you that I have stuck around for as long as I have, despite my scrubbiness-- Thank you, from the bottom of my heart

Clel - "His Metaknight is like a brick, son! It never leaves the ground!" Good ****, Clel, good ****.

Fino - Olimar, dude, seriously? J/k, man, you're good. **** good.

Legan - You sandbagged me sooo hard at Hazy's... :( Best Link I've ever faced, period. Snazzy dresser too. We need to form a Black People Crew next time, and let Hanson be an honorary Black Dude. :laugh:

Koala - Hanson never told me his brother was such an amazing player. Good ****, man. Loved watching you play BlazBlue as well. I wish we had played...

Lil Wil - WILL! Stop knocking me out of tourneys! Sheesh. :mad: For realz, though, I'm glad you showed. I hope you take everything you learned and apply it well. The Future looks very bright with you in it.

FK - Paul, Blissey is ghey, but Porygon2 is amazing. We need to have a tie-breaker game in Pokemon, son.

Asc - Po <3's Missouri. Does Missouri <3 Po? Good games at Hazy's.

Sethlon - Chris will never let me live it down that I forgot to get his Melee disc from you. If I make it to HOBO, and you come, please don't let me forget it. Good **** in crews and you wrecked me in BlazBlue, but I'll get you soon!

The Real Inferno - Cameron, thanks for being the only person to get where Rock & Sock Connection came from.

Royal Nynja - Nate, I promise to stop getting spiked by you, someday soon... How DARE you lose to a Luigi after all that practice I gave you?! You're as bad as Hanson...

Xyro - Allan, props again for all your help with this tourney. The Smash Community will be sad to see you go, so I'm going to try to make a trip out to see you before you leave us permanently. Samus and Link broken? I think so.

Nicole - NICOLE LOVES **** FIGHTING ! It says so right on her hat! Always a pleasure, ma'am... You make sure y'all come back to see me!

Cyphus - Amazing as always. Who else could wreck the 2nd best Snake with DK? One day, we will play for realz.

Zinth - Bryan, I apologize for being the weak link and costing us teams... You too good, son. I'll step my game up accordingly, I promise.

Holms - Pro *** Mario, right there. Keep repping that ****, man.

StealthRaptor - Pikachu > KOS-MOS? Looks like you proved it. Awesome stuff, dude.

PhantomX - Juan, we didn't play, but I don't think either of us were really on our A-Game on Day 2. We will play, and it will be epic.

Bad News Bear - Black people Crew, Beah! We need to make it happen! Always nice to have you at a tournament. So chill, so chill...

Type Ex - Tom! Good ****, man. You took people by surprise again. See you soon, and thanks for letting me crash at your place! Pokemon soon!

MetalMusicMan - I don't know who has the better name, you or Mr. Doom :) Great to see you again, dude.

Sars Pirate - Good **** on putting this together, my man. I appreciate all the hype and energy you bring. I love you mayne! Thanks for the pep-talks also. You're one of the best, my friend.

Steeler - This man is a Pokemon Master. He's Ash, Gary, and Professor Oak all rolled into one! He's Steeler, and he is Po Approved (tm).

Mr. Doom - Imagine if you will, a tall, imposing black male, draped in dark vestments hovering over you... You struggle to utter "Who are you..?" He responds, "I AM MR. DOOOOOMMM..." You then proceed to **** your pants...

Shade - Why did you guys not come back for Day2? It just ain't a party without you, Kuni! Good **** schooling everybody on Day1, however.

Kpeezy - Kpeeeeezzzzzyyy!!! Good job, bro! You and GMo are two of the most amazing people in Oklahoma, no lie. Tell Grant not to take it too hard. It took me nearly two years before I could get out of pools, so I know how it feels. He's way better than I am, so I KNOW that this was merely a fluke. He'll be beasting people real soon.

Saijee - Stop Spamming Koopa Klaw! Seriously though, it was good to see you and Ken again. Good luck with your game!

Afrotastic - Afro!! Don't take it too hard, this was a ridiculously hard tournament. You played well, and I expect to see you placing higher next OHSNAP for sho.

VST - I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Po <3 Missouri. You make sure all you guys come back next time.

FattyFatFatso - I'm sorry you didn't do so well in bracket, but hey, that's what next time is for. Good **** on getting this and the Norman monthlies off the ground. I'll see you soon, bro. Joann too good with Jiggz!

**** - Monica and Katie for Best New Team Name! Thanks for the brownies, they were off the hook! No controller johns from me this time. Great to see you again, home-girl.

Kates - See previous entry. Your Zero Suit is cool. I wish I had hung around to play you in BlazBlue, you seem pretty good with Rachel.

Kit - Great to see you guys again. I want one of those Black Lantern Rings!

Jordan - Why did you guys retire so early? We didn't even get to play!

Infinity - I forgot to say it when I saw you, but Congratulations on the marriage! I think it's amazing that you found someone you can not only share Smash with, but Life with as well. Good luck to both you and Jinx!

Hazygoose - Last, but most certainly not least. Alex, you're mah boi and you know it. The best Brawl player that doesn't play :laugh: Good **** in pools and especially in Melee. Make that Melee tournament happen, bro!

Honorable mention:

Young Deezy - Son, I know you kinda got screwed this tournament, but I want you to remember that everyone has at least ONE bad tourney... Just be glad you got yours out of the way so early.

I apologize for letting us down in Low Tier Teams, but I can assure you that no matter how bad you(or I) played that day, as long as you can take something away from the loss, it WILL make you a better player in the future.

That is exactly what you (and Will) are, the Future of OK Smash, so don't be having doubts about your skills, because I promise you that if you had played in brackets, you would have *****. Stay big, Dillon, MARIO BIG!

Stealth Raptor

Smash Legend
Apr 18, 2006
Kansas City, Kansas
im not ;p EDIT: (scared of zeton)


very nicely run tourney. i was a little bit puzzled on the seeding, as i was playing a 1 seed first round as a 5 seed, when a 7/8 seed should have played a one, as well as teams being stacked vs me and deezy, but its w/e.

Phantom x- our matches were a lot of fun, and really enlightening for the wario matchup for me. without learning the frame advantadges and priorities i needed i wouldnt have been able to keep up with fatty

fatty- lol also good matches, and you taught me something- how fun it is to run the timer on someone ;D sorry i did it, i felt that you would try it as well

dojo- i....hate....sd's..... ;-; ggs, they were a lot of fun, and amazingly close despite the sd's.

doom- your ike is a force of nature, im glad i didnt play you seriously in pools lol

4rce- your diddy surprised me, i didnt know you were that good lol. good games

cyphus- your DK is amazing, and i honestly cant tell if whether you or ripple are better, you guys play so differently. best DK in the southwest for sure

KOS-MOS- lylat can be a ***** sometime, sorry it had to strike so early in our match :( very good games, most intense matches i have ever played, i was shaking so bad after it was over.

Chuck Nasty- dont get grabbed ;p very good pt, i wish i could have seen more of your charizard, but alas it wasnt meant to be. got all i wanted of your squirtle though >.< very fun games

FK - very good ZSS, took me completely by surprise first game

thebadnewsBEAH - we really need to sit down and figure this out in a serious set. mm at no koast *****, all 3 that were planned for oh snap AND WE ARE RECORDING! very fun games for the few friendlies we played.

Legan - sexiest (and imo best) link main in the world. your skill with link is so amazing it baffles me. wtf get gimped more often

Xyro - thanks for playing me and giving me some tips for my samus. i aim to make people cry now with the amount of spam i give them

young deezy - i think we had a decent amount of chemistry going, it just sucks we got bracket ****ed :( if you are going to no koast and need a teammate, im always looking for one ;)

if i forgot anyone im sorry, i am not good with new names/faces. cant wait to see all of you at no koast :D


Smash Champion
Mar 31, 2007
Route 23
Shout OUTSSS =]

Dojo - Your too amazing. Playing you always shows me how much I suck at this game and motivates me to get better. Continue the **** please.

Gnes- *picks peach* mwahahah loll jk. Dude, your still amazing. Just a bump in the road that I know you will overcome. Dont let it get to you. You, dojo, and razer are the 3 best players in this nation imo

Razer- Waah! your such a random person. But cool. Stop ****** me so hard. Im gonna figure out a way to win though, trust me. Congrats on second, even though you dont need it. And even if all those people out there want you to lose, I dont =]

Lee- Ahh, so good seeing you yet again. Such a badass you are. Good stuff ****** bracket using the whole cast. You just **** smash.

Hyrulian Royalty- Your name is too long, SAIGWA! honeybuttachickenbis lmaooo so funny dude. You are an amazinngggg person. So fun hanging out with you. So fun teaming with you. Your TL is beasttt, your the best TL, accept it =]

UTD ZAC- Super fun set. I was on my toes the whole time. You are the best GnW, you make our match up even. Please stay out of my bracket. Cant wait to chill with ya again.

Chuck Nasty- Omg, your freakin prooooo. Your the only person I went to game 3 with. A pokemon trainer!. **** charizard, **** squirtle.. didnt get to see the ivysaur lol. Stop tricking me with your jokes lol. Your one cool guy, come down to texas for hobo 18 plz =]

Phantom X- Sucks that you was off man. But you still ****. You'll prlly **** and get first next time. Fun set, fun chats, your too cool.

FattyFatFatso- We didnt play =/. But fun talking to you. Your so chill, and your gf is pretty. If your in texas, we should do a double date =]

Lil Wil- Nice Mk dude, fun MM. Cant wait to play you again

Royal Ninja- Dude, your pretty cool Fun MM. Nice diddy. We gotta play again sometime =]

BassM- I win MM, then I win in tournament, then you **** me in crews. Maybe you figured me out xD.. oh well, next time we meet, we can do a MM or something. Your wario is still ****. Fun fighting ya.

Kates- Your pretty cool. Thanks for teaching me more about the ZSS match up

Santi- Nice seeing you again man. Your as cool as ever =]

LeThein- Ahh, i'm gonna miss seeing you around man. Your diddy is ****. Hopefully you show up to something one day in the future. Good luck with whatever you get into next!

KosMos- You killed my idol =[.. I must get revenge. Nice toad kill on zac loll, you **** this game too much. And your awesome, better come to hobo 18.

Sars Pirate- Thanks SO much for the housing and everything. Your snake is niiice. I demand more friendlies next time. Your too cool dude.

Dphat- I wanted you in bracket =/.. oh well. Fun friendlies. Nice chatting it up with you buddy

Esca- SAIGWA!! lmao, dude, we did grow closer. Your too funny. Your pit is ****. Friendlies me so I can beat sagemoon or chaoticnightmare, whatever the **** you pits are =]

Stealth raptor- Nice pikachu man. I think it was you who underestimated me =/

Magetik- Yayyy, you made it out of pools! now get first place =]

Legan- Dude, your soooo chill. Fun talking to you man. You gotta come down to TX. Your the best link, fun MM. Stage gayed you, even when I tried to let you get back lmao =/ keep up the ****

Fino- Hyro rapess =] nice oli though

Ice- Your snake is so good. Fun pools match

Clel- Tornado spam dont work too much anymore buddy, just annoying =/

Fogo- Thanks for using the fogo magic on xyro. Your so cool =]

Foursaken-Your so awesome man, I miss seeing you around. Travel more, so we can trash talk eachother lol.

Xyro- WEEZING SMOG ATTACK, NOWW.. soo funny. Dude, you made this trip even more awesome, and your truely a lifesaver. So reliable. I'll never forget zombie green lesbian lmao

This was a funny tournamentt, sorry if i forgot anyone =/



Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
1: Dojo= VERY GOOD GAMES in grand finals. I apologize AGAIN for not teamin with you, i didnt know legan would pull through and show up. In any ase, i hope all of this money helped you get out of your hole.

2: Ultimate Razor= Little MEXICO! I had LOTS of fun with ya this weekend. We laughed so **** hard about the dumbest of things! Your a good little mexico.

3: Lee Martin= The legendary GameStop ssbb World Champion. Good **** in grand finals! That ike is a motha f-ing beast. I want a rematch at hobo 18, ya *****.

4: Jerm= Im a bit confused right now. I should hate you for laughing at me after i told you i was on my "49th wind" and nearly died but at the same time we laughed so hard about ******** **** it kinda erased all the hate.

5: UTD Zac= Thanks for letting us down in crews. You did good. ROFL!!!!!! You must have had a bad day.

5: Bassem= You MOLESTED dphat on pictochat sooooo hard! Even i had to applaud that KO. Even though you are the enemy, you did AWESOME in crews.

7: Kos Mos= THE DIDDY SLAYER!!!! Aint you glad ya stayed in the bracket? You climbed SUPER high. Stay peach, its your calling in life.

7: Hyrulian Royalty= My boy! did you enjoy IHOP? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!

9: Gnes=WHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA! How was your first OOS? Other than the WhatABurger ordeal was it fun? You laughed you *** off alot. Lets do it again some time!!!!

9: Affinity= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

9: Dphat= The WhatABurger ordeal was HORRIBLE! I hope it never happens again to ANYBODY! We were out there from midnite to 530am. I THANK GOD that AutoZOne was 24hour and that guy helped us out. Did you learn anything from that exp? I DID!!!

9: Foursaken= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

13: Santi= DDD and Metaknight.......................come on man, thats f-ed up. Go toon link.

13: Fogo= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

13: Chuck Nasty= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

13: Chic= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

17: Esca= Dude, this was THE BEST TRIP i have ever been on!!! Better than ANY TRIP in the melee days!!! I had my foot mashed and my bones turned into gravel. I was up till 530am EVERY nite for 3 days. The WHatABurger ordeal. The IHOP adventures. The singing in the car, the drive TO and FROM oklahoma was filled with laughing at dumb ****. This episode of fun tops ANY AND ALL smash experiences ive ever had. It COULD NOT have been made possible had it not been for you. YOU are the hero of this trip! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

17: Trela= MY BEST BUDDY!!!!! I really hope you had fun on this trip. I tried to make it as fun as possible for you and keep you safe the whole time. We had GOOD laughs and some UNFORGETABLE sayings! Your vocab has to have expanded after this trip. Gnes/Jerm/Esca's vocab extended as well. I had a blast with ya bud! Dont forget this kind of stuff after im gone.

17: Ice= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

17: Zeton= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

17: Le Thien= Though this was your LAST event for a long while, i wish you luck. You are great guy and a great player. Thank you for the past 2 OHSNAPS, they are my FAVORITE series in brawl. Also, thank you for attending some of my HOBOs. WE(tx) are really gonna miss you. IF you can, please come back!!!!!!

17: Clel= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

17: Fino= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

17: Legan= THE MAN HIMSELF! You sir, are the GREATEST Link i have ever met and the ABSOLUTE best low tier partner i have ever teamed with. Our pool set was 1-1, our bracket match was 2-0(tipped to you) and our MM was 3-1(tipped to me). I am SO glad you made it to OHSNAP5 and our 2nd place finish was AWESOME. Our team work was great and our KOs were AMAZING! The videos should be up very soon. You are welcome in texas ANY TIME you want. I just cant get over how **** good you are with link, its astounding. Good games and see ya latr, pal!!!!

25: Koala= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

25: Chucky= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

25: Lil Wil= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

25: FK= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

25: Asc= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

25: Sethlon= Alex, yet again you did GREAT in crews! You really helped out the team alot. Thanks for showing up and playing the game you dont really like too much. I miss ya bud, im the ONLY one left here in Houston. Find a way to come back, please!!!

25: The Real Inferno= GREAT TO! You helped out alot and it wasnt even your event. That is the **** good TOs are made of. WITHOUT you, this event would not have been ran correctly! THANK YOU!!!!!

25: Royal Nynja= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

33: Xyro= You are the best samus on earth and the future......accept it!!!

33: Nicole= Lookin **** good on day two. It was really nice talkin to you!!

33: Cyphus= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

33: Zinth= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

33: Po Pimpus= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

33: Holms= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

33: StealthRaptor= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

33: PhantomX= forget about crews, you just werent havin a good day.

33: BadNewsBear= get them vids up, my boy!!!!!!!! please

33: Type Ex= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

33: MetalMusicMan= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

33: Sars Pirate= THANK YOU FOR THE HOUSING!!!!!!!! Also, thanks for a room set off to th side for sleeping. That really helped me out!! You are a good man and a good TO. Come to HOBO some time!!!!!

33: Cake= We actually talked a decent amount this time. It was pretty cool. THANKS!!!!

33: Steeler= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

33: Mr. Doom= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

33: Shade (Forfeit)= GREAT SAMUS DITTOS! I got my revenge from melee!! You have always been my fav from oklahoma. Please come to a HOBO one day!!!

49: Magitek= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

49: K Peezy= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

49: Saijee= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

49: Afrotastic= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

49: VST= thanks for the NO KOST 2 info, i will try and make it!!!!!

49: FattyFatFatso= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

49: ****= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

49: Rock Ran= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

49: Kates= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

49: Kit (Forfeit)= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

49: Jordan (Forfeit)= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

49: Infinity (Forfeit)= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

49: Hazygoose= am i really that rude to people? That demanding? I was only tryin to help. I apologize if i offended you in ny way.

49: Teh Brettster= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

49: Chris= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!

49: 4rce= Whats up, buddy? Go to hobo 18!!!
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