Ok. My next big meet will be my Bday meet followed by the Zelda Marathon
So here is the plan.
Bday meet.
When: Thurs-Sat 5th-7th December
Who: Everyone is invited, let me know if your coming and if you need address/directions.
Activities: super casual meet including Dr Pepper (& coke for Ricky), smash, Pikmin, pokemon, 7 Wonders PPL, Zelda FSA, Mario Kart, and more. Also, hopefully Mario 3D Worlds. Could also be going to Pizza Hut and the movies on sat evening to finish up, atm I thinking Hunger Games but am open to suggestions (sour about the Hobbit

Bring your Wiimotes, consoles, 3DS, etc
Sunday is a rest day before the Zelda Marathon.
Zelda Marathon
When: Mon-Thurs 9th-12th December
Who: only those involved in the marathon,
activities: Starts Monday, then Zelda, Zelda , Zelda and rest day on Thursday. (Game order TBD)
This schedule lines up well with the next Canberra tourney (14th Dec) for those that wish to go to that as we finish up before that weekend. I hear melee maybe featured at that tourney so even those in loved in the marathon can make that.