I made it to finals since I only had 3 people who actually gave me trouble through the tournament. Some Samus player took a game off of my shiek, but I ***** with Peach. I think I had to play a shiek main before winner's finals, but I don't remember it being that hard. Winner's finals was me vs. Skyheart. He won 3-2. I cp'd falcon to dk64 which was dumb on my part. I won vs. Sypher in loser's finals (3-1, I think). Then I played Skyheart in grand finals. I won the first set (3-2), and the 2nd set (3-2) after nearly getting 3-0'd in the 2nd set. Ironnically, my cp's were good for him and his cp's were good for me, except for Ness on Corneria lolololol. Therefore being a low tier main for the first 4 years of my smash career paid off. =D
Skyheart sd'd twice in the last set. The last stock in the third match he messed up his edgeguard and I edgehogged him. The last match he sd'd early on. If he didn't mess up his edgeguard he probably would've won the tournament...