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NorCal Melee Power Rankings - Summer '15 Update - In Sickness and In Filth


Smash Lord
May 31, 2006
Las Vegas, NV
Not concieted and not self absorbed or did u 4get that i didnt start this it started from Falcomist dissing me and saying im becoming annoying when i said nothing to him as far as I knew we were all cool, then to you , then to pk,maybe every thinks I started what this may be but in all truth i didnt lol.. Get ur facts straight B4 u critize thank U.

edit: retaliating when you feel disrespected is a natrual way of life if you cant learn that ur very very naive


Smash Champion
Mar 14, 2005
Johnsville, Johntana
Not concieted and not self absorbed or did u 4get that i didnt start this it started from Falcomist dissing me and saying im becoming annoying when i said nothing to him as far as I knew we were all cool, then to you , then to pk,maybe every thinks I started what this may be but in all truth i didnt lol.. Get ur facts straight B4 u critize thank U.

edit: retaliating when you feel disrespected is a natrual way of life if you cant learn that ur very very naive
LOL. Look at ur banner then talk little buddy. I dont even care about the whatever respect. This is merely your posts annoying the shίt outta everyone. Falcomist was just the only one to say anything serious about it, while i poked at u to keep it down a notch. The world is not out to fight u lil guy. And stop, please stop proclaiming your greatness with every meaningless victory you've ever had. Delphiki took me outta a tourney but you don't hear him squakin about it like a chicken.


Smash Lord
May 19, 2006
UC Santa Cruz / Santa Clara CA
This is merely your posts annoying the shίt outta everyone.
This is pretty much my main point.

I could care less if you're better than Isai, or worse than the average noob.

What I'm saying is stop annoying so many people w/ your arrogance and heiroglyphics.

And NK is right, youre rather defensive for someone who doesnt care.

EDIT: And one more things. Johns are excuses for losing. Never did I imply that I shouldnt have lost. The reason I brought it up was that you can never evaluate a player's skill from friendlies. For example, at NCT2, Mikkuz was telling me how he beat Forward in friendlies, his Fox vs Forward's Falco. Is Mikkuz then better than Forward based on those games? Thats the implication you seem to be making. Point is, dont evaluate someone else's skills through friendlies. And think about it, if NCPR did so...... man theyd be different.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2006
San Jose, CA
i still think, though, that if you played 30+ friendlies straight and lost 25-30% of those matches (regardless of character), it's safe to say that the other person is better.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2006
Sacramento / Berkeley
Jon Falcomist may have started it, but is he any part of it now?

PKid - Saying you were sandbagging implies that you weren't doing as good as you could have. It's not a john per se, but it still has the same goal: explain to my opponent that he would not, in a good match, perform as well as he did.

But there's no point in mentioning any of this. If there is a very clearly superior player, the question doesn't come up. If the players are relatively equal, they should learn from each other and quit worrying about who's better. The better player will, in time, come out on top, no matter where they may be now.

How about you make it to Sac somehow and get some matches with TC1. Don't worry about who is better: the better is the one who learns, and will learn, most.


Smash Lord
May 31, 2006
Las Vegas, NV
Yes delphiki didnt respond----- how ever you didnt attack him??? SHH

UM PK im taking the MM as a decline,.

and delphiki - Yes he did imply he was sandbagging ,,

(LOL i LOVE WHEN PPL TRY AND DETERMINE OTHERS FROM A (FRIENDLY)= Jonz then the add of the 6months implies that he wasn't joning he just sukd 6months back .>? sounds like he implying that he. was Sandbagging 2 me)

LMAO.. How about all the "SO CALLED GOOD PPL" come to sac an shut me up.. I think the only thing ppl are forgetting is that im not a noob.. LOL keep telling yourself that. Nk but if i take u out again same with PK.. dnt use my name 4 any of ur post reguardless if its good or bad.. Basicly whiping you off the face of (my) earth

Hygua U are Totally right..- But heres the deal.. Falcomist Disses me i go back and disrespect falcomist then........... >>VOOMMMM WERE ON FALCOMISTS NUTS HOW CAN WE HELP HIM CAUSE BIG BAD Tc1'S 2 MUCH FOR HIM WE MUST ALL HELP HIM ARGUE>>>THEN this is what came from it/ Yup

Well thereas no reason to argue a loosing battle my last word will be

: since im a noob all except mm.
:2 EZpk I mean PK u decline because u know
:NK - good luck 2dai u better own me ^ ^ if not lol well u no the rest
: Plz dont disrespect me again well at least untill dis u agin ^ ^
:um SSB - u always seem to jump in arguments when no 1's arguing with u lol.. W.e
: Hylian u comin 2dai to my tourny

>:NORCAL - im prolly now like A becon of hateage lol. Do what u plz/ but im not what u may think if i was yah.


Smash Ace
Feb 16, 2006
San Jose
i still think, though, that if you played 30+ friendlies straight and lost 25-30% of those matches (regardless of character), it's safe to say that the other person is better.
If you played 30 friendlies and lost 25-30% of the matches... doesn't that mean you won 75 - 70% of the time?

Oh yeah, evo rules are 6 minutes now right?... I'm curious how does everyone feel about that?


Smash Lord
May 31, 2005
Salinas, CA
If you played 30 friendlies and lost 25-30% of the matches... doesn't that mean you won 75 - 70% of the time?
LOL yeah...XD

Also just because someone says something "disrespectful" to you does not mean you are obligated to be "disrespectful" back. Pretty much the way this is going this thread is going to be locked, so everyone just drop it. If someone thinks they're good then let them....if you don't like that they think that, then go beat them. Arguing over the internet about how you think you are better or whatever doesn't get anyone anywhere. Trust me, me and alot of other people don't believe someone is good just from hearing or reading about it, if you think you are good then go prove it....and even then people probly won't believe you until they play you themselves, so if you wanna be respected as a good player then go beat the people that don't regard you as one.


Smash Lord
May 19, 2006
UC Santa Cruz / Santa Clara CA
Here are my last words.

I dont care if I'm better than TC1 or he's better than me. All I was saying is take some time, and type like the rest of us. Reasons being:

1) It makes you look informal, and others wont take you as seriously. Not only in SWF, but when you have to type up essays and stuff.
2) On my last statement, typing w/ proper Caps and punctuation always makes good practice.
3) Such style also makes you look obnoxious

NOW, if you REALLY wanna MM so youre happy, just remind me next tourney I show up to. But who knows when thatll be. OR you can just beat me in tourney. But trust me TC1, its been 6 months, things wont be any easier.

To Nemesis: Hmmmm....... only rarely do matches take that long. Pus if its a problem, we can always speak out. ^^


Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2006
San Jose, CA
If you played 30 friendlies and lost 25-30% of the matches... doesn't that mean you won 75 - 70% of the time?
ROFL bryant. i meant it the other way around, but yeah you get it. :p

this is what i meant: i still think, though, that if you played 30+ friendlies straight and lost 70-75% of those matches (regardless of character), it's safe to say that the other person is better.



Smash Lord
May 31, 2006
Las Vegas, NV
LMAO.. Aye everybody who went critque me.. except SS - U owned me LOL.. tech chasing suks >.< .. GG tho

I may not be worthy of the list in your eyes but my challenge still stands Im .. 0-1 so far ..

Me and Zoap Ralleyed It was gay because i got battlefielded We all no who wouldve have 1 but yah ^ ^ no jons GG zoap.. U dsmashin ******* lol

well any other takers..
I challenged half the list. ??
O yea,

GG BOb,Zoap.Side Fx.Silent.Tang.And FMF>

FMF - didnt play u aww.. well we gotta hook up at bbbq = bobs bbq. LOL.. and smash


Smash Lord
May 31, 2006
Las Vegas, NV
NOOOOOOOO... I sware im sorry ..Silent Wolf seriously I sware this was an accident the page timed out it said..

This paged droped dont tag me again OMG>>>>SORRY<>>> >.</ Seriously accident


Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2006
ROFL bryant. i meant it the other way around, but yeah you get it. :p

this is what i meant: i still think, though, that if you played 30+ friendlies straight and lost 70-75% of those matches (regardless of character), it's safe to say that the other person is better.

obviously cause friendlies ur just not suppose to try but to have fun ^^.

Its alrite Tc1 maybe next time like yea the BBQ if DBr has it.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2006
Neptune, NJ
I've got a crew member that's moved to San Fran/NorCal region. He's trying to find his way around the smash community there. Can anyone tell me about any biweeklies or casual smashers in the area?


Smash Master
May 30, 2002
I don't play the same way in friendlies as I do in tournaments. Even if I'm actually trying my hardest, it's never the same. It's not sandbagging, but it can certianly look that way.

It's the reason why money matches are so borderline for rankings. It's similar to a tournament match but it's not really the same. Whether it's close enough to count is a matter of opinion.

The internet is also a crappy place to argue because it's completely up to the reader to make all the inferences he wants to make. The speaker cannot change the tone of his voice, make hand gestures, or even be interrupted. All you can do are smilies (which are always considered childish and not serious) or try to explain every interpretation, but if you do that you'll end up losing whatever point you're trying to make.

The point is that I'm better than everyone in this argument and I should be on the list and I'm going to go about proving it in the next few weeks. KthxBai :)


Smash Lord
May 31, 2006
Las Vegas, NV
ay Zoap. Thanx 4 the props that u gave me.. but member when your like your as good as us u deserve a spot... And i was like thanx .. YA.. I just gotta get evry 1 else to notice that D@mn I just gotta own some1 in a tourny match or mM..

O yea does (ANY) 1 wana MM. .

And Mexican Still Challenges all to a MM

He's Not that good he plays DK


Smash Lord
May 31, 2006
Las Vegas, NV
1nce again i challenge any and all to a MM.. is there any 1 who will accept.. ay Zoap double or nuthin??


Smash Ace
Oct 5, 2006
well i was either going to smash it up with crew or go 2 B's BBQ ,,yah if nething sure
man i would do both play smash and eat a bbq at the same time bec i dont know which one to let go.....


Smash Lord
May 23, 2006
it depends who your smashing with...O.O

and your controller might get greasy ... slide your fingers all over the controler? advantage or disadvantage


Smash Ace
Oct 5, 2006
yeah thats true you no wat ill proably eat wit some gloves on and then take them of when im bout to play...... yes.... im able to do both at the same time like when i kill sum one i hurry up and put the glove on to eat the food......


Smash Lord
May 23, 2006
O.o thats hecka fast? that also depends on how you kill them!? I mean if you spike them...you only have like 3 seconds...if they go to the side of the screen you have 4 seconds... if you send them up then you have like 6 seconds... you can always invent something that holds you food up to your face so you can chew off of it and you'll have your hands free so you can smash and eat!!! WOOT! or you can always have someone hold the food for you O.O
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