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Norcal/Bay Area/DBR:NorCal Nevers: Everything in Moderation. Including Moderation.

The King

Smash Ace
Jun 6, 2005
anything but 4. $10 is way too much for singles
I bet that what most of you didn't know is that, anywhere else in the nation with the only real exception of OR/WA (I believe), most tournies be they biweekly or not, average around $15/person in Singles, with the Minimum usually bottoming out around $10, and going as high as $20, which is common for a bunch of regions. Especially for tourney turnouts around 40-50 people, which we always meet. I know of biweeklies that barely gather 15-20 people, and still have $15 entry fees for singles. Imo, we've gotten too spoiled by extremely low entry fees and unattractive payouts. Honestly, the more that we play for, the more incentive there is to train harder to become good enough to claim your slice of the prize. Playing for nothing offers little incentive for improvement, other than pride. But what if entry fees were $20 each, and you were competing to take home a $500 first prize? That *just might* give people a bit more incentive to put in some extra practice, and put quite a bit more on the line.
Just my two cents about entry fees.

King Out


Smash Champion
Mar 14, 2005
Johnsville, Johntana
blah blah blah blah. Sound like a bunch of money grubbing babies. You're all smart just think of something that would logically not put poor smashers outta pocket and would be well off enough to come up with a reasonable amount of fundraiser money.

God you guys are acting like fuking politicians.

EDIT: Politicians are bad btw. . .


Smash Champion
May 4, 2005
walnut creek, CA
i think a "special" ncb should be held, for a larger amount on the price of singles, and teams, to see who shows up, what the turnout would be, and see if it would work or not.

15 dollars would be good. i would pay it no doubt... in acuallity, i would pay 20 if need be. but the thing is.. all 15 or all 20 dollars would be put toward the pot.. that would be a hefty size pot, and like dan said, it would be more than enough incentive to accually want to play, rather than, wanting to beat so and so, or just show up for friendlies all day.


Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2005
Milpitas CA (bay area)
obviously people who have a shot at the top 3 would be glad to see the NCB have some actual payout for winning...however everyone like me who doesnt have too great a shot at winning (my % chance of sucess is probably below 1) and just come to have fun. i dont see the money i put in to the tournament as a chance to win more money, its like going to a video arcade and buying tokens. you buy them to have fun. as ive stated before im willing to put money in to the NCT2 fund, so i like the one thats the regular tourny +1 for the NCT2 fund.

i know this sounds hypocritical, but im sure once my skill level is up a bit and i start winning some matches here and there i might be more willing to put extra money in to the pot as i might actually SOMEDAY have a fighting chance at 3rd if i have some serious motivation. but until then, if things start getting expensive, its going to be easier for me (and probably other lower level players) to find excuses to miss more biweeklies.

since im not a real integral player of the NCB and im just kinda there, i dont mind having my opinion not mean a whole lot. I'd just like to express my observation that a good number of people are there to just play and not really worried much about the tournament aspect of it. oh well thats my 2 cents.

P.S. cool, nintendoking. see you saturday


Smash Lord
May 31, 2005
Salinas, CA
i think a "special" ncb should be held, for a larger amount on the price of singles, and teams, to see who shows up, what the turnout would be, and see if it would work or not.

15 dollars would be good. i would pay it no doubt... in acuallity, i would pay 20 if need be. but the thing is.. all 15 or all 20 dollars would be put toward the pot.. that would be a hefty size pot, and like dan said, it would be more than enough incentive to accually want to play, rather than, wanting to beat so and so, or just show up for friendlies all day.
Yeah that might be a good idea, but let's wait and see what everyone else has to say.

For people that don't know what we are talking about refer to the previous page about the entry fees and give your opinion please.

whiteyboyninja: I find all of your opinions helpful, and view them all equally, skill does not make a difference.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 1, 2006
San Jose, CA
honestly guys, i dont think money is an issue. we still have about 2 months before the tourny which means around 8 biweeklies, am i right? if u charge singles for $8, and assume the at least 40 ppl show up to each one, that means about 120*8 = much more than we really need. i honestly made about $300 in the 3 biweeklies i hosted, so believe me, it wont be that difficult to make money for nct2. i think you guys are just exaggerating the situation. altho im not sure how much karthik needs for nct2, if its 4 digits than maybe it will be more difficult, but if its not than it should be no problem :)


open your parachute
Oct 7, 2002
how about we keep the price the same becuase "if its not broke dont fix it". It doesnt always apply, but I think it works here. I know everyone has heard real norcal's travel johns, but like boback said, it costs gas money, food, parking, plus entry fee. Traveling from sac/roseville pretty much eats a tank no matter how many MPGs you get.

We should enjoy that we can have these biweeklies for $7 and still get good competition. The pot is already pretty good, and I still havn't done whatever I need to do to win, so I don't think I will start when the pot doubles. However, If DBR and Jeff didn't go to one at some point becuase they thought the prize wasn't big enough and maybe BTZO or someone gets part of the pot, then that would probably do as much or more inspiring than doubling the pot.

Not that I wouldn't want Jeff and DBR to come, but either way I figure that people who really want to advance can do so without any change in price.


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
id pay 10$ entry fee if it all went to the pot simply because it is more like a big tourney and i have lots more fun lol


Smash Master
May 30, 2002
If it's 10 dollars then we should have triple elimination. Just to try it out at least.

No, we cannot have triple elimination at the next biweekly because I'm testing pools.

And seriously, this went way out of hand. Judging by what everyone's said, we should just do 5 per person for teams and 5 dollar entry for singles. Nothing gets taken out for anything, and the winners can donate if they feel kind enough to get some monitary karma points.


Smash Lord
May 19, 2006
UC Santa Cruz / Santa Clara CA
obviously people who have a shot at the top 3 would be glad to see the NCB have some actual payout for winning...however everyone like me who doesnt have too great a shot at winning (my % chance of sucess is probably below 1) and just come to have fun. i dont see the money i put in to the tournament as a chance to win more money, its like going to a video arcade and buying tokens. you buy them to have fun. as ive stated before im willing to put money in to the NCT2 fund, so i like the one thats the regular tourny +1 for the NCT2 fund.

i know this sounds hypocritical, but im sure once my skill level is up a bit and i start winning some matches here and there i might be more willing to put extra money in to the pot as i might actually SOMEDAY have a fighting chance at 3rd if i have some serious motivation. but until then, if things start getting expensive, its going to be easier for me (and probably other lower level players) to find excuses to miss more biweeklies.

since im not a real integral player of the NCB and im just kinda there, i dont mind having my opinion not mean a whole lot. I'd just like to express my observation that a good number of people are there to just play and not really worried much about the tournament aspect of it. oh well thats my 2 cents.

P.S. cool, nintendoking. see you saturday
Oh Nick you're just so pessimistic.

*clicks open MS* WTF?! SERVER CHECK TIL 2?!?!? NOES!!!!


Smash Lord
May 31, 2005
Salinas, CA
I've talked to everyone about the prices, and about all those scenarios, and they all have their strong points, and some may want them, but those are the prices and they are what will happen that has been agreed on. So if you guys can please pick out of those, if not then me and Karthik are just going to decide on our own. I don't think I'd charge $10 for a tournament, but it would beef up the pot, which would be nice, and give an incentive, but whatever not too many people are interested, so if you can please give your opinion on which you would prefer.


Smash Champion
Mar 14, 2005
Johnsville, Johntana
I don't think it matters to most smashers if you take like a 1 or 2 dollars from the pot per person at the NCB thingy for NCT. It's really simple you charge say 9$ which is a relatively good deal take out 2 bucks and you got a 7$ per player pot tourney. That's good enough.

Anyone who disagrees with me is a stupid person and deserves for me to A) Humiliate them at NCB with rude comments, B) Give them a wet willie, C) Fart on them and burp in their face, or D) all of the above.

I am right so let's just stick to what I said ok. No more arguing or throwing around unuseful "WHAT IFs" Geezus stupid people. =P


Smash Lord
May 31, 2005
Salinas, CA
I don't think it matters to most smashers if you take like a 1 or 2 dollars from the pot per person at the NCB thingy for NCT. It's really simple you charge say 9$ which is a relatively good deal take out 2 bucks and you got a 7$ per player pot tourney. That's good enough.

Anyone who disagrees with me is a stupid person and deserves for me to A) Humiliate them at NCB with rude comments, B) Give them a wet willie, C) Fart on them and burp in their face, or D) all of the above.

I am right so let's just stick to what I said ok. No more arguing or throwing around unuseful "WHAT IFs" Geezus stupid people. =P
Well I'm giving the people a choice, if you guys want to ignore that, and let me decide that's fine by me. If this did not matter to the smashers then I would not have mentioned it, because every smasher I have talked to has cared, so it obviously does matter, there are different opinions other than your own on what "is a relatively good deal" that's the only reason why I gave the suggestions. And from the looks of it, no one is agreeing with you except Hoodie so w/e. Also I've found no one here arguing, and even in the CR yesterday we weren't really arguing just trying to get our points across. And there are no "What if's" being thrown around either, what I'm saying is very simple if you care about the entry fees post your opinion, if you don't care at all then don't post your opinion I don't find that too difficult XD.

MC Mike

Smash Journeyman
Aug 15, 2006
Salinas (Deep NorCal)
I don't think it matters to most smashers if you take like a 1 or 2 dollars from the pot per person at the NCB thingy for NCT. It's really simple you charge say 9$ which is a relatively good deal take out 2 bucks and you got a 7$ per player pot tourney. That's good enough.

Anyone who disagrees with me is a stupid person and deserves for me to A) Humiliate them at NCB with rude comments, B) Give them a wet willie, C) Fart on them and burp in their face, or D) all of the above.

I am right so let's just stick to what I said ok. No more arguing or throwing around unuseful "WHAT IFs" Geezus stupid people. =P
How bout you put in 9$ and we all put in the amount that is agreed upon.


May 26, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
OA too good, but seriously I just don't see the point in discussing this any further.

It seems that everyone fine with me charging ($5-per teammate & $7 for Singles) but the argument is about how much I take out of the pot. I've thought about this, and all I need is $50 from each of the biweeklies, and we'll hit the NCT2 target easily. So here's the plan, I'm going to charge ($5 per teammate & $8 for Singles), and I will be taking out $40 from the Singles pot, and $10 from the Teams pot. Yeah, too good.

If you don't get it, I'm basically taking 11% out of the Singles pot and one team's entry fee out of the Teams pot.

So the pot is still fairly large as it used to be. No johns, let's all get ready to smash.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 22, 2006
Scotts Valley, CA
We loves the karthik!!!

Oh yeah, and I am going to be fasting starting at the september 23rd biweekly so I am going to be saving money lol....no need for food or water.....but maybe if i pass out while playing smash i might have some medical bills soo lol


Smash Lord
May 31, 2005
Salinas, CA
OA too good, but seriously I just don't see the point in discussing this any further.

It seems that everyone fine with me charging ($5-per teammate & $7 for Singles) but the argument is about how much I take out of the pot. I've thought about this, and all I need is $50 from each of the biweeklies, and we'll hit the NCT2 target easily. So here's the plan, I'm going to charge ($5 per teammate & $8 for Singles), and I will be taking out $40 from the Singles pot, and $10 from the Teams pot. Yeah, too good.

If you don't get it, I'm basically taking 11% out of the Singles pot and one team's entry fee out of the Teams pot.

So the pot is still fairly large as it used to be. No johns, let's all get ready to smash.
Okay, I only got like 3 responses anyway so that's fine by me, I don't have any problems with it, and are you going to be showing up to this biweekly?


Jun 4, 2003
Portland, OR
It seems Lunin has come to my 2v2 rescue, so perhaps I won't need a teammate after all.

Well, as of about 12 hours from the posting of this message, I am in Santa Cruz. It seems the Monterey Bay has a pretty strong crew.

MC Mike

Smash Journeyman
Aug 15, 2006
Salinas (Deep NorCal)
Holy crap NintendoB*tch chill assmonkey (:laugh: assmonkey ur kinda g*y)

I wasent bein serious either fool, i was just bein MC Mike.

Wow, you have a lot to learn. . . . :psycho:

MC Mike out.



Smash Lord
May 31, 2005
Salinas, CA
Someone better watch his step at the NCB hahaha. I'm serious -_-
Lol, let's hope that's not a threat, no threats at the NCB, and plus it's one of my homies, so for ur sake I hope ur joking. I ain't got no problems with you right now, but if you got a problem with one of my homies, then you got a problem with me, that's just how I am :p .

To make this a useful post I don't think FoxRoar will be coming, but I'm not sure, I may be in need of a partner if he does not go though. I'll know by tonight whether or not he is going.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2006
Cupertino, Ca
We loves the karthik!!!

Oh yeah, and I am going to be fasting starting at the september 23rd biweekly so I am going to be saving money lol....no need for food or water.....but maybe if i pass out while playing smash i might have some medical bills soo lol
ey u sure its the 23 i thought it was on the 24th oh well. we wont kno the xact day until we see the moon when time is near.


Smash Lord
May 31, 2006
Las Vegas, NV
Hey ppl im going 2 this 1 to get some practice for tha TGE's does any one wanna team with me.. cuz my crew wont be attending this 1,, hahah and to everybody i played before ,, here well see how i fair this time..well c u guys there



Smash Lord
May 31, 2006
Las Vegas, NV
1 question how long does that place stay open .. incase i have to leave early i wana know cuz i really wana go .. but im not going to enter if im gonna ahve to quit.. soooooo. yea..how long does it stay open .. or should i say when is the person in charge of the room leaving..


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
everyone remember its Zoaps bday so everyone must lose to Zoap at this tourney, if Zoap not 1st he will be very sad :(


Smash Lord
May 31, 2005
Salinas, CA
everyone remember its Zoaps bday so everyone must lose to Zoap at this tourney, if Zoap not 1st he will be very sad :(
Like I said I'll LET u win ONE round and that's it Zoap, enjoy (unless we are doing pools like I've heard, then think again XD). Happy early B-day the Zoap


Smash Journeyman
Feb 22, 2006
Scotts Valley, CA
ey u sure its the 23 i thought it was on the 24th oh well. we wont kno the xact day until we see the moon when time is near.
yeah its around that time i guess....ill probably have to end up leaving at like 5 or 6 because i have to eat dinner and not with my family lol.....

and dates!!!! i love dates, they're so good
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