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NOYS 3-Nov 8th-Now with new shout out action!


Smash Ace
May 7, 2007
Planet Earth
It was fun
kudos for coming
kudos x 2 for actually entering
kudus x -2 if instead of coming you hung out at the mall

Basically theres gonna be no results, but still shout outs, yes!
If you came you know who won and stuff, and if you didnt then tuff luck


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
Maybe i'll come.
Depends on how good i am at Melee by then

Gerbil's slacking :p


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA
Bah, you guys have forced me to post XD. I actually had the moment to snag first, 'cause I saw Soft mention the thread in another one, and it was bone dry empty lol.

Master Raven

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
nevermind I didn't realize this was a Melee tourney

However that doesn't change the fact that GREEN GREENS IS STILL THE WORST ****ING STAGE EVER


Smash Ace
May 7, 2007
Planet Earth
lol xif... wow.... your not coming cause green green's is banned.....?

that rediculously (i dunno how to spell) funny considering that the last two tournaments i held i just had neutrals and you decided not to show.... so dont pretend the reason your not coming is cause green greens is legal


Smash Lord
Dec 30, 2007
oh i was jk lol
stage bans are not even something i worry about when deciding whether or not to go to a tournament


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
I dont understand, if people hate it that much i dont understand why they wouldnt ban it in the match
because there's no reason why we should have to waste a stage ban on a stage that should be banned in the ruleset.

You could allow Hyrule and just tell people to suck it up and ban it if they really hate it, but the fact of the matter is that Hyrule is a dumb stage and it shouldn't have to waste a stage strike.

I'd rather have to think about my stage strikes according to opponent, matchup, preference, etc

not, "I auto ban this stage because I dont want to arbitrarily lose to an exploding apple"

You have a stage with random falling blocks to help save people that would have otherwise died (A teams match on youtube, me and marty vs I think sleepy and someone else, I up smashed a ganon at like 130 on that stage with Fox when we were all at last stock, and he survived because a block spiked him back down. He came back and won).

Random Falling bombs to help kill people that would otherwise (Alpha link says it all)

And you also have random falling apples and exploding apples, which should speak for itself.

And the stage layout is atrocious. A fox can sit behind a wall and gain total advantage because the other must approach. Good luck to CF getting past that. Oh, and you generally cant simply go through and break the blocks. helloooooo bombs!

Not to mention the sides and ceilings are so close you might as well play on flatzone.

I shouldnt have to explain why green greens is a dumb stage. The random factors alone are enough to warrant a ban. The bad layout only amplifies this. Why should I be punished for good decisions in a match because a block decided to foil my plans at that moment?

We talked before josh, and I apologize for not coming to your previous tournaments. I was in Florida for one and getting ready to go to Florida for another. Perhaps I could have made that one, but the way we were talking it, it was almost like you were trying to make a point.

I apologize, but in my defense, seeing your first post consist of no rules except for stating the fact that a truly atrocious stage is legal made my blood boil. To me it was like going out of your way to make a bad tournament, and it got me a little heated.

Much love josh, but lets keep the bad stages to a minimum.

everlasting yayuhzz

Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
swaggin' to da maxxx
fun Fact: I'd love for him to take my Fox there. He'd save me a counterpick ;D

Even though I don't pick dumb stages like that.


But if one more Peach takes me to a stupid stage in a set, it's on like Donkey Kong.
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