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NorCal Melee Power Rankings - Summer '15 Update - In Sickness and In Filth


Jun 4, 2003
Portland, OR
Sorry to single you out specifically NK, what Scamp has said is correct: you're just a victim of circumstance here, no bashing of skillz intended.

I take issue with your claim that "This list is made by results of tournaments and matches on an erratic timeline and sometimes not by results at all." I don't really know what this sentence is supposed to mean, but it insinuates things that I don't like.

Delphiki, and Simna:
As far as having "standards," I think all of the panelists agree on what is relevant information about a player, and we have made as many facts available to one another as possible. In this way, we in fact already have a set of standards/guidelines. If you want further explanation, refer to my 2 posts on this page of the WC forums: http://infinityfx.net/teamwc/viewtopic.php?t=9&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=45
I think it is unreasonable to force everyone to weight all factors in the same way however, as this presumes an objective measure of skill, the existance of which I argue against, the same way that I argue that essentially any straight formula for rankings out of tourney placings is void. This is from my post in the WC Forums:

I disagree with the idea of it being "like a math problem." [paraphrase of Simna's earlier post]

In my first posts in this topic a page back, I gave various factors that influenced my decisions in the rankings. Now, in theory, you could assign a weight to each factor, get a quantitative evaluation of success in that factor, and add them up and rank each person in descending order. In practice this is not possible, I think you have to take too many SUBJECTIVE criteria and try to force OBJECTIVITY on them. This is rarely a worthwhile practice.

Well doesn't MLG use a points system to generate rankings? Sure, but that doesn't mean they have any theoretical basis; they are essentially completely arbitrary (even ignoring the fact that they measure only how someone does at ONLY MLG tourneys): there is no theoretical reason that X place is worth exactly Y points more than Z place.

If we try to invent a mathematical basis for our rankings, I guarantee it won't be much more accurate than MLG rankings.

You may ask about the points system we use (of giving 26-X points to Xth place, summing them, and ordering based on that), and the answer to that is that is the same as taking the average place that each person got on panelists lists. There is no subjectivity forced into objectivity there.

Let's just take the case of considering one person's win versus another. In order to have any idea of what this means, it is necessary to know what the skill gap is between the two players (by skill here I mean overall ability to win in any and all circumstances, essentially the thing that determines ranking). How can we hope to mathematically evaluate such a thing? Since no two people (let alone all panelists) will ever agree precisely how good someone is? How can you possibly convince someone else that player X is 10% better than player Y, or that beating player X is 20% harder than beating player Z, for example? "10% better" means nothing. Yet coming up with such a number is central to the idea of a mathematical formula for skill: If we are to compare the wins of 2 players mathematically, obviously we need each win to be assigned a numerical value.

To summarize this into one point, a math equation for rankings requires OBJECTIVE MEASURES (i.e. stats, like in baseball for example) that can be ordered from least to greatest. All we have in Smash that is objective to go on is a list of who beat whom (which in themselves have a HIGH degree of extenuating circumstances), but I maintain that it is impossible to come up with a meaningful way of extracting actual numbers out of them. And like in baseball, I think a poll is the best way of ranking players. Despite the enormous amount of stats that are collected in basball, in the end the MVP awards come down to a simple vote. I think we should follow this.

Simna ibn Sind

Apr 20, 2002
1108 R St. Sacramento, CA 95811
Hyuga its all really easy. No one else on the panel is in Sac, so no one else know about how well Nintendoking has done around here. This is why there is a sac rep right? To catch things in this area that others miss? I put him over Boback because of how I have experienced Boback...last time I played him all of his characters I beat him with about every character...i think he beat my bowser. I felt the need to ignore Boback's placing at NCT2 because he would not have had that place had BTZO not forfeited out of pool. As for Scamp my loss to him at the Sac Biweekly was more like a forfeit as I was trying to make a point...i explained this to BTZO on the hub, if you wanna know more about that talk to me on AIM or hub.

As for my placing of myself:
(At tournaments both players attended)
I place higher more often than Hyuga
I place higher than and have won against BTZO more than lost against
I place higher more often than Hella
I have taken matches from more ppl out of region than everyone on the list except:
Hyuga, and MAYBE

I could go thru everyone on the list, but you get the idea. At the tournaments I go to i generally win vs. and place higher than the ppl i placed myself above. And yes I dont go to NCBs that often(because I cant!) and that's why sum1 from Sac is on the panel, so this is spread out to be based on other things


Smash Lord
May 31, 2005
Salinas, CA
Hyuga its all really easy. No one else on the panel is in Sac, so no one else know about how well Nintendoking has done around here. This is why there is a sac rep right? To catch things in this area that others miss? I put him over Boback because of how I have experienced Boback...last time I played him all of his characters I beat him with about every character...i think he beat my bowser. I felt the need to ignore Boback's placing at NCT2 because he would not have had that place had BTZO not forfeited out of pool. As for Scamp my loss to him at the Sac Biweekly was more like a forfeit as I was trying to make a point...i explained this to BTZO on the hub, if you wanna know more about that talk to me on AIM or hub.

As for my placing of myself:
(At tournaments both players attended)
I place higher more often than Hyuga
I place higher than and have won against BTZO more than lost against
I place higher more often than Hella
I have taken matches from more ppl out of region than everyone on the list except:
Hyuga, and MAYBE

I could go thru everyone on the list, but you get the idea. At the tournaments I go to i generally win vs. and place higher than the ppl i placed myself above. And yes I dont go to NCBs that often(because I cant!) and that's why sum1 from Sac is on the panel, so this is spread out to be based on other things
Well look at the your first paragraph and tell me that it is not just your opinion. When was this "last time" in which you played Boback? I highly doubt it has been recent, Boback for example has been one of the many players on the top 25 who has progressed very much in a short amount of time.

Also honestly what do places get you at all? Nothing, because I've seen plenty of people place higher than others or myself, simply because they beat noobs or people who aren't as good. Take one of Karthik's fundraisers for example, SilentSpectre lost to Frotaz in it, and went on to beat me. With this loss and a loss to Luninspectra I took 5th, whereas Zeldafreak got 4th, does that mean Zeldafreak is better than I am? Of course not. Also when have you placed higher than me or Hyuga? I'm guessing at least 3-4 months ago, and also I have only lost to you 1 time in a tournament ever, I know that for a fact, and I have beaten you 1-2 times (don't remember exactly at least once). Please get the facts straight before you go on saying you know what happened. I believe your list was pretty much focused on where to place yourself, and then you just randomly placed everyone after you just because your part was done. I mean, I realize I am not a top player myself but 19th? Come on, that makes absolutely no sense, and neither does not putting on SideFX or Scamp who have done much better than people you chose to place on yours instead.


Jun 4, 2003
Portland, OR
I put him over Boback because of how I have experienced Boback...last time I played him all of his characters I beat him with about every character...i think he beat my bowser. I felt the need to ignore Boback's placing at NCT2 because he would not have had that place had BTZO not forfeited out of pool.

As for Scamp my loss to him at the Sac Biweekly was more like a forfeit as I was trying to make a point...i explained this to BTZO on the hub, if you wanna know more about that talk to me on AIM or hub.
First paragraph: De facto admission that your rankings were based purely on friendlies. Furthermore there's no reason why Boback's win against Snap shouldn't count. Why not just make all of someone's matches not count after say Isai forfeits to them?

Second paragraph: I don't really care what you have to say about it, because nobody really has any reason to believe someone's excuses. Seriously, ask yourself WHY anyone should take your word entirely over their eyewitness. I witnessed the match in person and it was legit to me. You lost, the end.

Furthermore, I have explained, time and mother****ing time again, as have many other people, that YOUR NUMBER PLACING IN A TOURNEY DOESN'T MATTER. What matters is WHOM YOU BEAT and HOW.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
And like in baseball, I think a poll is the best way of ranking players. Despite the enormous amount of stats that are collected in basball, in the end the MVP awards come down to a simple vote. I think we should follow this.
But in baseball, it ISN'T the best way to rank players. The voters horribly ruin it. For example, Ryan Howard is not remotely close to the NL MVP; Albert Pujols and Carlos Beltran have him beat by a MILE, and his own teammate, Chase Utley, is better than him. Look at the Cy Young: It's decided mainly by wins. Whoever has the most "wins" -- the worst stat in human creation -- stands the best chance of winning the Cy Young, assuming their peripheral stats aren't Jose Lima-like.

So a poor example to say the least.

Simna ibn Sind

Apr 20, 2002
1108 R St. Sacramento, CA 95811
My list was focused on everyone's place...i only addressed my place and NK's place because that's what ppl were having a problem with.

The last time i played Boback(outside of teams at NCT2) was not too long before it at ender's house. And regardless of how much weight places hold I doubt ppl are even looking at who I have faced in tournaments to get those places....its like "oh he places high, but he must be playing noobs...cmon he uses Ness"

As for WHEN, as I said in my post "(At tournaments both players attended)" For you to rank me lower because I have not proven myself at a tournament you went to is like me ranking you lower because you weren't at some tournament I was at...would you think it was right if i dropped your rank as a result of the tournaments around sac that you didnt go to? That would be just like what you are saying. Also, Isai hasn't proven himself in a long time...he should be moved way down...

It seems to me like the panelists for the NCPR are each taking the solo info that they have and making a list based on it....if we compile are info so we all have then ppl wont 'guess' or wahtever they are doing now to figure out who fought who in a tournament. And when i mentioned a definite timeline i meant we need to set EXACTLY from what dates we are deriving our results

I also think we need to stop lowering ranks based on not showing up to tournaments. That follows the "You didn't sign up? That means you placed below last." logic. Only the matches ppl play should effect them, not the matchers they don't play...otherwise this list is super biased because tournament locations are not created equal

Simna ibn Sind

Apr 20, 2002
1108 R St. Sacramento, CA 95811
First paragraph: De facto admission that your rankings were based purely on friendlies. Furthermore there's no reason why Boback's win against Snap shouldn't count. Why not just make all of someone's matches not count after say Isai forfeits to them?

Second paragraph: I don't really care what you have to say about it, because nobody really has any reason to believe someone's excuses. Seriously, ask yourself WHY anyone should take your word entirely over their eyewitness. I witnessed the match in person and it was legit to me. You lost, the end.

Furthermore, I have explained, time and mother****ing time again, as have many other people, that YOUR NUMBER PLACING IN A TOURNEY DOESN'T MATTER. What matters is WHOM YOU BEAT and HOW.
It was base him from friendlies or base him from nothing. I didn't have other info. This is why solo panelists is dumb. Just like you can't tell who everyone is fighting which is why basing this on specific matches and not on placings makes this much more difficult. Also, its not just that BTZO foreited to Boback, he BEAT him in pools(putting him in third) and then forfeited. Doesn't that give an unfair advantage when placing for this list?


Smash Lord
May 31, 2005
Salinas, CA
My list was focused on everyone's place...i only addressed my place and NK's place because that's what ppl were having a problem with.

The last time i played Boback(outside of teams at NCT2) was not too long before it at ender's house. And regardless of how much weight places hold I doubt ppl are even looking at who I have faced in tournaments to get those places....its like "oh he places high, but he must be playing noobs...cmon he uses Ness"

As for WHEN, as I said in my post "(At tournaments both players attended)" For you to rank me lower because I have not proven myself at a tournament you went to is like me ranking you lower because you weren't at some tournament I was at...would you think it was right if i dropped your rank as a result of the tournaments around sac that you didnt go to? That would be just like what you are saying. Also, Isai hasn't proven himself in a long time...he should be moved way down...

It seems to me like the panelists for the NCPR are each taking the solo info that they have and making a list based on it....if we compile are info so we all have then ppl wont 'guess' or wahtever they are doing now to figure out who fought who in a tournament. And when i mentioned a definite timeline i meant we need to set EXACTLY from what dates we are deriving our results

I also think we need to stop lowering ranks based on not showing up to tournaments. That follows the "You didn't sign up? That means you placed below last." logic. Only the matches ppl play should effect them, not the matchers they don't play...otherwise this list is super biased because tournament locations are not created equal
Even if you were focused on placings your list still did not make sense, as I can prove considering I have all the results from previous tournaments compiled in one folder.

Also it does not matter if "people" saw your matches, it is the panelists themselves. I've said it before, we do not judge our matches on hearsay, we either do it on results of the match or what we witnessed in the match.

And yes, you could lower someone's rank if they did not CONSISTENTLY show up to tournaments that do consist of alot of people, and competitive ones. The only way to lower that person's rank though would be to have someone else place higher than them who is on the top 25 or good enough already. So actually, it is more that people are getting ranked higher than you, not that we are ranking you lower. Ranks don't drop, they only get lower because others surpass them (unless you start to lose to lower people on the list or off the list). If you are inactive, you rank goes neither up nor down, you are just replaced by other players who have been proving themselves. Also with the Isai comment, although he has been inactive around Norcal, look at his MLG record, it speaks for itself.

No one is guessing for their ranks, I said this before as well, all of the lists excluding yours were identical (not exactly the same). Meaning we all based our lists on facts, just weighed certain things differently.

As for the last paragraph I feel I've explained that already, if you are inactive you neither go up nor down, but you are replaced by other more deserving players.


Jun 12, 2005
Long Beach CA
NorCal panelists should look into translating their tournament results into tio results like SoCal has done. It will help a lot in reviewing who beats who :).


Jun 4, 2003
Portland, OR
My list was focused on everyone's place...i only addressed my place and NK's place because that's what ppl were having a problem with.

The last time i played Boback(outside of teams at NCT2) was not too long before it at ender's house. And regardless of how much weight places hold I doubt ppl are even looking at who I have faced in tournaments to get those places....its like "oh he places high, but he must be playing noobs...cmon he uses Ness"

As for WHEN, as I said in my post "(At tournaments both players attended)" For you to rank me lower because I have not proven myself at a tournament you went to is like me ranking you lower because you weren't at some tournament I was at...would you think it was right if i dropped your rank as a result of the tournaments around sac that you didnt go to? That would be just like what you are saying. Also, Isai hasn't proven himself in a long time...he should be moved way down...

It seems to me like the panelists for the NCPR are each taking the solo info that they have and making a list based on it....if we compile are info so we all have then ppl wont 'guess' or wahtever they are doing now to figure out who fought who in a tournament. And when i mentioned a definite timeline i meant we need to set EXACTLY from what dates we are deriving our results

I also think we need to stop lowering ranks based on not showing up to tournaments. That follows the "You didn't sign up? That means you placed below last." logic. Only the matches ppl play should effect them, not the matchers they don't play...otherwise this list is super biased because tournament locations are not created equal
In regard to your last and 3rd to last paragraphs: Nobody has EVER lowered ranks directly as a result of not going to tournaments. It simply gives us less to work with in terms of someone's rank. That is, we don't have any EVIDENCE that the player is progressing at the same rate as the community, but if you don't go to big tourneys, that is not considered evidence that a person should move down. Really Sac is kind of in the same boat as Bob$, though Simna to a lesser extent, since we have OC2, NCT2, Sac Biweekly matches on record.

Yeah you're right about Isai though, I mean he only beat KEN at Orlando and HugS at NY. Isai's rank stands by his MLG record.

As far as a timeline, I said in my WC forums post, which hopefully you read by now, that more significant results stay important for longer. There isn't a 'cutoff' date exactly, but if you want a general idea, I'd say that the following rankings list is the last list that OC2 results would be weighed into account, except for the more extraordinary results.

Simna ibn Sind

Apr 20, 2002
1108 R St. Sacramento, CA 95811
I should raise the rank of everyone in sac against everyone in other areas who dont show up....no wait i shouldnt cause that would be dumb....

ppls' ranks should not be punished because others are not going to tournaments that they go to


Jun 4, 2003
Portland, OR
Neighborhood P:

That is an excellent point that you make, I will respond to it a bit later.

I should raise the rank of everyone in sac against everyone in other areas who dont show up....no wait i shouldnt cause that would be dumb....

ppls' ranks should not be punished because others are not going to tournaments that they go to


It was base him from friendlies or base him from nothing. I didn't have other info.
Wow. I consider myself a pretty mellow person, but your complete disregard for everything that everyone else is saying is very frustrating to say the least.

This is the last time I will explain this to you.

As Shadow said, nobody EVER, in the history of these rankings, has been ranked low simply for the fact of not going to enough tournaments. If you don't go to tournaments, 2 things can happen. People below you can start posting impressive wins, and thus provide evidence that they should be above you, and people above you can start having bad losses providing evidence that they should be below you. In general, the community's skill level progresses with time, so the former happens a bit more than the latter.

As for the second part I quoted, I'm not going to say friendlies mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, though they clearly are worth much less than tourney results, however, I find it extremely ridiculous that you think whatever friendlies you played with NK are worth MORE than Scamp's tourney wins over people like YOU and BTZO. I mean the only person NK can beat in a friendly with you...is you, and Scamp did MORE than that IN TOURNEY. What the hell can you possibly have to say for yourself?

Simna ibn Sind

Apr 20, 2002
1108 R St. Sacramento, CA 95811
sac players are going 'stale' on other panelists' lists because they arent able to go to the tournaments that those panelists are going to

following that, since i am repping sac as a panelist, i should say everyone who doesnt show up to sac tournaments is going stale and let others pass them on the list...who thinks i should do that?

EDIT: sheridan if u look back some posts u will see where i addressed why i placed boback and scamp the way i did


open your parachute
Oct 7, 2002
Ill say romeo!

Psst simna: just ignore the list until next semester when I dont have saturday classes and we can go to the biweeklies etc. quite often.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2006
San Jose, CA
lol, isai doesn't need to prove himself to be #1 in norcal. that's why he's isai. everyone knows that isai can tear several new a$$holes to anyone if he wants to.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2006
Union City, CA
Good job panelist u guys worked hard to make the list as good as u can make it as fair as possible so I can at least say GJ

hopefully me Park and Choknater can go to NCB's to prove ourselves

also Simna why are u complaining u made the list isn't that enough? Appreciate it and if ur not satisfied prove it by doing good at NCB's and stuff. Don't take for granite cuz it can be worse



Smash Master
May 30, 2002
Simna it's obvious you don't get it. It doesn't sound like you ever will. Why don't you explain what point you were trying to make when you lost to me?

If it's a good point, then maybe your argument has some merit. If not, then know that while you're sure making a lot of noise there aren't very many people that agree with what you're doing. If there are, you need to make them speak up, because all I see is a one man complain-a-thon.


Oct 29, 2004
That's what I thought would happen to the SoCal list. I like this new list though =)
Jun 27, 2005
the west
sac players are going 'stale' on other panelists' lists because they arent able to go to the tournaments that those panelists are going to

following that, since i am repping sac as a panelist, i should say everyone who doesnt show up to sac tournaments is going stale and let others pass them on the list...who thinks i should do that?

EDIT: sheridan if u look back some posts u will see where i addressed why i placed boback and scamp the way i did
if i were you, i wouldnt even worry about it, i mean, the list cant be too accurate if some people are taken off right? and since youre the one who cares so much and sem to be speaking for all sac players, maybe you guys should just continue to go to out of city tourneys, since they obviously dont care enough to go to sac tourneys. and if youre not willing to do that, then you cant care about your standing on the list THAT much.
i dont think anyone's planning on going as far as closing this though.

FMF for at least spot 11!!!!


Smash Lord
May 31, 2005
Salinas, CA
if i were you, i wouldnt even worry about it, i mean, the list cant be too accurate if some people are taken off right? and since youre the one who cares so much and sem to be speaking for all sac players, maybe you guys should just continue to go to out of city tourneys, since they obviously dont care enough to go to sac tourneys. and if youre not willing to do that, then you cant care about your standing on the list THAT much.
i dont think anyone's planning on going as far as closing this though.

FMF for at least spot 11!!!!
Well they say that they cannot make it the NCB tournaments or any others, so they can't really do that. And we would go to the Sac tournaments if they actually happened, 1 finally did, and a few people from the top 25 and are out of the area did show up to these. As long as there are tournaments, people will go to them, and yeah Hyuga he's pretty much disregarding my posts, why, I don't knowm I suppose I don't have a valid enough opinion for him no matter how much I have contributed to these tournaments/forums/rankings/etc...:p


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
gotta love TGE up-and-comers who have a shot at this someday:

waffles, park, mick, momoraine, JIMBO <3, and oni shinigami from turlock (no one's played this guy :'C)

Zelgadîs ™

Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2004
Simna, you're Ness.

Can't wait til the next biweekly. Maybe Simna should show up and prove hes good.
Jun 27, 2005
the west
How did Hella go above Falcomist?
Wasn't the last tourney they competed in NCT2 Red, and Falcomist took out Zelgadis and Hella took out no one in the bracket? Did something great happen in the pools i missed? Was there another tourney since then???
Can someone explain that? I'm curious.

every post has been simna bashing lmao

"Simna, you're Ness."
"Because he plays Ness."
Ouch lol


Jun 4, 2003
Portland, OR
Well they say that they cannot make it the NCB tournaments or any others, so they can't really do that. And we would go to the Sac tournaments if they actually happened, 1 finally did, and a few people from the top 25 and are out of the area did show up to these. As long as there are tournaments, people will go to them, and yeah Hyuga he's pretty much disregarding my posts, why, I don't knowm I suppose I don't have a valid enough opinion for him no matter how much I have contributed to these tournaments/forums/rankings/etc...:p
I'm ignoring your posts? o_o
I practically quoted something you said in a post in my previous one. I dunno what you're trying to say, I agree with most of what you have posted. *DSF shrug*

Also FMF is too good, I put him above me even o_O. Hella beat Lunin at a biweekly and also beat Foxroar, and I think he's beat FMF before too; so I can see justification for Hella > FMF.


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
wow... thats all i have to say about all of this. I mean just wow lol and umm simna if Sac is so amazing then how come 3 non sac players went to the recent biweekly up there and all took top3? i mean u said u place higldher than hyuga, then how come u didnt. And what reason would u give up automatic money??? Top 3 get paid 4th doesnt so that match was worth prize money there should be no reason to forfeit no matter wat. Thats it im done.


open your parachute
Oct 7, 2002
no zoap. scamp got a "get into next tourney free" pass, which he sold to me for 2 dollar. not actual prize.


open your parachute
Oct 7, 2002
Really? glad to have that input.

also(not to superrad) I would heartily enjoy it if you would all stop ****ing talking about my hometown like its ****. Simna is the only one coming into the topic starting ****. your issue is with him. not the city of sacramento. Sacramento has never said it is better than anyone. Sacramento has never traveled to San Jose. Please stop talking about Sacramento and instead, about simna, or whoever you are specifically refering to. The PLAYERS in sacramento are ****ty and dont want any trouble but I feel attacked even though some people probably dont mean it that way.

Maybe once we our **** together and start doing better at the biweeklies(NC) then it would be more plausable to refer to the sacramento players as "sac" but right now sacramento players arnt the topic. Simna is.

You get me?
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